Avid Roleplayer
- Joined
- Nov 19, 2023
Author's Note : Part 3 here finally. After a fairly long loooong build up, Jim and Jenifer finally get it on. I am torn between continuing the series or ending it here. I did set a few things up for the future that could be explored in any case. As always, comments, feedback, whatever is all welcome!
Jim had been incredibly frustrated when he’d returned to his bedroom later that night. After weeks of being teased by Terry’s mom, he’d gotten to fondle and kiss her that evening, but she excused herself just as quickly, leaving the young man with a severe case of blue balls.
Part of him hated her now, more so that Jennifer refused to get out of this shitty prison she'd talked herself into. A woman like her did not need to endure a loveless marriage any longer. She did not belong with Robert, that repulsive man. She deserved better, she knew it and was too scared to reach for it. That's what pissed him off. Well that and the blue balls too, yes.
A clear pattern emerged over the next few days. Jennifer was actively trying to avoid Jim. If Robert was in the house, she'd scurry into whatever room he was in. If she chanced upon Jim, she'd mumble a quick greeting, lower her gaze and excuse herself. Jim was even tempted to just grab her by the wrist a few times to hold her in place. The issue could no longer be avoided.
It was a Tuesday morning and though Jim never liked to have breakfast, this time he decided against it. Robert typically had breakfast and as always Jennifer cooked for him. Jim actually woke up earlier on purpose, got ready for work and headed downstairs. He had his tie wrapped around his hand, not an accessory he liked to wear from the moment he woke up. Upon reaching the base of the stairs, he heard the sound of a sizzling breakfast, whilst the shower was running in the master bedroom. Robert was showering as Jennifer was making his food.
Unless she'd let his eggs burn or something, she couldn't escape him this time. Jim stepped into the kitchen letting off a nonchalant "Morning." as he went to the fridge to pull out some cereal he'd bought a while back. "Can I have a bowl please?" he looked to Jennifer. "An explanation as to what the hell went down a few days ago would be nice too, but the bowl will be alright for now."
Meanwhile these past few days had not been easy on Jenifer either. Even as she played with herself that night, guilt had crept into her. It was all so wrong. Enjoying another man like that just because Robert wasn't treating her right, it was wrong. She was committed to him, and her life had been fine. It had all started changing because of Jim. Because of this summer and the way he flirted with her, with the way he tried to insinuate that Robert wasn't good enough for her, that she should have more.
Well... it wasn't just him. But she kept those thoughts to herself. It wasn't right. That was it. And to keep herself from straying and having more and more second thoughts, she avoided Jim. After that look he had given her...she didn't want to speak with him, not until he was out of the house.
Unfortunately, there wasn't any way she could avoid him today. He had undoubtedly planned this move, to trap her. As soon as she heard footsteps approaching, she glanced over, expecting Robert but seeing Jim instead. Her face froze and she was quick to turn back to the stove, hiding the tinge that had grown in her cheeks. The pointed questions did bite, though, and she quickly regained her composure.
"You can make it yourself." She replied curtly. "I'm not obligated to make you anything. Explanations included." If he was going to be rude to her, then she wasn't going to respond back kindly either. She wasn't obligated to him in any way.
She'd been cordial whilst avoiding him throughout these days. Seems that cordiality ran out today. Or maybe she was responding to Jim in kind. "Give." Jim corrected her. "Not obligated to give you anything, explanations included. You give, you don’t make explanations." he elaborated whilst walking over to the cupboard and pulling out a bowl for himself.
Jim was well aware of how fiercely independent she was, picking out the dresses herself, appreciating but not overvaluing his opinion and so on. That corrective comment would certainly rub her off the wrong way but he’d bottled up so much frustration these days that he couldn’t help himself. Still, this animosity did not sit well with him. He sighed, reaching into the fridge to get the milk as well and taking the bowl, cereal and milk and taking a seat at the head of the kitchen table. "I don't want to fight you Jennifer." he let out.
The tone of his voice had softened. Maybe there was a way to discuss this like adults without insults and the like. "Look Robert is still showering, we have a few minutes. It's not nice to just keep avoiding me. Like it or not I live here and I'm going to be here for a couple more months. I just want to talk. Take a seat, leave the eggs alone for just a second, Robert will be fine."
He pushed out the chair next to him with his leg. "Come on, grab a glass, I'll pour you some milk. We'll have an adult conversation."
Pedantics. That was what he was going to go for? She let out a light huff, continuing to work on the eggs and hash that she was making for her husband. What was she expecting? Him to just forget everything and to go on with life? She'd rebuffed him. Couldn't he take the hint that she didn't want to continue this? He had his revolving door of women, so it seemed, so why be so caught up on her?
Either way, hearing his invitation, she again refused it. "I'll stand here and we can talk. I don't need to be sitting in order to talk." She replied, glancing back towards him, then back to the food on the stove. "Never leave a stove unattended." She mused lightly. She wasn't going to just cave to his terms. No, that was how she had faltered that evening. She was upset and tipsy and caved to Jim on his terms. No. That would not happen here. She was not going to fall into that temptation again.
Jim narrowed his eyes hearing her refuse his offer. If he was willing to start things off on the right foot, she'd just gone and spit on his face. Although as he studied her features, he sensed a certain type of trepidation behind that tough exterior. A small smile crept up to his lips. "You’re afraid you'll start moaning if you get close again?" It was a crass joke and Jim quickly shook his head as if to dismiss it. "Your moans are lovely by the way." he mumbled under his breath. In any case he was fine to talk with some distance.
"Look, about that night...I know what happened, you do too. I want to know we're on the same page about why it happened. You said the wine got to you when you got up. You know it wasn't the wine that made you react like that? You know it wasn't the wine why you were sitting alone in the kitchen when I found you?" he looked up at the ceiling as the faint sound of the shower from upstairs was heard, as if to point to the true reason, her husband's neglect. "Can we agree on that? Robert's neglected you and it's only natural to want something else…from someone else…"
Jennifer shivered lightly at his crass joke, but it wasn't exactly wrong. She didn't trust herself and avoiding her problem was better than dealing with it outright, because dealing with it outright could end up with her succumbing to him and acknowledging things weren't as good as she thought they were. As she pretended they were. Deep down, Jennifer knew that things weren't good, that she was tiring of her husband and his lack of... well, anything. It hadn't always been that way, she constantly told herself, and maybe, maybe it hadn't. But was it worth clinging to like this?
His rudeness didn't endear her or make her want to come any closer, either. As Jim offered up his perspective, she refused to acknowledge it. "The wine was getting to me. I don't know what you're talking about." She replied lightly, shrugging her shoulders. "Whether or not Robert is treating me well is, quite frankly, none of your business." She glanced back at him again, then to the stove. The food was almost done, but she wasn't going to go and sit regardless.
"You mentioned it yourself - you're only here for a couple more months. You are just renting a room here." She continued on. "And what happens in my personal life does not involve you at all." Lowering the heat, she let out a breath.
Jim had anticipated this conversation, he after all had planned to 'catch' her like this, so he'd told himself to try and be patient, not to let his hot headedness get the better of him. Well it was nice while it lasted. The moment she shrugged her shoulders, pinning it all on the wine, Jim closed his eyes as he sucked in a breath, a vain attempt to try and refrain.
"Come on Jennifer." he let out, repeating it as she went on with her spiel. "Come the fuck on!" he finally yelled out as she finished that glaring sentence. "It's not about me! Okay? It's not about me at all. It's about you. You who pretend to be so high and mighty and independent and stubborn. In actuality you're just a pushover for your husband and that prick of a son of yours."
He let out a hefty sigh, trying to blow off most of the anger, and regain some sort of calm. "Look, my horniness aside, it just pissess me off to see Robert treating you like his personal fucking maid, cooking and cleaning his shit and at the end of the day you cling on to him. Why? Did he save your life or something?" he shook his head. "I know it's not none of my business, but I had a glimpse at the real Jennifer that night. She came out even if it was for just a few moments. You can tell yourself whatever bullshit you want to forget, but at the very least be honest to me about it. Tell me you're okay being Robert's doormat and I'll drop all of this."
It was surprising to hear Jim lose his calm with her. She had been worried that she was going to let her own temper flare. Even more, as he went on, she was exceptionally surprised she didn't lash right back out at him and instead remained calm and collected. If she lost her calm, then to her, she had lost the fight. Even as his words cut into her, she didn't let it get to her. She stayed quiet even as he calmed down, letting him get his out what he needed to before she would respond.
She remained quiet even for a moment afterwards, composing her thoughts together. "I said before, and I'll say it again. I do not need to justify my personal life to you. I don't need to offer any explanation to you about why I am still with my husband. And I am not going to give you any explanation." She turned to him, her eyes cool. "And if I were you, I'd refrain from talking to me like that. That is, unless you'd prefer to find a new place to rent." Looking back to the stove, she moved to plate the food for Robert whenever he came downstairs. Hopefully he would come down soon. She had no wish to continue talking to Jim any further than they had now.
It wasn't like Jim to lose his cool. Over a girl too, that was almost unheard of. Well, woman in this case, not girl. He'd always been aloof as far as the fairer sex was concerned. The fuckbuddies he enjoyed provided a good balance to his life. Yet after that night he had not felt the urge to call anyone over. Jennifer had been on his mind and yet he knew no one else would ever come close to giving him the same sensations. So why bother? Regardless he did not like that he was so invested in this, in her.
She kept her cool though, keeping to her point, throwing in the threat of eviction in there for good measure. This one took Jim by surprise. More so for the fact that he was the one to try and help and she lashed out at him instead of at her useless husband.
The cool manner of her voice, spurred him to keep his cool in turn. "Well..." he could hear Robert was going to be down shortly. He had no desire to be around him. Jim grabbed the things and got up to put the milk back in the fridge, bowl back in the cupboard. Turning around he leaned against the kitchen counter, looking at Jennifer.
"First of all, to make threats, one need not be a pushover, which you are. You rented me the place because your son told you to, almost for no money too. Remember? You're not the lady of the house anyway, you're just the housekeeper. What right do you have to kick me out?"
She had finished plating Robert's food when Jim came around and gave her yet another disrespectful comment. She couldn't help but smile. "Robert wasn't going to let you rent, you know." She stated lightly. "And if you had taken the time to read the contract, you would know that Robert or myself have every reason to kick you out. You do have a copy, don't you?"
She kept the smile on her face, setting the plate aside and moving to get the coffee for her husband ready as well. She turned to face him, leaning against the counter. "'At any point, should the tenant show an apt disrespect to the privacy of the Landlord, the lease can be terminated.' That was one line. Another was also 'The Landlord reserves the right to terminate the lease at any time.' Oh, and a last one - as for not being the lady of the house, the contract does specify the Landlord refers to Robert and Jennifer Wright." She raised an eyebrow. "So I would be careful who you call a pushover. We don't need you here, as much as you need a place to stay."
Jim did not want to be mean to her. Sure enough he'd pushed it, but that wasn't his intention. He crossed his arms over his chest, looking over towards Jennifer as she went on to enumerate the various legal provisions of the contract. He sighed mid-explanation. Not even looking at her, instead staring straight ahead, Jim seemed to be lost in thought. Part of him knew it would be the right thing to do, but glancing over to Jennifer, recalling the sensation of her skin against his lips, the way her bosom filled his hand, the way her contorted voice spurned him on. Yeah he couldn't let that fuck with him any longer. She can keep the room, the legal provisions, the whole damn lot.
"Alright Mrs. Wright, I think I've overstayed my welcome. We're in the middle of the week now, I'll get ready to move out during the weekend. Thank you for your hospitality, I've really enjoyed it." he declared, looking over to her, pushing himself off of the counter.
Jim turned to the reflective surface of the fridge and got ready to put on his tie as he knew he had to head out to work. There were a few reasons behind his decision now to leave. For one he knew she wouldn't give herself to him, at the same time he couldn't tolerate himself being hung up on her. Secondly seeing her like a robot cite the contract back to him, whilst ignoring the issues with her marriage, made him furious. When he was done with the tie, he turned to Jennifer. "I'm sorry for being mean to you by the way. For some stupid reason I care, when I know I shouldn't. Maybe if you were a tad less pretty…I’d mind my own business." he joked.
He appeared to concede then and there. It was no sweat off of her back, and if anything was a relief. A pang of guilt struck at her for being so cold hearted about her responses to him, but he had invited it. The consistent disrespectful remarks and hurtful statements, acting like he was only doing it because he cared about her. She went about finishing off the meal, and as she was beginning to take it to the table, she heard his last remark.
She didn't respond. If she did, she knew she was going to bite right back at him. That he cared? That was why he was being mean? She wanted to laugh. He didn't care, he just wanted something from her. Just like Robert did. Even the last part of his remark - because she was pretty - he cared.
To her, he must have been so used to people just giving him what he wanted that, when she didn't, he decided it was because something was wrong with her. It wasn't because he shouldn't have it and it was wrong for him to even try for it. That he couldn't understand a woman making decisions that were contrary to what he expected... Either way, he would be on his way by the end of the week, so what did it matter to her?
The rest of Jim’s day was not at all good. He found himself distracted at work and the hours just seemed to barely crawl by. A myriad of thoughts streamed through his mind. At one point Jim forced him to think about alternate accommodation. He knew Becky, Terry's new girlfriend, had her house downtown.
She'd let him rent out her room in a heartbeat, he knew as much, so he shot her a text. Predictably she said yes. Even teased she'll accept no payment as long as she can come cuddle up to him one night.
"Hah, what would Terry say, huh?" Jim texted her.
"Oh, he won't know!
" she shot back.
It wasn't long before word got to Terry and he called Jim up with concern in his voice. "Dude, why are you moving out? You don't like the room?"
Jim and Becky had had a brief fling, but nothing too involved. Still, Terry did not want his girl to be distracted by Jim."
Nothing, I just uh...well I think I overstayed my welcome." Jim replied plainly.
"What? Come on...did dad say anything? My mom?”
Jim just sighed in annoyance, not eager to entertain this discussion any longer.
“So it was mom? Dude, don't worry about it, keep the room. I'll talk to my parents." Terry hung up quickly, before Jim could tell him not to bother.
Terry’s next call was to his mother. "Mom, Jim's leaving the room? Mom, I need him to keep the room please. He's...he's helped me a lot, it's the least I can do for him. Please, he can’t leave the room!"
Soon enough, everyone was out for the day, leaving Jennifer to the house herself. Of course, she wasn't happy, not at all. It wasn't as though Jim was lying. She was letting her husband walk all over her. Because Terry had insisted, she did her best to convince Robert to rent the room out, and that had taken lots of talking to. Robert had outright refused Terry, but she would do anything for her baby boy.
