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Fx Male A series of corruption based roles.


Mar 18, 2024
Hi! Thanks for clicking on this thread. I thought it'd probably be a good idea to collect all of my roles in one place, and so I'm doing just that.

For a short summary of the roles I tend to like, I'd say I like roles involving the corruption of often naive but otherwise strong-willed brown women. By whom is a question that depends on the role. By corruption, I mean a gradual descent from some of the most stereotypical brown women you can imagine, to little more than cock guzzling sluts, as the scenario demands.

For me, some major kinks would be: stalking, raceplay, corruption, manipulation, conditioning, sleepplay, abuse, bdsm, filming.
Some major limits would be: scat and vore.

There are a handful of requirements I have from my writing partners.

  1. Effort. I don't want to have to carry the role, so I always appreciate a partner that puts in the effort to make a role truly ours. Whether that be in the planning phase or something that happens in the role itself.
  2. 300-1500 words per post (less, depending on scenes with more reactivity). I can write a lot, depending on the scene. Give me something to work with, and I'll give you something to work with. It's a back and forth, remember? Now, obviously roleplaying isn't anyone's full-time job, but please don't send out a reply before you're happy with it. I don't care if it takes a day or two longer.
  3. Reasonable reply times. What do I mean by reasonable? I feel like once a week is reasonable enough, though more would obviously be appreciated. I have a pretty hectic schedule, and there might be a week where I just don't reply. In such cases, I'll usually let you know, and usually have a reply out within a couple weeks. About a month between replies is where I'd consider a role truly abandoned.

With all of that out of the way, here's a writing sample:

"I'm very impressed, Amna. I knew you were intelligent, but...well, pardon me, but I didn't expect you to ace American history too." Professor Watkins beamed at me from across his desk. It always felt a little awkward to be complimented; I never got a lot of those back home. I absently fidgeted with my fingers. It was just a mandatory course, and it hadn't even been that hard. The real question was how everyone else hadn't aced it. Besides, this was the first quiz. Why was he acting like this? Was everyone else really just that dumb?

"Thank you, Professor. I worked very hard, and I'm really glad it paid off!"

The professor nodded as if he believed me. "Well, no matter what program you choose next year, I'm sure you'll excel." He beamed at me again. I smiled back at him a little more forcefully. He finally took the hint and started to rise. I followed his lead, leaving him in his office as I stepped outside. Noise assaulted my ears. I sighed. Sometimes it felt like this place was louder than back home, and back home, it wasn't unusual to hear people shooting firearms at the sky.

I fumbled with the hem of my shalwar. That was a little uncomfortable. My clothes were probably the only thing I somewhat liked here. I wore a blue kameez over a baggy white shalwar. The make of the thing was a far cry from anything I could buy back home, but I was just glad I could find this at all. I missed my desk clothes. Over it all, I covered my hair with a long, brown headscarf. My face was the only thing that poked out.

Despite everything I wore, or maybe because of it, people recognized me. I saw some guys staring and felt my hackles rise. There was no goddamn shame in this part of the world. A few even looked like they wanted to talk to me. I could tell by now from the light in their eyes. A glare made them reconsider that pretty quickly.

I don't necessarily roleplay in first person all the time. Unless it's second person, I don't care and will write from any perspective and in any tense.

Here are a list of roles. If any of these sound interesting, let me know! All of these roles are bases. You can do them as is, or you can add your own fun twist to them. Stars are for roles I'm particularly craving.

You'd been a terror growing up. You just happened to be one of those people who hit their growth spurt a little earlier than most, and you sure as hell didn't let anyone forget it. Maybe it was because you came from a broken home, maybe you bullied people so other people wouldn't bully you, maybe you were just an asshole. Either way, you were one of the worst influences around. Hell, you were even starting your own small 'gang', like you thought you were living inside your own movie. It was working out too. Teacher's famously have one advice for people that get bullied: "Just say no". Remarkably, that didn't work against you. For a few years, just about everyone was terrified of you.

Until it all came crashing down. Someone just so happened to record one of your little 'outbursts' and posted that on TikTok. Within a day, you were trending on Twitter. Within forty eight hours, some local news channels had picked the story up (it had been a little...violent, after all). Even your famously negligent school wasn't about to take that standing down. Within the week, you'd been expelled. Nobody else was going to touch you with a ten foot pole. The only relief was you not ending up in court. Still, your life was...fucked.

All you could do now was...what? Study privately and hope a College wouldn't do the background check they should have? It was that or end up a bum like your dad, so you did just that. know, you'd never actually tried to study (other people doing your work was much easier), but you were kind of good at this studying shit! It took a few years, long enough for you to become a forgotten meme, but you got into a half-decent College. It was a miracle. Sure, you were a few years behind everyone your age-group, but you'd turned your life around!

