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Jamie fancies my wife - Part 14 - Jamie and I exchange confidences

Foxy Lady

Jan 30, 2014
United Kingdom
Jamie and I were having a drink after work, like we often did. I drained my glass and put it on the counter.

'Fancy another, Rex?' Jamie asked.

I stood up and shook my head. 'Thanks, Jamie, but not tonight. I promised Judith I'd be back on time.'

'You two got something planned?'

I grinned. For some reason, I was feeling a bit uncomfortable. We were drifting into an area that I usually kept private.

'Lucky you,' Jamie looked almost sad. No sad wasn't the right word, but I couldn't find the right one. So I tried to divert him.

'Why don't you go home and surprise Louise?'

He laughed. 'Louise doesn't like surprises. Anyway, she's not exactly Judith.'

I sat down again. 'Sorry, Jamie. What do you mean?'

'Well, there's Judith's ass for a start. WOW, I mean, the way she walks. And those tits, bouncing and bobbing. Just imagine them swaying over me when-' He stopped dead. 'Sorry, Rex, I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have spoken like that, sorry.'

I'd no experience of this kind of situation. What was I supposed to say?

'You really fancy her, don't you?'

He nodded. 'Yea. Always have. I shouldn't have said anything, but the thought of you and her making out, well,' he reached down and eased his crotch. 'Sorry,' he mumbled for the umpteenth time.

We stared at each other for a while. Neither sure what to say. Finally, Jamie broke the silence.

'Look, just forget this conversation ever happened, please. I'll get myself another drink,' he raised his empty glass to the bartender, 'you need to get along. Don't keep Judith waiting.'

I rose and rested my hand on his shoulder, not knowing what to say, before turning to leave.

As I walked away, he called after me: 'Give her one for me.'

Damn. Where had that come from? We'd known him for ages and he never said a word, never gave any indication of how he felt. Maybe Louise had sensed it and that was why she didn't like being surprised. The big question though was: should I say anything to Judith?
I had no idea what to expect when I knocked on the door. It was going to be one of our roleplay scenarios, but the choice was up to Judith this time. It could be one we had done before, but she was very inventive, so it could be something new.

Turned out, it was a variation on a theme we had both enjoyed before.

I let myself and heard a voice from upstairs. I looked up to see Judith in a short, tight black shirt-style dress with a mop lace cap on her head.

'Oh sir, I'm sorry, your room isn't ready yet. Please don't tell the manager, sir, please don't. My name is Shirlee, sir, your room maid sir.'

Yes, we'd done the chamber maid routine several times and there were numerous opportunities that would leave to the inevitable outcome with maid and guest shagging frantically on the newly made bed.

'No worries,' I reassured her as I climbed the stairs. 'So long as you don't mind me waiting in my room.'

'No, sir,' she was overdoing the 'sir' stuff, 'I'll be as quick as I can. It's not a hard job.'

She busied herself, moving round the bed, straightening the sheets, smoothing the cover. All involving lots of leaning that exposed her breasts and ass in turn as she worked round the bed.

'Are you staying long?'

She had dropped the 'sir' now, but was now on her double entendre – first hard, now long. What should I say? Should I make this a couple of nights to invite a quickie or maybe, yes, why not?

'This is my fifth week,' I told her, 'I've been working away from home.'

She turned and stared at me, mouth open.

'Are you married?' she asked. I nodded.

'You must miss it,' she blurted out and then put her hand to her mouth as if in embarrassment. 'Oh I am so sorry, sir, I shouldn't, I mean I didn't. I mean, what I meant was, you must be missing your wife.'

'Yes,' I swallowed, 'since you mention it, yes, it's been a long time.'

'I'm sorry, sir,' she was looking down at her dress and running her hands over her body, 'it is so tight. I hope it wasn't too distracting for you.'

'You must get very hot working so hard,' I tried to move the action along.

'The bed's done now, sir. Is there anything else I can do for you before I go?'

'Well, since you mention it,' I moved in and began to unbutton her dress.