Terry refused to bring his girlfriend around - she was busy, it wasn't the right time, so on - and she let him get away with his excuses. And when she wanted anything... well, she just had to suffer and wait until she finally could get what she wanted - some love and affection - and most of the time it was... insincere at best.
Jennifer felt as though she was aimless now. Her life was idyllic, sure, but was it really a life worth living? The caress of Jim's hand to her breast... she could still remember the pleasurable feeling. How long it had been since anyone had told her how pretty she was, felt her body and gave her pleasure.
She was lost in her thoughts when her phone rang up. "Hi, sweetie, how are you?" She asked, but Terry didn't so much as greet her, immediately going into his tirade. "He made the decision himself." She replied with a sigh. "What did he do for you?" She asked, furrowing her brow. She'd done plenty for Terry and he barely gave her a card for her birthday. Anything he asked, she did for him. "I'm not sure I can convince him to stay, sweetie."
Terry's concerned voice on the phone made Jim pull back a bit from the bitter situation this morning. He knew that annoying prick would likely chew his mom's ear off or try to convince his dad to remove the rent entirely or whatever, but Jim's mind was made up.
The fact that Terry would even go and ask his mom, it showed just how entitled he was, but then again Jennifer was happy to be treated in that way, so who was he to say otherwise?
As Jim tried to refocus on his work, Terry was rolling his eyes at his mom's excuses. "Mooooooom..." he whined, his voice drawn out on the phone. "Jim told me he felt he'd overstayed his welcome. So I don't know if dad said something stupid to him or something, but it wouldn't be good for him to just up and leave."
Naturally, Terry didn't want to confess to his mother that Jim had introduced him to his girlfriend, nor to the fact that she might cheat on him with Jim if given the chance.
"Jim's helped me a lot.” he replied firmly again. “It would be really bad…I mean disrespectful for me to not even return the favor. Don't you understand that?!" Terry let out in an exasperated voice.
"Look, please talk to him. Maybe take the rent off entirely? I swear I'll pay for it if necessary." he knew it wouldn't be necessary. His dad would never allow his baby boy to ever be inconvenienced like that. "Are you cooking him anything? I can pay for the ingredients if you made like a dinner or something. Please moooooom!"
"It wouldn't be good for him to leave? Terry, you're not making sense." She let out a sigh. This was exactly what Jim had said. When she heard her boy like that, she would suck it up and do whatever he asked, but she couldn't…she couldn't budge on this at all. She let out a sigh.
"Honey, I've done everything I could to make his stay pleasant. He... made his decision, and I'm not sure there is anything that I can do to convince him otherwise." She finally said, rubbing her eyes lightly.
"Can you tell me what he did for you? What would make it look bad for you? If I knew..." She trailed off. Then what? Would she actually try to keep Jim here? Would it make any difference? To make Jim stay would mean to admit to him that he was right. That she was a pushover, that she just did whatever her husband and Terry asked of her, and that she never got anything in return, that she did, in fact, want him much more than anything in the world, that she'd even dreamed of Jim at night since that day...
Terry huffed into the phone. He knew it'd be hard enough to change Jim's mind as it seemed like he was pretty set in his decision, and yet he did not expect to get pushback from his mom. "Clearly you haven't mom! Clearly...because if you had, he wouldn't leave!" Terry raised his voice.
At her question, he sighed. "Look, did he invite a girl over or something? Maybe dad said something stupid. I should have told him that Jim is outgoing like that." Terry seemed to be rambling now.
The thought of his lovely Becky drifting away from him, was making him panic ever so slightly. Finally he relented. "Alright, you want to know what he did for me. For one he's a great friend." It was a bold faced lie, Jim barely knew he existed outside the times Terry brought him lecture notes and the like.
"Secondly, he introduced me to Becky. She's a great girl mom. I'm so so happy with her and you know, he's done me a big favor. So…" he didn't want to say Jim would move into Becky's old room and maybe she might visit him. "Please mom just do like I told you, just do it okay. He might change his mind and stay!!"
Jenifer froze. He had introduced Terry to a girl? And now Terry was using her so he could stay with this girl? The phone went silent for a while as she sat on the line. Pieces were all beginning to fall into place. Why Terry had been so insistent with her to lower the rent, why he'd come to her and asked her incessantly about convincing Robert, why he refused to come home with his girlfriend. So he had just used her in order to keep this girlfriend? And he blew her off because of some girl? Her heart was racing, her face red with anger. It was just like Jim said - all the men in her life just used her and didn't give anything back at all.
"I understand, sweetie." She finally said. "I…I'll do what I can." She was going to do what she could. Why waste her time? Jim was right. She was wasting away with these people. She thought in the least Terry wasn't using her, that it was just Robert who undervalued her, but now?
"I'll do my best, I promise. Love you sweetie, I need to go." She hung up, not wanting to speak to her son any further. Oh she would do her best. Jim wouldn't be leaving…she’d make sure of it.
It was rather unbelievable that Terry would be one to hang out with a guy like Jim or more unbelievable that Jim would hang out with a guy like Terry. So this little confession gave more of a hint as to what their dynamic really was like, but hearing his mom actually relent and confirm she'd try to make Jim stay was a relief for Terry. "Thanks mom, I lov-" he was cut off as his mom hung up the phone. In any case, there was some hope for Terry and he chose to believe everything would work out in the end.
Meanwhile at Jim's office, Becky was blowing up his phone about details when he'd move out. She'd already told her parents and they were okay with it. Her dad traveled a lot so it was just her mom at home and she was mostly gone for work. "This weekend, I guess." Jim texted her curtly and decided to just put the phone away for the rest of the evening.
He grabbed a quick snack on his way back from work and decided to walk home instead. He wasn’t hungry so he figured he'd just collapse on the bed and sleep. It was a bit after 9 PM when he arrived home. He didn't think he heard anyone on the ground floor. Robert had not arrived yet, his car wasn't in the driveway. With a tired sigh, Jim headed upstairs to his room.
Jennifer had prepared herself…well, a little bit, anyways. She knew about when Jim arrived home everyday, and she was going to be in his room when he got there. Robert had already sent her a message letting her know that he wouldn't be home until late tonight - which late for him meant anywhere between 10 and 1. What he had to do at the office that late, she had little to no idea, but she didn't particularly care today. She'd changed into something comfortable but plenty revealing as well. Light makeup and the same expensive perfume that she'd worn that first day that Jim had toyed with her.
That said, she hadn't expected him to arrive so late at night. He usually was home around 6, and it did put a little damper on her plans. Only a little bit, though. Ordinarily, she never would have been caught in Jim's room. Occasionally she had stepped in to clean, but that was about it. Today, though, she was seated on his bed, scrolling idly through her phone, through texts from Terry and Robert. Not a single thing they texted her for was just to text. It was always a request or a demand, asking her to do something or to fix something.
As her young tenant stepped into the room, she peered up to him, fixing him a smile, then crossing her legs as she leaned forward. "I got a call this morning." She stated lightly. "Someone demanding me to get you to stay. To…drop the rent entirely and cook all your meals." She laughed at the notion, shaking her head and letting out a sigh.
"I told him I wouldn't do it, until he finally told me about a…girl, that he seemed to be so in love with. My own son, acting just like his father. Using me for a means to an end." She let out a wistful sigh, her chin on her hand as she watched Jim.
"So, I told him I would figure out some way to make you stay." She went on. "What I didn't say was that I was going to do it for myself. And not for him. So no, I'm not going to make your meals or get the rent completely to go away." She leaned back, her hands moving to rest onto Jim's bed again.
"Instead, I…first will apologize. For lying on a handful of occasions. About what it is that I want. About how Robert treats me. About not offering you any explanation. Jim, you're right. I don't stand up for myself. I don't take what I want." She glanced down a moment. "I didn't want to admit it. And you know full well I can be a very stubborn woman. So for that, I apologize. And I admit that…I don't like it or want it."
It was Wednesday today. It'd be at least 3 more days before Jim would move out. Would he bear to be around Jennifer for 3 more days? The fact that he was leaving would make his uncontrollable thoughts even worse, that much was for sure. He briefly contemplated moving out today even. He'd just need to grab his suit, a few underwear and go to Becky's house tonight.
He could grab the rest of his stuff on the weekend. It was an idea that he had not entirely dismissed even as he made his way up the stairs. He paused briefly in the middle of the hallway. Where was Jennifer? At this time she either read a book downstairs, but he peeked through the living room and she wasn't there. Since she'd been avoiding him she went to hide in her bedroom these last few days, but a quick look to the master bedroom door, he saw no sliver of light.
That was odd. To add to that he thought he saw the light of his bedroom was turned on, as the gap under the door seemed to be illuminated. He sometimes turned the light on in the morning as he usually woke early enough for the sun not to have come up fully. He didn't remember doing so this morning. Shrugging his shoulders, Jim pressed on, opening the door to find out Jennifer was in the room. Not just in his room, but sitting on the bed.
The young man would hardly have been more surprised than he was right in that moment. He froze in an instant, his hand remaining on the door handle still, the fact she was wearing a revealing top, tight around her bosom, though what top could ever be loose around her bosom?! The top had a nice round window which offered a peek down to her deep cleavage. This was a prank, or more accurately an illusion of sorts, he was sure of it. He was going to go and rub his eyes, but the 'illusion' spoke and it was Jennifer sure enough as she seemed to laugh at the idea of cooking for him, something that Jim would find rather nice.
The more she spoke, the more Jim could piece together the events that led her to sit on his bed. The distressed Terry had gone and called his mom and in his rush, he'd revealed a bit too much. Apparently that had been the straw that broke the camel's back. Jim listened on, intently, thawing himself a bit, he managed to let go of the door handle and step inside properly.
The seriousness in her tone of voice made him put an effort into thinking not with the head between his legs, but the one above his shoulders. He put his hands in his pockets, his head tilting a bit as he listened to her admission. He smiled as she talked about being stubborn. "Yeah I know that very well...too well, even." he drew in a breath his features assuming a more serious stance.
To her apology he bowed his head a bit. "I do not require it. I'm not entitled to it, as you very well know, but I do appreciate your apology regardless." he confessed on his end. With that Jim took his hand out of his pockets and stepped forward, approaching the bed he went to take a seat. Not close to Jennifer, but keeping some distance. "Before you go on. I imagine you know this, but it bears saying that whatever happens or doesn't happen is not to convince me to stay. It's for you." With that he shut up, the look on his face expectant of what was the next phase of her 'plan'.
In the least, Jim had acknowledged her apology. That was better than him simply kicking her out of his room and going on his way. And, as he went on, she laughed a little bit, tossing her hair back as she looked over to him. "Of course. If I'm doing this for myself, then…if you leave or stay, I don't care. I would appreciate you staying…but I can't convince you to stay at all. I believe…my exact words to him was 'I'll do my best' to convince you." Jennifer giggled a little bit, shrugging her shoulders a little bit.
Jim was now watching her expectantly. "Well, anyways…my husband did say that he was going to be out late. Which means he probably won't be back for…oh, another hour or two. It isn't the…three hours that I remember you'd had with that young woman a couple weeks back." A faint smile grew on her face. "But I will at least tell you what I want. I want you to fuck me like you fucked her." She stated bluntly, her eyes flashing with lust.
"I don't just want that, Jim. I. Need. It." She added, her tone was still level and serious. Without wasting a moment, her fingers hooked to the bottom of her top, tugging the fitted fabric up her body, then paused, letting it stop just beneath the bottom of her breasts. "Take it off of me, please?" She smirked, her hands moving to rest on the bed beside her.
That first teasing message that Jim had sent Terry, something about his mom being a bombshell. Sure enough it worried Terry but he didn't think anything would come of it. Truth be told Jim was a bit bummed to be leaving the house without realizing at least one of Terry's fears. Well if only that dork knew that it was his words that were partially responsible for his sweet mom to be sat on his bed with that sultry smile on her face.
As she spoke of her husband, Jim glanced towards the door realizing he'd left the door open. Right then she mentioned the three hours and the girl that he'd had over a few weeks back. Jim did not expect her to be so blunt, but boy did he welcome it. The words had a shivering effect throughout the entirety of his body, he felt as if every cell came alive with anticipation. Those words, those three words 'I. Need. It.' they'd sparked a desire within him that he knew would consume the two of them tonight.
Jim scooted closer as she started to lift her fabric, the moment she stopped, he placed his hand over hers. "First…" he whispered, leaning as his lips were mere inches from hers. "That night…I heard all sorts of little whimpers and moans come out of these…" he raised his hand, his index finger running down across her upper and lower lip. "I nearly had a chance to introduce myself...and then you took them away..." he nearly chastised her.
"So before anything happens, I want to say hello..." and with that Jim leaned in, his lips placing a tentative kiss on hers. Gentle, timid and then another one and another one before his lips were now properly acquainted with hers. Light smacks echoed across the room as he tilted his head to the side to deepen the intensity of the kiss. He pulled back before opening his eyes as he caressed her cheek. "God, you taste...amazing!"
With that, Jim's attention focused further down. He leaned back a bit, getting a good look at her bosom confined in the tight top. The hem just underneath her breasts. Jim reached to cop a feel of one of the confined breasts before using both hands to lift the top up and over her breasts. He was mesmerized by their beautiful drop. Her top was off entirely, her breasts now exposed, unlike last time, no support at all, they did sag, not a lot, but they did regardless. He placed both hands underneath them, hoisting both tits, feeling their lovely weight fill his hands. He leaned in again, kissing her, yet now it was a hungry kiss, devouring her lips as he squeezed her tits wantonly. "I love...with your tits!" he whispered in between the kisses.
Jennifer waited for Jim's response, and it was damn near immediate - sliding closer to her, closing the distance. She let out a breath, feeling his lips brush against hers at first, then press a little more heatedly. Her hand touched his chest, letting their lips smack together in a delicate sweet dance.
There was not an ounce of hesitation in her, as she'd come here resolved to do this, to 'make a mistake' she had even told herself. This was no mistake. Not by any stretch of the imagination. She let out a breath as he pulled back, giggling. "Sounds like a good introduction then..." She replied, one hand brushing her bright red hair back. "And I'm sure they'll get to know each other plenty."
His attention moved down, trailing to her breasts. She made no effort to hide her pleasured sighs, closing her eyes and opening them again as his fingers tugged the tight top up. There was a nice bounce to them as they fell free, sagging just a bit. Perfectly pale, with small, ghostly areolas, large especially for a woman of her figure, Jim eagerly began to play with them. And they were sensitive. A louder moan escaped her lips, and she hungrily kissed him back, fingers knotting into his hair.
"They've needed someone to play with them..." She managed right back, letting his hands fondle them. She pulled back after a moment, her fingers tugging at his shirt, eager to get it off of him. The woman herself was eager to strip completely, to let him pound her just like he had that other girl.
