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Lessons in Passion [Koura/Passion] (NSFW)

Her toes curled at the thought of having another sweet release. It did feel nice, and the pleasure he gifted her was increasing rapidly. He guided her deeper and deeper into her heated trance. While this entire day had been nothing short of shocking, it was clear the better path was to enjoy herself and to make her new teacher happy. How could something that felt so good and natural be bad? It was best to forget about her noble manners for now as there was no turning back, and if it all just suddenly stopped, Vaeri would suffer with this deep ache. Also, it wasn't just about pleasure, he was providing her an outlet; she had been so stressed, worried, sleepless, happy, and frightened about admissions all while trying to present herself as a flawless mage. However, Vaeri needed a release beyond the physical, and that was why his words were so effective. To allow herself to let everything go and have even a moment to be raw could lighten her burdened mind and soul.

One of her heels dug into the bed to better brace herself as he brushed against her button as he fingered her. She bit her lower lip, but it didn't stop a rather loud moan from emitting from her. She trembled off and on as wave after wave of pleasure kept crashing into her. "I feel it... ! It feels so good!" She angled her head upward, her mouth now hanging open as soft yet impassioned moans poured from her with every sharp exhale. "I don't want... I need to cum again, Master Tethis!" Her fingertips got lost in her messy hair as she held the side of her face. She felt like she was falling apart as lust continued to dim her perception with a dreamy lens. Her other hand dug into the sheets as if she was hanging on for dare life. "Pl-please... please make me release...!" That restlessness was gnawing.

"Ye-yes... I want t-to be a good gi-girl!" She always did. It was why she made it this far compared to the rest of her siblings. It was just that she had never tried to be a good elf in this category. Still, she always wanted high scores and praise, and she worked rather hard to get it fairly. However, she felt like a novice when it came to matters like this. Nonetheless, she would take his advice, allowing herself to follow the flow of the moment instead of overthinking it.

With how in tune she was with her own flow of magic and overall how much mana she could store for where she was at as a mage, there was no doubt that she had plenty of potential. While she had much to learn and discover, Vaeri had an intensity and depth that not many had, although she still was figuring out how to embrace and tap into it. He was showing her that he could help bring these depths to the surface. It could be beautiful, pleasing, depraved, and frightening. She had to quickly learn to trust the master with not only her body but her soul as he yearned to claim her to her very core. Such vulnerability. However, the more he 'touched' and awakened, the more the young elf could learn and grow, but there was also the risk that the delicate flower under him could wither. Surely, he would know exactly how much potential power he had over an elf like Vaeri.

He would take in more of her mana which she saw as a very intimate gesture. It was something she only had teased, but he shamelessly feasted on her very essence, and in return, she felt more connected to her new master. He would then gift her the same back, and instead of being closed off, her mind was open enough that his green seeped into her to mingle with her violet. Now with their energies weaved together within her. Vaeri's eyes started to water; she was moved as she followed his command to feel and not think.

Now she wanted to drown in a sea of green.​

Impulses gripped her; the passive elf turned active. She followed her instincts which guided her up to him. Her forehead pressed against his as her hot breath brushed against his face. Wrapping her arms around his neck to keep her secure in place, she captured his lips with her own. She had to taste the one with whom she shared essence with. Shamelessly, she moaned against his lips, clearly not hiding how he made her feel.

Unless he stopped her, her sweet lips would repeatedly crash against his, showing that Vaeri would be quite a different woman once she let herself go. A leg of hers wrapped around his hip, allowing him to touch her perfectly deep, but shortly after that, she would tear her lips away from his. "I'm gonna-....!" She couldn't even get the words out before her eyes rolled back, her body tensing, and with a high-pitched cry, she would squirt around his fingers while fuming with violet and green energy. However, this orgasm didn't bring much relief. Within that lavender gaze of hers, she was still smoldering for more.
Tethis knew that in a deep subservient haze the young elf would be willing to do nearly anything to please him. A haze he knew she would welcome. While possessing exceptional powers for one so young, Vaeri was not so different from her peers. Having been asked to carry the legacy of her house ever since she had been a child, he could tell she craved to be accepted. Not only into the White Tower, but also as a herself. He had tasted her fears and anxieties and now sought to soothe them, if only to make her trust him so that he could mold the pink haired woman to his liking. He was certain Vaeri would make an excellent and devoted lover for the years she would spend at the academy.

Perhaps even longer if he played his cards right.

Many of his allies the the court where his former lovers.

“Just let it go, Vaeri.” Tethis whispered as he kept fingering her, slowly working to unravel any and all defenses her young mind might have had. He wanted to connect with the real woman that hadn’t been given much space before this day. He both wanted and needed her to shed the vestiges of her propriety. He wanted her to embrace her true potential — the potential that her parents must have understood and yet had managed to squander. “Focus on what you feel. My touch. Your power.” Thinking was the last thing he needed Vaeri to do. Knowing that she could not hope to control the vast amount of energy pooling in her body, he did not even bother to have her remain cognizant of the process. Instead, he wanted to make her aware of what she could do while keeping her safe himself. Conveniently for Tethis, this allowed him the ‘excuse’ to absorb any and all energies spilling from her small frame.

There was no denying that he was using Vaeri, even as he allowed her to see a glimpse of the power she could harness. Besides, he really enjoyed watching her squirm as he kept fingering her, Vaeri’s growing arousal feeding his own. Having plied his art for centuries, Tethis could no longer imagine sex without magic, the two intimately connected in his mind.

“Yes…” Tethis groaned, Vaeri able to feel his elation through the weave that grasped her core. “Be a good girl for me.” His arousal left her entire body tingling with pleasure, the young mage well aware of just how turned on her idol was. How she turned him on. “Be a good girl and cum for me.” The old master commanded her, hunger flaring in his eyes as he pushed her towards the point from which there was no return.

Surprised as Tethis might have been, he made no move to stop Vaeri, his eyes meeting hers as she pressed her forehead against his. “Mhmhm…” Tethis gasped as their lips met, the old mage hungrily kissing her back, biting her lower lip gently. “Yes…” he managed to murmur, his long fingers hammering against the sweet spot within her sheath. Notes of and pleasure coursing through the heartlash. “Cum for me!”

She did not need much encouragement, her cry filling the small room.

He kept thrusting his fingers into her pussy as she came, the pink haired woman making quite a mess. By the time she was done, her fluids glistened on his arm, the sheets drenched between her legs. Not that the mess bothered Tethis the least. “Fuck… that was so fucking hot.” His words were devoid of deception, a gentle smile lingering on his lips. “Well done, Vae.” Tethis reached to stroke her hair as if to reward the young mage. As if to tell her that she had done well. “You were such a good girl for me. You came so fucking hard.” He praised her obeying his words.

He praised her for showing her true self.

“But you aren’t done yet, are you?” Prying himself free, he shuffled himself a little lower. “Good girl needs more, doesn’t she?” He moved slowly, allowing Vaeri the time to answer if she had the mental faculties to do so. Pressing his hand on her thigh, he forced her legs open, pausing for a moment to admire the lovely mess she had made. "That wasn't enough, was it?" His eyes rested on her glistening pussy even as he kept consuming the primal mana that coursed through her body. Tethis gave a little in return, making sure to allow her only a small taste of himself.

"You can cum again, can't you?" Mischief ringing in his voice, Tethis kissed her thigh, one kiss following another until his lips nuzzled against her clit. He wasn't done messing with her. "You need to cum again, do you?” Pressing his mouth against Vaeri’s tender nub, he began to slowly eat her out, his fingers pressing deep into her pussy. “Mhmhm…” The old mage took his time, making sure to slow down whenever he felt pleasure swell in her core. Whenever he felt her tense, he would move to kiss her thigh for a few moments, tormenting Vaeri with a promise of release while denying her the chance to cum. “Do you want to cum, Isha-an?” he teased her, feeling the frustration pooling in her belly.