'No, sir, please no, I'm no wearing any underwear today.'

I finished off the buttons with a quick tug and stood back.

'So I see,' I was unzipping my pants now.

She squealed and put her hands over her eyes.

'No, please, sir, no, you mustn't do that. I'm-'

She got no further as I pushed her onto the bed and climbed between her thighs.

'Stop protesting, you slut. You got me into this state, wound me up deliberately. You probably do this all the time.'

'No, sir, no, I'm a good girl, honestly I am, sir. I don't do-'

I thrust in, deep, my balls crashing into her thighs.

'Stop, please, stop, no, yes, oh no, please, ooooooohhhhhhhhhh.' She gasped as I shot my load and collapsed on top of her.

'Shift off, luv, you're heavy.' She was back as Judith now, at least for the moment.

I did as I was told and lay back, my chest still heaving. Judith idly ran her fingers through my hair as she leaned against me.

'That was very urgent,' she planted a kiss on my neck. 'Any particular reason?'

So I told her. What else could I do?
'So what turned you on? Was it knowing that he was looking at me and fantasising about me? Or was it imagining him touching me and maybe even …' She let her words tail off.

The truth was, I wasn't sure. I hadn't analysed my feelings or reactions. But Judith was already exploring her ideas.

'Do you think he wants to touch me, even see me naked, even actually fuck me? Did you ask? I think I would have.' She seemed very thoughtful.

Her hand was stroking my cock, which was still soft.

'Are you ready to get hard again?'

'Not yet,' I admitted. It had only been a few minutes since I came last. 'I could …' I offered, my hand moving to her crotch.

But she pushed it away, impatient. 'Cock,' she muttered, 'cock, need cock.'

'You said he talked about my tits dangling in his face. That must mean he's thinking of me riding him, doesn't it.' She was pulling at my cock, trying to stiffen up, but it was still too early.

'Not necessarily,' I desperately wanted to get hard before she pulled my dick off. 'You could just have been leaning over him, dancing maybe, hell Judith I don't know. I didn't ask for details.'

'No you didn't.' Her hand relaxed for a moment. 'You didn't call him out for thinking about me like that, or talking to you about me. Did it not occur to you that he would take that as approval.' She was rubbing me again, her thigh over mine, nudging the bottom of my nuts. 'You were proud, I suppose, having your friend getting himself off thinking about me. Proud to have a wife that turned other guys on. Made them jealous of you.'

What could I say? I had just wanted to get home, but she was right, I was pleased to have my friend approve my choice for a wife.

She was astride me now. I was just about stiff enough and she was supporting my shaft as she slid down it.

Riding me slowly, letting me get rock hard before letting herself go.

'Have you seen his dick, hard I mean?'

'Of course not,' I protested, perhaps too loudly, 'what do you think I am, some sort of pervert?'

'I thought guys compared themselves, checking out how they measured up.'

What was I supposed to say to that. She leaned over, swinging her tits in my face.

'You all worry that your girl may be comparing you. That's what my mom told me.'

Really? I would never have imagined her having this kind of conversation with Judith. Then she laughed.

'You look so serious, Rex. Don't worry. You're nicely hung and I make sure to tell my friends.'

She was riding faster now, almost as if she wanted to exaggerate the bounce of her tits, and leaning forward so they swung close. I reached out to play with them and she closed her eyes.

'Are you imagining Jamie playing with you?'

She smiled but said nothing. Was she actually doing that or was she just teasing me?

'You should have asked him about my butt. What was he going to do. Just admire it? Fondle me over my clothes? Slip his hand up my skirt? Slide his fingers into my panties? Finger my ass? Dick my ass?'

Each question came as she rose up my shaft, leaving me to ponder it as she slid down and worked up again. She was building up speed now, swaying and swinging her hips.

I reached round her and grabbed hold of her ass. Letting my fingers explore her crack – I don't usually do that, it's now my thing – but she didn't protest, seemed to enjoy it.

