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The Blade And The Cogs [Lord Red and Bonnibel von Bubblegum]


Jun 21, 2015
Caelfall Outpost, as it's known on the maps, was originally a single building. A fort on the border river between two city-states, constantly at war. Both of those cities are long gone, though the name remains even as the fort grew into a village, then a town. It's a lively, prosperous place; no stranger to odd visitors owing to a good trading spot on the river. Downstream of the river, after it opens into the great sea, is the home of Doctor Gregory Hurtzfield-currently closed up tight, as the last occupant has left.

Said occupant has newly arrived to Caelfall, in the midst of a light dusting of rain. She's not worried about rusting... Much. But she does think it a good idea to get a tent, so she can keep herself dry, at a minimum, on her journeys. Connie slithers her way into one of the open-air marketplaces, finding cover under one of the awnings where man has fabrics and cloths. "Hello!" she says to him, his back turned as he handles a rug.

He quickly sets it down, giving a response of "Greetings!" before he so much as turns to face her. When he does, he stops a moment. "Um... Hello?" he adds. "You are..."

"I'm Connie! Connie Hurtzfield!" she says, her words matching the wide and earnest smile on her face.

He nods, slowly. "Alright... You have coin? Because, ah, I don't part with my wares for free."

She nods back, much more eager. "Yeah! I've got... Um... I think they're foreign coins for here. Crowns from Nintin? The golden ones, not the electrum or silver. Here, take a look!" she takes a coinpurse from some hidden compartment and lays it in front of the merchant. A few large golden coins spill out.

His eyes go wide, unnoticed by Connie. He takes them and begins counting them, slowly. "These... Well-"

"Oh, I've got some from Cilling! Would that work better?" Connie asks.

Anyone with a modicum of business acumen can see that the man is prepared to make the deal of a lifetime. The coinpurse in front of him represents enough to buy the stall and all its contents twice over, but the naga slings it about like she's entirely unaware of its worth. He smiles, and nods. "Do me a favor-can I see all your coins?"
Danielle had stopped in Caelfall on business. She considered herself an adventurer though recognized that most would sooner call her a sell sword. Such things did not bother her too much. It didn't matter what someone called her so long as they were willing to hire her, and they were usually willing to once they saw her bladework. Of all she had to be proud of, her swordsmanship was first and foremost for her. When she was not off being an 'adventurer' she often sought out notable swordsmen to challenge and rarely did she not come out on top, at least not unless she wanted to.

The job this time wasn't too difficult either. She had been tasked with finding some quack inventor that had apparently stolen something very valuable to her client. Or at least it shouldn't have been difficult. Upon showing up in Caelfall and asking around, it turned out that her mark had skipped town a few months back. She'd been tempted to go to his former home to look for clues but by the time she had decided, the most curious creature had come to town. Some sort of automaton in the shape of a Naga. While asking around town she had discovered the good doctor had made such a creature and figured that this must be her.

The 'adventurer' tailed the curious creature to the open-air marketplace where the girl unexpectedly produced far more coinage than was necessary for the goods she was trying to procure. It seemed the merchant had no issues with taking advantage of her either and Danielle was going to have none of that.

"No need for that. She's already produced enough coin to buy out all your stock and then some. Just give her what she is asking for and for a reasonable price," the raven haired woman said, standing only 5'8" but with all the confidence and intimidation of a person double her size.

Turning her attention to the mechanical snake girl, she gave her a friendly smile and told her, "I'm Danielle, Danielle Geller, by the way. It is nice to meet you." She then extended her hand for the girl to shake.
Connie looks over to Danielle. "Really?" she asks. "Oh! And I'm Connie Hurtzfield," she adds while shaking the swordswoman's hand. The naga's grip is strong, powered by metallic machinery, though her movements are far smoother than you might expect from that.

The merchant opens his mouth to protest, but a quick glare from Danielle stops him cold. Connie might not be known, but Danielle's reputation precedes her. "What did you need?" he asks Connie.

"Um, a tent please. Something to help stay dry!" she tells him.

He searches through his wares, as Connie turns back to face Danielle. "Thank you, Miss Geller. I-" she stops, and looks back to retrieve her coins. "I'm, uh, not much used to markets. Or economies. I mean, I know some theory behind selling and buying and such? But that's not really what my dad focused on. But, like I said, thank you!"
The mercenary smiled and no-sold the vice-like grip of the metallic Naga. Her eyes did sparkle a bit as the girl introduced herself, the Naga sharing the same surname as her mark, confirming the connection between the two. If she wanted to get to him then it seemed like it might be worth seeing what this Connie knew. Not one to see herself as the villain however, there would be no interrogation. Danielle would befriend the girl and try to come by the information naturally. A bounty hunt like this could take time and so she had to get into the mindset of being okay to let the time pass.