Now, here you were, ready to put the pieces of your life back together. That is...until you saw him. James. James was the little shit who'd recorded you all those years ago. He was...a senior, from the looks of it. What were the odds? Just seeing him made you want to beat him to a pulp, for old time's sake. Still...that'd be pretty stupid, right?

Then, you saw her. One of the hottest girls you'd ever seen hanging around...him? That couldn't be right. He had been a little bitch back in high school, and he sure hadn't changed. That fuck was busy living the good life while you were completely fucked, was he? How'd he even score a brown chick anyway? What was her name again? Imama? The hell kind of name was that? Nothing made any goddamn sense.

Still...that gave you an idea. You didn't need to beat him up at all. You just had to get to that little bitch of his, no matter how long it took.


I hope that's enough to give everyone an idea of the kind of role I'm going for! This would be a role focused around trying to ruin your enemy's life through his 'girl'. How that happens is pretty open-ended, but I imagine it would generally start by trying to find out everything about her and then going from there. Also, she wouldn't be his 'girlfriend', per se. She'd be closer to his best friend, someone he's hopelessly in love with. Maybe someone he would have ended up with, in a few years. Well, before you step in, anyway.

All I'd ever wanted to do growing up was help people. Combine that with a love for psychology and there was only one conclusion: I wanted to be a therapist. It wasn't exactly easy, growing up in a culture that both didn't think much of therapy or want to let women work. Through it all, the only person that actually believed in me was my dad. It turned out to be a good thing too, because I was good, at least when it came to all the normal exams and certifications. I graduated at the top of my class, doing a four year major in three. I did a two years Masters program in just a little over a year. Add a few thousand supervised hours on top of that, and I took a licensing exam. I passed, though somehow even I didn't think I would.

I'd become a licensed therapist at twenty five, almost twenty six. Not unheard of, but definitely enough that most of my colleagues thought I was talented, and enough to raise a few eyebrows. I didn't care about any of that, I just wanted to actually help people! My dad believed in me again, so much so that he remortgaged our house to get me my own clinic. It was...a gamble, to put it mildly. The first couple months into it and...this might not have been as terrible of a decision as I'd thought. Word began to spread, the first few public reviews came out better than I'd expected. I started having to actually make appointments with people. It was a dream come true.

That's how you wandered into my clinic. I assume you're someone seeking help, someone I can help. You take one look at me and decide that the only help I can offer is with one of my holes. You didn't know how long it'd take, but eventually I'd go from behind the desk to under it. As was only proper, of course.


Thanks for reading! This one is fairly open-ended in terms of who you'll be playing. I have some options, but feel free to come up with anything you think might be fun:

1: A criminal who takes court mandated therapy as part of a plea deal.
2: A 'problem' convict who seems to leave all his previous therapists mysteriously unable to take on any patients again.
3: A childhood stalker of mine who'd thought he'd lost me years ago, only to find me again through my clinic.
4: Someone who just randomly walks in one day, doesn't have to be any more complicated than that.
5: Anyone you come up with.

Either way, I would want this to be a more grounded role, one that toys with a lot of obsession and smut, but the build-up to get there is realistic. That means that this won't be a hypnosis role (Spoiler: Hypnosis isn't actually a thing, at least not in the way it's portrayed in most roles). Instead, this'll be a more cat and mouse kind of thing, where you'll learn everything about me and what I do, trying to use some of my treatments against me. if that sounds like a fun base to build off of, just hit me up!

Salma had done a lot in just twenty six years. She'd gotten a ridiculously high GPA at a university in Pakistan. Had gotten published in both newspapers and journals alike. She even got a fully paid scholarship to Hull, one of the biggest Colleges in the UK. Naturally, she graduated at the top of her class in Hull too. It didn't take long for the jobs to come pouring in. In the end, she settled into a well paying Associate Professor gig at a College. She didn't think it'd be that easy. All she had to do was teach a bunch of kids, after all.

There were a few problems. Salma had always been painfully curvy, with hips that made just about anyone stare and ogle her. That was easy enough to keep to herself as a student. As a Professor? Well, none of the guys got much studying done whenever she turned around to write on a whiteboard, to put it mildly. Then, there was her height. At 5'0, she was the opposite of intimidating. All the guys here were at least a head or more taller than her. It's hard to be intimidating when you're closer to a guy's crotch than you are to their head.

Finally, she was just...nice. Maybe it was because she grew up sheltered, but she was a little oblivious to people's looks. She genuinely wanted to help everyone, no matter how misbehaved. All three of these things combined could only go one way. It might take an entire year, but Salma might find herself the one being 'educated' before this class is done.