She was moaning now and I was sure it had nothing to do with me.

I was just building up courage to probe her hole with a finger when she stiffened and let out a long howl, her cunt muscles gripping me tight. I could my hand away.

Slowly she relaxed and moved to lie beside me.

'You can finish yourself off if you like.' She was idly playing with my dick. 'Or would you like me to finish you off.'

'What I'd really like to do,' I took my chance to test her, 'is to fuck you up your ass.'

She smiled and rolled over, raising her hips.

'Sure, honey, let yourself rip.'

So I did.

Later, after we had showered, I asked her again if she had been thinking of Jamies while we fucked. She admitted that she had. 'Even when we were making love?' She laughed at that. 'Don't be silly, Rex. I only think of you when we do that. But we weren't making love earlier, we were fucking and that's different, isn't it. I'm sure you think of other women sometimes.'

I had no intention of getting into that discussion, but I did not need to think up an exit strategy. She had something else in mind.

'Would you like to invite your friend round one evening?'
What did she say? Did she really suggest that I invite Jamie over? Why would I want to do that? More to the point, why would she want me to do that?

'Sorry, Judith? You want me to get Jamie over here. Just explain why I would want to do that.'

'Why wouldn't I? You explain that to me.'

'Why not? Why not? Because the guy has the hots for you, that's why?'

'Ad why is that a problem? Are you saying that I am your exclusive property? Is that what you're saying? Is that how you see me?'

'Well, no, not exactly. But we are committed to each other. I don't sleep around.'

'Are you equating inviting your friend over with me sleeping around?'

'Well, no, not exactly. But I don't want to put temptation in his way.'

'And what about my feelings, don't they come into it? I'm beginning to think, Rex, that this is about you rather than Jamie. You don't mind having some pretty intimate conversations by the sound of it.'

'What? Just where did you get that idea from?'

'From you. From what you just told me about what he said. Don't pretend that came out of the blue. I don't believe for a second that he came out with what he said, just out of the blue, no way. From what you've told me, he doesn't just fantasy me, he has explicit fantasies about what we might be doing together, imagining my body and what he would do to it. He's got a pretty good idea of what my body is like and what I do with it when we are together. And there is only way he got to know about that, from you, darling Rex.'

'NO, NO WAY. Just STOP, Judith.'

'You've been bragging, I bet, about what you do to me, about making me squirm and scream, about me begging for your cock, how bit and hard you are, how good a fucker.'

'NO, NO. NO, NO. That is so not me. Look, if that was what I've been doing, why wouldn't I be keen for him to come round and see me in action? Go on, Judith, you tell me that.'

She looked me right in the eye as she replied.

'Because it's just bragging. If he came round, he'd see whether you're hung like you say and he see you in action and he's know whether his friend was telling the truth.'

She was in one of those moods. Anything I said would be twisted to mean the opposite and suit her purpose and that purpose, whatever it was, involved getting Jamie round for a visit.

So what else could I do?

But first I would show her that I had nothing to be embarrassed about. By the time I had finished, we were both too tired to bicker any longer.
Jamie and I were quiet as we walked the final stretch to my home. Judith told me to ask him at the last minute, not in advance. 'Spring it on him,' she told me, 'don't give him time to think about it.'

So I did.

'Jamie,' we were finishing our drink, 'Judith and I were wondering if you'd like to join us this evening. Provided you've nothing else planned.' I gave him a let out, contrary to orders, but I felt I owed it to the guy and, to be honest, I wasn't quite sure what my wife had in mind. I was sure she had the evening planned out in advance, although she pretended that we would just see how things went.

Jamie seemed puzzled as my invitation settled in. Then he broke into a broad grin before getting his features under control. 'Really, Rex, you're sure, both of you I mean, you and Judith.' I confirmed. 'Well, that's really good of us both, thank you so much, yes of course, I'd love to come.'

He'd gabbled a bit as we made our way home. Nervous I expect. So was I. Then he went quiet.

As we drew close, I asked 'Are you OK. Sure you want to go ahead with this.'