She moaned out as their lips crashed right back together. She'd pressed both her hands into his shirt, tugging to pull it off of him and to pull herself closer to him. Her eyes met his only as their lips broke apart. "I need you, Jim." She breathed out, her body burning up with desire and want.
Like the previous nights, the way she reacted to him, was as much of a driver to him as the pleasure he himself derived from squeezing those unbelievable tits. His hands kneaded them, pushed them together, held them up and let them drop, toying with them whilst enjoying the moans that leaked out of her lips.
Unlike that night though she wasn't holding herself back, not at all. Yet right then, at her confession Jim stood up. It felt rather weird to leave the door open. He knew it wouldn't do much if Robert decided to show up early, he'd get to hear what was going on downstairs before he even got close enough to see through the opened door, but still Jim went over to it, pushing it closed.
Turning around he glanced at her shorts. "Those. Off." he demanded whilst drawing closer to the bed, his hands swiftly undoing the buttons of his shirt.
He reached the edge of the bed just as the shirt was falling off of his shoulders, crumpling up on the floor. He remained standing by the edge of the bed, removing his belt, but not his trousers.
Instead he reached down to take Jennifer's hand, placing it on his crotch. Already his pants seemed deformed, as if an oversized baton was stuffed in there. Pressing her hand against it allowed her to feel. The way it was constrained inside the pants made it confusing to tell the length, but she could feel the girth, she could feel one of the reasons for those loud incessant moans that night.
Deciding she'd had enough of a teaser, Jim removed her hand, pushing her back onto the bed, he unzipped his pants and pushed them down. His boxers remained, but were for now out of sight as he pinned her down against the mattress, his lips eagerly seeking hers. "You said no cooking, huh?" he whispered, breaking the kiss, just as one hand slithered down the front of her body. Copping a feel of her breasts, he slid it down across her stomach, further down, reaching all the way down there Jim let four of his fingers slide over her womanhood.
"On second thought I have one condition for staying..." he whispered, leaning in to suck on her neck as he felt her warmth caress the pads of his fingers as they rubbed it over her panties. "One day...I want to eat dinner and I want the dessert of the evening to be you. On the table...your legs spread head between your legs."
As soon as Jim pulled away, Jennifer let out a light whine, but she knew exactly why he was doing it. They had to get moving with this. God knows when Robert would show up - and she was going to need to clean up afterwards. He couldn't know about any of this, especially if she wanted Jim to stay. His demand came just shy of her moving to stand up. In a quick motion, the woman had bent over and tugged them down, letting them fall to the ground and show off the lacy thong that she'd worn today. It was one that she would wear for her husband on special occasions... but today was definitely an occasion worth wearing them.
She was about to tug her panties down as well, before Jim quickly pulled her hand to his bulge. A gasp escaped her lips, her eyes widening. "Oh..." She breathed out, her hand moving to squeeze the thick member. He was absolutely bigger than Robert. Robert was... above average. Not huge, but not small. Jim? He had... well, she wasn't sure how much bigger, just that by touch, she knew he was bigger. Her eyes peered down, her body shuddering as it wanted that deep inside of her.
In a daze, Jennifer was on her back. That cock was going to be inside of her, soon enough. Her breasts jiggled as she gazed up to the stud of a man in front of her. "No cooking..." She murmured to the man as he pinned her to the bed, hungrily making out with him. Her hands wrapped around him, fingers pinching into his back and drawing him into her. Her body arched up, pressing up against him as his hand trailed over her fair skin.
"One request..." She giggled. "What is it?" A moan escaped her lips before he relayed that to her. Dinner and dessert - and she was for dessert. Her hips gyrated against his hand, her eyes flashing with lust. Biting her lip lightly, she tilted her head. "Mm..." She let out a muffled sigh of delight, continuing to arch her core up against his hand. "I can see about that... no... I will see about it." She breathed out, another pleasured sigh escaping her lips. "Only if you stay..."
Thoughout all of it, part of Jim could not believe that this aged goddess that had teased him mercilessly was finally his. The fact she was Terry's mom, the fact she was married, forbidden, taken, spoken for..all of that made the moment more exhilarating.
He recalled the moment she'd opened the door for him, the proud, stubborn Mrs. Wright and yet tonight she'd be transformed into a sweaty, disheveled, panting mess. The anticipation only grew within the young man as she teased him, putting preconditions to making his dessert desire a reality. That smirk of hers, he'd see how much she'd be smirking by the end.
Jim reached up with his free hand, cupping the underside of her face, reaching up and kissing her, biting onto her lower lip and pulling it a bit as he leaned back, breaking the kiss. "Your sass is one of the things we'll need to see to." the underside grip of her jaw quickly released as he gave her cheek a small slap.
Jim reached down with both hands, gripping each side of the thong and pulling it down, peeling it off of her raised gorgeous legs and tossing it away carelessly. He then hovered over her, on his hands and knees, kissing her ceaselessly whilst at the same time flipping the two of them so he was now laying on his back ,below her, her legs straddling his hips.
"Lean back, let me see them." Jim pushed her to sit up, her crotch directly on top of his. He'd removed his underpants in the meantime, feeling Jennifer's slit directly on top of his engorged shaft. His manhood was pressed to his stomach, the thick dark purple head seemed to reach to his belly button whilst the pale, smooth shaft parted the lips of her pink slit. Jim looked down to see a neat landing strip over her pussy. Most of the girls he'd been, they went bald, but he liked this change of pace. It was very appropriate for the mature woman. Leaning his head back, he glanced up at the prize. Her tits. Her lovely tits, wobbling as he gripped at her hips, rocking her body.
He coaxed her up and down on his shaft, his hardened member seemed to be throbbing from the anticipation, add to that a fabulous spectacle of her tits swaying back and forth on top of him. As her pussy came back up to the top, Jim raised his body, his arms wrapping around her possessively.
He held her body in a way that her hips could not move, his tip teasingly only poked at her channel, without daring to go in. In a moment Jim stopped, his face inches from hers, wanting to savour every little emotion as he slipped inside. Her lips began to swallow the rod, which he pushed in relentlessly despite the resistance.
He let her bottom out on his cock, his hot breath caressing her lips as he could feel her tightness produce spasms of pleasure all throughout his body. "'!" he whispered, biting her earlobe as he gathered his senses long enough to flip them around so she was now pinned against the bed as his hips began to saw in and out of her of her spread legs.
This was a Jim consumed by desire, the inferno of lust inside him had burnt him into a completely different man. He cared only for his pleasure now, picking up the pace despite his girth being new to her. She could take it. She was his baby girl, she could.
The slap to her cheek was a surprise, her eyes widening with shock as he slapped her, but she only licked her lips. "I look forward to that." She purred, lifting her legs as he pulled the thong from her hips. Underneath, a bright red strip matched her hair, fiery against her fair skin. It was neat and trimmed, kept clean if she ever should have a night of passion and finally she was having one.
The woman was not in control at all, and she knew it as she was hoisted onto Jim. The way he handled her... oh, she knew she was going to be in for the best night of her life. A deep breath escaped her lips as he hoisted her up and removed his own garments, letting her wet lips run all along that thick shaft of his.
Seeing was believing, and she believed he was the biggest cock she would ever have or want. Thick as could be, her lips ran back and forth across it, her breasts jiggling tantalizingly in front of her partner. "You want to see these?" She murmured, one hand pressed to his chest, the other bouncing her breasts playfully. She twisted her body a little, back and forth, letting them swing back and forth as well. She continnued to lean in, though more from his gripping her closer, drawing the woman in as he did.
Jim had rocked back, his head now poised to penetrate her, and she invited it. And... her face began to twist, pleasure breaking that demeanor of hers. Her eyes closed, her mouth opened, a sweet sigh of pleasure escaping her lips, only growing in volume as more of that massive member pushed into her tight folds.
"You're so big... you're so fucking big..." She moaned out, arching her back, pushing herself more into his grasp. She couldn't stay on top of him, and she didn't, falling to her back as he twisted them over. God, she felt her walls stretching to take in that rock hard cock of his, as if they'd never been used before. "Oh fuck!" She gasped, her eyes opening finally after a moment, looking up to him. "I need it." That was all she could say.
This was unfair. She couldn't have the best tits, unforgettable tits and now a breathtaking pussy too. Each thrust into that velvety tightness made Jim eager for more. The first few moments he had to get accustomed to the unparalleled sensation of ramming his cock deep inside Jennifer, his head bent down, lips buried into her neck, sucking with abandon, sawing in and out of her ceaselessly until he felt himself draw close to a climax. He had thrust his hips deep, stopping now, not wanting to end it here he rolled his hips in and out slowly, gathering his senses he let go of her neck, unsure if he'd made a hickey or not, he leaned back a bit, her words echoing in his mind.
"Tonight you are mine!" he grunted, pulling his hips back and then ramming them deep inside her, quickly forming a rhythm as his body laid on top of hers. He could feel her bosom swaying back and forth with each thrust, the tiny nipples topping her amazingly large tits seemed to graze against his hardened chest. Each thrust of his sent her body rocking upwards, the bed itself creaked loudly. Her honey-kissed voice contorted beautifully by each moan that came out of her lips, her large tits rubbing against his chest as her body rocked upwards as Jim thrust deeply inside her and her pussy, gripping the young man's rod for dear life, producing the most unforgettable sensation, making him groan in pleasure, his eyes shutting almost each time.
Jim had to lean back up. "Lift your legs." he scooted down a bit, angling himself further down and then pushing his hips forward, his cock now hitting her at an angle from below as he glanced down to the most mesmerizing sight. Jennifer's pale tits jiggled in front of him, almost begging the young man to reach forward and he did, both hands placed, one on each tit, unable to control the jiggling as her tits spilled out of his hands. "Oh my're so fucking pretty." he squeezed one of her nipples between his thumb and the side of his index finger, pulling at it a bit before he slapped her tit. "I can't get enough of your pussy, I can't...I can't get enough of you...I want to fill you up baby, I want fill you up completely!"
It was impossible not to start crying out in pleasure as the young man began to ram into her. God, how long had it been since she'd been laid like this before? She couldn't remember a moment anyone had! Especially not someone like Jim, someone packing a cock as big as he was. She moaned out louder, her head tossing back on his bed. There wasn't a care in her about him leaving a hickey on her neck - she'd already made up her mind that she wasn't going to be sleeping in the master bedroom. Not a decision she had told Jim yet, but one she knew she needed to make.
The bed was already ramming against the wall, just like she had heard when he'd had that other girl with him. She was now that girl, and god was she savoring the moment. "Yes Jim~!" She let out, even more so as he declared her as his. He'd stopped, her chest heaving as she watched him, before he pressed right back down to her. Her hands reached and pinched into his back, scratching at it roughly. She could hardly breath, pleasure washing over basically all of her senses right now.
Even as he demanded her to lift her legs, she did. She only wanted more, and Jim was giving it to her. "I want... I want you to fill me up~" She echoed him. "I want you to fill my cunt up~ Yes~" She craved it. Had she already cum once? She couldn't even remember. She must have, her body convulsing and shaking like a leaf, her walls clamping tightly to member. "Cum inside me~" She cried out, tossing her head back. He had to stay. He absolutely had to stay. She needed this more than anything.
A primal side of Jim had come to the fore. Perhaps it was the anticipation of week upon week upon week passing in the presence of this woman and having to restrain his desires. Maybe it was the severe case of blueballs he'd gotten that night when their little massage session had been abruptly cut short.
None of those impediments could stop him now and he was taking what was his...Jennifer. All of her. He groped her tits, he rammed his cock deep inside her pussy, he reached down slapping her cheek, his thumb grazing across her bottom lip, slipping inside her mouth as he watched her face contorted with each thrust of his.
Those filthy words filling the air...Jim had certainly misjudged the woman. For as faithful as she was to her husband, the way she'd excused herself that night, blaming the wine, those soft words of 'I must go' and so on, had given him an entirely false picture. Jennifer was as much a deviant as he could imagine.
High up as he was, her gorgeous body writhing in response to his ceaseless assault, he reached down, one hand roughly groping one of her tits, whilst slapping the other. He picked up the pace, knowing that climax was around the corner.
"Ohh god...fuck....mmhmmm..." unintelligible grunts filled the room until he realized he was past the point of no return. His thrusts came to a slow halt. Right before Jim leaned down, grabbing the underside of her face, he pulled her face up, squeezing her cheeks as if to open her mouth. As if she was some doll for him. He leaned down, spitting into her mouth, before giving her lips a hungry kiss, letting go and pushing her down into the mattress, Jim thrust his hips one last time before a throb that started from the base of his shaft, had him spilling his seed deep inside the married woman.
Jim had to grab her thigh almost as support to stand upright, the orgasmic sensation tearing into his body. Everything seemed to have its volume reduced, time slowed down and sped up all at the same time. It was only at the end when Jim snapped out of it, he was somehow onto the bed, collapsed next to her, facing the ceiling. His member lay semi-flaccid on his stomach, the tip lathered in his cum as he glanced down to Jennifer's cunt. He must have dumped 3-4 heavy loads as his cum seeped out of her slit unendingly. "Ohhh fuck..." he sighed, his hand running through his hair. This was merely round one and yet what a start. With a big smile, Jim rolled over on top of Jennifer, her heated body sticking to his, as he hungrily kissed her lips. "I can't get enough of you." he whispered, slowly breaking the kiss. With that Jim sat up. "We need water." he declared, smiling as he wondered which of them would head downstairs to the kitchen.
Each thrust sent shudders through her body, pleasure that she'd almost begun to think she would never feel again. Now she knew that wasn't the case in the slightest. She cried out, body practically a ragdoll against Jim now. She tried grabbing at him, grasping weakly at his body, her words turning more unintelligible by the moment. This was all she wanted. More than she wanted, really, to have those needs of hers fulfilled. "Yes~" Her voice broke as she let her words out, before Jim's hand grabbed at her cheeks. She looked up to him, wide eyed, feeling him spit before his lips crashed to hers in a chaotic fight.
It wasn't more than a moment later before she felt it. That warmth that she craved, deep inside of her core. God, how she had missed that! That sticky, warm feeling as he filled her cunt up. Her body practically fell flat to the bed, feeling Jim's member fall from her and the young man himself collapsing onto the bed beside her. She'd moaned out lightly as he pulled back, but not a word could be formed as she felt like she was in heaven. In her daze, she felt his lips touch to hers and her hand touched right to his cheek, holding him there. She continued to lay there until he sat up.
A faint smirk grew on her face, the woman staggering to get up. That had been intense... and he wasn't through with her yet. Cum was beginning to spill down the inside of her thigh, and in her pleasure drunk state, she could only giggle.