I hope that's enough to give everyone an idea of the kind of role I'm going for! This would be a role focusing around a guy, or a group of guys, manipulating and using their Professor. How they do it is pretty open-ended, but I imagine it would generally start by trying to find out everything about her and then going from there.

This wouldn't be a cnc/blackmail thing. This also wouldn't be a role where we'd go straight into sex. There'd be a pretty realistic sense of progression to things. Salma would be a little gullible and well intentioned, but she absolutely isn't an idiot or an airhead. She's just a little unaware of just how far some guys are willing to go to split her open.

You were smart, practically untouchable. Everyone knew you had a bright future ahead of you, and you made sure to rub it in other people's faces. You were self-made, and you weren't humble about it. Everything should have been perfect.

That's before he showed up. Zain was everything you were, but just a little bit better. A little bit smarter, a little bit better at networking, a little bit more likeable. It turns out that nobody ever remembers who was second best, and you weren't any exception to that.

It didn't take long before Zain was beating you in everything. It didn't take long before your grades started to slip. Within the year, people could hardly even recognize who you were. Whenever you walked into a room, you couldn't help but think that people were whispering about you. At least some of the time they were.

Then, your dream job came up right around graduation. You actually worked your ass of for the first time in years, acing one interview after another. You thought it was going well, but they never ended up calling you back. It took a week for you to find out who they'd chosen instead. You weren't even surprised to see it was him.

Years passed by. You ended up being a Professor, something you would have laughed at just a few years ago. It was better than being homeless, barely. You trudged on one semester after another, wondering when someone else would finally put you out of your misery. This semester wasn't going to be any different. You looked over the student register and blinked. There was that same last name again.

It wasn't too surprising anymore. It was getting more common with all the diversity admissions they had these days. You walked into class and it didn't take long to realize who it belonged to. It was a very obviously stacked brown chick. Her name was...Salma? The fuck kind of name was that? Your interest was mildly piqued. Then, you found out who she was. She was his damn sister, right in your class.

When you found that out, you were determined to make her life as miserable as you could. That was the only revenge you could get now. Then, you had another idea. His sister was in your class for an entire year. That was enough time to try...something else. Maybe Zain had beaten you, but making his sister swallow your cock evened everything out, right?


Much like the other role and any roles I might post in the future, this one is heavily built around things like manipulation, corruption, stalking. This one is probably going to be darker than the other role, but it will have a similar sense of progression. I imagine this one would focus a lot on revenge and the obsessiveness that comes with it. I have more ideas to flesh this one out, and I'm happy to hear any ideas other people might have!

For age ranges, Zain would be in his early-mid thirties, I imagine your character would be the same. Salma would be in her early twenties.

Life sucks, and most people are just average. You just happen to be slightly above average. Stuck as a middle-manager in a nameless corporation, you weren't set for life but you also probably weren't going anywhere. It was one of those jobs where you either turn your brain off to get through the day, or a mix of your coworkers and monotony drive you mad.

Then, there was Anwar. The newest diversity hire put directly under you. He was...well, he was a bumbling idiot. Frankly, if it wasn't to meet diversity quotas, there's no way in hell he'd still be employed. You didn't know what the hell the people in HR were doing, but they'd saddled you with an annoying problem. The worst part was that you couldn't even fire him without a several month long paper trail.

Well, months later and you'd made that paper trail. You really hated the bumbling idiot. How hard was it to just be average? You walked over to his cubicle to give him the 'good news'. It was the first time you'd ever seen it -you'd moved him as far away from your office as possible, and he was the one that always came to you.

He wasn't here. He was probably mingling somewhere or something, the lazy bastard. You had a glance around his cubicle, a mess just like he was. Your eyes wandered and then...stopped. Who in the fuck was that?

There was a small picture frame on one side of his desk. There was Anwar on one side and on the other of the hottest women you'd ever seen in your life. They couldn't that, right? Wait...didn't she kind of look like him? Like, if Anwar was an experiment gone terribly wrong and she was the finished, perfect product. Either way, you were hard.

It didn't take much to realize who she was. She was his daughter. A little snooping and...a senior at a nearby College, huh? Well, all thoughts of firing Anwar vanished with the wind. No, you had something more important to do. You had to plough this daughter of his no matter how long it took.

Hibra and Mahrukh didn’t take long to get popular in College, it practically happened overnight. They were transfer students, two gorgeous brown girls in a mostly white College. It barely took an hour before the first guys started trying to hit on them.