He nodded. 'Yeah, sure, of course I'm sure. It's just that, well, I've not done anything like this before.'

I wasn't sure what he meant by 'like this', but reassured him with a pat on the back. 'No need to worry, it's just a drink with your best mate and his wife. That's all.'

I let us into the hallway. The lights in the sitting room were dim and there was soft music playing. I called out to Judith and she stepped out of the kitchen to greet us.

We both stared. Tank top, short skirt that bared covered her crotch, dark haired waved. I smelt her perfume as she threw her arms around Jamie's neck and gave him a long hug. Then she gave me a lingering kiss, before leading us into the sitting room and handing us each a beer.

'Come in, Jamie, and make yourself at home.' She pointed to a chair and led me by the arm to the sofa. I dropped down into the corner seat and she sank slowly next to me, her eyes on Jamie as she tried not to stare at her legs as she stretched them out alongside mine.

We were all quiet. Each of us tried to start a conversation, but it was stilted and soon fizzled out. I was trying not to stare at Jamie, who was furtively watching Judith every change he got, while her eyes seemed to be fixed on his. I was sure she was sending signals to him, although I couldn't detect them.

So focused was I on the interplay between the two of them that I did not notice Judith's hand working up my thigh. It was only when it passed my knee and was accelerating north bound that I realised she was deliberately getting me aroused. I shifted, to try to get her to stop. Look, I'm not a shy guy, but I'm not used to my wife coming on to me in front of my best mate, or anyone else for that matter.

Instead of taking the hint, she shifted sideways and slid her leg over mine and Jamie's eyes almost popped out at the view she was presenting to him. Judith was ignoring him now, nuzzled into my shoulder and nibbling my ear. Damn.

'A-a-ahh-aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh' I gasped as her hand settled on my balls and squeezed. 'Phewwww, that got my attention.' I was trying to cover my embarrassment but only succeeded in drawing attention to it. She could feel my hard-on and was rubbing it as she moved her hand up to my belt and began to unbuckle it.

'Feels like Rex needs to release some pressure here,' Judith's voice was muffled but loud enough to carry across to Jami. 'How about you, Jamie, how are you doing over there?'

Jamie coughed and shifted in his chair.

My belt was open and Judith was unzipping me before she spoke again.

'Why don't you come over and join us, Jamie?'

Shit. What was she setting up here?
Jamie hesitated and then moved. Judith swiveled so that she was facing him and held out her hand to pull him down beside her. She was now in the centre of the sofa, with Jamie and I on either side. Her hand was still in my jeans, holding my dick. What was she planning to do with the other?

It didn't take long to find out. She rested her hand on Jamie's thigh and leaned her body against his.

'How ya doin' Jamie?' she asked.

'Errr, fine,' his voice quavered, 'just fine, Judith, really, just fine.'

She smiled and moved her hand a little higher. I heard a quick intake of breath.

'Oh Jamie, you're hard, just like Rex. Now I wonder why that is.'

'Is, er, Rex hard?' Jamie was trying to control his voice.

'You don't believe me, Jamie. Go on, Rex, show him.'

I couldn't believe this was happening.

'He's shy, Jamie. Do you think he's worried about showing you his dick? Is he afraid that you're going to be longer or thicker or harder?' She lingered over those last words and began pushing my pants down until my dick sprang clear.

'What do you think of that, Jamie?' Her hand was rubbing his crotch now.

'I-i-impressive, man, really, good s-s-stand.'

I smiled, but no way was I happy with this.

'What about you, Jamie?' she was rubbing me as she spoke, quite hard, dry handed. 'Let me feel how you compare.' She unfastened his jeans and pushed them aside.

'WOW.' She was exaggerating, I knew, making him feel good, teasing me.

'AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH' Jamie was moaning. She must be rubbing him now.