"I'll be a good host, just tonight." She teased, the top of hers still just around her shoulders, though she discarded it before she left the room. Robert wasn't home yet, and she didn't care if he was. This was his fault. A few minutes later she'd returned with two glasses of water. "We still have time..." She purred, handing the glass over to him.
Jim smiled as she clarified it'd be just for tonight, yet did not fail to send her on her way with a smack to the butt. The young man lay back on the bed, his eyes closed in contentment, the aftershocks of the orgasm he'd experienced still lingered in parts of his body. Feeling Jennifer's footsteps growing closer, he opened his eyes, watching as the nude woman strutted forward. The way his cock throbbed at the sight of her nude body was a surprise even to him. He had not felt such infatuation towards another woman in this manner. Her face, her fiery hair, her voluptuous bosom, her elegant body. Little marks that age had left here and there only seemed to enhance her beauty in his eyes. Jim propped himself up, grabbing one of the offered glasses of water. "Thanks babe."
Already Jim's cock was hard, eager for another round, yet he watched on for her to grab a sip of water as well. Glancing over to her, Jim pondered for a moment. "You know doggy style is one of my favorite positions, but with you..." he bit the inside of his cheek. "Well anytime I'm not looking at those tits of yours, I feel like something's wrong with the world." he casually reached down to give her butt a slap. "Though you do have a very nice bouncy ass." he circled his hand around her bun, squeezing it liberally.
Setting the half-emtpy glass on the nightstand, Jim lay back on the bed. "I let you get used to me for round 1, I need you to do a bit of legwork for round 2." he let out with a smirk, grabbing at her wrist and pulling her over to him. Putting her hand on his now erect cock as Jim rested his head on the pillow. He brought her face to his, his lips almost instantly finding hers, smacks of their kisses filling the room. "I want you to ride me." he whispered into her lips. "Before that I want you to promise me something." he leaned up whispering in her ear. "When I'm close to cumming, lean down, smother my face in your titties. I want to go to heaven when I come this time." he bit her earlobe and then leaned back. "You can do that baby girl?"
The woman laughed, a smirk on her face as she sipped from her glass. "Oh, we don't need to exhaust everything today..." She smirked. There was no way this wasn't going to continue - she wasn't going to stop wanting Jim, and she knew with how dogged Jim had been about her he wasn't going to stop either. And if anything, she wanted it to continue. Revenge to the bastard husband of hers and trash son of hers, having this true man pound her cunt until she couldn't walk. They were bastards for walking all over her, and this was all she wanted now. Another gasp escaped her lips as he smacked her ass, then she giggled a little bit.
As Jim tugged her over, the redhead tossed her hair back, leaning in as he guided her hand to his thick member. God, that thing... it was huge. And now that she wasn't getting obliterated by it, she could finally truly see it. That was... amazing. It was truly amazing. Her hand just barely fit around it, and it was... well, it was just big. That was all there was to it.
"Mm?" She hadn't really heard him, before his lips locked to hers. Jennifer tossed her legs over the young man, moving to straddle him. Instinctually, she rocked her hips back and forth, his rod resting between her thighs as the two kissed deeply.
A giggle escaped her lips as he asked her to smother him. "I'll take you to heaven, baby..." She purred, and teasingly, despite not having started, she gave him a taste. Her fingers tangled into his hair, her body leaning forward as she pushed his face to her bosom, the pillow orbs of hers squeezing to his face. It was only for a moment, the woman pushing his chest back as she leaned up. "Just a little taste..." She smirked. Lifting her hips and guiding herself forward, she positioned his rod upwards, right at her entrance.
Slowly, she let her body sink down, a moan pitched in her throat. God, even trying to come to rest on him felt difficult with how big he was... and then up... and down. And a slow, rhythmic cowgirl began, the woman moaning out as she began to rise, the bed bouncing lightly beneath her as she peered back to him. "Like that~" She sighed, her eyes gazing dreamily back to him.
The rest was a bit of a blur for Jim. He lost track of how many times they went at it. Despite the age difference, Jennifer had quite the stamina, she wasn't kidding when she said at the beginning that she needed it and Jim was more than happy to oblige. He must have come a couple more times inside her, the inferno of desire inside him mellowing out just enough for the next few rounds to be less carnal and intense and more loving and sweet.
A particular one that stood out to him was lying on the bed on the side, spooning her, lifting one of her legs up as he angled his member to thrust up into her. Her sweaty back stuck to his chest as Jim's arms came round either side of her torso, reaching up for and cupping her bosom, whilst she had her face turned, making out endlessly with the young man as he plunged his cock into her repeatedly. The thrusts were less rapid, slower and yet going deeper each time, the rhythmic thuds of his hips clashing against hers were drowned out by the smacks of their lips as they kissed.
He kissed her as if she was his doll, his hands held her breasts, held, not grope like earlier, gentle squeezes here and there. He broke the kiss only briefly, opening his eyes to look at her pretty face, the reddened lips from all the kissing. One hand let go of her tit, running down the side of her body. God he loved all of her. Her tits, her pussy, the bit of baby fat on her stomach, the faint stretch marks on her thigh, all the little signs that age had painted over her body, only seemed to make him want her even more. "You're mine baby girl...I can't let you go now." he whispered, his nose gently bumping hers before he leaned in to claim her lips once more.
Jennifer's prediction at the start did not fully pan out, they had had a bit over 2 hours to themselves, though still that felt criminally short when the sound of Robert's car pulling into the driveway was heard.
Right then, the night was at a high tempo, in that particular moment Jennifer was bent over, on her hands and knees, her young lover thrusting deep into her from behind. Jim had suddenly stopped, tilting his head towards the door as he more clearly made out the sound of Robert's car. "Fuck." with that groan he knew their fun had to come to an end. With his cock plunged inside her, Jim wasn't going to let Jennifer go without one last round.
He leaned forward, supporting himself with one arm on the mattress beside her body, the rest reaching up to grab her hair and make a fist. Right then Jim's hips began to gyrate in and out of Jennifer, picking up the pace quickly, the sound of the repeating slaps intensifying, the last impetus needed for his seed to spill inside her. "Ohhh fuck...ohh yeah..." he let out with a satisfied grin, collapsing back onto the bed.
"You need to go now..." he groaned, slapping Jennifer's butt as he watched the mature woman's body had turned into a sweaty mess from what he recalled at the beginning of the night. Her hair slick with sweat stuck to her shoulders, her butt reddened from the various slaps throughout the night, she did have a very slappable butt. He didn't even need to look at her tits...after all the groping, squeezing, kissing, sucking, slapping...woooh!
In the midst of the orgasmic haze that still tore through his body, Jim did remember to reach for his phone. He quickly snapped a pic, as Jennifer was still on her hands and knees. The phone was taken from below, not showing much, her butt, her abused slit, some of his cum starting to seep out, her thighs. A hint of her red hair from the background. He planned to send it to Terry later with the accompanying text. "Your mom can be quite convincing. I'm keeping the room. Thanks!"
The neediness that Jennifer felt had been intense... and it had not been a lie in the slightest. She was in a haze for those two hours, not sure how many times he had filled her cunt and not caring either. Bent over his bed or on her back with her legs over his shoulders or riding him cowgirl or on her side spooning with him in the sweetest of positions. "I'm all yours now..." She'd remember saying, and despite the ring on her finger, she knew she was. She was done being the dutiful wife for her husband or the caring mother for her son. It was damn near time she gave in to what she wanted more than anything, and she wanted pleasure and affection. Jim gave her both. It wasn't just carnal pounding, but affection as well, compliments to her beauty, to her body, to herself as a whole.
She was glad that he was paying attention, as she was not. On all four, she moaned out in delight, gasping as his fingers knotted into her hair. "Fuck me~" She gasped out, closing her eyes as the sound of Jim hammering into her filled the air for that last burst. She very nearly collapsed onto the bed, but Jim's hand in her hair kept her body up. Her breasts jiggled, hanging heavy as she stayed on all four, her sweat slicked body causing any loose strands of red to stick to her. That warmth burned into her body a moment later, Jim letting her go. She stayed up, shaking as Jim slapped her ass, her head throbbing as she tried to glance over her shoulder, seeing Jim's photo capturing a picture of her backside.
She wanted to play around more, but…was only then aware of the car that had just arrived. "Shit…" She managed out, nearly stumbling as she tried to get to her feet. She gathered her clothes, looking to her partner for a moment, then quickly leaned in for a kiss. "See you tomorrow." She purred against his lips, then shakily darted out of the room. God, this was bad... if her husband got in here too soon…
Well, he never checked the laundry. Not that it would matter, as she tossed her clothes in and immediately got into the shower, working to soak her entire body before he got there. He wasn't about to shower with her either, the two had done it when they were younger, but not anymore…fortunately.
A smirk grew on her face. Never in their time together had Robert ever fucked her like Jim just had. Now, he would never get the chance. She was never sleeping with her husband again after that. A fanciful notion grew in her head, thinking about how many of her friends had had divorces... but she thought better of it. For now, anyways. Crafting an escape plan... She giggled to herself, as she wobbled under the hot shower, washing away tonight's grime.
Jim was tempted to give Jennifer's butt another slap to make her wake up from the daze and realize that her hubby had walked in already. Thankfully she managed to come to her senses, scrambling to get her clothes, planting a kiss on the young man's lips as he smiled at the thought that his summer stay would turn out a lot more interesting than originally envisioned. Nude as he was in his bed, Jim was still trying to make sense of what had happened when he heard Robert's footsteps outside in the hallway.
He heard the shower come on from the master bedroom and he assumed Jennifer would find a way to keep what had happened a secret. It was a shame she'd taken all the clothes with her, it'd have been nice for him to keep some sort of souvenir. Right then Jim remembered the pic he'd taken. He sent that to Terry. Anxious as he was about his friend leaving the room and disrupting things with his girlfriend Terry opened Jim's message straight away. What the hell? Why would Jim send him a random pic of a girl he's fucking. He then read the message and his heart dropped. No way!
It wasn't the first time Jim had teased him about his mom, yet nothing had happened. At least as far as Terry knew. The image did not make it clear it was his mom, though the skin tone seemed familiar. The bit of red hair in the background also seemed familiar, but he couldn't be sure 100%. Maybe it was just a cruel joke. Terry tried to forget about it, but he couldn't.
The next morning as Jim had gone to work, he sent a text to his mom. He didn't want to accuse her of anything in case it was just a joke from Jim. "Heya! I was wondering if you had a chance to talk to Jim?" pursing his lips as he re-read the text, Terry decided to just give his mom a call.
It was a bit after 9. Jim would have left for his internship and likewise his dad would have been gone for work. His mom would likely be alone in the house. The ringtone went on and on until there was an answer.
"Mom!" Terry exclaimed, doing his best not to betray the anxiety he was feeling, the thought of Jim actually emptying his load inside his mother's cunt made him shiver with terror. "It's been a while since I called, huh? Well apart from yesterday, heh...hey so yeah, I wanted to ask if you had a chance to talk to Jim. Maybe there's a chance he'll keep the room? I don't know, he's difficult to decipher, but yeah....did you talk to him? What did you say?"
Robert was none the wiser, just gruff and frustrated with his wife that she'd been in the shower and there was no hot meal waiting for him downstairs. Essentially, Jennifer had finally given up on waiting hand and foot for the man. She hadn't moved out of his room yet - not until their fights really escalated would she do that. Not that it mattered either... even as she lay in bed, she smirked to herself. Already beginning to feel sore, she knew that tonight wouldn't be the last time. Hell, she wondered if the two would go a day without it - Robert never got home before 9, and Jim was usually home around 6. Three hours of time to enjoy her time with him.
Still, there was even more to it than just enjoying it with him. He was a flirt and he was fun to be around. The young man wasn't just there for pleasure, but actually engaged with her. Sure, they might conflict with their ideas, but it was still enjoyable to simply... talk. That was yet another thing that she missed with her husband. That other little connection. The more she thought about it, the more she wanted to laugh at herself. Oh, she would be getting a divorce, she knew that much. Mentally, she was beginning to prepare herself... take on more work, change from part-time to full-time, start to look at apartments, start looking at lawyers... She had plenty of time. And that wasn't for Jim at all. No, this was for herself. She was done being Robert's footstool.
In the morning, she was slow to get up, her body aching from the prior night, but she was up early enough... to watch as Robert left, frustrated that she hadn't made him breakfast. She had giggled to herself as she watched him go. He was going to be getting used to her not doing things for him. As the day went on, she'd decided she wanted to look even better for Jim. While she already looked good - the young man had impressed that into her mind - she wanted to look better. More fit, less fat, flexible... Maybe the two could go to the gym together, even. Seeing Jim's nude body, he had to know how to work out. Either way, halfway through her home workout, Terry had called.
"Yes, sweetie?" She asked, then rolled her eyes as her paranoid son asked if she'd spoken to Jim. Was he that desperate to keep this girlfriend of his? She would need to ask Jim a little more about who that girl was.
"I'm sorry, I was just working out." She added, to alleviate the boy a little bit. "Oh, with Jim? We came to an agreement. He'll be staying." She replied with a smile, not bothering to explain that the agreement was that she was going to have the best sex of her life from that day on. "Did he talk to you already? Sorry, he didn't get home until late last evening, so I didn't get a chance to let you know...
Terry was doing his best not to let off just how scared he was that he might have actually driven his mom, his own mother into the arms of the school douchebag by his insistence that Jim does not leave the room. He let out a fake laugh as she explained she was working out, his mind imagining the worst...working on Jim's di-
He shook his head to try and dismiss such thoughts and focus up. "Mhm mhm.." Terry murmured periodically as his mom spoke of an agreement. "Yeah, that's great!" he tried to feign that he was happy to hear that Jim was staying. Sure enough it was a relief to know that dear girlfriend of his won't be distracted by Jim, but maybe he'd gotten himself into a whole other mess.
His mom's vague replies certainly were not helping in setting his mind at ease. "Yeah he shot me a text late last night." he tried to laugh, as he recalled the cum filled pussy on Jim's pic. No way that was his mother. "Did he have a friend over? Maybe some girl came to visit him last night?" Terry inquired, his voice rising with hope.
The woman smiled a bit more as she heard Jim had sent Terry a text so late into the evening. What had he said? She was entirely unaware that he had taken a picture of her, bent over and abused from that night.
"Oh? What did he say? I'm surprised he didn't let you know. And no, no friends. He just got home late and went straight to his room." She replied, smirking. She had been waiting, so of course she knew. "You know how your father is about having guests over." She added lightly. “You told me to convince him to stay, so I did just that…” Jenifer’s voice trailed off a bit, a way of letting her son know she had done exactly as he requested.