His fingers would keep kneading her insides, the old man ever so slowly stoking the fires of her arousal. “If you want to cum…” Tethis pressed his lips against her nether lips, gently suckling her clit for a few moments. “ should ask me to make you cum.”
Her climax had struck a match, causing her mana inside and around her to burn that rare neon color again instead of the pastel. Her eyes sparkled with hints of the vividness she felt and harnessed. This brightness, rawness, and intensity that she could harness when she was deeply focused or emotionally driven set her apart from the rest. It was under pressure that she had the potential to turn into a diamond. She wasn't the only one who had such capabilities, but it was rare. It was all coming to light since she had never been pushed in such a way. It caused her walls to crumble, at least for the time being. Flames of passion continued to spread and consume, which made it feel like Vaeri was burning up. It was overwhelming, and it made her so needy for help with putting out her flames.

Already reaching her height twice, she was surprised that she was still yearning, but now she was fated to ache until all her fuel was burned up. She still had a fair amount of mana and physical energy; her only need for a nap was to rest her clouded head, but the haze within her mind was now welcomed. It allowed her to experience and accept him and this new side of herself more shamelessly.

"I-I... do!" She closed her eyes tight for a moment, another wave of embarrassment rolling through her for how much pent-up desire she still had. Her body trembled when he aligned his face with her lower half. "It should have been... enough but-..." Clearly, he could see and even smell how she was still lusting for more. It was so flustering how close his face was to her most private area. It had caused her to freeze up, but nearly all the tension melted away when his lips found her button. He would then give her the combination that would make nearly any girl melt as he stimulated her inside and out. "By the gods...!" She exclaimed as she rolled her head back and arched her perky chest upward. Her breathing turned into sharp panting once more.

The pleasure she felt was nothing short of heavenly, although it was a delicate balance to keep. She was hyper-sensitive from her recent orgasm, and he had to be careful not to rip a forceful climax out of her. Her shivers, moans, squirms, and ripples of mana all communicated to the experienced older mage in ways words could not. Her mana had two instinctive pulls; one was towards him, like a moth to flame, her aura made of mana clung to his form to brush against him, also allowing him to savor her. Other other, the rest of her mana was filling her core, stimulating her desire to mate with another who was fuming with magic; a suitable lover.

He kept her in a limbo between overstimulation and release, which put tender Vaeri at his mercy. Her heart hammered, and the edge she was on was maddening. She reached up, lightly pulling at her hair from the roots as she attempted to endure this wild in-between. "Your mouth feels so good!!!" She released a deep yet feminine moan as she burned alive in the flames of passion. One of her hands lowered, welcoming him to enjoy her sweet taste as she placed a hand on the top of his head. So perfect... She squirmed in place. "Can you make me cum? Please. Master Tethis?! I'll keep being a good girl! Please!!! There was a hint of desperation in her told as she begged for a chance to release yet again. Would this time finally tame her fires or would she crave until she passed out? Not even Vaeri knew the answer, which made the situation all the more difficult and yet thrilling.
Even as Vaeri burned, Tethis kept devouring the rich neon mana oozing from her body, using her energies to fuel the gently shimmering golden tether that joined them. The young mage actually had the potential to harm herself with the vast amount of energies she could harness, the old mage making sure that she remained safe through it all. “Good girl…” he praised her as he felt her relax. "You were such a good girl." Tendrils of green mana brushed against her cheek, scent of an ancient forest washing over her. Forest that was teeming with life. It was a scent she would later learn to associate with Tethis' mana. “Just like that, relax. Just feel.” Considering how novel the situation was, Vaeri was managing herself admirably.

“Mhmhm…” She could hear him purr with arousal as she admitted her need to cum, heartlash allowing to feel just how badly he needed to have her. How his body ached for her. “It’s alright.” Tethis reassured her even as he kissed her thigh, a sliver of affection reaching the back of her mind. “Let’s see what we can do about that.” he murmured, his breath warm against her nether lips. "Show me how you cum." His voice rang with a smidge on mischief. The old mage had an idea.

Vaeri meanwhile, might have gotten more than she had bargained for, Tethis playing with her body as he pleased. Taking his time, he stoked the flames that raged within her, pushing the pink haired young mage to the edge time after time. Despite the distraction provided by the Vello scion, he would have plenty of time to see the rest of the students assigned to him. Time passed more slowly in the small world he had crafted.

“You have no idea how much I am enjoying myself.” Mere words could never truly convey emotion. Through the bond, she could feel how he relished her frustration.

He drank greedily everything she had to offer, caring little for how some of her fluids clung to his face. “Mhmhm…” Vaeri’s moans only encouraged Tethis, the old mage greedily devouring her pussy, using his experience and her sensations to guide his touch. “You need it badly, don’t you?” He looked up, grinning as their eyes met, his mana caressing her small body. “Try not to squirm, Vae.” Tapping to some of the primal energy coursing through his body he wove a simple spell, causing invisible restraints to wrap around her wrists and pin her arms against the sheets. “Just relax like a good little girl and let it all out.”

What followed next was a masterclass in torment, the old mage slowly and methodically licking her clit even as his fingers stretched her insides. He made sure to push Vaeri maddeningly close to the edge, but never past it. He left her gasping and moaning, withholding the release she so craved, watching her small frame brim with mana. Mana that he slowly siphoned into his own body, making sure Vaeri would safely feel her full potential. With his strong hands holding her legs and with his spell tethering her arms, there was precious little she could do. Her desperation only served to fuel his desire to torture her.

“Mhmhmhm…” Deciding that he had tormented Vae long enough, Tethis began to thrust his fingers faster into her pussy, suckling her clit with every intent to allow the young mage her release. Perhaps to Vaeri’s dismay, he did not stop when she came. His hand never slowed down, his lips nuzzling against the sex. Tethis was rather curious to see just how much his plaything could take before she would need to beg him to stop. “Mmmh.. ah.. .mhmhm..” he ate her out with bestial abandon, uncaring of how sensitive she was. Tethis hoped to undo the last vestiges of decency she might have been clinging to. He wanted her to swear and scream his name as she came.
To hear his praise was music to her ears. Especially while so compromised, his praise soothed her. His woodsy smell seeped into her memory. Over time, she would surely associate his scent with this wild bliss. Forcing herself to take a deep breath to try to ease her over-excited tension and regain some control of her body to pace this moment, it was futile. He would make sure she didn't find her ground, she was at his mercy.

He had directed her to not squirm, but it was difficult with how sharply she was feeling pleasure. "I-I... am... triyng... Ahhh~.. I-..." She couldn't even form much of a sentence at this point. He would aid some in keeping her in place by binding her wrists with his weaved spell. At first, she was caught off guard by why she couldn't move her arms. As she struggled to move, she squeezed around his fingers. Then, for the rather inexperienced elf, more of her truth started to come to light. "I'm... ho-hotter!" The more she pulled against the magic binds, the more her sex squeezed in aching need. It was safe to assume that the distinguished Vello woman liked to be tied up.

He would keep her on that edge, listening and reading to her body to make sure that she never quite reached her height. Her moans grew in volume the more desperate she became. Her sweet voice filled his secret chambers not with just pleasure, but with the pain of being unable to grasp the cusp of her high. "Mmmmahhh...-! Master T-Tethis!" She screamed in need of an escape from his torment. What made it even more taxing was that at this point, she had burned up a fair amount of mana, leaving her body weakened, and yet the intensity of what she felt didn't dull, it only amplified with her feeble state. She had to submit to the moment to handle it as gracefully as possible. To give in and to continue to fight for his approval would take her a lot further than shying away.

He kept going at a pace that would keep the poor elf on that delicate edge. "Please... HA-ahhh! I need to... ah... ahh~... c-cum!" How much more could she take? It felt like her soul was about ready to claw out of her body just to escape the nail-biting stimulation. She pulled at her binds until her wrists turned a soft shade of red. "Ahhh-I can't TAKE IT!!!" She slammed her head back on the mattress as he forced her wild. She feared she was going to go actually crazy at this rate. The pleasure felt like her blood was painfully boiling.