'Take a look at this, Rex, come on, what do you think?'
Judith was working us both furiously. We were in a contest, Jamie and I. I knew it and I'm sure he did. Judith was trying to make us both cum, seeing how long each of us could last. I was at a disadvantage, because she knew all the tricks she needed to make my cum fast – and she was using them. I was concentrating hard on keeping control, trying to fill me mind with distracting thoughts.

Both of us were moaning and groaning in response to the workout our dicks were receiving.


'PHWOAR – no wait, stop.

'Yeah, God yeah. Oh no.'



Judith listened for a while, then joined in.

'When did you cum last, Jamie?'

There was a pause before Jamie managed 'Sun-sun-Sunday'.

The he spoke to me – 'What about you, mate?'

'Last n-n-night.'

'Lucky man, lucky, lucky.'

I wanted to take hold of Judith, but no way was I going to give Jamie the idea that that would be OK for him. Then something in Judith's breathing made me look across – to see his hand up her skirt.

Damn, I didn't know what she was wearing. And now he did.

'Good, Michael, good, that's good.'

Michael? Who was Michael? She had to be talking to Jamie, so why was she calling hm Michael? Teasing him? Teasing me? Or??? Shit.

Jamie's breathing had changed too, faster, rasping, desperate, begging for her to stop but not to stop.

I was sure he was about to cum when Judith released the pressure on my cock and the sigh of relief told me she had set Jamie or Michael free at the same time.

'It's hotting up, isn't it guys.' She pushed Jamie's hand away and sat up, pulling her tank top over her head, releasing her tits.

Jamie immediately dived onto them, sucking and biting at the erect nipples.

I took the chance to whisper in Judith's ear. 'What's this about Michael?' But she just grinned and winked. 'No one you need to worry about, dear.'

With Jamie lost in her tits, I advanced on her crotch, to find it sodden and naked.

When I spotted Judith out of the corner of my eye, she was lying back, eyes closed, enjoying the attention. I couldn't see her hand, which was under Jamie, but I was sure she was working him slowly. She'd done it to me often enough. I knew her game.

Which was when she knocked me sideways with her question.

'Mike, would you like to watch Rex fuck me?'

Hold on, don't I get a say? Do I want to put on a show for Jamie? Why would I want to do that. Judith and me, we've never needed an audience before.
Jamie must have sensed my hesitation and taken it for a doubt.

'Don't worry if you don't want to. I'll be more than happy to stand in for you, mate.'

That was when I snapped. It was a light-hearted remark, that I was sure of, with no malice at all, but I read more into it than was there and gave away more than I should have of what was in my mind.

'I don't need any help, thank you, Jamie, or Mike or whatever Judith wants to call you. I am more than capable of satisfying my wife. I've never had any complaints, not even from my very first fuck.'

I couldn't help smiling as I remembered the broad smile on our neighbour's face when, as a teenager, I had taken her on the kitchen table.

Jamie held up his hands. 'OK, OK, mate, no need to take offence. I wasn't casting any aspersions. Just joking, sorry, I'm not used to,' he struggled to find the right word to describe what was happening, failed, and mumbled, 'this sort of thing.'

Slightly mollified, I snapped at Judith instead.

'Get that skirt off, girl, I don't know why you're bothering to wear it, it barely covers anything worth hiding.'

Judith complied. Meekly, too meekly perhaps looking back.

I pushed her onto the sofa and climbed before her legs. Her pussy was glistening and I thrust in without any preliminaries.

Then I set off, to show her and Jamie just hold a real man fucked. Fast, deep thrusts, banging my balls against her thighs, gulping in air as I expended my energy to give her a powerful fuck.

Judith was watching me all the time, our eyes locked on each other's. She was challenging me, urging me on, making me work hard. And more than that she was working my shaft with her muscles, rippling them and sending sparks deep into my balls. Her hands were working too, scratching my chest and digging into my buttocks. It was like we were alone, so much so that I almost forgot Jamie. Almost, because it dawned on me that Judith was making a show of this, and worse trying to make me cum quickly. Pulling all her tricks that she knew I couldn't resist. Ones she had found and developed over the years we had been together.

