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Closed Monster Party

Closed - no longer seeking
Nov 11, 2020
Hello! It has honestly been ages since I have ever considered doing a group roleplay but I have to admit that I am curious to give it a shot. Preferably I would be looking for two to three others to attempt to do this over conversation, I believe you can invite multiple people to conversations.

The idea I had in mind would kinda be like journey to the west meets Aladdin/Arabian Nights, or something like that. The character I had in mind for myself is a Sand Shark Girl. She can swim beneath the sands and loves hunting for treasure, whether it has an owner already or not.

Was thinking it could be fun to have a bit of a harem roleplay going on, so if this sounds like something you'd like to participate in then feel free to express your interest here c:
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@Bonnibel von Bubblegum I can set up a Non-Human male if that works. I tend to enjoy said individuals that can mix it up. I have a preference of playing as said Non-Human with an Endowment. Since Human is taken, and there are Non-Humans as well being offered up!
I just want to make sure that I'm not stepping on anyones toes about what they would like, since I'm showing up late
Well, that more than works for me!


Figure this would be his main appearance, but clad in traveling merchant attire (backpack, traveling mount, etc).
Sounds good to me. No complaints here. Enough Snake to go around for the two guys.
I'm fine with it. Not a massive fan of non-human men though, so I probably won't have much in the way of intimate encounters with him though.
Alright so counting here, there's a grand total of 5 people correct? Dabbling between One human, 3 Non-Human (Females) ?
I see my interest wasn't good enough. :p
How do folk feel about a futa monster, if you're willing to include me as one more? :)
I see my interest wasn't good enough. :p
How do folk feel about a futa monster, if you're willing to include me as one more? :)
From my experiences with Raz they don't like Futas at all. I believe it's a hard limit.
That's fair. Plus it filled up before I voiced more than just basic interest.

Hope y'all have a great time! :)
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