Sensing that there might be protest from the merchant, she gave him another stone faced glare, before returning her attention to Connie. Hearing what the girl was after, she added, "You might want to invest in a waterproof cloak as well. I know a place we can go to get you one." She had been in the town long enough to get familiar with the amenities that it had to offer and so knew that there was a tailor that specialized in such clothing.

Miss Geller smiled all the wider upon hearing Connie's gratitude. She was a cute little thing, though little might be relative given how long her tail snaked out behind her. "You don't have to be so formal. You can call me Danielle, or even Dani if you'd like," she replied. "And gratitude is not necessary. I am just doing what anyone would have. I would be more than happy to show you the ropes if you'd like though. I am in no particular hurry and you seem like a fun person to stick around," she then offered.
Impossible though it may seem, Connie's smile grows brighter. "That sounds great, Miss... I mean, Dani! You're really nice," she says as the merchant lifts and places a tightly-bound tent in front of her. "Um... How much would be appropriate?"

Danielle indicates a singular golden coin, and makes sure the merchant gives some silver coins back. While it's likely the naga has overpayed a bit, it's nothing too much. Connie takes the change and settles it into one of her coinpurses. "Cloak is a good idea-lead the way!"

Connie's current outfit-a long, plain tunic that goes a little past her waist, a pack, and not much else-has gotten rather wet in the rain. It's plastered to her surprisingly ample bosom. Her design, as a whole, feels a little out of sync with itself-the strong grip and muscles of powerful machinery, but long hair that serves no purpose but to look nice. A rapid tail, capable of attack and defense, and large breasts, serving no apparent purpose. It feels like multiple people might've had a hand in building her, each with their own goal in mind.
The overcharge did not go unnoticed but was not as egregious as it could have been had she not been there, so Danielle didn't protest when he didn't give all the change that the girl was owed. She merely looked at him with an understanding nod before turning her attention back to Connie and giving her another smile and gesturing for her to follow. "I would be happy to show you the way," the mercenary said as she began leading the Naga away from the open-air market. The place they were going was an actual shop and so its prices would be a little steep but it would be nothing that Connie couldn't pay for and it would have the benefit of being worth everything she paid for it. Danielle was actually wearing a cloak over her usual attire that she had bought from this very shop.

'Resilient Attire for the Discerning Traveller' was the name of the shop and upon entering they were greeted by a very plush and well decorated room that had various display items even if the focus of the shop was on bespoke items.

An older woman approached them, dress finely with greying blond hair. "Greetings and welcome to my shop. What could I do for you ladies," she said before recognizing Miss Geller. "Ah! I remember you. You bought that very cloak from me. I am glad to see that it has been serving you well."

"It has and so I have brought you another to size and make one for," Danielle said pleasantly as she gestured towards Connie.

"Oh my, why aren't you an interesting one," the woman said before placing her hand on Connie's back and encouraging her to follow. "You just come with me and we'll get your measurements and talk style and fit," the lady said with a smile, drinking in the sight of the Naga and her unique body, exciting to be making something for one so unusual.
Connie follows, looking at the various pretty and practical outfits on display. "Wow. They're so colorful!" she comments as the seamstress leads the way.

With a practiced hand, she takes the naga's measurements behind a curtain. As the prepwork is ongoing, she says "I see you like the dress I have on display. Would you care for something of that sort? A bright, vibrant piece; to help cheer up a drab day like today?"

"Yes please!" Connie replies. "Dani also mentioned a waterproof-oh, be careful, that bit's got explosives in it-a waterproof cloak, which would be helpful for days like today."

"Explosives?" the seamstress asks, a touch nervous. "I... Ah, well, I'll just be extra careful. I should be able to provide a few items, both practical and decorative. If you have the coin, that is."

"Mm-hm! I promise I can pay for it-but do you mind if I talk to Dani a bit first?"

Leading Connie back out from behind the curtain, the seamstress nods. "I'll need to gather my supplies anyway. I'm thinking two dresses, one in warm colors, one in cool. A waterproof cloak, as per your request, and a few traveling outfits. Nothing elaborate there, but they'll serve you well if you're moving about."
Danielle listened to list of items to be purchased and nodded her agreement with what was being offered. "That all sounds like money well spent," she said with a smile as they let the seamstress to gather her things and begin her work.