I tried to slow down, give myself a breather and a chance to last longer, but she wrapped her thighs around my waist, pulling me in tighter, swiveling her hips as I glided in and out, grinding me at the end of each stroke. I tried sending her messages with my eyes, but she did not notice – or noticed and ignored them.

'Wait, wait,' I tried pleading, but I already knew I was lost by then.

One thrust, then a second, each successive one a small triumph of control, until finally my balls burst.

'NO-O-O-O-O-O-oooooooooooo,' I screamed as I collapsed on top of her.

As I pulled out and stood over her, Jamie slapped me on the back. 'Good show, mate, I'm impressed, really I am, especially,' he whispered, 'after the way she was wanking you earlier.'

I had no time to thank him, because Judith was already speaking.

'You guys may not have noticed, but I haven't cum. Do you feel up to finishing what Rex has started?'
Jamie didn't hesitate. He just moved in and took my place.

'Take it gently, I'm not used to anything that big.' Judith spoke softly to him, but I was only a few steps away.

I glanced down.

OK I'd give the guy an inch in length, sort of, maybe. Nothing significant, nothing that would make any difference. But girth, yes, I couldn't deny him that. He was stout, so he'd need both hands for a good wank.

Judith held out her hand to me, so I took hold as she watched Jamie ease his way slowly inside her, as she shifted position and stretched wider to get more comfortable. As he sank home, her grip tightened on my hand and she let out a long sigh, like she'd been holding her breath.

'Slowly.' It was part order, part plea.

He complied, setting up a slow rhythm, gliding in and out, my cum glistening on his shaft. Judith's breathing matched his rhythm and she closed her eyes. The two were functioning in unison, like they were communicating in some way I couldn't see. Every so often, Judith squeezed my hand tighter before releasing it gradually, as if in response to something she was feeling.

Was he moving faster now? It was difficulty to judge. If he was, it was barely noticeable.

'OOOOHHH' Judith let out a gasp, but her breathing immediately settled again.

For a while.

'This is so, soooo, gooood,' her words came out on a long breath, like a whisper. Then: 'the best, best ever.'

She was gripping my hand in both of hers now, her body rigid.

Jamie paused and Judith shuddered and slumped back, released my hand, and opened her eyes.

We all stayed as we were, motionless.

'Did you?' It was Judith who broke the silence.

Jamie shook his head.

'Go on, Mike, do whatever you need to do.'
Jamie took in a deep breath and sat back on his heels, studying Judith as she lay beneath him on the sofa.

Another deep breath and he took hold of her tits, one in each hand, clawing, kneading, squeezing, hard. Twisting, pulling. Judith grimaced at the rough treatment, but did not complain, just lay back watching him.

His hands moved down her thighs to grasp her behind her knees and pull her up his thighs.

Another deep breath and he began to thrust.

Deep, slow, steadily speeding up, more power, his pelvis crashing into Judith, her tits shaking. She was silent, watching his body as it worked harder and harder.

I closed my eyes, trying to block this out. But I could still hear the squelching as he rode in and out, lubricated by my cum.

A sudden pause. A flurry of thrusts. A loud gasp. His body rigid.

'Damn, Judith, that was good, thanks so much.'

Judith grinned at him. A kind of secret grin, one I had only seen a couple of times. One that conveyed something only the recipient would understand. And this time, the recipient was not me. She had been doing something that I could not see.

There was no sign of either of them moving. Time for me to take some control. This was my home after all, my wife too.

I slapped Jamie on the back, as he had slapped me. 'Good job, mate, well done. You look like you could do with a drink. Let's go see what we can find in the kitchen, what do you say?'

Judith and Jamie exchanged a glance, before Jamie smiled at me. 'Sure, Rex, right. Lead on.'

He slid out, his cock swaying, cum dribbling. Judith wiped it with her finger and sucked it dry.

I walked away.

'Damn, she's good, man.' Jamie was right behind me as I bent over the fridge. 'Big respect for handling her, big respect.'