He started to move his fingers even faster, and Vae now could only speak in tongues other than a few words. "Plea-...ahhh...eese!" She tried to yank her legs away, unable to handle so much direct stimulation. This time, he wouldn't slow down. He would hear her pleas and reward her with an orgasm that had her quaking. "Ooooohhh!!! Te-tehi-s!!!!! FUCK!!!" She screamed out into the open air as she had another sweet release that splashed against his fingers.

However, he wouldn't give her a chance to come down. He kept going at a blaring pace. Her screams became more distressed as he pushed beyond her physical limit. The tears that were caught in her eyes rolled down her cheeks, and Vaeri now sobbing in overstimulation. However, her lavender eyes looked all the more beautiful when teary."St-stop! I can't...ahhh- Take anymore!" Her body was now stuck in a state of constant trembling. At this rate, she might pass out.
The old mage marked her reaction to the binds he had conjured, Vaeri able to feel a sliver of predatory glee flashing in his mind. There was no denying that the beast in his heart desired the prey in her, her youth and vigor leaving him hungry for more. It had been years if not decades since Tethis had been this excited because of a student. He was certain that the two of them would accomplish a great thing together.

Feeling her insides grasp his fingers, the debauched old mage smirked with delight. "You are so fucking tight." His long fingers pressed against her insides in the worst best possible ways as he he toyed with her. "Such a good girl." Smacking his lips, he willed the tether around her wrists to tighten for a moment and tugging her arms further apart. “You like that, Vae?”

Feeling Vaeri growing weaker, he fed her some of his mana, the scent of the woods older than the elvenkind nearly overwhelming the young mage. “You do?” The old mage asked, his voice ringing with mischief as he nuzzled his lips against her tortured nub, making sure to deny her once more. The old mage knew exactly what he was doing to her, reading her body like an open book. “Here I think you can wait a little bit more, Vae.” He spoke her name with affection, teasing her. True to his words, he bided his time and left her writhing with animalistic need to find her release.

“Can’t you?” Her growing need and desperation left him feeling alive, warmth pooling in his belly. “Mmhmhm…” She could feel him purr against her pussy as she thrashed against the binds, Tethis keeping her on the edge, always slowing down a little when he could feel her arousal swell. “Mhmhm…mhm…” His lips were both soft and firm against her clit, his touch almost too much for her to bear. Almost. Figuring that he had tormented her enough, Tethis finally allowed Vaeri to reach her climax, his fingers bruising her insides as she came. “Mhmhmh….” He devoured the energies that surged from her body just as he drank deep of the fluids leaking from her pussy. “Ahhmm… good girl.” Seeing her cum so hard had left his cock dripping with precum and staining his loincloth.

Caring little of Vaeri’s protests, he kept eating her out, certain that her small body could take a little bit more. Anxious as she might have been, he could tell she was no weakling. The old Vello blood ran in her veins. “Mmhmh… ahh.. Mhmhmm…” There was no escape from Tethis, no matter how Vaeri squirmed and tried to pry herself free. The old elf was simply too strong, his fingers digging into her thighs like claws of some great beast. Meanwhile the magical tethers meant that try as she might, the young mage could simply not move her arms.

He would keep toying with the young woman until he felt her starting to slip into unconsciousness, her moans and whimpers music to his ears. He took note of every little gasp and groan he managed to elicit from her. The next time he would have a far easier time unraveling her. “Mhmhm…” Murmuring happily, he would finally relent and push himself up. His green eyes gleamed with energies he had pilfered from the young mage, tendrils of his mana caressing her body. “You are such a good girl.” Considering how he had strained her mind and body, the old master wasn’t even certain that she could hear him.

“Now it’s your turn…” Reaching to undo the simple cords that kept his loincloth in place, Tethis bared himself, his manhood rock hard between his legs. “See what you did to me.” he purred, hungrily, shuffling a little closer. “You have no idea how badly I need you Vae.” Through the heartlash, she could feel how he ached for a release of his own. “Spread your legs for me…” he beckoned her, slowly running his fingers along her thigh. The next thing Vaeri felt was her master rubbing his hard cock against her nether lips.
A rush of heat shot through her body when he adjusted her binds to further spread her arms. There was something about the light strain and the helplessness that was flustering her even more than she would have expected. She was abruptly learning that she might have some depraved interests, but again, now wasn't the time to think about it. Although, what else would he learn about her to make her tick? She accepted it just like everything else thus far. "Yessss! I love it!" The only problem was that he kept pushing her, and Vaeri wasn't sure how much she could take.

It wasn't the proper thing to do unless serious with someone, and so Vaeri had never taken in another's mana. However, she was thirsty for it, and she was blinded by their connection. She allowed her flow to open, accepting him now in a metaphysical sense. She could feel his essence coursing through her, which made her feel even more secure with the vulnerability she was showing him.

It was fair to say that one of the young elf's weaknesses might have been her sensitivity, but it made her cries, moans, and tears all the sweeter. She was a quiet woman, focused on her work and staying in line. However, she proved that she could also be quite lively, which was a reason why she could harness neon mana. She would become drunk on his essence. Her reality is shifting to one of purple and green.

By the time he stopped, she was gasping for air. "Huuh...hah... haaah...." her body twitched. Eyes rolled up, she was caught in a daze. His praise sounded so loud and yet so far, and it still managed to sink into her mind, telling her that her struggle wasn't for nothing. He was a bit too good at toying with her. From the way he perfectly touched sweet spots within her to the dexterity of his tongue, there was no doubt she was a lucky girl to be pleased by him. However, that wasn't all she was lucky for. It was hard to believe that she was chosen by the Master of Hearts. He made her feel so spoiled and special, almost forgetting that she had shown hesitation before they started.

Her lavender gaze dropped to his lap, seeing the core of his masculinity for the first time. She wasn't sure if she could handle any more stimulation, but the spell Heartleash had her longing for more to sate his restlessness that he mirrored to her. She found herself obeying without much thought; her milky thigh parting more as a welcoming gesture. She turned her head to the side, her face a deep shade of red realizing that she would be having sex with a man that she and many idolized. There was no doubt that so many women would be jealous of Vaeri at this moment. Her little heart pounded in anticipation.

"I don't have much experience in this..." Surely, the experienced elf would have picked up on that. While she had messed around, it was lighthearted. He already had made her orgasm in ways she didn't know were possible. Would he take his time with her? Would he be quick to ravish her? Her fate was in the palm of his hand. She locked gazes with him as his hardness pushed against her slick slit. She bit her lower lips, and as soon as he would start pushing in, her mouth would hang open and a sultry moan would resonate throughout the room.
With his hand on her thigh, Tethis would spread her legs further open, feeling her muscles as he moved her, positioning Vaeri like a painter might position his or her model. Grasping his manhood in his fingers, he pressed the tip of his considerable length against her folds, softly stroking himself against her nub for a moment. “Mhmhm….” Wanting to focus on his pleasure, he allowed the heartlash to dwindle, the weave permeating Vaeri’s body slowly dissipating, leaving her feeling as if she had lost something.

Smirking, Tethis pushed his length into her inch by torturous inch, slowly stretching her insides. Pausing for a moment, the old elf leaned in to kiss Vae, smothering her lips with his, stroking her hair to soothe her, needless as the gesture might have been - judging by the mess the young elf had made, she had been quite ready for him. Having held back for so long, she could feel his passion, Tethis practically devouring Vaeri, biting down on her lower lip, nibbling her as he made sure she got used to the intrusion. “Ah…mhmhm…” She could see the satisfaction in his eyes as he pulled back for a moment, a thin smile flickering on his lips, his palace green eyes locked with hers.

“Now…” What followed was dance older than the time itself, Tethis slowly grinding his hips against hers, thrusting slowly in and out of her, his pubic bone pressing against hers. His weight was heavy on her, Vaeri finding herself unable to do move. “Ah...ahn…” He gasped softly every time he sank himself into her, each slow thrust shaking her very core, his length poking against the neck of her womb.

Feeling her tight and wet around his manhood, Tethis began to pick up his pace, pushing himself up so he could look down at the pink haired mage even as he used her, his movements slow and deliberate. His hand would find its way to her bosom, his fingers squeezing her breast hard enough to force a reaction. The old man grinned as he played with her, his breath slowly quickening. Sadistic as he was, Tethis would reach to pinch and tug her nipples to see if he could coax Vaeri to be even more vocal, curious to see how her body would react to intimate pain.

