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RE: The man you love & the man he hates // SexyChick&Relix


Jennifer nodded and smiled when she ws finally called upon by help. Doing as instructed, she planted the logs and angled them, Marcus showing her how to do it before attempting it herself. Apparently she did a good job, judging from his compliment. It was hard work, and she even broke a small sweat helping him build the shelter. As Richard murmured in his sleep, it drew their attention now and then, but didn't seem to be anything to worry about. Before long, the two of them were done. The feeling of accomplishment rushed through her, bringing a smile to her face.

"Glad to help." She remarked, settling down on her towel, now spread out under their shelter. Nearby she noticed her bikini wrap, grabbing it and brushing off the sand before wrapping it around her waist. Best to be as covered as possible while staying comfortable, and in case her husband woke up and saw them together, it could possibly help case. I wish. Of course it wouldn't. Nothing, it seemed, would convince him that she was the faithful one in their marriage. Oh well.

Only a moment or two after his stomach growled, hers did too, and she laughed. "I think we both are. And considering I haven't each since we got here, yes, I'm very hungry." She remarked with a small grin. "So what's on the menu?" Looking out the sea the sun was already past the middle of the sky, slowly spiraling downward on the horizon.
RE: The man you love & the man he hates // SexyChick&Relix

What was on the menu. What was on the menu. Where did I put all that stuff? The male thought to himself, scratching his chin a bit before pushing himself up from the ground. "Jerky around here somewhere," The male spoke lightly, moving to the fire pit to pick up the clear bag of jerky. Tossing it over to her, "I brought back some junk food, but.. protein from the jerky is a better thing to have then the calories from the junk food." Nodding lightly, sitting himself in front of the dried out fire. Snapping two rocks together to attempt to spark a fire on the dried leaves and bark, "Though, I am not your keeper nor the one who makes your decisions; if you wish for junk, it is over on the other side of Richard, by the the tree." There were pretzels, chips, few crackers.. few other junk food items. The male took only what he thought wasn't perishable. "I plan to go tomorrow, take a dive into the boat.. see what is all in the fridge. Last time I checked, there was a few things in there that could last us a while."

"Hope you fucking drown, ass hole..." Richard murmured loud enough for both of them to hear, "While you're at it, why don't you get my bottles of fucking vodka and scotch. I could use a god damn drink right about now," Angered, bitter. Thats all the older gentleman was. Simply pissed off at everyone, refusing to think he was making things worse. "Come over here, Jen," The male spoke, demanded.

Marcus grew quiet when the male called over for Jennifer, really? Going to fight with her while he is still around? Shaking his head lightly, the male watched the fire quickly start. Adding a few pieces of dried leaves to make the flame grow a bit bigger.

Placing his hand on Jeniffer's cheek, the male pulled her head down to place a kiss on her lips, holding it there for a few moments. Showing her a bit of affection, "I'm sorry, dear," The male spoke lightly, clearing his throat a bit, trying to hint to Marcus to get the hell out of camp. Marcus failing to get the hint, "Marcus, can you excuse us?" - "Of course," The male replied, standing up to retreat to the depths of the Jungle. Perfect time to look for fruit bearing trees.

"I haven't meant to be so rude to you, my leg.. the pain, the heat. The realization of my- our friends being dead." The male spoke, shaking his head some, a light sigh passing through his lips. "Do you forgive me?"
RE: The man you love & the man he hates // SexyChick&Relix


Catching the bag of jerky as it was tossed to her, she took out a couple pieces, munching contently on the food, hoping it might offer some sustenance until they found something better. Then, at probably the worst time, when she was in such a good mood, minding her own business, and everything was going great? Richard had to fucking wake up. And immediately go off on Marcus, when he had done nothing but help them, even when he clearly didn't have to. He could have left the two of them to rot, built his own shelter, taken all the food for himself, and survived on his own. But no, Marcus did the right thing, and helped them out. Fucking prick. At this point she felt bad for the handyman for having to endure the insults. But defending him only made her look worse, at least in her husband's eyes.

Jennifer got nervous when Richard called her over to his side, but nodding reluctantly, went over and sat by his side. Before she could say or do anything, he pulled her in for a kiss, which was longer than she would have liked it to be, and didn't even try to return. Which was fine in her eyes, seeing as all he'd done since they'd gotten there was piss and moan, not to mention blame the two of them for everything that had happened to him. And all they had been doing was making sure he stayed alive. For all they cared, the two of them could have left that piece of metal in his leg and left him to die. But they'd helped him. Now they were paying for it.

