Turning down a RP pitch

Personally, if I refuse an RP pitch, I like to explain exactly what doesn't "jive with me" in that pitch so that they're aware of the exact reason for which I am refusing, making it clear that they—the RPer—are not the thing I have a problem with, and its simply that the RP idea itself is not compatible with my own preferences. ...this, sadly, gets difficult when the problem is the actual person themselves when I learn of some drama they were involved in with a past partner and would prefer to avoid it. Thankfully, the latter hasn't been an issue on Blue Moon since most everyone I'm aware of is quite pleasant, and the people who approach me with interest usually know exactly how I roll based on my RT, but BMR has been the exception, not the rule, for me in that regard. That said, I kinda give 0 shits if I end up getting ignored, so if someone doesn't reply to my DM I'll likely forget I DMed them in the first place after a week or so. ...this has led to awkward situations where I sent 3 requests to the same person over the course of a month. :p
Depends of what type of big bulky message it is. I can and do appreciate messages that acknowledge my request thread and ideas or plots from it that could mesh well or inspire the person reaching to plot with me. Excitement from said person and them actually wanting to write a story with me. I will answer those politely, promptly whether or not I can take on more partners.

Now with messages that are copy and paste of someone's RT or a clear indication they haven't read mine or just general fuckery, I find it best to simply not respond. In the past I have always replied to every message I've gotten, been polite, and still got nastiness in return. You can't please everyone and I'm not even going to try.
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