I couldn't believe that we were having this conversation. What was I supposed to say? I had no idea, so I said nothing, just handed him the beer. We had only taken a few sips before we heard Judith calling.

'Rex, come and clean me up will you.'

She could not be serious. Surely not. She could not expect me to lick up Jamie's cum. Surely.
So it was that I found myself on my knees licking my wife's pussy clean of the cum oozing out and caked on her thighs. Her lover's cum.

'It's not just Mike's cum,' she'd told me as I held back at first, 'it's a mixture really.'

True, to a point, but he had dumped his load after mine, so it would be running out first. And if he had told the truth about not cumming since last Sunday, his was the bigger load.

This was deliberate humiliation, there could not be any other reason for her to do this. Humiliate me in front of him. And he was there, watching, I was sure. He didn't speak, but I sensed his presence. It was tempting to turn and check, but that would give him the satisfaction of knowing that I cared, which I didn't. Honestly, after what I had witnessed so far, no, honestly I didn't care anymore. There was something going on between Judith and Jamie. No doubt about that. Had they made an instant connection or had they known each other from before? One or other, for sure.

'Jamie, come over here and kiss me.'

I made to raise my head, but she pushed it down, held me down, as they kissed. I heard them, felt her thighs clench briefly in her excitement at first contact.

When I eat her out, I usually play with her ass. My hands wanted to, but I held back. I felt I needed to ask if it was OK. Can you believe that? Asking my own wife for permission before fondling her ass. Just because she was playing tongues with my mate.

In the end, she got bored with both of us. She pushed me away and walked off into the kitchen, saying she needed a drink.

Jamie watched her go and I watched Jamie watching her. I knew what he was thinking. His eyes were fixed on his ass and his dick was beginning to stiffen.

Judith noticed too, as soon as she came into the room.

'Well, Jamie, that was fast. What have you boys been up to while I was away?'

I glowered; Jamie laughed.

'I was thinking about fucking your ass,' Jamie was brazen if nothing else. 'Unless Rex wants first shot, of course.'

How considerate.

What was I supposed to say. Tell this fucker to join the queue? Or just to get out and go home.

'Be my guest,' I told him, 'I'll sit this one out.'

Truth was, I wasn't up to it, literally not up for it. After the way I was being treated, how could I be expected to perform?
Jamie pushed Judith over the back of the sofa and began fondling her ass. The odd slap or two. She played up to him, pushing her buttocks into the air and waggling them for him to admire. She even grinned in my direction. 'Want to join in, baby?' I shook my head. She just smiled as his fingers stroked her crack. He was muttering things to her, but I was too close to hear what he was staying.

Her expression changed when he pulled her arms back and thrust his hips forward. She grimaced at the sudden pain as his dick penetrated her. He held her briefly. For his pleasure or for me to see my wife pegged and displayed. 'Want to join in, mate?' It was Jamie now, tormenting me, inviting me to come over and join them. I shook my head. He was pulling hard on my wife's shoulders and thrusting slowly but deeply. Her eyes were closed, her mouth set tight.

'Wank yourself off, why don't you, get yourself going.' Jamie again. Another shake of my head. I was actually put off by what I was seeing, how Judith was being treated, how she was allowing herself to be treated. But this had been her idea. Who was I to spoil her fun?

If she was having fun, that is. I wasn't sure that she was. Her shoulders must have been aching. Her eyes were closed. She seemed to be enduring the experience. So why didn't I intervene? At least ask her if she was OK? Why didn't I leave the room? At least close my eyes? I thought about all those things. But I didn't do anything. Just sat, watching, almost transfixed.

Jamie's next move took me by surprise. He released Judith's arms and grabbed her by the hair, pulling her head back. She let out a scream. Pain? Surprise? Both? Please too maybe, although I was no longer confident that I could read my wife's mood. At the same time, Jamie upped his rhythm. Leaning back, forcing Judith to arch her spine. She was shaking, her teeth clenched.