Once he broke the kiss, she almost immediately pulled away but remained sitting beside him. Even ruder of him was making Marcus leave the camp, which he had set up, and had every right to stay in. If anyone should have left, it should have been Richard, if he could. A small part of her wanted to believe him, to believe his seemingly heartfelt apology, to forgive him. But the rest of her that knew he was wrong, that knew he would only hurt her again if she gave him a second chance, was controlling her judgment now.

And of course all his reasons were total bullshit. Marcus and her had dealt with the heat and the hardships of the island, and had managed not to be ignorant assholes like him. And their friends being dead? For all they knew, they could still be alive. Just somewhere else on the island. Although the chances were slim. Getting defensive as usual, Jennifer crossed her arms over her chest, moving far enough away so that Richard couldn't touch her again. She bit her lip and finally spoke up. "I'm sorry but..I can't.." She murmured, looking down at the sand.
RE: The man you love & the man he hates // SexyChick&Relix

Did.. did Richard hear her correctly? Did Jennifer just say no?

Sitting himself up some, the male's face contorted with anger and rage. His wife just said no to him. Grabbing her arm, the male pulled her toward him. "What in the fuck did you just say?" The male howled in anger, bringing her face closer to his. "First, you don't give me - your husband, mind you - the proper kiss. Then you have the courage to tell me 'No, you can't'?" Richard repeated, shoving her back some. Suspicions quickly rushing back into his head, his hand clenched into a fist.

"You fucked him, didn't you?" His eyes glaring at the female, "I can't fucking believe you, while I was sleeping.. you dirty whore. Get out of my sights!" Pointing toward where the male ran off to, "Get the fuck away from me!"

Marcus was too far to hear the shouting, his eyes looking up toward trees, attempting to find pineapples, bananas, something. Anything. Scratching his chin a bit, the male didn't get anything to eat. Shit. Damnit. Should have got something to eat before I left. Running his hands through his hair, the male let out a small sigh.

( Short, crap, sorry. )
RE: The man you love & the man he hates // SexyChick&Relix


Jennifer let it all sink in, his rage, his anger, his blind stubborness, exactly what she would have gotten sooner or later if she did actually forgive him. Although she had moved away, Richard somehow managed to lean up far enough to take hold of her arm. Whimpering a little, she tried to pull away, but to no avail. He was too strong for her to get away, that was until he shoved her away into the sand.

Clumsily getting to her feet, she balled her fists, getting angry herself. Picking up a rock, she aimed right for his bad leg. Fuck him, then. He'd always insulted her, accused her of things, but now he'd gone so far as to put his hands on her in a forceful way.

"Screw you, then, Richard!" Throwing the stone, it hit home, striking right on the bandage with a thud. Without anything left to say, she ran off into the brush where Marcus had gone, having no idea where she was going, only who she was looking for. In her haste she tripped on a tree branch, stumbling and falling. The culmination of Richard's outburst and the pain of hitting the ground brought her to tears. It wasn't that she couldn't, but Jennifer considered not getting up...
RE: The man you love & the man he hates // SexyChick&Relix

"Run to him, you stupid wench!"

Run to him... stupid wench... stupid wench...

The male's voice echoing through the jungle, Marcus able to hear the broken up portion. It wasn't hard to tell that there was a fight, Jennifer doing something to cause him to say run to him, calling her a name. What should he do now? Go back? Keep going forward? Torn.. decisions.

Richard grunted in pain, his hands shooting to his right leg, clutching the reopened wound. She had dead aim when she was pissed off. "Fucking bitch...." The male muttered to himself lightly, rolling back under his little shelter that the male had made for him. Clearly in the wrong, but, he didn't know what he had done wrong!? He did nothing wrong. She was in the wrong. They were in the wrong. She never denied it, she had to have had sex with the male.

Caused by the inner turmoil, Marcus turned around to see what happened.

Moving back through the jungle, the male heard a tree vein snap then a thud. Instincts made him run, see what happened; the only other person who could walk was Jennifer. It didn't take him too long to reach the girl who had fell over, not bothering to get back up from the ground. "Jennifer, Jennifer." The male spoke hasted, panting lightly as he leaned down, hands moving to her back and shoulder in an attempt to roll her over. She was a good forty feet from camp, down hill. Hopefully she didn't sprain or hurt anything.