It didn’t go well, a few slaps were all it took to tell all the guys how they felt.That didn’t make them less popular, it made them much, much more popular. HIbra was bright, intelligent, and hard-working. She became every Professor’s favorite and ended up starting a small club in her first semester. It was the “Foundation For Ethnic Women’s Rights.” Oddly, it had a mostly main attendance during its first semester.

Mahrukh was more athletic, more sporty. She ended up joining the basketball team. The women’s basketball team had never been popular -they were terrible. Oddly, their next match had record-high attendance, mostly from guys.

Their first semester passed by, and it seemed like half the frats were trying to stalk the girls one way or another. It became the biggest game on campus, one kept just barely in the shadows. The two girls were private, and they’d manage to dodge these attempts as best they could manage. Then, the next semester came around after summer break. Every frat on campus was ready to try again, this would be the semester they’d turn the two brown girls into sextoys.

That’s when people realized, there was a new student, an unassuming guy. He had the same last name as them.Then, someone saw the two girls walking to campus with him. It didn’t take long for everyone to realize he was their little brother. Well, it didn’t take long before he became one of the most popular guys on campus. His new friends just had very, very different things in mind.

I had been warned often enough when my scholarship came in, all different rewordings of the same thing:

  • Be careful out there, you never know what guys want abroad.
  • Keep to yourself. You don't need to interact with 'infidels'.
  • Don't forget you're going there to study, nothing else.
I never took any of these warnings very seriously. I mean, I didn't plan on doing anything anyway. It'd been my dream to get an admittance to one of the biggest law schools in the world and I'd gotten just that. That was more than enough for me. A few more years of schooling, and I could come back home to make a real difference. That had always been the plan.

When I did finally move away from home, it was about as wonderful as I'd hoped. The Professors here were all a cut above, I had peers that could actually keep up with me, and honestly...most people were just normal. Nothing like what everyone had warned me about at all. I still didn't have any friends here, but that was fine. Every now and then I did hear about these 'depraved frats' or whatever, but I just assumed they were exaggerations more than anything. Besides, it's not like anyone ever tried anything with me.

Of course, I didn't realize the only reason for that was my clothing. A Shalwar Kameez is...modest. Not that they can't be sexy, mind, but the ones I was wearing were more like oversized blankets than form-fitting clothes. Pretty face or no, of course nobody was going to try and go out of their way to get inside my pants. Well, that changed the one day I did have to wear something more...flattering.

It'd been a simple enough mix-up. I'd been in a rush for a quiz, and had put on the first thing I'd found. I gave the quiz, went home and didn't think twice about it. That isn't what several other people thought. No, what they all realized was that one of the biggest catches on campus had been right under their noses this whole time. I didn't realize it then, but that one mistake meant that the only education I was going to get was in taking cock.


Hi! Thanks for reading this far. Needless to say, this is a role built around things like raceplay, objectification, stalking, that kind of thing. I, however, have no interest in this being a cnc/blackmail type role, since those roles are just uninteresting. I'd prefer to do this with a heavy manipulation/stalking bent. If that sounds interesting, do reach out!

This is also a very, very open-ended role. So, you can play pretty much any kind of character you think makes sense. Feel free to shoot me an idea!

You were smart, practically untouchable. Everyone knew you had a bright future ahead of you, and you made sure to rub it in other people's faces. You were self-made, and you weren't humble about it. Everything should have been perfect.

That's before he showed up. Zain was everything you were, but just a little bit better. A little bit smarter, a little bit better at networking, a little bit more likeable. It turns out that nobody ever remembers who was second best, and you weren't any exception to that.

It didn't take long before Zain was beating you in everything. It didn't take long before your grades started to slip. Within the year, people could hardly even recognize who you were. Whenever you walked into a room, you couldn't help but think that people were whispering about you. At least some of the time they were.

You finally graduated, and thought that might finally take you away from the specter that was Zain. Well, years passed and...he didn't go away. You were a new Professor now, in a dead-end job that would have been soul-crushing if you still cared. The worst part? Zain was now the head of your department. Even years later, he was still lording over you.

This semester was going to be no different. There was a new Professor, a hot young Professor who....wait, was that Zain's little sister? Just great. Now they were fucking multiplying. You could only imagine the amount of nepotism it took to get here in there. You just planned to ignore the bitch and hope you never met.

Then, you had another idea. She was right there and...well, she was more curves than anything else. Were you a loser if you ended up using his little sister?


Obviously, this is a combination of two of my other roles. Namely the 'Brother's Rival' role and the 'Brown Professor Reeducated' roles. I'll be using the general backstories from there, so do keep that in mind! Everything I've said about the other roles does apply here as well, with this being a more thought-out stalking and corruption thing. If this sounds interesting, do reach out.
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