Turning her attention to Connie, she offered, "We can wait for your order to be completed here or we could go grab something to eat in the meantime, providing food is something you require?" Danielle rose an eyebrow at the girl as she poses the last question, curious about what the Naga actually required to sustain herself given her manmade origins.

Now that she stopped to think about it, Dani was uncertain as to whether had ever seen anything like Connie before. The only constructs she could recall interacting with had been mindless creatures whose only interaction she had with had been destroying them to get the mage or artificer hiding behind them.
She nods, saying "I don't actually need to eat or anything like that, but my dad helped me acquire taste. It was a lot easier than getting scents down-that function can be a bit unreliable at times. At home, we always had a lot of fish-was easy enough to catch them. Got any recommendations for something new?"

It takes only a touch of prying from Danielle to get Connie to open up about more of her functions. "So, my dad's tried to replicate what he did with me-he was using something he called the Spark. Tons of notes on it, but almost nothing that can actually be used. Whatever it is, it keeps me going! I generally do self-maintenance and modifications, but dad did a great job, so it's really just keeping me operating at a hundred percent, not critical things. But no, my dad never managed to make siblings for me-the home's security system is the most complex creation he's got after me, and while it can seem sentient, it's just a really elaborate call-and-response system. Flowcharts upon flowcharts."

Danielle listens as she leads the way for Connie. "I want to say he left to find out more. He had some trading partners, getting him rare metals and gems and whatever, but he was never gone for more than a week or so. But now, it's been... It's been something like half a year." Her words grow a little more distant, the usual smile replaced by a somber expression. "16,045,095 seconds. And counting. And I don't know when he'll be back. And... And..." she stops moving, her tail curling around her torso and held in her hands. "Dani... I'm really worried. He's my only family and I don't know if he's still okay, or if he's even alive. I know he's smart and skilled and nice and everything, but I don't know what the whole world is like. Maybe someone smarter than him got him."

That is...

~267,418 minutes
~4,457 hours
~186 days
~27 weeks

Connie has MATHS! :p
Danielle had taken the lead once more as she led Connie from the tailor to a nearby tavern. It was nothing special but the food wasn't half bad and they even had some dishes native to her part of the world that she would happily share with the Naga so she could get a taste from another part of the world.

It was nice how easy it was to get the girl to volunteer information about her 'dad' though it was a little disappointing that the girl did not seem to know where he had went. She was the mercenary's only lead and she didn't seem to have much privileged information about the man. It was possible that there was still more to understand though.

Stopping when Connie stopped, Dani looked back at her curiously. She cursed mentally when the girl started talking about her worries and fears. It was going to be harder to use her if she saw her as a person and Connie was having a very human reaction to her circumstances.

"There is no point worrying about anything you don't have any control over. You want to find him and have complete control over your efforts to do so, so focus on that instead," she told the girl in a reassuring tone. Reaching out, she offered Connie her hand as she told her, "What the hell, I will even help you on your search." She then gave the Naga another smile as she nodded towards the tavern and told, "Now lets go get us something to eat while we wait for the seamstress to finish with your order."

They had no trouble being seated and Danielle ordered herself a cider and a bowl of rice and curry. It was not the exact style of the curry from her homeland but it was a good enough interpretation. "Have you ever tried curry with your father?" The mercenary asked as the waitress left after taking their order.
With a deep breath, Connie looks at Danielle with a smile. It's a shaky expression, but she's trying. "Yeah... You're right. Thank you."

In the tavern, when asked about the curry, she shakes her head. "Fish stew, fish chops, fish soup... Um, seaweed crisps. Dad would make the same meal every day, so I tried to learn to cook, but I'm not that good at it. This looks kinda like the stew," she says, taking a large spoonful. She pauses a moment. "That's... That is, uh, hot! Oh gosh, oh my gosh that is spicy!" She starts taking deep breaths, which lets Danielle realize that the naga does breathe-though that's likely simply out of habit and mimicking her father.

Once her mouth cools a bit, she takes another, smaller bite. "That's pretty good, though. Lots of flavors-a lot more than the fish had. This is curry, right?" she gestures at the curry. "Or is it this part?" she sets her spoon on the rice.

"So... What's your family like, Dani?" Connie asks.
Danielle smiled as she watched Connie try the curry. It was the usual reaction with first timers though the girl impressed her by going in for another bite and appreciating the flavour.