"Come on, come with me."
RE: The man you love & the man he hates // SexyChick&Relix


Still laying on the cold jungle floor, unable to move, speak, or even breath, Jennifer shook with fear hearing Richard's screams of pain and anger, it almost sounded as if he was getting closer. Chasing after her. Clearly a hallucination, with his leg in the condition it was, he was going nowhere. Her mind struggled to hold one thought, bombarded by all the painful memories her mind had surpressed, all culminating together like a hard slap to the face. Her tears came heavily now, rushing from her eyes like an endless spring. Harsh tremors shook her body, hands clutching the ground for some sense of stillness. It was then that she realized what she was looking at as her vision cleared, her left hand, staring right at her accursed wedding ring, a symbol of her terrible marriage. Part of her wanted to tear it from her finger and throw it far into the jungle where it would never be found. But for some reason she felt inclined to hold onto it.

It was then that a familiar voice stirred and woke her from her dazed state, thankfully it was Marcus. Leaning up while while remaining on the ground, she embraced his legs, nearly dragging him down to her level. Mustering the strength, she stood up, draping her arms around the man. This was the only place, hell, the only person that would give her any solace as long as she was stuck on this god damn island. Richard's a lost cause. She was surprised it had taken her this long to realize it. Holding herself tightly against him, her head rested against his chest.

"I...Richard...we..." Her mind was unable to process a complete thought, switching between them constantly, her mouth unable to string a complete and coherent sentence. Hugging herself closer to him, she let go after a few moments, brushing the tears from her eyes. She nodded at his words, taking his hand and going along with him, wherever they might be going.
RE: The man you love & the man he hates // SexyChick&Relix

Marcus placed his hands at her sides as her arms wrapped around his neck, her face burying into his chest as she tried to find the words to describe what had happened. Feeling her hand take his own into her's, the male lead the girl down into the jungle. He didn't know where to go, just planned on taking her somewhere.

The two walked in silence for about twenty minutes, the male moved past the pond that she had once bathed at. A small clearing on the north side of the waterfall with the body of water. Marcus simply sat her down, tearing his sleeve to let her use the cloth to wipe her tears.. and anymore tears that might come during the time he took to build another shelter for them for tonight.

Motioning for the girl to pile in, the male laying on his side for the girl. "I'll sneak back to our camp and take your clothes, get some food.." Nodding lightly, the male would simply give her an ear to gripe to.

"So, go on," The male spoke, rolling onto his back. "I am thinking you got quite a bit to tell me about, might as well take the time to do so." The male spoke lightly, scratching his chin a bit as his head turned to look at Jennifer. "You might want to get in, rain should be here soon.. or coming."
RE: The man you love & the man he hates // SexyChick&Relix


Jennifer willingly went along with him, walking along through the jungle, the two of them staying quiet for what felt like the longest time. She was still a little too shaken to speak, and Marcus was more of the quiet type, anyways. So no conversation on the way to..Wherever we're going. Seeking further comfort she soon enough found herself clinging desperately to his arm, looking here and there, for some reason unable to shake off the irrational fear of Richard, although at this point he was incapable of finding them unless his leg magically healed. Very unlikely. Passing the spring where she had bathed earlier, past the waterfall into a small clearing, where surprisingly enough he had built another shelter. Almost like he knew this would happen. And she should have known, too.

Sitting down with him now, she stuck close to him until he laid down, doing the same. Her arm wrapped around his side, head propped to the side, lips near his ear as Jennifer whispered to him. "He asked me to forgive him, and when I turned him down, he..pushed me down, the usual yelling bullshit..stupid prick...And I threw a rock at his leg..and ran far as I could..then tripped..that's when you found me.." She finished, the story a lot shorter than Marcus probably expected. "What did he expect, with the way he treats me.." Going quiet again she held herself closer to him. "Guess it's just you and me now.." She didn't care about her husband anymore, and didn't want to try. No matter what she did, it wasn't enough. So fuck him.

