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Mx Female Looking for a partner to play in several plots that involve extremely tall women and gentle femdom


Your friendly neighborhood Shoggoth
Jan 1, 2024
Hello there, like the title says I'm looking for someone who would like to come up with a few thoughts and stories that revolve around gentle femdom and you play the character of an extremely tall lady. I have several basic ideas for plots that I will list for consideration.

1. The first plot would involve a story where our characters work together at a game developing company that is creating a new VR game that is incredibly realistic and immersive. Our characters would be testing the game out and playing through a high fantasy world. As part of the romance for the story, your character has been romantically interested in mine for quite a while, and has been giving very obvious signs and hints. But my character is to dense, shy, and or oblivious to ever notice, but in the game world her personalities are different and your character acts on her desires much more bold and aggressively. Most of the story would be us playing through the game doing quests and adventures, with a mix of us leaving the game and interacting outside has our characters relationship changes and develops in real life.

2. The second plot would be about a mother son pairing (could be step or blood) that go to a Island resort together, because the mother feels like their relationship is not as good as it used to be. The basic outline for this story is that my character would be a man in his late teens or early twenties, and your character would be his mother who is extremely tall and quite affectionate and provocative. Our characters relationships has always been good through the years, but as he has gotten older my character has gotten more distant and reluctant to show love or affection to his mother. Wanting to get closer than ever to her son, your character arranges a trip to an island resort for mothers and sons, where she basically uses her overbearing love and affection to wear down her son's resistance and get close to him again.

3. The third plot takes place in the Warhammer 40K setting and would be a pretty much cliche romance between a guardsman of the Militarum and a sister of the Sororitas, with your character of course being an extremely tall sister of battle. The story would be a rather typical plot involving my character being a relatively young inexperienced guardsman that meets your character, either before or during some kind of battle and after that she takes interest in him and a relationship forms on and off the battlefield. Most of this story would feature and send her a round lots of action scenes with some of the romance in the downtime between, and maybe a little shows of affection where possible on the battlefield. This plot I am particularly interested in, although I must say that I am in extreme Warhammer more nerd, and while I don't expect my partner to have read over a hundred books like me, I want somebody that does have good knowledge of the setting and lore if you are interested in doing this plot with me.

Those are three basic ideas I have, but I am definitely hoping to suggestions and hearing other ideas, mostly as long as they involved tall women and gentle femdom lol. Hit me up if you're interested and I look forward to making something with you.
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