A look of horror washed over her son’s face. The silence between them must have lasted no more than a few seconds, but it felt like an eternity to him. What had he done?! Jenifer hung up the phone, leaving her son to grasp that indeed it had been her in that photo last night.
Jim had been incredibly frustrated when he’d returned to his bedroom later that night. After weeks of being teased by Terry’s mom, he’d gotten to fondle and kiss her that evening, but she excused herself just as quickly, leaving the young man with a severe case of blue balls.
Part of him hated her now, more so that Jennifer refused to get out of this shitty prison she'd talked herself into. A woman like her did not need to endure a loveless marriage any longer. She did not belong with Robert, that repulsive man. She deserved better, she knew it and was too scared to reach for it. That's what pissed him off. Well that and the blue balls too, yes.
A clear pattern emerged over the next few days. Jennifer was actively trying to avoid Jim. If Robert was in the house, she'd scurry into whatever room he was in. If she chanced upon Jim, she'd mumble a quick greeting, lower her gaze and excuse herself. Jim was even tempted to just grab her by the wrist a few times to hold her in place. The issue could no longer be avoided.
It was a Tuesday morning and though Jim never liked to have breakfast, this time he decided against it. Robert typically had breakfast and as always Jennifer cooked for him. Jim actually woke up earlier on purpose, got ready for work and headed downstairs. He had his tie wrapped around his hand, not an accessory he liked to wear from the moment he woke up. Upon reaching the base of the stairs, he heard the sound of a sizzling breakfast, whilst the shower was running in the master bedroom. Robert was showering as Jennifer was making his food.
Unless she'd let his eggs burn or something, she couldn't escape him this time. Jim stepped into the kitchen letting off a nonchalant "Morning." as he went to the fridge to pull out some cereal he'd bought a while back. "Can I have a bowl please?" he looked to Jennifer. "An explanation as to what the hell went down a few days ago would be nice too, but the bowl will be alright for now."
Meanwhile these past few days had not been easy on Jenifer either. Even as she played with herself that night, guilt had crept into her. It was all so wrong. Enjoying another man like that just because Robert wasn't treating her right, it was wrong. She was committed to him, and her life had been fine. It had all started changing because of Jim. Because of this summer and the way he flirted with her, with the way he tried to insinuate that Robert wasn't good enough for her, that she should have more.
Well... it wasn't just him. But she kept those thoughts to herself. It wasn't right. That was it. And to keep herself from straying and having more and more second thoughts, she avoided Jim. After that look he had given her...she didn't want to speak with him, not until he was out of the house.
Unfortunately, there wasn't any way she could avoid him today. He had undoubtedly planned this move, to trap her. As soon as she heard footsteps approaching, she glanced over, expecting Robert but seeing Jim instead. Her face froze and she was quick to turn back to the stove, hiding the tinge that had grown in her cheeks. The pointed questions did bite, though, and she quickly regained her composure.
"You can make it yourself." She replied curtly. "I'm not obligated to make you anything. Explanations included." If he was going to be rude to her, then she wasn't going to respond back kindly either. She wasn't obligated to him in any way.
She'd been cordial whilst avoiding him throughout these days. Seems that cordiality ran out today. Or maybe she was responding to Jim in kind. "Give." Jim corrected her. "Not obligated to give you anything, explanations included. You give, you don’t make explanations." he elaborated whilst walking over to the cupboard and pulling out a bowl for himself.
Jim was well aware of how fiercely independent she was, picking out the dresses herself, appreciating but not overvaluing his opinion and so on. That corrective comment would certainly rub her off the wrong way but he’d bottled up so much frustration these days that he couldn’t help himself. Still, this animosity did not sit well with him. He sighed, reaching into the fridge to get the milk as well and taking the bowl, cereal and milk and taking a seat at the head of the kitchen table. "I don't want to fight you Jennifer." he let out.
The tone of his voice had softened. Maybe there was a way to discuss this like adults without insults and the like. "Look Robert is still showering, we have a few minutes. It's not nice to just keep avoiding me. Like it or not I live here and I'm going to be here for a couple more months. I just want to talk. Take a seat, leave the eggs alone for just a second, Robert will be fine."
He pushed out the chair next to him with his leg. "Come on, grab a glass, I'll pour you some milk. We'll have an adult conversation."
Pedantics. That was what he was going to go for? She let out a light huff, continuing to work on the eggs and hash that she was making for her husband. What was she expecting? Him to just forget everything and to go on with life? She'd rebuffed him. Couldn't he take the hint that she didn't want to continue this? He had his revolving door of women, so it seemed, so why be so caught up on her?
Either way, hearing his invitation, she again refused it. "I'll stand here and we can talk. I don't need to be sitting in order to talk." She replied, glancing back towards him, then back to the food on the stove. "Never leave a stove unattended." She mused lightly. She wasn't going to just cave to his terms. No, that was how she had faltered that evening. She was upset and tipsy and caved to Jim on his terms. No. That would not happen here. She was not going to fall into that temptation again.
Jim narrowed his eyes hearing her refuse his offer. If he was willing to start things off on the right foot, she'd just gone and spit on his face. Although as he studied her features, he sensed a certain type of trepidation behind that tough exterior. A small smile crept up to his lips. "You’re afraid you'll start moaning if you get close again?" It was a crass joke and Jim quickly shook his head as if to dismiss it. "Your moans are lovely by the way." he mumbled under his breath. In any case he was fine to talk with some distance.
"Look, about that night...I know what happened, you do too. I want to know we're on the same page about why it happened. You said the wine got to you when you got up. You know it wasn't the wine that made you react like that? You know it wasn't the wine why you were sitting alone in the kitchen when I found you?" he looked up at the ceiling as the faint sound of the shower from upstairs was heard, as if to point to the true reason, her husband's neglect. "Can we agree on that? Robert's neglected you and it's only natural to want something else…from someone else…"
Jennifer shivered lightly at his crass joke, but it wasn't exactly wrong. She didn't trust herself and avoiding her problem was better than dealing with it outright, because dealing with it outright could end up with her succumbing to him and acknowledging things weren't as good as she thought they were. As she pretended they were. Deep down, Jennifer knew that things weren't good, that she was tiring of her husband and his lack of... well, anything. It hadn't always been that way, she constantly told herself, and maybe, maybe it hadn't. But was it worth clinging to like this?
His rudeness didn't endear her or make her want to come any closer, either. As Jim offered up his perspective, she refused to acknowledge it. "The wine was getting to me. I don't know what you're talking about." She replied lightly, shrugging her shoulders. "Whether or not Robert is treating me well is, quite frankly, none of your business." She glanced back at him again, then to the stove. The food was almost done, but she wasn't going to go and sit regardless.
"You mentioned it yourself - you're only here for a couple more months. You are just renting a room here." She continued on. "And what happens in my personal life does not involve you at all." Lowering the heat, she let out a breath.
Jim had anticipated this conversation, he after all had planned to 'catch' her like this, so he'd told himself to try and be patient, not to let his hot headedness get the better of him. Well it was nice while it lasted. The moment she shrugged her shoulders, pinning it all on the wine, Jim closed his eyes as he sucked in a breath, a vain attempt to try and refrain.
"Come on Jennifer." he let out, repeating it as she went on with her spiel. "Come the fuck on!" he finally yelled out as she finished that glaring sentence. "It's not about me! Okay? It's not about me at all. It's about you. You who pretend to be so high and mighty and independent and stubborn. In actuality you're just a pushover for your husband and that prick of a son of yours."
He let out a hefty sigh, trying to blow off most of the anger, and regain some sort of calm. "Look, my horniness aside, it just pissess me off to see Robert treating you like his personal fucking maid, cooking and cleaning his shit and at the end of the day you cling on to him. Why? Did he save your life or something?" he shook his head. "I know it's not none of my business, but I had a glimpse at the real Jennifer that night. She came out even if it was for just a few moments. You can tell yourself whatever bullshit you want to forget, but at the very least be honest to me about it. Tell me you're okay being Robert's doormat and I'll drop all of this."
It was surprising to hear Jim lose his calm with her. She had been worried that she was going to let her own temper flare. Even more, as he went on, she was exceptionally surprised she didn't lash right back out at him and instead remained calm and collected. If she lost her calm, then to her, she had lost the fight. Even as his words cut into her, she didn't let it get to her. She stayed quiet even as he calmed down, letting him get his out what he needed to before she would respond.
She remained quiet even for a moment afterwards, composing her thoughts together. "I said before, and I'll say it again. I do not need to justify my personal life to you. I don't need to offer any explanation to you about why I am still with my husband. And I am not going to give you any explanation." She turned to him, her eyes cool. "And if I were you, I'd refrain from talking to me like that. That is, unless you'd prefer to find a new place to rent." Looking back to the stove, she moved to plate the food for Robert whenever he came downstairs. Hopefully he would come down soon. She had no wish to continue talking to Jim any further than they had now.
It wasn't like Jim to lose his cool. Over a girl too, that was almost unheard of. Well, woman in this case, not girl. He'd always been aloof as far as the fairer sex was concerned. The fuckbuddies he enjoyed provided a good balance to his life. Yet after that night he had not felt the urge to call anyone over. Jennifer had been on his mind and yet he knew no one else would ever come close to giving him the same sensations. So why bother? Regardless he did not like that he was so invested in this, in her.
She kept her cool though, keeping to her point, throwing in the threat of eviction in there for good measure. This one took Jim by surprise. More so for the fact that he was the one to try and help and she lashed out at him instead of at her useless husband.
The cool manner of her voice, spurred him to keep his cool in turn. "Well..." he could hear Robert was going to be down shortly. He had no desire to be around him. Jim grabbed the things and got up to put the milk back in the fridge, bowl back in the cupboard. Turning around he leaned against the kitchen counter, looking at Jennifer.
"First of all, to make threats, one need not be a pushover, which you are. You rented me the place because your son told you to, almost for no money too. Remember? You're not the lady of the house anyway, you're just the housekeeper. What right do you have to kick me out?"
She had finished plating Robert's food when Jim came around and gave her yet another disrespectful comment. She couldn't help but smile. "Robert wasn't going to let you rent, you know." She stated lightly. "And if you had taken the time to read the contract, you would know that Robert or myself have every reason to kick you out. You do have a copy, don't you?"
She kept the smile on her face, setting the plate aside and moving to get the coffee for her husband ready as well. She turned to face him, leaning against the counter. "'At any point, should the tenant show an apt disrespect to the privacy of the Landlord, the lease can be terminated.' That was one line. Another was also 'The Landlord reserves the right to terminate the lease at any time.' Oh, and a last one - as for not being the lady of the house, the contract does specify the Landlord refers to Robert and Jennifer Wright." She raised an eyebrow. "So I would be careful who you call a pushover. We don't need you here, as much as you need a place to stay."
Jim did not want to be mean to her. Sure enough he'd pushed it, but that wasn't his intention. He crossed his arms over his chest, looking over towards Jennifer as she went on to enumerate the various legal provisions of the contract. He sighed mid-explanation. Not even looking at her, instead staring straight ahead, Jim seemed to be lost in thought. Part of him knew it would be the right thing to do, but glancing over to Jennifer, recalling the sensation of her skin against his lips, the way her bosom filled his hand, the way her contorted voice spurned him on. Yeah he couldn't let that fuck with him any longer. She can keep the room, the legal provisions, the whole damn lot.
"Alright Mrs. Wright, I think I've overstayed my welcome. We're in the middle of the week now, I'll get ready to move out during the weekend. Thank you for your hospitality, I've really enjoyed it." he declared, looking over to her, pushing himself off of the counter.
Jim turned to the reflective surface of the fridge and got ready to put on his tie as he knew he had to head out to work. There were a few reasons behind his decision now to leave. For one he knew she wouldn't give herself to him, at the same time he couldn't tolerate himself being hung up on her. Secondly seeing her like a robot cite the contract back to him, whilst ignoring the issues with her marriage, made him furious. When he was done with the tie, he turned to Jennifer. "I'm sorry for being mean to you by the way. For some stupid reason I care, when I know I shouldn't. Maybe if you were a tad less pretty…I’d mind my own business." he joked.
He appeared to concede then and there. It was no sweat off of her back, and if anything was a relief. A pang of guilt struck at her for being so cold hearted about her responses to him, but he had invited it. The consistent disrespectful remarks and hurtful statements, acting like he was only doing it because he cared about her. She went about finishing off the meal, and as she was beginning to take it to the table, she heard his last remark.
She didn't respond. If she did, she knew she was going to bite right back at him. That he cared? That was why he was being mean? She wanted to laugh. He didn't care, he just wanted something from her. Just like Robert did. Even the last part of his remark - because she was pretty - he cared.
To her, he must have been so used to people just giving him what he wanted that, when she didn't, he decided it was because something was wrong with her. It wasn't because he shouldn't have it and it was wrong for him to even try for it. That he couldn't understand a woman making decisions that were contrary to what he expected... Either way, he would be on his way by the end of the week, so what did it matter to her?
The rest of Jim’s day was not at all good. He found himself distracted at work and the hours just seemed to barely crawl by. A myriad of thoughts streamed through his mind. At one point Jim forced him to think about alternate accommodation. He knew Becky, Terry's new girlfriend, had her house downtown.
She'd let him rent out her room in a heartbeat, he knew as much, so he shot her a text. Predictably she said yes. Even teased she'll accept no payment as long as she can come cuddle up to him one night.
"Hah, what would Terry say, huh?" Jim texted her.
"Oh, he won't know!

It wasn't long before word got to Terry and he called Jim up with concern in his voice. "Dude, why are you moving out? You don't like the room?"
Jim and Becky had had a brief fling, but nothing too involved. Still, Terry did not want his girl to be distracted by Jim."
Nothing, I just uh...well I think I overstayed my welcome." Jim replied plainly.
"What? Come on...did dad say anything? My mom?”
Jim just sighed in annoyance, not eager to entertain this discussion any longer.
“So it was mom? Dude, don't worry about it, keep the room. I'll talk to my parents." Terry hung up quickly, before Jim could tell him not to bother.
Terry’s next call was to his mother. "Mom, Jim's leaving the room? Mom, I need him to keep the room please. He's...he's helped me a lot, it's the least I can do for him. Please, he can’t leave the room!"
Soon enough, everyone was out for the day, leaving Jennifer to the house herself. Of course, she wasn't happy, not at all. It wasn't as though Jim was lying. She was letting her husband walk all over her. Because Terry had insisted, she did her best to convince Robert to rent the room out, and that had taken lots of talking to. Robert had outright refused Terry, but she would do anything for her baby boy.
Terry refused to bring his girlfriend around - she was busy, it wasn't the right time, so on - and she let him get away with his excuses. And when she wanted anything... well, she just had to suffer and wait until she finally could get what she wanted - some love and affection - and most of the time it was... insincere at best.