The sounds of their joining filled the room, his groans mixing with her whimpers, the old bed creaking beneath them. When he thought that Vaeri had gotten used to his size, Tethis reached to grasp her thigh, bringing one of her shapely legs against her belly, adjusting his angle so that he could push deeper into her. Having made the effort to bring her into his personal space, he was going to enjoy her fully.

“Ah..uhn… you feel so good.” he moaned, smiling as their eyes met once more. “Mine.” Tethis growled as he sank his cock deep between her folds time after time, savoring her young and lithe body. He found himself pulled to her like a moth to the flame, the old mage holding her thigh as his length slipped in and out of her, his girth filling her to the brim. “Ahhmm… ah… listen to yourself Isha-an.” Vaeri could not only hear, but also feel just how wet she was. “All wet for me.” As much as the old master was still toying with her, his own peak was slowly approaching, even if he was trying to stay the inevitable. He had been rock hard for a good while now.
With the spell attached to her fizzing away, she felt a dreadful emptiness. Some of the saturation she was wrapped up in was at risk of fading, but he would give another rush and fill her emptiness. He would slowly push himself inside of her, Vaeri's mind chanting at her shocking reality:

He is inside of me!
He is inside of me!
He is inside of me!
The Lord of Mists and Rain is inside of ME!

A breathy moan escaped her, only to get lost between their lips during their heated kiss. He was fully inside of her. She could tell based on how close their bodies were. His scent, heat, and the weight of his body against her were engulfing her, he was consuming her. She was helpless as he dominated her senses in a way that he stood center in her world. Wtih every breath, he filled her lungs.

She felt so small while caught under him and penetrated, her velvety depths squeezed against him, and some of that mana that had settled to her core lightly traveled lower. The motes of mana buzzed and warmed him from the inside as if welcoming him into the young elf's depths by providing a unique kiss of pleasure.

With every thrust, she would whimper for him. Her voice was sweet and high-pitched. "Mmm!~... mmfm... mmm!" Her whimpers accentuate the sound of her drenched sex and their clapping bodies. When he picked up the pace, her whimpers would shift to moans that complemented each thrust within her. "Ah..! Ah..! Ahhh!" Her captured body bounced against the mattress. Her legs locked around his hips as he took her.

His hand was rough with her breasts, but it was a blur for Vaeri; all intensity, pain, and pleasure, were meshing into one. The experience was surreal to the elf with little experience. "!!" He managed to break through her haze when he tugged on her buds. He would fuck away the pain, but her moans and whimpers would sound all the louder.

Their bodies crashing into each other again and again felt so right, and so she continued to submit to him. Was this fate? Elven nature? Or was he simply taking advantage of the situation? Chances were that it was a complex mix, but it surprised Vaeri how well she fell into place under him. He was appealing to traits and interests that she didn't know she had.

He readjusted her leg so he could ravish her even more deeply. Her eyes widened when she realized he was hitting her sweet spots from a new angle. "Ooh!~ Ohhhhhh!~ Right... there!" She could feel his length perfectly massaging her g-spot. While right now wasn't about her pleasure, it was only natural that she would take advantage of the situation. Having a chance to savor the one who growled his claim over her.

How was it possible? She felt herself nearing another climax! She didn't even know that she was capable of that many orgasms, maybe once or twice. He told her to listen to herself, and those deep yet sweet breaths she was panting were telling enough. She was completely overtaken by the heat of the moment. While she was captured under him, it allowed her to simply feel. She could let everything go and ride out these warm waves of pleasure. She should be concerned about the new fate she had unlocked by being accepted by her new master, but none of that mattered now.

She felt so weak yet so feminine. Delicate but emotionally vivid. Vulnerable yet free. He managed to make the novice elf feel like a goddess.
Hearing her guttural moans, Tethis purred, grinning like a man possessed as he thrust himself into her with enough force to shake her small body. “Ah.. ah…” The old master was now panting heavily, sweat glistening on his brow, his once finely combed hair now quite a mess, stray curls clinging to his skin. He was slowly losing himself into her. With his cock hammering against her cervix, Tethis could feel her energies welcoming him, leaving his already aching manhood tingling with pleasure. “Ah… ah… Fuck.. Vae.” His voice dripped with primal hunger, sheer lust gleaming in his eyes. He could feel his balls tighten as her pussy clung to his cock. “Yes.. yes.. Fuck.”

“Mhmh…” Tethis did not bother to hold back, allowing his desire to guide his actions, primordial lust and hunger burning in the back of his mind, the soft spoken mage no-longer truly there. A starving beast laid beneath the courteous and respectable mask Tethis wore in public. A beast only a few had ever seen. Focused as he was on his pleasure, Vae slowly was rendered as a means to an end - a warm and eager vessel for his seed.

“Yes… almost…” The old mage groaned loudly, his long fingers digging deep into her bosom, agony blending with pleasure as he slowly, but surely overwhelmed Vaeri. He could sense what she felt, her arousal vivid in his mind, her growing hunger driving him near mad with lust. Unable to hold himself back any longer, the beast unleashed himself on the Vae, her body shaking like a leaf caught in an autumn storm as he ravaged her. “Yes…” His eyes sought out hers. “Show me Vae.” he groaned, his fingers grasping her pink curls, tugging hard. “Show me how you cum!”

Yet, even the fury of Kurnous’ children had its limits, Tethis slowly, but surely approaching the point where there was no return. “I’m going to..ah…” He was now thrusting himself into her faster and faster, reaming her like a savage beast in heat. “Fucking…” It did not take long before Tethis felt the familiar tightness enveloping his balls, tendrils of pleasure slowly climbing along his length as he desperately sought his release. “Ah. fuck… I’m going to... ah.. cum.” Driven by sheer need to mate, there was no question of where the beast would spill his seed.

Her soft moans pushed him over soon after.

When the old mage finally came, he did so with a grin on his lips, his hardness throbbing violently in Vae’s ravaged sheath. He hilted himself int her, his hardness throbbing against her insides, each twitch of his muscles forcing more of his essence into her. As it had been several days since he had last laid with anyone, Tethis gleefully emptied his aching sack into the young elf, filling her small pussy with his seed.

Slumping on Vaeri, Tethis embraced her, stroking her curls while he steadied his breath. “Good girl.” he murmured softly into her ear, the old mage wanting to make Vae feel cherished for what she had done. He wanted the young elf to abandon all she knew so that she could one day claim her bloodright. He could tell she was destined for greatness — this particular lesson had been but the first of many.

Rolling to the side, he turned to look at her, his toned chest rising gently. Smirking, the spent mage flicked his fingers, undoing the tethers that kept Vaeri’s hands tied to the sheets.

Murmuring her name, he reached to grasp her wrist, squeezing softly to get her attention - before wrapping his strong arms around her pulling her into a soft embrace, his body just as sweaty and hot as hers. For a while their bodies would cool down, leaving them both quite comfortable where they were. “Mhmhmh…” Nuzzling against her pink hair, Tethis planted soft kisses on the top of her head, murmuring softly as he did so. She felt so small and frail in his arms, her toes barely reaching his, their legs tangled together as he pulled her closer, wrapping a hand around her waist.

"Such a good girl." His mellow voice brimmed with affection, Vaeri unable to see the wicked smile on his lips.
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While connected to her feminine instincts to a high degree, she could tell the male was near his climax before he had even warned her. It was how he thrust into her, the way he grunted, and even the build-up scent and heat of him were all telling. It had her craving him even more, her animalistic urges telling her to brace herself for a fitting mate's seed. However, in the back of her mind, there were whispering warnings of what could happen.

He wouldn't take such a risk, would he?
Surely, he would pull out, right...?

However, she didn't spot any hesitancy in his movement or in his gaze. Instead, he followed the natural flow of things and would do something Vaeri had never experienced. He would release deep inside of her.