Not at all worried that Marcus would be sneaking back for their stuff, it only gave her greater reassurance. Maybe while he's at it he'll put that stupid son a bitch out of his stubborn misery..
RE: The man you love & the man he hates // SexyChick&Relix

Marcus took a short breath as she explained what had happened in a whispered tone of voice, he expected as much. Bringing his left arm around to rest against her shoulder, the male slid it down to her back, pulling her to lay on him. She didn't have to whisper, no one was going to hear her. The male, Richard, was a good hundred feet away from them.. they were surrounded by trees. Screams only echo so far in the jungle, highly doubtful for the male back at their original camp to hear them. "Well," The male began, chest rising and falling. "I do not wish to side with either, but, he believes you are cheating.. given that, it is unfair in the way he is treating you."

"Grabbing, shoving, hitting, anything.. it has been awful, to say the least." Rubbing her back some, the male's eyes stared up at the top of the shelter. This was.. all sorts of weird. The male never had a situation like this, where he needed to help someone through a problem. Ease them through their troubles. Marcus continued to rub at her back, taking in a light breath.

Turning the girl to face the outside of their little hut, the male quickly rolled onto his side, pressing his chest into her back. "Sorry, don't mean to seem like I'm pushing you away, Jennifer." The male spoke immediately after turning her onto her side, "I can't sleep on my back, lay for that matter.. I took a metal baseball bat to the back in high school. Had back problems since." A light laugh passing through his lips, his hand moving to her stomach.

Letting out a light sigh, the male placed his cheek to rest against her own. Right hand rubbing against the girl's flesh, his left bicep being used as a pillow for the girl. "Jennifer, I'm curious..." The male paused, removing his head from near her own, "Do you want me to call you 'Jennifer', 'Jen', 'Jenny'?" Her name.. wasn't too long to pronounce, just sounded too formal for him.
RE: The man you love & the man he hates // SexyChick&Relix


It didn't take Jennifer long to calm back down to normal with Marcus there to comfort her. Before she knew it he had pulled her to lay on top of him. Her chin rested on his chest, looking down at his face. His hand running along her back, rubbing lightly, she smiled, it made her feel better, Richard had never been this gentle with her. Ever. But she didn't want to think about him, so she stopped mentally comparing them and pushed her husband to the back of her mind, focusing on the male beneath her. As he breathed, chest rising and falling, her head went up and down with it. Closing her eyes, she listened to his words, sighing contently to herself, glad that he agreed with her, as she assumed he would.

Then again, with no warning, she was moved to face looking out of the shelter, looking out at the ocean, a beautiful sunset view. Which relaxed her further. Although soon enough Marcus explained the reason for the movement, and she nodded. That must have been painful. "It's okay.." She murmured, feeling his arm reach around, hands feeling over her stomach now. She sighed again, enjoying the calm, tranquil moment with him. Joy True joy. Something she had rarely experienced until now. This moment in time, here, with Marcus.

Hearing his voice in her ear, Jennifer could tell he was going to ask her something. She tensed up a little, but swiftly relaxed, hearing his question. "As far as I'm concerned, you can call me whatever you want.." She said softly, watching the sunset as she spoke.
RE: The man you love & the man he hates // SexyChick&Relix

Marcus laughed lightly, shaking his head a bit. "Jen or Jenny," The male spoke softly, fingers absently rubbing at her stomach. It wasn't that he was against calling her Jennifer, the man simply wasn't one who could be very formal. Calling her 'Jennifer' just felt too formal for their very informal spot on the planet. Trapped, secluded on a island with just one another and her spiteful husband at their main camp. Closing his eyes a bit, the rain quickly began to patter against brush above them.

The rain splattering against their hut, the sounds were soothing. Combined with being with the girl, it was like a perfect getaway. Resting his head down against Jennifer's, the male's fingers rubbed absently at her stomach. The occasional finger traced over her bellybutton, simply trying to get her to laugh. "So," The male spoke, opening his eyes a bit. "How long has the relationship been like this?" The male asked lightly, adjusting his head to look down at Jenny rather then straight out the hut.

"Had to be for a while, given that you were constantly coming to see me.. check up on me and all." Marcus spoke lightly, shaking his head lightly, "Hell, I feel bad for being the barer of bad news for your relationship. Being blamed about sleeping with me, fooling around with me." Another shake of the head, followed by a laugh.