"The stew like bit is the curry. The rice makes a good base for mixing with it though," she explained as she took some for herself and savoured her first bite.

She had not expected Connie to then ask about her family but she probably should have. "My family is loving but strict. They trained me to fight and then sent me out into the world to hone my craft. I am supposed to return when I feel I have mastered my blade," she shared with the girl.

Giving a chuckle she then admitted, "I am in no rush though. I'll be expected to marry when I return and I am not particularly fond of the man I am arranged to spend the rest of my life with."

She then gave Connie a curious look as she wondered aloud, "What about you? Do automatons think about partnership at all or is that something you leave to us organics?"
"Um, well... It's the kinda thing that makes you curious. Or, at least, makes me curious," Connie replies. "I did some research in some of my dad's books, and I actually, um... Modeled myself some of the appropriate bits."

You feel like, if metal could blush, it would be right now. "You know, like these," she gestures to the mounds on her chest. "From what I read, breasts are supposed to be kinda sensitive, right? So, when I added these, I made it so they can be just like that. Not normally-it'd be pretty uncomfortable to have them always up against a rough tunic and all that, but when I want to... Well... It's, um, pretty nice. Do you have any experience? I know you said you've got an arranged marriage at home, but I'd make the assumption that you probably haven't done anything fun with him."
Danielle had no intention of missing an opportunity to ogle another woman's breasts, especially one so unique as Connie. She could not help but wonder how they felt. They looked like they were made out of metal but they were also clearly magicked to imitate flesh at least somewhat.

The mercenary chuckled when the Naga assumed she hadn't done anything with her fiancee. "That's right, we've never been left alone long enough to fool around, though that doesn't mean that I don't have any experience," she replied with an amused smile.

"I've enjoyed the company of a few people during my travels, from fellow adventurers, to citizens I've helped who wanted to show their appreciation personally and privately," she then added with another chuckle as she thought about all those she'd met and bedded along the way, personally swinging both ways and enjoying the company of both men and women.
"Wow... You're so cool," Connie says. The curry is gone by now, being processed (somehow) inside the naga's metallic chassis. "The tailor probably won't have it ready before tomorrow, right? What do we do until then?"

The tavern's waitress stops by with a tired smile. She's been working a while. "Need anything else? Ale, beer, something sweet?"

Looking to Dani for approval, Connie says "No, I think we're okay. Um, how much do we owe for all this?"

"Let's see... Curry and rice, a few glasses of water, not much else... That'll be six silver and four coppers," the waitress informs.

Retrieving a coinpurse, Connie looks at the three silver pieces present amongst all the gold. "Here," she gives a golden coin. "You can keep the change! You were really nice to us."
Danielle smiled at the compliment. She thought herself pretty cool too. Now maybe the Naga would not think so when their journey came to an end but for the meantime everything she had shared did paint a pretty neat picture of how she lived her life. It was the advantage of being able to live your life the way you wanted to and the mercenary never lost sight of what a privilege that was. That it was a privilege was why she was so keen to embrace it, so as to not take it for granted when so many others were forced into so much of their lives.

Done with their meal, Dani didn't want for more and gave Connie an approving smile when the girl handed over a gold piece to the waitress. It looked like she had had a long day and could use a little generosity. It was not the same thing as what had happened when they had first met with the merchant and so she did not interfere except to encourage the waitress to take the tip, though she did provide exact change for the waitress instead of making her break down the gold coin. That way she would be able to pocket the extra instead of risking her employer taking a slice of her tip and explained to Connie that giving the difference in exact change made it easier for the waitress and so was better than handing over a lump sum.

Once they were left to decide what to do next, the tanned woman considered the automatons earlier question about what next to do. "Like you said, your order will likely not be finished till tomorrow so we'll be staying the night in town. I do have a room reserved at an Inn and so we could retire there unless there was anything else you needed to pick up before we leave tomorrow," she then offered with a curious look to see if there were any other preparations that Connie needed to make before they headed after her father.
She shakes her head. "Unless you know anyone in this town who sells ferroatomic soldering?" Connie asks. "It might help with a few things." Danielle, despite her education, has absolutely no idea where one would even start to find that. "Yeah, I figured. Once you get really advanced in your craft, it's hard to pare it down to more mundane things. Um, I'm good! I've got a decent kit with me. So where's this inn?"