As shocked as she was, she was equally turned on. There was something about knowing that she was carrying a powerful mage's cum inside of her that warmed her. It pushed her over the edge. "Ahh--.....AH!" Her body jerked, and the young elf climaxed one final time. Already having quite a few orgasms, she felt some pain as she tensed up, although this time he would keep most of their fluids plugged within her until he would eventually pull out.

Her heart was pounding, her breathing was heavy, and his praise chased away some of her shock. She needed to be told she was doing the right thing, or it would weigh on her. That weight could cause blocks, although, he couldn't chase away logic for always.

She'd state the obvious, "Y-you... finished... inside... me-e..." While it had excited her, it also scared her. She had so many grand plans that she didn't want anything to get in the way of them. Still, there was something with how he comforted her and told her that he would take care of her that soothed her. Or... was it all just a facade?

Her wrists were released, and when she went to move her arms, his grip stopped one of them. Her lavender eyes gazed at him while she fumed with an aura of green. His color temporarily corrupted her own hue. Until then, she felt like he was still very much inside of her, at least in a metaphysical sense.

She huddled up against him when he embraced her. She was desperate for comfort after the whirlwind of the day she had. He had pushed her beyond her moral limits and even some of her physical limits, and yet... he made her feel so special. Vaeri didn't have much opportunity to be open and carefree, but he gave her a chance by tearing down her walls. She still didn't like how vulnerable he made her—so risky, but so pleasant.

"Such a good girl."

The last thing she heard as she started to dose off against him. Her body was tired from her lack of sleep and being worn, and her mind drained trying to process this whole ordeal. It was best she slept. Then, when she woke up she would figure this all out.

If only it was that simple.

Vaeri would find herself tangled in thoughts all while trying to blend in as an outstanding and willing student. This was her dream, so she would try to live it to the fullest despite the twists and turns. She had gotten this far, she couldn't quit now. Failure wasn't an option. It never was.
“As if I could have pulled out.” Tethis replied with a wry smile on his lips, his eyes gleaming with pilfered energies. Motes of purple flickered among the soft greens of his irises, her mana still lingering in his body. Mana that would have burnt her inside out had he not drawn it into himself. Mana that he had savoured like it was fine wine. “Hoeth himself could have not.” Tethis added with a smirk, mentioning the god of magic and temperance. The god that was thought to protect the academy. “You just felt so good.” Faint notes of hunger lingered in his voice, the beast within him never truly sated. The old mage never bothered to address the possible consequences of his choice, expecting the young woman to bring the matter up if it bothered her. He had sired enough bastards to worry about such things himself.

“Vae, you have no idea how special you are.” His voice was devoid of deception, his touch gentle as he ran his fingers down along her side. Offering her a mischievous smile, the old mage drew small circles on her belly with his fingers, trailing them towards her bosom inch by an inch before suddenly pinching her nipple, the sudden kiss of pain lasting only a brief moment. Smirking, he moved to scritch the corner of her jaw as one might have done with a stray kitten, curious to see how she would react. "You have no fucking idea, do you?" His hand slid down to her neck, Tethis tightening his hold for a moment even as he leaned closer to kiss her once more. One kiss followed another, his teeth brushing against her lips.

Sighing happily, Tethis cradled Vae against himself, his body firm against her clammy skin. “You should have been born earlier.” he murmured, sounding amused. His hands kept roaming all over her bare skin, the old mage enjoying her soft curves. “What great things would we have achieved already?” It was perhaps a sheer coincidence that his fingers brushed against her belly when he mentioned his regrets. Still, he would keep caressing her, his touch gentle and soothing. Just as he had woven spell around her, he was now weaving a web of half-truths, his kind words meant to reassure the girl and dispel any doubts she might have had.

Planting a soft kiss on her brow, he reached to stroke Vaeri’s pink curls. The sheets beneath her were quite a mess, but the old mage spared no thought for the expensive cloth. There was little his magic could not undo in the small world of his making. “People like you are born once a century, if we are lucky.” Running his fingers along her cheek, he allowed some of his mana to slip into her body, tendrils of his energies like a gentle breeze on her skin.

Once Vaeri woke from her slumber, Tethis would beckon her to rise. As much as he enjoyed having her in his arms, he knew that they both had prior commitments. He was expected to meet two more students while Vaeri was expected return home sooner than later. The poor elf would likely have to spend rest of the day mingling with her kin. Being accepted was an occasion. “I am going to get us something to drink.” he offered, pushing himself up from the bed. Stretching, Tethis walked slowly to the table, allowing his young lover an ample sight of his bare back and rear, shadows cast by soft lights dancing on his scarred skin. Reaching for a silver pitcher, the old mage glanced at Vaeri, his green eyes seeking out hers. “Once you don the whites, you belong to me.” he told her matter-of-factually, filling two cups and handing one to Vaeri.

While initiates would initially begin their studies under the senior students, each and every young mage was expected to eventually dedicate themselves to a particular seat. Those wishing to become healers would inevitably study under the Yellow Seat, while those wishing to master arts of magical forging would study under the Gray Seat. Tethis, the Master of Hearts and the Green Seat was responsible for teaching weathermancy and wyldcrafting, the two arts intimately tied together. Students who wished to master the winds as well as the earth itself would inevitably study under his tutelage.

Laying the cup down, he wove a simple spell that cleansed both the bed and their skins, moisture turning into faint wisps of cool steam. Vaeri was still left dripping with his seed, his spell merely drying her thighs, the kiss of the arcane leaving her skin tingling ever so faintly. Dressing up, they would discover one of them having somehow misplaced her panties, the master of the tower apologizing, reassuring Vaeri that he would compensate her for her garments. This was a small consolation considering how she would have to make way back home wearing only her dress.

"We all knew you could do it, sweetheart!~
You are so
The whole Vello line is counting on YOU;
make us proud!"

No pressure...

"Even Master Tethis believes I'm special.
I'm sure by the time I graduate, I will be one fine mage.
I won't let the Vellos down!"

It was a celebration throughout the night of Vaeri's success. but it was all a daze for the victorious elf. Extended family and family friends asked for every detail of her journey to get accepted into the White Tower, and there were many questions about the famed Green Seat. Vaeri's answers were tailored appropriately, but her heart felt heavy when she realized there wasn't a single soul she could tell about what had really happened. They would judge her before the renowned master. Some might even think she slept her way just to get into the White Tower. All her hard work would mean nothing if such a rumor got out, and so she would keep it their little secret.


With the moon overhead and the celebration party dwindling down, Vaeri found herself on the balcony. It was her first time alone since early this morning. With the creeping silence of being alone, the new White Tower student allowed herself to ravel while in her isolation. Her head tilting down, she cupped her face and inhaled sharply. Was she okay? Vaeri didn't even quite know. It didn't take much searching inward to know that what she was experiencing was shock. It left her feeling numb as she continuously tripped over her thoughts and feelings.


My life is about to completely change.
I got accepted, a dream come true, but what awaits me?

My family and my Master think I'm special, do they mean that?
What if I fail them?
I was noticed by Sir Tethis himself! But I...actually had sex with him?!
Was it bad that I enjoyed it as much as I did?
Am I a...
He said I am his. He just means his student, right?
How am I to act around him now?
A man like him has had to have plenty of lovers and amazing students...
does he really mean what he said? Am I that special?

Maybe it was one and done, and I can just focus on learning.

Her eyes fell half shut, and she placed a hand on her tired head. This entire time she thought if she could finally get one damn moment alone she could piece together her scattered thoughts, but she failed to do so. Leaving with her no choice other than to take things one step at a time without much foresight. Everything should work out as long as she did her best.