"Makes you just want to tell him to shut the hell up or make the false statement truth."
RE: The man you love & the man he hates // SexyChick&Relix


As his head tilted to look down at her, Jennifer looked up at him, laughing a little as well. "Jen's fine." She answered, resolving the matter of how Marcus would address her. She remembered back when he'd first worked for her and Richard, to him she was 'Mrs. Sinclair'. But now, here on this island, with all their troubles, she was Jennifer, and now simply Jen. She smiled to herself, feeling his hand rub and feel against her stomach, the occasional tracing of her navel. Now and then he thought that the male would pop his finger right in there. For a moment she closed her eyes and took a soft, but deep breath, letting everything slip from her mind. The arguments, the yelling, the cursing, the shoving, the pain, everything just melted away with the sunset.

Looking up, the pitter patter of rain against the hut's roof drew her attention, thankfully Marcus had built the shelter to last, and nothing got through. Finally she spoke up again. "It's been this way for as long as I can remember.." The woman murmured softly, attention turned to the sunset again fading away in the horizon, slowly making it darker and darker. "Yes, you were my only comfort, my escape from him.." She confessed, reaching a hand up to rest against his as it felt against her stomach. "It's okay. He's just a stupid prick. I don't want to talk about him.." Jennifer said, looking up at Marcus again.
RE: The man you love & the man he hates // SexyChick&Relix

That was strange for him to hear, Marcus was her comfort? Her escape? Ah, well.. why in the hell was he so damn blind to that? Countless times that he pushed her away, told her he was busy. It didn't help for him to grow quiet, contemplating everything she said. What was she looking for? Was this just one of those 'I may potentially make a mistake, but, I still love my husband' moments? Looking down at the girl, his eyes staring into Jennifer's. It was tough for the man to decipher what she wanted from Marcus, was he only there for companionship while her husband was being a dick head?

His attention diverted from her eyes for a moment, looking at her hand on his - which caused him to stop all movement, his hand simply rest over her navel. Eyes moving, slightly, from his hand to her chest. He didn't hide it, didn't try to look like he wasn't looking; the male was looking.. it was there, shit happens. Eyes moving back to Jennifer's, a small smile resting on his lips. He didn't care if she saw him looking or not, take it as a compliment that it didn't come in the form of some perverted manner that her husband or his friends would say them as in private company. It was a simple look, then look back to her. No stare, no peek where it shows that he was only slightly interested. She had a nice, round chest, she couldn't help the looks she got at them. Covered or not.

His hand moved against Jen's stomach again, his body sliding down a bit to prevent the possibility of an erection to prod into her backside. She was a married woman, nothing should happen between the two. Taking in a breath, Marcus forced a smile.. "I'm sorry..." The male spoke lightly, apologizing for his upcoming actions. Leaning forward, the male closed his eyes as he pressed his lips against her's.. his hand that touched her stomach moving down south on her body. Dipping slowly under her bikini bottoms, if she was to object.. he'd respect her decision.

Part of him simply said 'Fuck it, go for it.' What exactly did they have to lose? They were stranded together, with her spiteful husband, on an island. The States wouldn't be 'home' for them for a long time.
RE: The man you love & the man he hates // SexyChick&Relix


Was it going to happen? Would she finally get what she had longed for, for as long as she could remember? For some reason, Jennifer could tell that Marcus was unsure of what to do at this point, both by his silence. As he looked down to see her hand on his, it then stopped, a little disappointing, but she could live with it, as long as the two remained close, maintaining some kind of physical contact. Undoubtedly he was probably surprised at her last words, about being her comfort, the escape from her terrible marriage and her horrid husband. It was true, he was the only thing that had kept her going for the longest time. Even if he brushed her off, that didn't keep her from trying to make some kind of connection with him, and now were as close as two people could be, physically and possibly even emotionally. She smiled, looking up at him, only to notice that he was looking at something else, and it wasn't hard to tell what; her chest. The round, shapely breast held simply and covered by her bikini. At this point, the woman really didn't mean, hell, he could have himself a squeeze for all she cared.

But then his gaze quickly diverted back to her. At least it wasn't some crude remark about her body. Something her husband and his friends took much delight in. Memories from back on the boat when the group had talked about who's wife was the most attractive. They'd agreed on her, among other things. But this was different. Marcus liked her for who she was, as well as what she looked like. And she couldn't blame him for that, or for looking. She felt him move slightly, and his hand began to rub with hers against her stomach, which brought back the familiar, comforting sensation, a soft tingle to her skin from the contact. Just as she picked up the words 'I'm sorry', his lips found hers.