Dani leads the way to the inn, the Constable's Tabernacle. She's stayed here before, and while it's not the largest or best-appointed inn in Caelfall, it's the friendliest. Jonathan, the owner, is a common sight, standing just shy of seven feet tall. Despite his intimidating physique, the man's friendly as can be, and makes the Tabernacle a welcoming place for all. Dani opens the door to the inn for Connie, and spies Jonathan within.

"Hello hello!" he calls out from a table in the back, seeing someone entering. "Excuse me, gentlemen, but I've a job to do. I'll call this a loss and leave the pot to the rest of you, eh?" He stands and approaches, cocking his head slightly. "Never seen someone like you before. What's your name, miss?"

"I'm Connie! Connie Hurtzfield," she replies. "What about you?"

Jonathan holds a hand out to shake as he introduces himself. "Jonathan Constable. Danielle, you just holding the door to be nice, or are you working with this young lady now?"
Danielle had no idea what Connie was saying. Ferroatomic soldering? She assumed it had something to do with artifice but such knowledge was beyond her understanding and it seemed that the Naga had figured as much and was ready to move on. The inn that she was staying was not too far, as nothing in this town really was, but it did take some walking to. It was not the most lavish place in town but she had found it the best place to gather information as both the inn keeper and his clientele were among the friendly folk the town had to offer. He was a giant of a man too and that alone had had Dani contemplating trying to climb that mountain to see what the peaks were like.

Connie fit right in with her friendly greeting and demeanour. The mercenary followed her in and gave Johnathan a smile. "She is a new acquaintance and I've offered her my help in finding someone close to her. This will probably be my last night staying here and so I'd like to close the books, as we head out tomorrow," she explained to the man as she came up. She had paid her room out for the rest of the week but if she was going to be leaving early then she expected some of that coin back. She was not as well off as Connie and so had to make every coin count.

"We've already eaten though so I won't be needing room service tonight," she then added. Giving him a proper smile though, she offered her hand and thanked him for his service. Told him that she would definitely recommend his establishment to any traveller she passed that was heading this way. With the pleasantries exchanged, she led Connie up to her room. It was sizable and well furnished but there was only the one bed.

Turning her attention back to the girl, Danielle couldn't help but let her curiosity win out as they were now alone in private. "It has been on my mind since you mentioned it earlier, but would it be inappropriate of me to ask to feel your breasts? They look metallic but you mentioned them having sensation and so I have been curious to feel them ever since," she asked suddenly and shamelessly as she let her gaze drift down to the girl's ample bust.
Jonathan nods. "If you're staying the evening, I'll have your coins back in the morning. If you need to leave earlier, just let me know."

Up in the room, Connie looks over the furniture. "Comfy!" she comments, then listens to Dani asking about her chest. "I... Uh... That's..." The gears seem to be turning in her head, possibly quite literally. "Like, through my tunic, or... Um... You know, naked?"

The naga looks Dani right in her eyes for just a moment, before looking the other way. "I... Maybe? I think so? I... Promise it'll be nice?"

Danielle assures Connie that it will be nothing but pleasant. "Well... I trust you, Dani," she says, and shirks her tunic.

Her breasts look bronze, slightly shining in the lamplight. Her nipples are average size, but the darker areolas quite large. They jiggle a little, first from the motion of the tunic being taken up and over, and then back and forth as Connie sways nervously.
The tanned woman watched in intent amazement as the metallic Naga lifted her tunic off over her head, the brass bosom jiggling naturally with the movement. They were stunning and behaved so very lifelike. Moving in behind the Naga, Danielle reached around and grabbed a handful of each breast and was similarly amazed by how they felt.

Each had the expected squish of a natural breast but neither felt entirely lifelike. It was the texture she realized. Though they were designed to be as lifelike as possible, there was still a metallic smoothness to them that made them feel different...but not worse by any sense of the imagination.

As she fondled them, she moved her attention to the girl's nipples, feeling the slight variation between the surface of the boob and the areola, surprised by how normal that felt despite both being a little off. Then there were thr nipples themselves that she pinched a little and pulled, again amazed by how lifelike they were.

"You've a stunning body," Danielle confessed affectionately as she continued to caress the girl's breasts for a little before releasing them and walking back around to the front of her.

"You've let me experience yours and so it is only fair I return the favour," she said with a sultry smile as she began to unbutton her blouse, removing it and then removing the bra she wore beneath until she too stood topless.

Holding her arms open, she then offered, "You may do whatever you please."
Connie moans as Dani plays with her breasts and nipples. "Oh... Oh fuck, that feels good..."