A few days after her acceptance, Vaeri moved into the room that Master Tethis more than likely picked out for her. She brought personal items from home. Mostly clothes, some makeup, books, a few small indoor plants, and a personal journal. Vaeri would also receive her schedule and any other necessary directions. Her main focus was trying to settle in and adjust to her new 'home'. Her actual home was far enough away to be a burden to travel to, and she would spend most of her time on campus to dedicate herself to the arts.
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During the first few weeks Vaeri could not even catch a glimpse of Tethis, the new students finding themselves burdened with seemingly endless classes. The young elves had hardly time to be proud of their white robes- The mornings would start at the gardens, with two or three senior initiates walking Vaeri and her classmates through the very basics of botany and alchemy to prepare them for the Tower’s strict curriculum. After a brief lunch, the students were expected to gather in one of the many lecture halls within the tower, spending hours upon hours learning about the history of the White Tower and its masters. Vaeri’s class was allowed a meager dinner around the sunset, lessons on astronomy and astrology taking place after the meal.

On some days the lessons on botany were replaced by lessons on elvish physiology and the nature of magic. An achingly beautiful young elven woman held lectures on the arcane theory, her drawings allowing Vaeri a glimpse of what Tethis had already shown to her. Though, where the old mage had pushed her to embrace her powers, the senior student teaching the class warned against such experiments. Sex magic was never mentioned, even though the anatomical drawings presented did indicate its existence, esoteric scribblings found on the old scrolls often connecting the reproductive organs with the magic that surrounded every living thing.

Practical lessons on actual magic were few and far in-between, the first few months at the academy meant to ensure that the freshmen were on equal footing when it came to theory of magic and the history of the White Tower. Nominally this meant the students hailing from the northern provinces that were both physically and culturally distant from Caledor. The ‘mountain elves’ kept among themselves, their dialect harsh in Vaeri’s ears.

A month passed without Vaeri ever being able to talk to the man who had admitted her to the academy, rumors mentioning that Tethis wasn’t even present at the academy. That the throne had called upon his services. More sinister gossip suggested that the Green Seat was actually neglecting his duties by visiting an illicit lover of his.

One evening, well after the White Tower had grown quiet, Vaeri woke to a familiar hum of magic. Stirring into consciousness, she could see a familiar portal opening in her room, a faint scent of plums washing over her. There was no question of whom had opened the portal. "Come, Saranye." a familiar voice beckoned the young elf, the words having an odd ephemeral quality. It was almost as if the words had been spoken long before she had heard them.

Stepping through the portal, Vaeri would find Tethis sitting by the low table, the old mage wearing rather flimsy green robes, the cloth almost transparent. He held a cup in his hand, a bottle of red wine open on the table. "Good evening, Vae." he greeted her, offering her a warm smile. "I hope you have been well?" Tethis asked, his voice mellow as it was cordial. Mirth glimmered in his pale green eyes. "Please take a seat." he patted a large pillow by his side. "It's good to see you, Vae." The was no sense of deception in his voice, Tethis' concern sounding genuine and heartfelt.

"How have you found the academy?" he asked Vaeri once she managed to find her seat, pouring her a cup as well. The wine was rich, tasting of blackberries and plums, the complex flavor complemented by hints of oak, vanilla, and chocolate. The Master of Hearts had a taste for fine wines, Tethis willing to spend large sums of money to obtain the best product available.
Much like Tethis had, White Tower would push Vaeri's mind, never giving her any real chance to digest the whirlwind that her life had become. She hardly had much time for personal thoughts or connections. She had hardly already spoken to anyone other than her professors in the first few weeks. She had taken her studying seriously, to the point where she hardly ate or slept and didn't complain. She was proud to be wearing her white robes. Her own had a green belt that hugged her narrow waist as an indicator of the seat she worked under. However, it was hard to say it meant anything other than the fact her classes were tailored. She hadn't seen Master Tethis since she arrived, but there were many reminders of him. From the warning of taboo magic to the sea of plants, and then there were the rumors.

There were rumors that confirmed that maybe she wasn't too special after all. Why would she be? Everyone in the White Tower was special, so once again, she was ordinary. It would take a lot to make a wave here. Not only as a mage but as a woman. Was this lover of his prettier than her? She had to be more experienced... Why did it even matter? Then she recalled that peaceful mental blackout she experienced when she let everything go. The thought alone had Vaeri chewing her bottom lip. With how stressful it had been adjusting to White Tower, such a blackout would be heavenly. No, she had to stop thinking that way. She had to work harder!

Studying late throughout the night, coming to class early to ask additional questions, and taking notes as if her life depended on it, Vaeri was motivated to show those who believed in her what she was capable of. While some of her peers crashed or slacked off, Vaeri would work dutifully.


She was sitting at her desk, rereading the chapters assigned from the book, Fundamentals of Healing & Destruction when her heightened senses picked up on the buzz of active magic. She looked over to the left and she saw a vortex open up before her. A voice that was etched in her mind beckoned the elf, and her palm started to sweat. She was nervous and excited. Oh, how she hoped she wouldn't see him anytime soon so she could focus on her studies without getting tripped up in her thoughts, but a part of her longed to taste his acceptance once more and the chance to let everything go. The conflicted elf would hesitate for a few long seconds before hopping inside the portal that led to the unknown.

Vaeri was looking a little worn. It had been a long day, so her hair was a bit tangled and her robe wrinkled, but other than that, she looked healthy. "He-Hello Master T-Tethis." She cleared her throat to try to get the tremble out of her voice. "I've been well, but very busy and pretty stressed." She forced a smile. "Thank you for inviting me here." She looked around for a second; where were they?

She would take a seat with her legs folded, and her bum shifted away from him so she could glance up at him from the side. "It has been such an honor to study here, and without sounding spoiled, I thought the White Tower would be a bit more rewarding." She always knew the classes were difficult, but she had no idea the classes were so excessively long, about the piles of assigned reading and papers, and how the students were hardly accommodated; they were given what felt like the bare minimum for food and lounge.

She studied the glass of wine; she knew it would be rude to reject, but she didn't want anything to interfere with her studying. Even a poor-timed headache could ruin her flow. She looked back over to him before deciding that one glass couldn't hurt.

So, she would pick up the glass and take a sip to find that the wine had a flawless sweet taste. It was heavenly and unlike any she had tried before. Now interested, she gave the sweet wine a bit of a sniff. "This might be the best wine I ever had." It would be easy to get drunk on a bottle of it, probably for the best it wasn't sold to the masses. Well, she would assume the wine's rarity. She expected the older elf to have a refined taste.

"I hope you have been well, Master Tethis. I haven't seen you since-..." Only a second pause, but in that second, her mind raced with memories of their time together. Her face turned a soft pink. "Yeah, uh... since admissions.": She would take another sip of her wine, this time a longer one to try to buy some time to chase away her blush.
The Green Seat had invited Vae back to the room they had shared during her admission, the old mage able to access his little creation from anywhere on the continent. Traveling long distances via magical portals was hazardous as best, unless the portal was permanent or anchored into a specific place. One could not simply open a portal at a whim — or so Vaeri and her class were taught. Tethis clearly suffered no such limitations, flaunting his powers by opening a portal in her rooms with seemingly contemptuous ease. In reality, the old mage employed a trick, the portal having always been in place, though hidden in a complex weave he could expand at will. Tethis had simply made sure that Vaeri was assigned to the particular room. The centuries spent studying magic had allowed him unique insight on the arcane, the old elf able to spin weaves within weaves in a manner thought impossible.

He watched Vaeri step through the portal, his eyes tracing her curves, a soft smile creeping on his lips. She looked exactly as fetching as he remembered, even if the first weeks at the academy had taken a toll on the young elf. “I hope your teachers have been kind to you?” Tethis asked, briefly recalling the years he had spent wearing the whites. His teachers had not been particularly kind. Threat of war had hung in the air during his first three years at the White Tower and while the conflict had never materialized, everyone within the Academy had been tense. Whenever the Phoenix King marched to the war, the adepts of the White Tower were expected to stand by his side.

“The rewards come in due time, Saranye.” Tethis mused with a smirk on his lips, reaching to touch her cup with his, finely wrought silver chiming softly. “Patience, Vae.” Not that he had been particularly patient himself, conducting questionable experiments with magic already during his second year at the academy. “Being admitted is a reward in itself.” he reminded her, casually laying his hand on her thigh and giving it a light squeeze. “Besides, I am sure you can overcome anything my colleagues might come up with.” Tethis offered her a disarming smile, taking a sip from his cup.