She wasn't quite sure how to react at first, to pull away or to kiss him back. Or even do nothing. Her instinct as a married woman told her this was wrong, but the physical instinct told her how right it was, how good it felt. Figuring she had nothing to lose by this time, Jennifer leaned her head up in return, kissing him back, softly at first, tilting her head to deepen it. Going so far as to slip her tongue into the male's mouth. Her free hand moved to rest on his cheek, caressing it lightly. Feeling his hand going lower, entering her bikini bottoms slowly, she didn't care, either.

Her whole mind said 'Go for it', having waited far too long for this. Breaking the kiss, she moved her head down, planting soft kisses against his neck, as if giving him permission to continue.
RE: The man you love & the man he hates // SexyChick&Relix

The way Jennifer placed her kisses on his neck, it was clear that she didn't want this to simply not happen. Like she had been waiting for a while, a long while, for this to happen between them. His hand continued to move into her bikini bottoms, moving over the small tuft of hair, his fingers moving down to her sex. Tips of his index and middle fingers slowly working against her lips, her mouth placing kisses against his neck. Sucking, nipping, kissing as he slowly began rubbing her womanhood with his fingers. Arousing himself as he aroused Jennifer.

The pattering of the rain seemingly making the mood more... relaxed, more eased into then for emotional purposes. Surely, this was something they both wanted, but, it wasn't hard to tell that it was an emotional purpose for Jennifer. Not feeling the comfort, the want from her husband.. not saying she ran to the male. Simply that it only is helping his case that he comforts her, his escape from her husband.

Pressing his fingers into Jennifer a bit more, his fingers moving at a quicker pace. His bulge in his pants quickly increasing with every kiss and rub they had in sync. Shifting against her a bit more, his hips moving closer to her. Pressing his crotch into her firm rear, a light moan escaping his lips as she nipped and sucked at his neck. Fingers beginning to move down further in his rub.
RE: The man you love & the man he hates // SexyChick&Relix


Marcus' fingers were like magic against her sex, gently poking and rubbing at her most sensitive areas. Carefully she reached down and pushed her bikini bottoms down to her ankles, kicking them aside. Moving a hand to down to rest against his, she guided his rubbing to give her the greatest amount of stimulation. She closed her eyes, focusing more on the pleasure he was giving her, blocking everything else out. Except for the soft pattering of rain that seemed to be in sync with their motions. Her lips kept paying attention to his neck, sucking licking, nibbling, biting, each affection more tender and driven than the last.

Leaning her head up, her lips found his again, pressing to them hungrily, working her tongue into his mouth, wrestling it with his. She had wanted this for so long, and it seemed like it was going to happen. Then she felt his growing hard-on pushing gently against her rear end, surprisingly but not causing a jolt of interruption. What had started as emotional comfort would soon become, sweet, passionate lovemaking right there on the beach.
RE: The man you love & the man he hates // SexyChick&Relix

Feeling Jennifer's lips press into his, her tongue snaking into his mouth to wrestle with his own. She had long kicked off her white bikini bottoms, hand given a bit more space to work with now that she opened up a bit. Fingers moving down to her entrance, tips of his fingers poking and prodding against her. As much as he wanted to give the female foreplay, he couldn't help but feel that she just wanted to jump straight to it. Like they were rushing, which led him to believe that this was simply.. not what he thought it was supposed to be. What am I expecting to have this be? This is.. just comfort turning to sex. Nothing is developing here, snap out of it. The male barked to himself as his fingers slid into her hole, two fingers pushing in all the way to the middle knuckle.

His tongue continued to wrestle with her's, fighting for who's mouth both would reside it. The competition going back and forth between their mouths, one moment in his, the next in her's. His wrist bent between her legs allowed for him to jab into her with his index and middle fingers for the most part, the minor pain in his wrist or forearm caused him to stop a little.

Pulling back from the kiss, the male's head pulling back a bit to look Jennifer in her eyes. If he was correct, this spot that he was about to mess with would.. be one that normally racked the girls he had been with, with pleasure. Pushing his fingers all the way into her, down to his knuckle. Marcus curled his fingers up, moving them against the top of her walls. Uncurling only to pull out and drive them back into her.
RE: The man you love & the man he hates // SexyChick&Relix


His fingers driving deeper into her, curling up inside, Jennifer's moans peaked higher. Part of her wondered if Richard could hear them, or would if they got louder when things intensified. It was terribly irritating that her mind kept wandering back to her son of a bitch husband, or possibly ex-husband at this point. It was still uncertain if they'd ever get off this island. Focusing her attention on Marcus' actions again, on the pleasure he was giving her, she smiled as the kiss broke, meeting his eyes with her own. Moving a hand up, she rested it against his chest, stroking his face softly. Her eyes would close, biting her lip as his fingers drove in and out of her. But it wasn't enough, she needed him inside of her. Needed him to take her like she wanted him to, for God only knows how long.