Jennifer felt as though she was aimless now. Her life was idyllic, sure, but was it really a life worth living? The caress of Jim's hand to her breast... she could still remember the pleasurable feeling. How long it had been since anyone had told her how pretty she was, felt her body and gave her pleasure.
She was lost in her thoughts when her phone rang up. "Hi, sweetie, how are you?" She asked, but Terry didn't so much as greet her, immediately going into his tirade. "He made the decision himself." She replied with a sigh. "What did he do for you?" She asked, furrowing her brow. She'd done plenty for Terry and he barely gave her a card for her birthday. Anything he asked, she did for him. "I'm not sure I can convince him to stay, sweetie."
Terry's concerned voice on the phone made Jim pull back a bit from the bitter situation this morning. He knew that annoying prick would likely chew his mom's ear off or try to convince his dad to remove the rent entirely or whatever, but Jim's mind was made up.
The fact that Terry would even go and ask his mom, it showed just how entitled he was, but then again Jennifer was happy to be treated in that way, so who was he to say otherwise?
As Jim tried to refocus on his work, Terry was rolling his eyes at his mom's excuses. "Mooooooom..." he whined, his voice drawn out on the phone. "Jim told me he felt he'd overstayed his welcome. So I don't know if dad said something stupid to him or something, but it wouldn't be good for him to just up and leave."
Naturally, Terry didn't want to confess to his mother that Jim had introduced him to his girlfriend, nor to the fact that she might cheat on him with Jim if given the chance.
"Jim's helped me a lot.” he replied firmly again. “It would be really bad…I mean disrespectful for me to not even return the favor. Don't you understand that?!" Terry let out in an exasperated voice.
"Look, please talk to him. Maybe take the rent off entirely? I swear I'll pay for it if necessary." he knew it wouldn't be necessary. His dad would never allow his baby boy to ever be inconvenienced like that. "Are you cooking him anything? I can pay for the ingredients if you made like a dinner or something. Please moooooom!"
"It wouldn't be good for him to leave? Terry, you're not making sense." She let out a sigh. This was exactly what Jim had said. When she heard her boy like that, she would suck it up and do whatever he asked, but she couldn't…she couldn't budge on this at all. She let out a sigh.
"Honey, I've done everything I could to make his stay pleasant. He... made his decision, and I'm not sure there is anything that I can do to convince him otherwise." She finally said, rubbing her eyes lightly.
"Can you tell me what he did for you? What would make it look bad for you? If I knew..." She trailed off. Then what? Would she actually try to keep Jim here? Would it make any difference? To make Jim stay would mean to admit to him that he was right. That she was a pushover, that she just did whatever her husband and Terry asked of her, and that she never got anything in return, that she did, in fact, want him much more than anything in the world, that she'd even dreamed of Jim at night since that day...
Terry huffed into the phone. He knew it'd be hard enough to change Jim's mind as it seemed like he was pretty set in his decision, and yet he did not expect to get pushback from his mom. "Clearly you haven't mom! Clearly...because if you had, he wouldn't leave!" Terry raised his voice.
At her question, he sighed. "Look, did he invite a girl over or something? Maybe dad said something stupid. I should have told him that Jim is outgoing like that." Terry seemed to be rambling now.
The thought of his lovely Becky drifting away from him, was making him panic ever so slightly. Finally he relented. "Alright, you want to know what he did for me. For one he's a great friend." It was a bold faced lie, Jim barely knew he existed outside the times Terry brought him lecture notes and the like.
"Secondly, he introduced me to Becky. She's a great girl mom. I'm so so happy with her and you know, he's done me a big favor. So…" he didn't want to say Jim would move into Becky's old room and maybe she might visit him. "Please mom just do like I told you, just do it okay. He might change his mind and stay!!"
Jenifer froze. He had introduced Terry to a girl? And now Terry was using her so he could stay with this girl? The phone went silent for a while as she sat on the line. Pieces were all beginning to fall into place. Why Terry had been so insistent with her to lower the rent, why he'd come to her and asked her incessantly about convincing Robert, why he refused to come home with his girlfriend. So he had just used her in order to keep this girlfriend? And he blew her off because of some girl? Her heart was racing, her face red with anger. It was just like Jim said - all the men in her life just used her and didn't give anything back at all.
"I understand, sweetie." She finally said. "I…I'll do what I can." She was going to do what she could. Why waste her time? Jim was right. She was wasting away with these people. She thought in the least Terry wasn't using her, that it was just Robert who undervalued her, but now?
"I'll do my best, I promise. Love you sweetie, I need to go." She hung up, not wanting to speak to her son any further. Oh she would do her best. Jim wouldn't be leaving…she’d make sure of it.
It was rather unbelievable that Terry would be one to hang out with a guy like Jim or more unbelievable that Jim would hang out with a guy like Terry. So this little confession gave more of a hint as to what their dynamic really was like, but hearing his mom actually relent and confirm she'd try to make Jim stay was a relief for Terry. "Thanks mom, I lov-" he was cut off as his mom hung up the phone. In any case, there was some hope for Terry and he chose to believe everything would work out in the end.
Meanwhile at Jim's office, Becky was blowing up his phone about details when he'd move out. She'd already told her parents and they were okay with it. Her dad traveled a lot so it was just her mom at home and she was mostly gone for work. "This weekend, I guess." Jim texted her curtly and decided to just put the phone away for the rest of the evening.
He grabbed a quick snack on his way back from work and decided to walk home instead. He wasn’t hungry so he figured he'd just collapse on the bed and sleep. It was a bit after 9 PM when he arrived home. He didn't think he heard anyone on the ground floor. Robert had not arrived yet, his car wasn't in the driveway. With a tired sigh, Jim headed upstairs to his room.
Jennifer had prepared herself…well, a little bit, anyways. She knew about when Jim arrived home everyday, and she was going to be in his room when he got there. Robert had already sent her a message letting her know that he wouldn't be home until late tonight - which late for him meant anywhere between 10 and 1. What he had to do at the office that late, she had little to no idea, but she didn't particularly care today. She'd changed into something comfortable but plenty revealing as well. Light makeup and the same expensive perfume that she'd worn that first day that Jim had toyed with her.

That said, she hadn't expected him to arrive so late at night. He usually was home around 6, and it did put a little damper on her plans. Only a little bit, though. Ordinarily, she never would have been caught in Jim's room. Occasionally she had stepped in to clean, but that was about it. Today, though, she was seated on his bed, scrolling idly through her phone, through texts from Terry and Robert. Not a single thing they texted her for was just to text. It was always a request or a demand, asking her to do something or to fix something.
As her young tenant stepped into the room, she peered up to him, fixing him a smile, then crossing her legs as she leaned forward. "I got a call this morning." She stated lightly. "Someone demanding me to get you to stay. To…drop the rent entirely and cook all your meals." She laughed at the notion, shaking her head and letting out a sigh.
"I told him I wouldn't do it, until he finally told me about a…girl, that he seemed to be so in love with. My own son, acting just like his father. Using me for a means to an end." She let out a wistful sigh, her chin on her hand as she watched Jim.
"So, I told him I would figure out some way to make you stay." She went on. "What I didn't say was that I was going to do it for myself. And not for him. So no, I'm not going to make your meals or get the rent completely to go away." She leaned back, her hands moving to rest onto Jim's bed again.
"Instead, I…first will apologize. For lying on a handful of occasions. About what it is that I want. About how Robert treats me. About not offering you any explanation. Jim, you're right. I don't stand up for myself. I don't take what I want." She glanced down a moment. "I didn't want to admit it. And you know full well I can be a very stubborn woman. So for that, I apologize. And I admit that…I don't like it or want it."
It was Wednesday today. It'd be at least 3 more days before Jim would move out. Would he bear to be around Jennifer for 3 more days? The fact that he was leaving would make his uncontrollable thoughts even worse, that much was for sure. He briefly contemplated moving out today even. He'd just need to grab his suit, a few underwear and go to Becky's house tonight.
He could grab the rest of his stuff on the weekend. It was an idea that he had not entirely dismissed even as he made his way up the stairs. He paused briefly in the middle of the hallway. Where was Jennifer? At this time she either read a book downstairs, but he peeked through the living room and she wasn't there. Since she'd been avoiding him she went to hide in her bedroom these last few days, but a quick look to the master bedroom door, he saw no sliver of light.
That was odd. To add to that he thought he saw the light of his bedroom was turned on, as the gap under the door seemed to be illuminated. He sometimes turned the light on in the morning as he usually woke early enough for the sun not to have come up fully. He didn't remember doing so this morning. Shrugging his shoulders, Jim pressed on, opening the door to find out Jennifer was in the room. Not just in his room, but sitting on the bed.
The young man would hardly have been more surprised than he was right in that moment. He froze in an instant, his hand remaining on the door handle still, the fact she was wearing a revealing top, tight around her bosom, though what top could ever be loose around her bosom?! The top had a nice round window which offered a peek down to her deep cleavage. This was a prank, or more accurately an illusion of sorts, he was sure of it. He was going to go and rub his eyes, but the 'illusion' spoke and it was Jennifer sure enough as she seemed to laugh at the idea of cooking for him, something that Jim would find rather nice.
The more she spoke, the more Jim could piece together the events that led her to sit on his bed. The distressed Terry had gone and called his mom and in his rush, he'd revealed a bit too much. Apparently that had been the straw that broke the camel's back. Jim listened on, intently, thawing himself a bit, he managed to let go of the door handle and step inside properly.
The seriousness in her tone of voice made him put an effort into thinking not with the head between his legs, but the one above his shoulders. He put his hands in his pockets, his head tilting a bit as he listened to her admission. He smiled as she talked about being stubborn. "Yeah I know that very well...too well, even." he drew in a breath his features assuming a more serious stance.
To her apology he bowed his head a bit. "I do not require it. I'm not entitled to it, as you very well know, but I do appreciate your apology regardless." he confessed on his end. With that Jim took his hand out of his pockets and stepped forward, approaching the bed he went to take a seat. Not close to Jennifer, but keeping some distance. "Before you go on. I imagine you know this, but it bears saying that whatever happens or doesn't happen is not to convince me to stay. It's for you." With that he shut up, the look on his face expectant of what was the next phase of her 'plan'.
In the least, Jim had acknowledged her apology. That was better than him simply kicking her out of his room and going on his way. And, as he went on, she laughed a little bit, tossing her hair back as she looked over to him. "Of course. If I'm doing this for myself, then…if you leave or stay, I don't care. I would appreciate you staying…but I can't convince you to stay at all. I believe…my exact words to him was 'I'll do my best' to convince you." Jennifer giggled a little bit, shrugging her shoulders a little bit.
Jim was now watching her expectantly. "Well, anyways…my husband did say that he was going to be out late. Which means he probably won't be back for…oh, another hour or two. It isn't the…three hours that I remember you'd had with that young woman a couple weeks back." A faint smile grew on her face. "But I will at least tell you what I want. I want you to fuck me like you fucked her." She stated bluntly, her eyes flashing with lust.
"I don't just want that, Jim. I. Need. It." She added, her tone was still level and serious. Without wasting a moment, her fingers hooked to the bottom of her top, tugging the fitted fabric up her body, then paused, letting it stop just beneath the bottom of her breasts. "Take it off of me, please?" She smirked, her hands moving to rest on the bed beside her.
That first teasing message that Jim had sent Terry, something about his mom being a bombshell. Sure enough it worried Terry but he didn't think anything would come of it. Truth be told Jim was a bit bummed to be leaving the house without realizing at least one of Terry's fears. Well if only that dork knew that it was his words that were partially responsible for his sweet mom to be sat on his bed with that sultry smile on her face.
As she spoke of her husband, Jim glanced towards the door realizing he'd left the door open. Right then she mentioned the three hours and the girl that he'd had over a few weeks back. Jim did not expect her to be so blunt, but boy did he welcome it. The words had a shivering effect throughout the entirety of his body, he felt as if every cell came alive with anticipation. Those words, those three words 'I. Need. It.' they'd sparked a desire within him that he knew would consume the two of them tonight.
Jim scooted closer as she started to lift her fabric, the moment she stopped, he placed his hand over hers. "First…" he whispered, leaning as his lips were mere inches from hers. "That night…I heard all sorts of little whimpers and moans come out of these…" he raised his hand, his index finger running down across her upper and lower lip. "I nearly had a chance to introduce myself...and then you took them away..." he nearly chastised her.
"So before anything happens, I want to say hello..." and with that Jim leaned in, his lips placing a tentative kiss on hers. Gentle, timid and then another one and another one before his lips were now properly acquainted with hers. Light smacks echoed across the room as he tilted his head to the side to deepen the intensity of the kiss. He pulled back before opening his eyes as he caressed her cheek. "God, you taste...amazing!"
With that, Jim's attention focused further down. He leaned back a bit, getting a good look at her bosom confined in the tight top. The hem just underneath her breasts. Jim reached to cop a feel of one of the confined breasts before using both hands to lift the top up and over her breasts. He was mesmerized by their beautiful drop. Her top was off entirely, her breasts now exposed, unlike last time, no support at all, they did sag, not a lot, but they did regardless. He placed both hands underneath them, hoisting both tits, feeling their lovely weight fill his hands. He leaned in again, kissing her, yet now it was a hungry kiss, devouring her lips as he squeezed her tits wantonly. "I love...with your tits!" he whispered in between the kisses.
Jennifer waited for Jim's response, and it was damn near immediate - sliding closer to her, closing the distance. She let out a breath, feeling his lips brush against hers at first, then press a little more heatedly. Her hand touched his chest, letting their lips smack together in a delicate sweet dance.
There was not an ounce of hesitation in her, as she'd come here resolved to do this, to 'make a mistake' she had even told herself. This was no mistake. Not by any stretch of the imagination. She let out a breath as he pulled back, giggling. "Sounds like a good introduction then..." She replied, one hand brushing her bright red hair back. "And I'm sure they'll get to know each other plenty."
His attention moved down, trailing to her breasts. She made no effort to hide her pleasured sighs, closing her eyes and opening them again as his fingers tugged the tight top up. There was a nice bounce to them as they fell free, sagging just a bit. Perfectly pale, with small, ghostly areolas, large especially for a woman of her figure, Jim eagerly began to play with them. And they were sensitive. A louder moan escaped her lips, and she hungrily kissed him back, fingers knotting into his hair.
"They've needed someone to play with them..." She managed right back, letting his hands fondle them. She pulled back after a moment, her fingers tugging at his shirt, eager to get it off of him. The woman herself was eager to strip completely, to let him pound her just like he had that other girl.