“It’s from Saphery. Belanoir estates.” The old mage seemed happy that she was enjoying his offerings, reaching to turn the bottle so that Vaeri could see the etiquette bearing the diving falcon of the House Belanoir. The faded numbers written under the coat of arms let the young woman know that the wine she was having had been bottled almost forty years ago.

”Bloodmoon Wine. Good vintage.” Tethis explained, twirling the cup in his hands, his voice brimming with delight. “They say it’s especially good because of the magic that infuses the land.” he added, taking another sip. “Fanciful story, that. I have been there.” A short pause, the old mage looking markedly at Vaeri. “Their soil is excellent though. There’s quite no other place than the Shademoon hills.” The old mage sounded a little wistful, his mind clearly somewhere else for a moment.

“I have been busy.” he admitted honestly, laying his cup down on the table. “When the Throne calls, one cannot really refuse.” The old elf tapped his nose as if to let Vaeri know he was letting her in on a secret. “The capital is a viper’s next Vae.” he sighed, softly shaking his head, a stray curl escaping the bind he had used to tie his hair with. “But I didn’t bring you here so I could bemoan about politics. I wanted to see you.” His hand moved a little higher, his fingers slipping between her legs. “Ask if you remember the little lesson you had?" He looked at her, faint motes of hunger gleaming in his eyes. "I take that you haven't had the chance to practise any of what I showed you? Would you want to continue?" His voice was soft as velvet, his words dripping honey and myrrh. "There is a little something I could show you." He stroked her thigh, his pale green eyes seeking out hers. "My Saranye."
"They are alright. Very professional." She hadn't had much of a chance to get to know her professors, and while she was used to being noticed during her training, at the White Tower, she felt like another face. It should feel good to be around other skilled mages, but it was rubbing against her ego; she was 'normal' instead of exceptionable. Well, other than the fact that she could potentially tap into primal magic while others either wouldn't or couldn't. However, that wasn't anything she could brag about. It was too taboo to mention it.

As soon as he touched her, as casual as it was, she felt the mana within her stir as her heart nervously fluttered. She couldn't tell if she was excited or scared. The master could easily conjure a storm inside his student. She stared down at his hand on her thigh while he told her that he believed in her. Following the flow of the moment, she did her best to dismiss any tension. Her soft gaze found his face once more as he explained the lavish and vintage wine he had shared with her.

Vaeri studied his face when he spoke of where he had been. It sounded like something she would expect from a man of his rank, but was he lying? Were the rumors she heard true? Such a thought made her self-conscious; Vaeri was already doing her best to be a memorable student at the White Tower, she had to stay 'special', but... it was also stupid to be worried about whether the rumor was true or not. It was personal and thus didn't matter. Not only that, after having time to think about it, she decided that she should be careful with her relationship with Tethis. She needed to focus on her schoolwork, not on taboo magic and questionable relationships. It was embarrassing to think how fiendish he had turned her, and how confusing it was to find out that maybe she had some not very modest preferences.

"You've aided the throne and are well-traveled, I wouldn't mind hearing your stories one day." She was interested in the seasoned mage. How much he had seen and achieved was fascinating to her. She had read about some of his feats, and she was inspired to be just as influential one day. He really was one of her idols, but she didn't quite know how to handle the way his hand was traveling further up her thigh.

She froze completely, even her breath, as the tension swept through the room. She didn't want to seem meek, usually, she wasn't, but Vae clearly struggled with intimacy as her focus and passion had been on her work all these years. "How could I forget?" How could she ever forget? Well, maybe some; her mind was pretty drunk last time, but what had happened was far too impactful to forget as a whole.

"I'm already studying so much." An excuse, but an honest one. She was even studying before he opened up that portal. "I... I don't know if I'm ready. Last time really tired me out, and I'm just now starting to think more clearly." Her thighs squeezed against his hand to trap and halt it. "Master Tethis, you showed me with hard work what my mana is capable of. It was enlightening but very overwhelming." Lavender eyes cast away from the mage, and her lips curled down into a soft frown. "I also... don't want my feelings involved." The young woman was a lot more emotionally vulnerable than the experienced man. She didn't want to shatter under pressure and knew it was wise to focus on reason and logic- not emotion and mind.
Sensing her emotions stir as he touched her, Tethis smiled softly. He savored the nervous energies oozing from the young woman, her anxiety tasting like ripe bergamot on his tongue. The young Vello girl was precious in more ways than one, her emotions both intense and vivid. “The first year can be a little tedious.” The professors would ensure that each young elf could tap into elemental energies in a safe manner — a process that involved guiding the students through a series of repetitive exercises. For students that had studied magic since they had been able to walk, many of the lessons were near trivial. The other, more mundane lessons involving astronomy and anatomy, did little to help with the tedium. This was one of the reasons dalliances were rather common among the first year students.

“Would you want to hear about the Tessalian war, Vae? Or perhaps I should tell you about Isha's Masquerade last year?” The way he set the words made it evident that something scandalous had taken place at one of the most important social events held at the court of the Phoenix Queen. “What kind of stories do you like, my Saranye?” he asked, slowly stroking her thigh. “Please tell me.” The old man encouraged Vaeri to talk about herself, both to learn to know her better and to craft an illusion that he truly cared. Emotions were no different from skeins of magic, Tethis able manipulate both with ease.

“Good.” he replied, smirking. “I’d hate to start from the very basics again.” Prying her legs further open, he gently pressed his hand against her sex. “I think you are ready.” Tethis assured her, licking his lips. “Your body has recovered, hasn’t it.” He nudged his hand against her pussy just to see how she would react. Just to get a taste of her jumbled emotions. “That’s how primal magic tends to be. Potent. Raw. Overwhelming.” Hunger rang in his voice as he described the oldest forms of magic the elvenkind had all but forgotten. “You cannot harness it, not like you can do with elemental magic. It demands to be used — and it can burn you just the same.” He explained, putting into words what Vaeri had felt in flesh during her admission trials. “It’s not for the faint of heart.” Tethis chuckled, easing the pressure he was applying for a moment, only to nudge his hand against her sex once more.

“Feelings?” Pulling his hand back, he cupped Vaeri’s chin, turning her head so that she had no choice but to meet his gaze. “You cannot tap into primal magic without feeling everything.” Tethis murmured, brushing his thumb against her soft lips. “You cannot control your feelings anymore than you can control a raging dragon, Saranye.” He chuckled, mirth gleaming in his pale green eyes. He allowed some of his mana to flow into the young elf, his touch leaving her skin on goosebumps. Tethis’ mana was much like aged wine, though instead of plums and vanilla it had a scent of moss and pines. With the familiar scent came the feeling of being watched — something or someone bestial having its eyes on her.

The queer sensation lasted only for a moment.

“You must ride it. Embrace it.” His hand dropped down to Vaeri’s neck, his touch light as a feather. “Close your eyes.” Tethis commanded her, expecting his student to obey him. His eyes remained intent on the young elf as he cupped one of her breasts. “Do you understand?” His thumb sought out her nipple, the old mage gently kneading the soft nub. “You can feel it, can’t you? Focus on your core, Vae.” He would keep touching her for a few moments, curious to see if she could tap into the sensations he forced on her. “Careful. Let it pool in your core, just like you would draw upon the elements.”
Mages usually had one common weakness and strength: curiosity.​

Of course, she wanted to hear about scandals and other forms of secret knowledge. She could listen to the experienced elf talk for hours about such topics. "I'd love to hear about the war and the masquerade. Surely, you know more than the articles and rumors." Her mind raced with possibilities. "I'm personally most interested in faraway lands. The magical creatures, plants, and even storms." With how rich magic was in this realm, magical storms were common in certain areas of the world. Hurricanes that raged with wild mana, tornadoes enchanted to touch the tops of clouds, and giant waves that washed away islands. Magical natural disasters were scary, but they were also quite beautiful and interesting. Vaeri had the ability to embrace the gentle side of nature and the violent. Would one-day Vaeri become the eye of a historical storm?