She would have rolled on top and proceeded to ride him silly, but since he could not lay down, it seemed they'd have to do it the other way around. Which wasn't bad. Part of her wanted him in control, pleasing her, like he wanted to. Which she thought he did, considering he was indulging her in this. It was him who had started it after all. In one swift movement, the woman rolled onto her back, with Marcus laying on top of her. Her lips pressed to his again, kissing him deeply and passionately, arms hooking around his neck.

Spreading her legs a bit, breaking the kiss for a moment, she looked up at him, breathing getting a bit heavier. In her movement, she had removed his hands from her sex, but soon they'd be replaced with a more than ample substitute. Looking up with a soft smile, preparing herself for what was about to happen, she spoke up in nearly a whisper. "Take me..." She murmured, ready for him to give her everything he had.
RE: The man you love & the man he hates // SexyChick&Relix

It didn't take long for Jennifer's carnal urges to move herself onto her back and have Marcus hovering over her, her whispered words saying 'Take me' only causing him to be more invited into the situation. Leaning back some, the male moved his hands to his waistband before sliding most of the shorts down past his anatomy, slipping his legs out of them before leaning back over her. Hands moved to her large mounds, cupping, squeezing, groping Jennifer's chest with a playful smirk on his face. Age really showing, he was young, she was an older - yet, very attractive - female.

Slipping the white bikini top over her mounds, the male leaned himself forward. Just because she wanted him to take her doesn't mean it would happen right away, he wasn't done sampling everything. Surely, sampling downstairs would be tough in this small hut, but there were other times for that. As he shifted, his length pressed against Jennifer's sex teasingly, all part of his plan. Let him fool around a bit more while he rested that close to what she wanted.

His right hand squeezed, massaged at her breast while his left grabbed the other, holding the breast in place. Lips placing over her pert nipple, suckling against it gently before his tongue flicked at the tit. Marcus wanted to tease her for ruining the way he had wanted to start out, he didn't want to move to missionary till later.. given that they'd be at it for a while.

Pulling his lips back from her nipple, the male planted his hands into the ground. Scooting up a bit, the male placed a light kiss on Jennifer's lips, his right hand moving between them to guide himself into her sex. Head rubbing against her slit before pushing himself all the way in, his teeth biting at her lower lip as her walls spasmed lightly against his length. Either that was a good sign, or a bad sign. Thoughts of him not being as big as Richard creeping into his head.
RE: The man you love & the man he hates // SexyChick&Relix


Soft sighs of contentment escaped from her lips as Marcus continued to explore her body. As he pushed down his shorts, Jennifer thought that this would be it. But apparently not, as he then turned his attention to her breasts. And she couldn't blame him. Helping her with her bikini top, she tossed it aside, leaning back and letting him take control again. Feeling him press lightly against her womanhood provoked a gentle moan, but he had yet to penetrate her. Part of her hated him for teasing her, but she was enjoying herself too much to let it bother her. Her arms wrapped tighter around his neck, pulling him closer to her while still giving him access to her body.

Her hand moved through his hair as he suckled her breast, tongue teasing the sensitive bud. It was clear now he was teasing, building up the sexual tension until she was ready to explode with passion. When his hands moved, she braced herself for whatever Marcus might be doing next. She kissed him back as their lips met again, tongue teasing against his. Then he suddenly pressed against her sex before pushing all the way in. Jennifer moaned enthusiastically at this, arms wrapping tighter around his neck, familiarizing herself with the feeling of union. "Mmm..." She moaned softly in his ear as she tightened around him.
RE: The man you love & the man he hates // SexyChick&Relix

Marcus stayed stationary as he allowed Jennifer anytime she might need to relax into it, familiarize herself with his length and girth, anything. The male knew she had a few miles on her for this part, but, just made it all the more easier for them to get to work then waiting on it to feel okay enough for him to move against her. Pulling his hips up, his length sliding out to where on his head was still inside before pushing himself back into her, slowly. This wasn't going to be a romp in the jungle, right now it was passionate, slow lovemaking. Nothing more then that, surely, they weren't 'lovers'.. but, Jennifer needed it. Marcus would gladly fit the role and provide it for her.