Her hands move on top of the other woman's, holding them close to prolong the feelings, but when Dani makes her move to stand back in front, she grudgingly lets go. But any poor feelings are gone as Dani strips, revealing her own impressive bust. "Oh... Wow... You're really pretty," Connie says, not quite the experienced smooth talker. "Can I... Whatever I want, really?"

With assurances that it's all on the table, Connie reaches her hands out, one on each breast. Her hands aren't cold, but are slightly cooler than Danielle's hot body, instantly bringing her nipples to full attention. "Oh!" Connie lets out. "I didn't realize nipples did that... I thought it was only genitalia that got erect."

She starts to grope Dani's chest in earnest, giggling a little. "Jiggle jiggle jiggle! They're so bouncy and firm!"

As she plays, there's a slight tunk against the interior of Connie's waist, right at the point her body shifts from humanoid to serpentine. Most people wouldn't've heard it, but Danielle's aware of her surroundings in every situation.
The Naga's comment about genitalia interested her but Danielle could not bring herself to interrupting Connie's fun. It had been a long time since anyone had been so playful while touching her breasts and it was surprisingly endearing. It didn't hurt that it also felt nice too, her nipples hardening under the automaton's touch.

There was a moment of distraction however when Danielle thought she heard something from down below. "Um...Connie....why does it feel like I have two monstrously large fingers poking me below my waist," the human asked, unsure if she wanted to look down and find out for herself just what those things were.

Given that Connie was part snake and she had one time romanced a scholar who had a whole bunch of useless animal facts, the mercenary did have a suspicion about what they were and was uncertain whether they were a blessing or something to be worried about.
"I... Um..." she lets out, her hands still on Dani's breasts. "May have been curious about masculine sexual characteristics? About two years ago?"

Connie's tail swishes nervously, her steadily hardening cocks pressing against Dani's still-clothed thighs. "And, uh, you know, lamias have some pretty interesting ones..."

Should Dani look down, she'll see they're not what her old scholar lover would have anticipated. Each one is slightly ridged, and each ends in a slight point, similar to that of a dog's. There's no knot, but they're plenty thick enough on their own without needing the extra size.

"I'm sorry! I should've told you, but you asked me so suddenly, and it was so exciting, and you look so nice and feel so nice and... And..."
Danielle did not reply right away. Instead she took Connie's face in her hands and leaned in to kiss her. It was not a light kiss either, lips parting and tongue reaching out for the other as she took the girl into a full embrace. Not fully confident that this was the right thing to do, her curiosity had gotten the better of her and she now felt the need to follow through. Two cocks. She'd never experienced someone with two cocks before. The novelty of that alone was enough to commit her to following through, let alone all the novelty involved in the girl being a mechanical lamia with flesh that looked like metal but felt naturally soft.

Breaking away and stepping back once more, the mercenary gave her companion a kind and assuring smile as she slowly began to remove the rest of her own clothing. Danielle had a well toned physique that she had no shame in showing off to anyone, let alone someone as cute and playful as Connie. "You have nothing to apologize for. I didn't invite you here with this in mind but now that we are here, we might as well enjoy each other's company, should we not?" She stepped towards Connie again, pressing her chest against the Naga's own while reaching down and grabbing one of her cocks.

"Are these as sensitive as your breasts," she asked curiously as she began to stroke one of the cocks vigorously as she looked down into Connie's eyes, savouring the sensation of the cock in her hand and exploring how it compared to others she had experienced. She had once had sex with a werewolf in its hybrid state and was surprised by how similar the cocks looked between the two, minus the knot in Connie's case.
As she's kissed, Connie's eyes go wide for a moment, then close in happiness. Her breasts press into Dani's and the tip of her tail coils loosely around Dani's ankle for a moment. "Wow..."

"Ah!" she lets out when Dani's hand touches her cock. Unlike her hands and breasts, these are warm to the touch. "I-ha, oh-I wasn't quite sure-gods, oh!-how sensitive to... To..." The grasped cock twitches and pulsates at her touch, leaking some sort of fluid. "Um, before... Before... Oh my gosh that feels good... Give me... A... Moment..."

Connie backs off slightly, closing her eyes. One hand reaches to the base of her members, and a few light touches later, she opens her eyes again. "I, um... I never knew how sensitive to make them. I may have gone overboard, but it's not quite so high now. Um, the lubricating fluid is safe! It's a non-toxic fluid medium, tinted with slight sweet flavors and white coloration."

She looks at Dani, her hands clasped loosely behind her back. "I... It was really nice kissing you. Can we do that more while we... Do more?"
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