Her arms were flailing. Or were they waving? Beckoning me to come over and join her?
I moved closer. Not because I wanted to join in. Just because I wanted to see better what was happening.

Sometimes they seemed to be barely moving, with Jamie just grinding his hips slightly. Other times it was Judith who was pushing back, shifting from side to side. Then Jamie would burst into a flurry of thrusts. Both had their eyes closed. Their faces showing deep concentration. They looked more like they were in pain than approaching ecstasy.

I caught only an occasional word from Jamie. 'Hot' or 'tight'. Judith said even less. 'Bastard' a couple of times. That was all. But they were communicating somehow. Syncing their movements and reactions for their maximum pleasure. I was sure of that.

I moved round the sofa, coming up alongside Jamie.

'Feel her up,' I whispered, 'go on, dump your load right up my slut wife's ass.'

'Slut wife, yeah, slut wife, yeah.'

Jamies was snorting and grunting, thrusting harder and deeper. Judith was moaning shaking from side to side.

Then it happened. I don't know why. I hadn't planned it. Never done anything like it before, never even thought about it.

I took hold of Jamie's balls.

He gasped in surprise, but began grinding harder and harder, yanking her head back, arching her back.

I was squeezing Jamie's balls, feeling them tighten into crotch.

'Go on, Jamie, give it to her, fill her ass.'

'Slut, slut, slut.'

I could barely hear his words, even standing so close to him.


Jamie's body shook and Judith cried out as his balls pumped his new load deep inside her.
I released my grip on Jamie's balls and he pulled slowly out of my wife, his dick still spewing cum down the back of her thighs. Judith pushed herself upright and stretched to ease her back. They were both blowing hard.

Did Judith know what I had done? I doubted it – there was no way she could see and neither Jamie nor I had said anything. Should I tell her? Now? Later? Ever? I didn't know. Would Jamie? I didn't know that either.

None of us spoke for several minutes. I just stood, observing. Jamie leaned on the back of the sofa, getting his breath back. Judith walked around stretching her back and massaging her shoulders.

'I need a shower.' It was Judith who broke the silence. 'I'll leave you boys to get better acquainted.'

It looked like it was down to me, the host, to say something.

'I'll get us a couple of beers,' I announced.

'Thanks,' Jamie reached out and took a bottle. 'Phew, Judith is a real whore, isn't she.'

Again, I acted without thinking.

'Let's get this straight,' my free hand took hold of Jamie's balls with a tight grip. 'I'm allowed to call Judith a slut, but no one else is. Is that understood?' My fist tightened and twisted.

Jamie tried to prise my fingers free.

'Ugh. Argh. Yeah. S-s-s-ure, Rex, s-s-sure. My b-b-b-ad, m-m-an, my b-b-b-bad.'

I released my grip and he slumped onto a chair, nursing his crotch.

'N-no o-offence intended,' he moaned.

I didn't reply. Just stood back and let him recover. Watching him take a long gulp of beer.

'That's a good chunk of prime steak you've got there.' He was looking at my crotch. And he was right. I was proud of what was hanging there, although I'll be honest, I'd have been happy if it hadn't been flaccid.

'Thanks.' I wasn't sure what to say.

'I always knew you were stacked,' he carried on, 'from the way you carried yourself and talked about Judith.'

'Thanks,' I said again. 'You're pretty impressive yourself.'

He smirked. 'True. Thanks, mate. Guys can get jealous sometimes; it makes them insecure, I guess.'

'I can understand why some guys might feel that. I try not to display myself in the gym.'

Jamie nodded and took another swig.

'Look, I just want to say, what you did to me, milking me like you did. That was something special. No one has done that to me before.'

That really came out of left field. I almost laughed, but turned it into a broad grin. And as I did so, my dick stiffened and twitched. Jamie noticed, we both did.

'You boys getting acquainted, I see.' Judith had chosen that moment to walk back into the room, a towel round her waist, her tits swaying, to catch me standing in front of Jamie with my dick at half mast.
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