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Lox continued to growl and tug at the metal, the metal having settled at a tightness that would not allow it to hang loosely but it did rest at the base of her neck and if she tried, she could get a single finger of each hand under it before it ran out of room. She wrestled with it long enough to work out that she wouldnt get it off, and then resolved to try something different. She stopped messing with it and began to sniff around instead. The smell of the open ocean was front and center in her senses, and the smell of the wood and various other smells from the ship were next on the winds undercurrents. None of it was offensive, and didnt give her any additional information.

If he did not stop her, she would also circle the deck and look at/through any containers or other things strewn about. Like something of a mini tornado, she would displace things, sniff around them and then move on to the next thing until she ran out of things, and then she would begin to study the open ocean, or what she could see of it, and ponder how far away her previous home even was and how long it would take a vessel like this to reach.
Rowan watched her begin to rummage through his things. There was a barrel full of extra rope near the main mast, a few water barrels on deck some netting and gear that he kept in weathered chests. A little irked at the mess she was making, he didn't hesitate to test the last symbol on the small amulet that was linked to her collar.

đź–‡The chain, the symbol gave him a few ideas about what it might do, but as he activated it and looked back to her, he once again did not notice anything immediately noticeable. However, Lox would. As if there were a chain attached to her collar, it would pull on her neck if she tried to walk any farther away from him from that point on. Like an invisible leash, it would keep her bound to the radius it was set at in that moment. She could return to him, or wander close by, but she would not be able to go beyond the distance she was at now.

"Oi! You little shit. Stop making a mess." He hurried to catch up with her, giving her more slack to move beyond once again. Pointing at the things she had removed from the few chests and barrels she had got into, he snapped at her. "Put these back. There's nothing on this ship for you yet. Not until you learn how to use it."
Lox growled annoyedly at him, having been yanked to a stop by the collar only to turn on him and glare. She looked at the things he had motioned to, and quickly became like a reverse whirlwind to the one she was before. Her small, strong body tipped things up and she tossed things on a perfect trajectory to land once more in the containers closest to her, even if it was not the place where it had been stored before.

When she was done, she crouched by the pile and stared at him. "I will not learn, I do not want to be here. Release me now, human." she said, pointing to the collar as if he might not know what she was referring to.
He found himself a little impressed with how quick she worked. Tossing everything about with ease and accuracy. She was also a bit quicker than she appeared. If he could just train her to be so efficient.

"Okay okay." Rowan said sounding as if he was acquiescing. He stepped up to her and crouched behind her. He did take a moment to admire the collar around her neck. As his fingers reached up and brushed the collar they did nothing to remove it. Instead Rowan snatched her by the back of her neck. He hauled her up with the help of his other hand and which scooped her up bu her upper arm.

"Do you really think I'm going to waste my hard earned coin like that." Rowan began to carry her across the deck and towards his cabin. Next to the door sat a workbenche table which he shoved her forwards against and pushed her over it. "You'll learn. This is your home now. And it's time that you started to listen to me."
Lox watched as he circled her, and half of her was surprised he would yield so easily, the other half was suspicious. She ended up staying still in the end, a small shiver dancing along her scales when he brushed along her shoulder to the necklace. She was only half surprised when he pulled her up by it again, and she let out another displeased yowl. She continued to squirm, fighting off the haze of need once more, and failing as she was pushed over the hard wooden surface.

Instinctively, her behind shifted back and forth, her knees spread wide and just on the edge of the table as if she had pulled them up just to lift her ass to him. If he looked, he would once more see her core dripping ever so slightly, and her tail loped to the side and touched his leg, the length of it wrapping part way around his thigh and wriggling like a snake would but more slowly and sensually. She cursed him and herself, having been pinned enough times that day that she almost wanted him to put her out of her misery or finally leave her alone to tend to her own need. She fought through it enough form the words, "S-stop! Will work!"
Rowan shook his head at what he was suddenly presented with. It wasn't that he was put off. The sailor was just stunned to feel her need so strongly again. "For the love of Thalor." He cursed, one of his hands reaching to grab the base of her tail. He didn't need to move it out of the way, but he still pushed it further up to see her the uniquely shape and smooth underbelly scales, smeared a glossy wet. He suddenly caught himself staring longer than he should have. "You must be in some wicked heat you little runt."

Rowan paused a brief moment and looked over his shoulder towards the docks his ship was still moored at. A line of men were hauling goods to a nearby ship, within line of sight, but one seemed to be paying the two of them ant attention. He turned back to her and let his hand slide up her tail. His hand brushed her scaly slip, his fingertips drawing little wet strings away fro. Her underside.

"Yep, you'd better pitch in. If yer' going to be a burden on my ship I might as well throw you overboard." He said as stepped back and released the small reptile. He pointed to one of the wooden casks on the deck of his ship. "Now go find me Britonia's flag, the red and blue one. We need to hoist the colors.
Lox sneered at the human, tempted to tell him that overboard was also acceptable considering she could swim for hours and not get tired, but she refrained due to the haze in her head coming to a point of almost being debilitating and some of the fight starting to leave her body as she was growing hungry and tired along with the permeating buzz of her arousal. Slightly overwhelmed and turning her attention away from escape for the time being, she shook herself like a dog might when she was back on the deck and walked on two feet in a loping gait to the aforementioned container.

She slid the lid open and pulled out the first one with red that she could see and held it up, an rotten attitude still showing on her reptilian features. "I do not know Britonia, human. There are too many of your puny lands and it bores me." she said, waving the flag she had in her hand slightly and putting her other hand on her hip, a surprisingly human and feminine gesture.
"Aye, you just need a little training." Rowan said as he strode after her. He continually caught himself looking at the glaze between her legs. He made no mention of her heat any further. Instead he rushed up to her and snatched the flag from her grip and quickly rolled it up. "Careful. You still have a lot to learn. That's the flag of the Kusari. They're not exactly friends with Britonia." He explained. "Don't want to get caught with that in these parts."

Rowan quickly stuffed the flag back into the barrel and pulled out a blue and red flag with a white cross spread from corner to corner. "This one. Its the flag they fly all over this place." He held it out for her to take and pointed high up on the center mast, There was a small crow's nest up there and a pole that was used to fly the colors. "The flag goes all the way up on that pole. Are you a good climber?" he asked.
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