His pace was slow and steady, Marcus' lips placing light, tender kisses on the nape of her neck as she continued to moan lightly into his ear. Up, down, up, down, up, down. Skin lightly clapping together as the light force of his thrust hit against Jennifer, he'd only go faster, harder, or deeper if she wanted him to. Hopefully, she didn't. Hopefully, this stroke he was giving her would be enough to quell her urge to be 'fucked' and stick with what they were doing. The man knew nothing of her sexual preferences, all her body language showed as her wanting a slow, nice humping then a quick, hard thumping.

Bringing his lips up to her ear, Marcus nipped at her earlobe, rhythm against her still in sync. The rain masking over any low moans she may cause, it would also provide cover against most loud ones as well. Give in potential thunder, they were in the clear. "I hope you can muster up some stamina, Jenny," the male whispered lightly, nipping at her ear lobe.. "I don't plan to stop till you are passed out."
RE: The man you love & the man he hates // SexyChick&Relix


Jennifer laughed softly at the remark whispered to her, feeling him nip at her ear. This was nice, gentle, passionate lovemaking, not some rough fumble under the hut, an attempt at sexual release and satisfaction. Well, part of it was that, some release would certainly relieve the stress of their situation, but she also really liked Marcus. He was being tender, gentle with her, making sure she was content with what he was doing. Her fingers rubbed at the back of his neck as the male eased in and out of her. Up and down, sliding steadily, each gentle movement provoking low, soft moans from her lips, which now and then kissed at his neck, and he did so in return. More often than not their lips would meet for a short, soft kiss, playing each of their tongues against the other playfully. She couldn't remember the last time she'd had sex this good, good in that it wasn't a quick, short race to orgasm. Taking it slow was actually..better.

Leaning up to whisper in his ear, she grinned before speaking. "Don't worry, I think I can handle myself." Jennifer teased, nipping in return at his ear before planting soft kisses along his jaw and neck before kissing him deeply, engaging in more tongue play. His lips were as gentle as his touch and she loved it.
RE: The man you love & the man he hates // SexyChick&Relix

Pushing a bit more into the kiss Jennifer placed on his lips, his tongue fighting against her own as his hips continued to move slowly against her, allowing her to feel every slow, calculated movement inside of her. His anatomy pulling back only to jolt back into her, ramming her before another slow, taunting pull back. His hands planted into the dirt below them, digging at the dirt with his fingers as his length would push into her, uncurling as he'd pull back. Every time he'd push forward, it wasn't hard for Jennifer to get the idea that he was trying his hardest to please her sexually.

His lips, tongue would fall still as his eyes held shut. Quickly moving back to tease her tongue while he was pulling back. Pulling back from the kiss for a moment, the male let out a light laugh. Finally getting an opportunity to tease her about her age, "You sure about that, Mrs. Sinclair? I don't wish to break your hips if I go to hard." Placing a light kiss on her lips, pushing himself into her a bit harder.

"Just playing with you, Jenny... I like my women older and experienced."
RE: The man you love & the man he hates // SexyChick&Relix


Moaning out louder as Marcus began to push harder into her, Jennifer rested her head in the crook of his neck, closing her eyes as the pleasure increased, surging gently through her body like a weak electric current. Still enough to satisfy her for the moment. Her hands slid over his back, feeling gently at his smooth, tanned skin. Nails lightly grazing against the flesh. The soft clapping of flesh resume as he moved in and out of her. Leaning close again, she spoke in reply. "Don't call me Mrs. Sinclair..that's not me anymore...and I'm not old.." She teased, forging a new identity for herself, as separate from her 'husband', if he was even still alive back at their camp. He had nothing to say now, she was enjoying herself thoroughly while he sat around with a bum leg, luckily sheltered from the rain by the hut they'd built.

Now he would be right to say she was sleeping with him, that she was "cheating", but as far as she was concerned, the two were no longer together. Maybe in society's eyes, legally they were, but here on the island, she was with Marcus now. And that suited her. Placing tender, loving kisses against his cheek, then his lips, a low moan erupted from her lips as he eased himself in and out at this new pace.

"Though I am experienced.." She murmured with a small grin, letting her head fall back in the dirt.
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