She moaned out as their lips crashed right back together. She'd pressed both her hands into his shirt, tugging to pull it off of him and to pull herself closer to him. Her eyes met his only as their lips broke apart. "I need you, Jim." She breathed out, her body burning up with desire and want.
Like the previous nights, the way she reacted to him, was as much of a driver to him as the pleasure he himself derived from squeezing those unbelievable tits. His hands kneaded them, pushed them together, held them up and let them drop, toying with them whilst enjoying the moans that leaked out of her lips.
Unlike that night though she wasn't holding herself back, not at all. Yet right then, at her confession Jim stood up. It felt rather weird to leave the door open. He knew it wouldn't do much if Robert decided to show up early, he'd get to hear what was going on downstairs before he even got close enough to see through the opened door, but still Jim went over to it, pushing it closed.
Turning around he glanced at her shorts. "Those. Off." he demanded whilst drawing closer to the bed, his hands swiftly undoing the buttons of his shirt.
He reached the edge of the bed just as the shirt was falling off of his shoulders, crumpling up on the floor. He remained standing by the edge of the bed, removing his belt, but not his trousers.
Instead he reached down to take Jennifer's hand, placing it on his crotch. Already his pants seemed deformed, as if an oversized baton was stuffed in there. Pressing her hand against it allowed her to feel. The way it was constrained inside the pants made it confusing to tell the length, but she could feel the girth, she could feel one of the reasons for those loud incessant moans that night.
Deciding she'd had enough of a teaser, Jim removed her hand, pushing her back onto the bed, he unzipped his pants and pushed them down. His boxers remained, but were for now out of sight as he pinned her down against the mattress, his lips eagerly seeking hers. "You said no cooking, huh?" he whispered, breaking the kiss, just as one hand slithered down the front of her body. Copping a feel of her breasts, he slid it down across her stomach, further down, reaching all the way down there Jim let four of his fingers slide over her womanhood.
"On second thought I have one condition for staying..." he whispered, leaning in to suck on her neck as he felt her warmth caress the pads of his fingers as they rubbed it over her panties. "One day...I want to eat dinner and I want the dessert of the evening to be you. On the table...your legs spread head between your legs."
As soon as Jim pulled away, Jennifer let out a light whine, but she knew exactly why he was doing it. They had to get moving with this. God knows when Robert would show up - and she was going to need to clean up afterwards. He couldn't know about any of this, especially if she wanted Jim to stay. His demand came just shy of her moving to stand up. In a quick motion, the woman had bent over and tugged them down, letting them fall to the ground and show off the lacy thong that she'd worn today. It was one that she would wear for her husband on special occasions... but today was definitely an occasion worth wearing them.
She was about to tug her panties down as well, before Jim quickly pulled her hand to his bulge. A gasp escaped her lips, her eyes widening. "Oh..." She breathed out, her hand moving to squeeze the thick member. He was absolutely bigger than Robert. Robert was... above average. Not huge, but not small. Jim? He had... well, she wasn't sure how much bigger, just that by touch, she knew he was bigger. Her eyes peered down, her body shuddering as it wanted that deep inside of her.
In a daze, Jennifer was on her back. That cock was going to be inside of her, soon enough. Her breasts jiggled as she gazed up to the stud of a man in front of her. "No cooking..." She murmured to the man as he pinned her to the bed, hungrily making out with him. Her hands wrapped around him, fingers pinching into his back and drawing him into her. Her body arched up, pressing up against him as his hand trailed over her fair skin.
"One request..." She giggled. "What is it?" A moan escaped her lips before he relayed that to her. Dinner and dessert - and she was for dessert. Her hips gyrated against his hand, her eyes flashing with lust. Biting her lip lightly, she tilted her head. "Mm..." She let out a muffled sigh of delight, continuing to arch her core up against his hand. "I can see about that... no... I will see about it." She breathed out, another pleasured sigh escaping her lips. "Only if you stay..."
Thoughout all of it, part of Jim could not believe that this aged goddess that had teased him mercilessly was finally his. The fact she was Terry's mom, the fact she was married, forbidden, taken, spoken for..all of that made the moment more exhilarating.
He recalled the moment she'd opened the door for him, the proud, stubborn Mrs. Wright and yet tonight she'd be transformed into a sweaty, disheveled, panting mess. The anticipation only grew within the young man as she teased him, putting preconditions to making his dessert desire a reality. That smirk of hers, he'd see how much she'd be smirking by the end.
Jim reached up with his free hand, cupping the underside of her face, reaching up and kissing her, biting onto her lower lip and pulling it a bit as he leaned back, breaking the kiss. "Your sass is one of the things we'll need to see to." the underside grip of her jaw quickly released as he gave her cheek a small slap.
Jim reached down with both hands, gripping each side of the thong and pulling it down, peeling it off of her raised gorgeous legs and tossing it away carelessly. He then hovered over her, on his hands and knees, kissing her ceaselessly whilst at the same time flipping the two of them so he was now laying on his back ,below her, her legs straddling his hips.
"Lean back, let me see them." Jim pushed her to sit up, her crotch directly on top of his. He'd removed his underpants in the meantime, feeling Jennifer's slit directly on top of his engorged shaft. His manhood was pressed to his stomach, the thick dark purple head seemed to reach to his belly button whilst the pale, smooth shaft parted the lips of her pink slit. Jim looked down to see a neat landing strip over her pussy. Most of the girls he'd been, they went bald, but he liked this change of pace. It was very appropriate for the mature woman. Leaning his head back, he glanced up at the prize. Her tits. Her lovely tits, wobbling as he gripped at her hips, rocking her body.

He coaxed her up and down on his shaft, his hardened member seemed to be throbbing from the anticipation, add to that a fabulous spectacle of her tits swaying back and forth on top of him. As her pussy came back up to the top, Jim raised his body, his arms wrapping around her possessively.
He held her body in a way that her hips could not move, his tip teasingly only poked at her channel, without daring to go in. In a moment Jim stopped, his face inches from hers, wanting to savour every little emotion as he slipped inside. Her lips began to swallow the rod, which he pushed in relentlessly despite the resistance.
He let her bottom out on his cock, his hot breath caressing her lips as he could feel her tightness produce spasms of pleasure all throughout his body. "'!" he whispered, biting her earlobe as he gathered his senses long enough to flip them around so she was now pinned against the bed as his hips began to saw in and out of her of her spread legs.
This was a Jim consumed by desire, the inferno of lust inside him had burnt him into a completely different man. He cared only for his pleasure now, picking up the pace despite his girth being new to her. She could take it. She was his baby girl, she could.
The slap to her cheek was a surprise, her eyes widening with shock as he slapped her, but she only licked her lips. "I look forward to that." She purred, lifting her legs as he pulled the thong from her hips. Underneath, a bright red strip matched her hair, fiery against her fair skin. It was neat and trimmed, kept clean if she ever should have a night of passion and finally she was having one.
The woman was not in control at all, and she knew it as she was hoisted onto Jim. The way he handled her... oh, she knew she was going to be in for the best night of her life. A deep breath escaped her lips as he hoisted her up and removed his own garments, letting her wet lips run all along that thick shaft of his.
Seeing was believing, and she believed he was the biggest cock she would ever have or want. Thick as could be, her lips ran back and forth across it, her breasts jiggling tantalizingly in front of her partner. "You want to see these?" She murmured, one hand pressed to his chest, the other bouncing her breasts playfully. She twisted her body a little, back and forth, letting them swing back and forth as well. She continnued to lean in, though more from his gripping her closer, drawing the woman in as he did.
Jim had rocked back, his head now poised to penetrate her, and she invited it. And... her face began to twist, pleasure breaking that demeanor of hers. Her eyes closed, her mouth opened, a sweet sigh of pleasure escaping her lips, only growing in volume as more of that massive member pushed into her tight folds.
"You're so big... you're so fucking big..." She moaned out, arching her back, pushing herself more into his grasp. She couldn't stay on top of him, and she didn't, falling to her back as he twisted them over. God, she felt her walls stretching to take in that rock hard cock of his, as if they'd never been used before. "Oh fuck!" She gasped, her eyes opening finally after a moment, looking up to him. "I need it." That was all she could say.
This was unfair. She couldn't have the best tits, unforgettable tits and now a breathtaking pussy too. Each thrust into that velvety tightness made Jim eager for more. The first few moments he had to get accustomed to the unparalleled sensation of ramming his cock deep inside Jennifer, his head bent down, lips buried into her neck, sucking with abandon, sawing in and out of her ceaselessly until he felt himself draw close to a climax. He had thrust his hips deep, stopping now, not wanting to end it here he rolled his hips in and out slowly, gathering his senses he let go of her neck, unsure if he'd made a hickey or not, he leaned back a bit, her words echoing in his mind.
"Tonight you are mine!" he grunted, pulling his hips back and then ramming them deep inside her, quickly forming a rhythm as his body laid on top of hers. He could feel her bosom swaying back and forth with each thrust, the tiny nipples topping her amazingly large tits seemed to graze against his hardened chest. Each thrust of his sent her body rocking upwards, the bed itself creaked loudly. Her honey-kissed voice contorted beautifully by each moan that came out of her lips, her large tits rubbing against his chest as her body rocked upwards as Jim thrust deeply inside her and her pussy, gripping the young man's rod for dear life, producing the most unforgettable sensation, making him groan in pleasure, his eyes shutting almost each time.
Jim had to lean back up. "Lift your legs." he scooted down a bit, angling himself further down and then pushing his hips forward, his cock now hitting her at an angle from below as he glanced down to the most mesmerizing sight. Jennifer's pale tits jiggled in front of him, almost begging the young man to reach forward and he did, both hands placed, one on each tit, unable to control the jiggling as her tits spilled out of his hands. "Oh my're so fucking pretty." he squeezed one of her nipples between his thumb and the side of his index finger, pulling at it a bit before he slapped her tit. "I can't get enough of your pussy, I can't...I can't get enough of you...I want to fill you up baby, I want fill you up completely!"

It was impossible not to start crying out in pleasure as the young man began to ram into her. God, how long had it been since she'd been laid like this before? She couldn't remember a moment anyone had! Especially not someone like Jim, someone packing a cock as big as he was. She moaned out louder, her head tossing back on his bed. There wasn't a care in her about him leaving a hickey on her neck - she'd already made up her mind that she wasn't going to be sleeping in the master bedroom. Not a decision she had told Jim yet, but one she knew she needed to make.
The bed was already ramming against the wall, just like she had heard when he'd had that other girl with him. She was now that girl, and god was she savoring the moment. "Yes Jim~!" She let out, even more so as he declared her as his. He'd stopped, her chest heaving as she watched him, before he pressed right back down to her. Her hands reached and pinched into his back, scratching at it roughly. She could hardly breath, pleasure washing over basically all of her senses right now.
Even as he demanded her to lift her legs, she did. She only wanted more, and Jim was giving it to her. "I want... I want you to fill me up~" She echoed him. "I want you to fill my cunt up~ Yes~" She craved it. Had she already cum once? She couldn't even remember. She must have, her body convulsing and shaking like a leaf, her walls clamping tightly to member. "Cum inside me~" She cried out, tossing her head back. He had to stay. He absolutely had to stay. She needed this more than anything.
A primal side of Jim had come to the fore. Perhaps it was the anticipation of week upon week upon week passing in the presence of this woman and having to restrain his desires. Maybe it was the severe case of blueballs he'd gotten that night when their little massage session had been abruptly cut short.
None of those impediments could stop him now and he was taking what was his...Jennifer. All of her. He groped her tits, he rammed his cock deep inside her pussy, he reached down slapping her cheek, his thumb grazing across her bottom lip, slipping inside her mouth as he watched her face contorted with each thrust of his.
Those filthy words filling the air...Jim had certainly misjudged the woman. For as faithful as she was to her husband, the way she'd excused herself that night, blaming the wine, those soft words of 'I must go' and so on, had given him an entirely false picture. Jennifer was as much a deviant as he could imagine.
High up as he was, her gorgeous body writhing in response to his ceaseless assault, he reached down, one hand roughly groping one of her tits, whilst slapping the other. He picked up the pace, knowing that climax was around the corner.
"Ohh god...fuck....mmhmmm..." unintelligible grunts filled the room until he realized he was past the point of no return. His thrusts came to a slow halt. Right before Jim leaned down, grabbing the underside of her face, he pulled her face up, squeezing her cheeks as if to open her mouth. As if she was some doll for him. He leaned down, spitting into her mouth, before giving her lips a hungry kiss, letting go and pushing her down into the mattress, Jim thrust his hips one last time before a throb that started from the base of his shaft, had him spilling his seed deep inside the married woman.
Jim had to grab her thigh almost as support to stand upright, the orgasmic sensation tearing into his body. Everything seemed to have its volume reduced, time slowed down and sped up all at the same time. It was only at the end when Jim snapped out of it, he was somehow onto the bed, collapsed next to her, facing the ceiling. His member lay semi-flaccid on his stomach, the tip lathered in his cum as he glanced down to Jennifer's cunt. He must have dumped 3-4 heavy loads as his cum seeped out of her slit unendingly. "Ohhh fuck..." he sighed, his hand running through his hair. This was merely round one and yet what a start. With a big smile, Jim rolled over on top of Jennifer, her heated body sticking to his, as he hungrily kissed her lips. "I can't get enough of you." he whispered, slowly breaking the kiss. With that Jim sat up. "We need water." he declared, smiling as he wondered which of them would head downstairs to the kitchen.
Each thrust sent shudders through her body, pleasure that she'd almost begun to think she would never feel again. Now she knew that wasn't the case in the slightest. She cried out, body practically a ragdoll against Jim now. She tried grabbing at him, grasping weakly at his body, her words turning more unintelligible by the moment. This was all she wanted. More than she wanted, really, to have those needs of hers fulfilled. "Yes~" Her voice broke as she let her words out, before Jim's hand grabbed at her cheeks. She looked up to him, wide eyed, feeling him spit before his lips crashed to hers in a chaotic fight.
It wasn't more than a moment later before she felt it. That warmth that she craved, deep inside of her core. God, how she had missed that! That sticky, warm feeling as he filled her cunt up. Her body practically fell flat to the bed, feeling Jim's member fall from her and the young man himself collapsing onto the bed beside her. She'd moaned out lightly as he pulled back, but not a word could be formed as she felt like she was in heaven. In her daze, she felt his lips touch to hers and her hand touched right to his cheek, holding him there. She continued to lay there until he sat up.
A faint smirk grew on her face, the woman staggering to get up. That had been intense... and he wasn't through with her yet. Cum was beginning to spill down the inside of her thigh, and in her pleasure drunk state, she could only giggle.
"I'll be a good host, just tonight." She teased, the top of hers still just around her shoulders, though she discarded it before she left the room. Robert wasn't home yet, and she didn't care if he was. This was his fault. A few minutes later she'd returned with two glasses of water. "We still have time..." She purred, handing the glass over to him.
Jim smiled as she clarified it'd be just for tonight, yet did not fail to send her on her way with a smack to the butt. The young man lay back on the bed, his eyes closed in contentment, the aftershocks of the orgasm he'd experienced still lingered in parts of his body. Feeling Jennifer's footsteps growing closer, he opened his eyes, watching as the nude woman strutted forward. The way his cock throbbed at the sight of her nude body was a surprise even to him. He had not felt such infatuation towards another woman in this manner. Her face, her fiery hair, her voluptuous bosom, her elegant body. Little marks that age had left here and there only seemed to enhance her beauty in his eyes. Jim propped himself up, grabbing one of the offered glasses of water. "Thanks babe."
Already Jim's cock was hard, eager for another round, yet he watched on for her to grab a sip of water as well. Glancing over to her, Jim pondered for a moment. "You know doggy style is one of my favorite positions, but with you..." he bit the inside of his cheek. "Well anytime I'm not looking at those tits of yours, I feel like something's wrong with the world." he casually reached down to give her butt a slap. "Though you do have a very nice bouncy ass." he circled his hand around her bun, squeezing it liberally.
Setting the half-emtpy glass on the nightstand, Jim lay back on the bed. "I let you get used to me for round 1, I need you to do a bit of legwork for round 2." he let out with a smirk, grabbing at her wrist and pulling her over to him. Putting her hand on his now erect cock as Jim rested his head on the pillow. He brought her face to his, his lips almost instantly finding hers, smacks of their kisses filling the room. "I want you to ride me." he whispered into her lips. "Before that I want you to promise me something." he leaned up whispering in her ear. "When I'm close to cumming, lean down, smother my face in your titties. I want to go to heaven when I come this time." he bit her earlobe and then leaned back. "You can do that baby girl?"
The woman laughed, a smirk on her face as she sipped from her glass. "Oh, we don't need to exhaust everything today..." She smirked. There was no way this wasn't going to continue - she wasn't going to stop wanting Jim, and she knew with how dogged Jim had been about her he wasn't going to stop either. And if anything, she wanted it to continue. Revenge to the bastard husband of hers and trash son of hers, having this true man pound her cunt until she couldn't walk. They were bastards for walking all over her, and this was all she wanted now. Another gasp escaped her lips as he smacked her ass, then she giggled a little bit.
As Jim tugged her over, the redhead tossed her hair back, leaning in as he guided her hand to his thick member. God, that thing... it was huge. And now that she wasn't getting obliterated by it, she could finally truly see it. That was... amazing. It was truly amazing. Her hand just barely fit around it, and it was... well, it was just big. That was all there was to it.
"Mm?" She hadn't really heard him, before his lips locked to hers. Jennifer tossed her legs over the young man, moving to straddle him. Instinctually, she rocked her hips back and forth, his rod resting between her thighs as the two kissed deeply.
A giggle escaped her lips as he asked her to smother him. "I'll take you to heaven, baby..." She purred, and teasingly, despite not having started, she gave him a taste. Her fingers tangled into his hair, her body leaning forward as she pushed his face to her bosom, the pillow orbs of hers squeezing to his face. It was only for a moment, the woman pushing his chest back as she leaned up. "Just a little taste..." She smirked. Lifting her hips and guiding herself forward, she positioned his rod upwards, right at her entrance.
Slowly, she let her body sink down, a moan pitched in her throat. God, even trying to come to rest on him felt difficult with how big he was... and then up... and down. And a slow, rhythmic cowgirl began, the woman moaning out as she began to rise, the bed bouncing lightly beneath her as she peered back to him. "Like that~" She sighed, her eyes gazing dreamily back to him.
The rest was a bit of a blur for Jim. He lost track of how many times they went at it. Despite the age difference, Jennifer had quite the stamina, she wasn't kidding when she said at the beginning that she needed it and Jim was more than happy to oblige. He must have come a couple more times inside her, the inferno of desire inside him mellowing out just enough for the next few rounds to be less carnal and intense and more loving and sweet.
A particular one that stood out to him was lying on the bed on the side, spooning her, lifting one of her legs up as he angled his member to thrust up into her. Her sweaty back stuck to his chest as Jim's arms came round either side of her torso, reaching up for and cupping her bosom, whilst she had her face turned, making out endlessly with the young man as he plunged his cock into her repeatedly. The thrusts were less rapid, slower and yet going deeper each time, the rhythmic thuds of his hips clashing against hers were drowned out by the smacks of their lips as they kissed.
He kissed her as if she was his doll, his hands held her breasts, held, not grope like earlier, gentle squeezes here and there. He broke the kiss only briefly, opening his eyes to look at her pretty face, the reddened lips from all the kissing. One hand let go of her tit, running down the side of her body. God he loved all of her. Her tits, her pussy, the bit of baby fat on her stomach, the faint stretch marks on her thigh, all the little signs that age had painted over her body, only seemed to make him want her even more. "You're mine baby girl...I can't let you go now." he whispered, his nose gently bumping hers before he leaned in to claim her lips once more.
Jennifer's prediction at the start did not fully pan out, they had had a bit over 2 hours to themselves, though still that felt criminally short when the sound of Robert's car pulling into the driveway was heard.
Right then, the night was at a high tempo, in that particular moment Jennifer was bent over, on her hands and knees, her young lover thrusting deep into her from behind. Jim had suddenly stopped, tilting his head towards the door as he more clearly made out the sound of Robert's car. "Fuck." with that groan he knew their fun had to come to an end. With his cock plunged inside her, Jim wasn't going to let Jennifer go without one last round.
He leaned forward, supporting himself with one arm on the mattress beside her body, the rest reaching up to grab her hair and make a fist. Right then Jim's hips began to gyrate in and out of Jennifer, picking up the pace quickly, the sound of the repeating slaps intensifying, the last impetus needed for his seed to spill inside her. "Ohhh fuck...ohh yeah..." he let out with a satisfied grin, collapsing back onto the bed.
"You need to go now..." he groaned, slapping Jennifer's butt as he watched the mature woman's body had turned into a sweaty mess from what he recalled at the beginning of the night. Her hair slick with sweat stuck to her shoulders, her butt reddened from the various slaps throughout the night, she did have a very slappable butt. He didn't even need to look at her tits...after all the groping, squeezing, kissing, sucking, slapping...woooh!
In the midst of the orgasmic haze that still tore through his body, Jim did remember to reach for his phone. He quickly snapped a pic, as Jennifer was still on her hands and knees. The phone was taken from below, not showing much, her butt, her abused slit, some of his cum starting to seep out, her thighs. A hint of her red hair from the background. He planned to send it to Terry later with the accompanying text. "Your mom can be quite convincing. I'm keeping the room. Thanks!"
The neediness that Jennifer felt had been intense... and it had not been a lie in the slightest. She was in a haze for those two hours, not sure how many times he had filled her cunt and not caring either. Bent over his bed or on her back with her legs over his shoulders or riding him cowgirl or on her side spooning with him in the sweetest of positions. "I'm all yours now..." She'd remember saying, and despite the ring on her finger, she knew she was. She was done being the dutiful wife for her husband or the caring mother for her son. It was damn near time she gave in to what she wanted more than anything, and she wanted pleasure and affection. Jim gave her both. It wasn't just carnal pounding, but affection as well, compliments to her beauty, to her body, to herself as a whole.
She was glad that he was paying attention, as she was not. On all four, she moaned out in delight, gasping as his fingers knotted into her hair. "Fuck me~" She gasped out, closing her eyes as the sound of Jim hammering into her filled the air for that last burst. She very nearly collapsed onto the bed, but Jim's hand in her hair kept her body up. Her breasts jiggled, hanging heavy as she stayed on all four, her sweat slicked body causing any loose strands of red to stick to her. That warmth burned into her body a moment later, Jim letting her go. She stayed up, shaking as Jim slapped her ass, her head throbbing as she tried to glance over her shoulder, seeing Jim's photo capturing a picture of her backside.
She wanted to play around more, but…was only then aware of the car that had just arrived. "Shit…" She managed out, nearly stumbling as she tried to get to her feet. She gathered her clothes, looking to her partner for a moment, then quickly leaned in for a kiss. "See you tomorrow." She purred against his lips, then shakily darted out of the room. God, this was bad... if her husband got in here too soon…
Well, he never checked the laundry. Not that it would matter, as she tossed her clothes in and immediately got into the shower, working to soak her entire body before he got there. He wasn't about to shower with her either, the two had done it when they were younger, but not anymore…fortunately.
A smirk grew on her face. Never in their time together had Robert ever fucked her like Jim just had. Now, he would never get the chance. She was never sleeping with her husband again after that. A fanciful notion grew in her head, thinking about how many of her friends had had divorces... but she thought better of it. For now, anyways. Crafting an escape plan... She giggled to herself, as she wobbled under the hot shower, washing away tonight's grime.
Jim was tempted to give Jennifer's butt another slap to make her wake up from the daze and realize that her hubby had walked in already. Thankfully she managed to come to her senses, scrambling to get her clothes, planting a kiss on the young man's lips as he smiled at the thought that his summer stay would turn out a lot more interesting than originally envisioned. Nude as he was in his bed, Jim was still trying to make sense of what had happened when he heard Robert's footsteps outside in the hallway.
He heard the shower come on from the master bedroom and he assumed Jennifer would find a way to keep what had happened a secret. It was a shame she'd taken all the clothes with her, it'd have been nice for him to keep some sort of souvenir. Right then Jim remembered the pic he'd taken. He sent that to Terry. Anxious as he was about his friend leaving the room and disrupting things with his girlfriend Terry opened Jim's message straight away. What the hell? Why would Jim send him a random pic of a girl he's fucking. He then read the message and his heart dropped. No way!
It wasn't the first time Jim had teased him about his mom, yet nothing had happened. At least as far as Terry knew. The image did not make it clear it was his mom, though the skin tone seemed familiar. The bit of red hair in the background also seemed familiar, but he couldn't be sure 100%. Maybe it was just a cruel joke. Terry tried to forget about it, but he couldn't.
The next morning as Jim had gone to work, he sent a text to his mom. He didn't want to accuse her of anything in case it was just a joke from Jim. "Heya! I was wondering if you had a chance to talk to Jim?" pursing his lips as he re-read the text, Terry decided to just give his mom a call.
It was a bit after 9. Jim would have left for his internship and likewise his dad would have been gone for work. His mom would likely be alone in the house. The ringtone went on and on until there was an answer.
"Mom!" Terry exclaimed, doing his best not to betray the anxiety he was feeling, the thought of Jim actually emptying his load inside his mother's cunt made him shiver with terror. "It's been a while since I called, huh? Well apart from yesterday, heh...hey so yeah, I wanted to ask if you had a chance to talk to Jim. Maybe there's a chance he'll keep the room? I don't know, he's difficult to decipher, but yeah....did you talk to him? What did you say?"
Robert was none the wiser, just gruff and frustrated with his wife that she'd been in the shower and there was no hot meal waiting for him downstairs. Essentially, Jennifer had finally given up on waiting hand and foot for the man. She hadn't moved out of his room yet - not until their fights really escalated would she do that. Not that it mattered either... even as she lay in bed, she smirked to herself. Already beginning to feel sore, she knew that tonight wouldn't be the last time. Hell, she wondered if the two would go a day without it - Robert never got home before 9, and Jim was usually home around 6. Three hours of time to enjoy her time with him.
Still, there was even more to it than just enjoying it with him. He was a flirt and he was fun to be around. The young man wasn't just there for pleasure, but actually engaged with her. Sure, they might conflict with their ideas, but it was still enjoyable to simply... talk. That was yet another thing that she missed with her husband. That other little connection. The more she thought about it, the more she wanted to laugh at herself. Oh, she would be getting a divorce, she knew that much. Mentally, she was beginning to prepare herself... take on more work, change from part-time to full-time, start to look at apartments, start looking at lawyers... She had plenty of time. And that wasn't for Jim at all. No, this was for herself. She was done being Robert's footstool.
In the morning, she was slow to get up, her body aching from the prior night, but she was up early enough... to watch as Robert left, frustrated that she hadn't made him breakfast. She had giggled to herself as she watched him go. He was going to be getting used to her not doing things for him. As the day went on, she'd decided she wanted to look even better for Jim. While she already looked good - the young man had impressed that into her mind - she wanted to look better. More fit, less fat, flexible... Maybe the two could go to the gym together, even. Seeing Jim's nude body, he had to know how to work out. Either way, halfway through her home workout, Terry had called.
"Yes, sweetie?" She asked, then rolled her eyes as her paranoid son asked if she'd spoken to Jim. Was he that desperate to keep this girlfriend of his? She would need to ask Jim a little more about who that girl was.
"I'm sorry, I was just working out." She added, to alleviate the boy a little bit. "Oh, with Jim? We came to an agreement. He'll be staying." She replied with a smile, not bothering to explain that the agreement was that she was going to have the best sex of her life from that day on. "Did he talk to you already? Sorry, he didn't get home until late last evening, so I didn't get a chance to let you know...
Terry was doing his best not to let off just how scared he was that he might have actually driven his mom, his own mother into the arms of the school douchebag by his insistence that Jim does not leave the room. He let out a fake laugh as she explained she was working out, his mind imagining the worst...working on Jim's di-
He shook his head to try and dismiss such thoughts and focus up. "Mhm mhm.." Terry murmured periodically as his mom spoke of an agreement. "Yeah, that's great!" he tried to feign that he was happy to hear that Jim was staying. Sure enough it was a relief to know that dear girlfriend of his won't be distracted by Jim, but maybe he'd gotten himself into a whole other mess.
His mom's vague replies certainly were not helping in setting his mind at ease. "Yeah he shot me a text late last night." he tried to laugh, as he recalled the cum filled pussy on Jim's pic. No way that was his mother. "Did he have a friend over? Maybe some girl came to visit him last night?" Terry inquired, his voice rising with hope.
The woman smiled a bit more as she heard Jim had sent Terry a text so late into the evening. What had he said? She was entirely unaware that he had taken a picture of her, bent over and abused from that night.
"Oh? What did he say? I'm surprised he didn't let you know. And no, no friends. He just got home late and went straight to his room." She replied, smirking. She had been waiting, so of course she knew. "You know how your father is about having guests over." She added lightly. “You told me to convince him to stay, so I did just that…” Jenifer’s voice trailed off a bit, a way of letting her son know she had done exactly as he requested.
A look of horror washed over her son’s face. The silence between them must have lasted no more than a few seconds, but it felt like an eternity to him. What had he done?! Jenifer hung up the phone, leaving her son to grasp that indeed it had been her in that photo last night.