He had pushed over her thin yet shapely legs a bit more, leaving her slightly resistant thighs with a faint tremble. "My body has recovered, but... the rest of me h-..." Before she could finish, she took a sharp breath as he bluntly pushed his hand further up her robe, finding the delicate light pink panties underneath. Her heart started to pound, and she couldn't help but shiver as his mere touch was enough to get under her skin.

"I understand that, but I have to think of my other studies.
" But... primal magic would be exactly what could set her apart from others. If she could use this taboo magic for good, or at least deepen the elven understandings in the magical field, then she could make a name for herself and her family. However, it was hard for Vaeri to let go without guidance or force. She had trained herself to stay or at least appear put-together at all times. She represented the Vello family, and an unhinged nature would not go over well. While they were in private, it was still a struggle since this desire to be anything less than perfect was meshed into her personality. - She needed to be undone to unlock primal magic and personal bliss.

His hand took her face so her timid gaze would find his stern stare. For some reason, his words made her whole body rush. The idea of feeling everything was overwhelming. This was especially true considering how much Vaeri had going on. Lately, she had been bottling everything up to focus on her studies, but she wasn't so out of touch to not know it. The stress of adjusting to the White Tower, the pressure of her family and friends, her attraction and fear towards Tethis, the confusion that came with her positive reaction toward their last encounter, the overwhelming nature of primal magic, the sleepless nights she was studying to be an A+ student, and the list went on. It was no wonder she had the potential to be great at primal magic; she had plenty of emotions to unleash.

"Such a lack of control is so risky." It was then that she realized that if she was to continue this training, she had to trust him with control. It was so difficult since she was pretty reserved and she was still getting used to him. Still, she trusted his knowledge as a talented mage, and that pressure to perform well had her wanting to succeed and not let down her mentor. She didn't want him to leave her behind to train another student, so she had to suck it up. At least she felt a bit better letting him know her concerns. She was in denial that he could be doing this for selfish reasons; a mage with a reputation like his would want to train his students to reflect his mastery of the arcane.

Vaeri was receptive to his mana, not only since he allowed her to become intimately familiar with it, but as a growing mage, she hungered for delectable magic. It was tempting. There was a union between body and mana for elves, one that allowed a way of communication and infliction that many beings didn't get to experience. His rich mana risked thrilling her or putting the young elf into a lull; it depended on his puppet's strings. He would just give a sample of his power over her, which put her in a mild state of awe.​

While she expressed her concerns, it didn't mean she wanted to disobey. Her eyes closed when he directed her to, and soon after, his hand would find her bust. Since she was studying alone in her dorm room, she wasn't wearing a bra under her white robe, which made his touch all the more vivid. He would tease one of her sensitive centers, which would cause Vaeri to start breathing heavily. "Aah...!" She squirmed in her seat, a wave of heat rolling through her body from his touch and having him close. She had a memory flicker in her mind of his body on top of hers while she was bound; so indent, but it was that kind of heat that she tapped into last time to make her mana turn primal and neon. Her magic was a possible reflection of any vividness she felt and experienced.

Her body remained rather tense. Even the smallest touches from him were so impactful. It was already hard to wrap her mind around the fact that she was even in the same room as the renowned mage. "I... I understand." She took a deep inhale before shivering. Her attention fell on that warmth in her core, and it made her face turn a deeper shade of pink. It was flustering how excited she had gotten last time. Was that going to happen again? "I feel it, but it is a bit unstable." She didn't know how to embrace it, and so it made her anxious.
"I do." Tethis confirmed with an arrogant smirk on his lips. "I was there myself. I saw it all." The way the haughty mage set his words made it sound almost as if he had had his hand in the proceedings. Almost. Respectable the Green Seat was, he could not willy-nilly confess to having fucked with the peers. The lords and ladies of that managed the throne's lands were in many ways just as untouchable as the venerable mage himself. "But perhaps that's a story for another time. A story I might share with you once we know a little better."

His long fingers kept brushing against her undergarments, Tethis fully aware how he was slowly eroding her willpower, using Vae's body against her. Having had drank deep of her turmoil, he was well aware of the dichotomy between her beliefs and the truth of the matter. The prim and proper young elf had a carnal, hungry side to her. "I am sure you won't mind waiting a little?" She could hear the playful tone in his voice, the old mage teasing her. "Maybe we can discuss the masquerade the next time you come over?"

"The rest?" he asked, offering her a disarming smile, his eyes flickering with mischief. "Your other studies are largely irrelevant, Saranye. Gyrfalcon won't concern herself with the opinion of the mice." His voice oozed brash confidence. "You can become so much more, Vae." Tethis assured his young student, reaching to brush her pink curls with his free hand. "The elementalists can only dream of doing what you can do one day." The old master did not bother hiding his disdain for the mages that would not or could not draw upon the primal magic. "They consider themselves masters of the craft, yet they are but children playing with wooden blocks" the master mage huffed, his long fingers stroking her clit. "Saranye, the world belongs to such as you and I. Arcanists that truly understand the arcane. All of it." In the strictest sense he wasn't even lying to young elf. The Master of Hearts had all the intention to use Vaeri to advance his goals, the Vello scion yet another piece on the board that spanned the empire.

"Good." Tethis could sense Vaeri focus, the old mage content with her efforts. "Be careful. Focus. Draw it in little by little." He kept slowly stroking her sex, careful not to overwhelm the young elf while ensuring that she could not escape the slowly building heat. "Mhmhm... enough." Seeing her flush, he could sense the power swelling in her core. Vaeri was good. Almost too good for someone with so little experience. "I think we need something..." Pulling his hand back, he allowed the young elf a moment to regain her senses. As his presence slowly left her mind, the scent of the ancient woods faded into nothingness, leaving Vaeri feeling alone.

"A bit unstable, yes." The old mage nodded, reaching for a small box that laid on the table. "Which is why I you'll be using this." Flicking the lid open, Tethis revealed a large, roughly cut emerald, ephemeral lights flickering on its jagged surface. "This is a primal wardstone." he explained, turning the stone in his hands. "As long as you keep it in your hand, it will keep you safe." The gemstone reacted to his touch almost as if it was a living thing, the motes of energy within the gem drifting slowly towards his fingers.

Grabbing Vae's wrist as if she belonged to him, the old mage placed the green stone on her palm. The young elf, for her part, could feel the maddening thirst lingering in the wardstone, the gem trying to siphon any and all mana within her. The function of the artefact was evident. Should Vaeri draw more power than she could handle, the stone would drain the excess magic from her. Tethis chose to neglect to tell Vaeri that the stone was fueled by the soul of his former lover. The young primal mage had been too ambitious, burning her body in hopes of proving herself. Knowing that the young woman was beyond his help, Tethis had tied her essence into a gem, her hunger serving him even after her death.

"Today." Tethis began, his pale green eyes seeking out Vaeri's. "I want you to focus on controlling the primal mana. Slowly drawing it in and slowly letting it leave your body. The stone will keep you safe, as long as you let your mana flow in to it. Now, I want you to undress." the old mage spoke calmly as if there was noting unusual with his request. "Then hold to the wardstone as you touch yourself." he leaned back, a soft smile flickering on his lips. There was strictly no reason to have Vaeri undress. He merely wanted to see her naked. He wanted to see her obey his every command. "You can do that, can't you?" A challenge rang in his voice, master demanding his student to prove herself. "Show me, Vae. Show me what you can do."
He had a way of making her feel both special and unique, and Vaeri ate it up. The idea of tapping into a power that not even her professors could harness was a rather thrilling and inspiring thought. She wasn't one to brag, but she felt like she deserved greatness for her efforts and passion for the arcane. Was her fate really to rule the world with the Master of Hearts? That sounded way too grand, but anything was possible with such a wild force of magic on their side. However, Vaeri didn't lust for power; she just wanted to be a mage who could make a difference and was known for her resolve.

She felt him shift, and her eyes fluttered open for a moment. Her delightful haze was fading, leaving her feeling frozen inside and out. His presence was warming her body and mind, especially while under pressure. She was caught stupefied when he left her side after she had a taste of his mana. She was given the stone, and she took a sharp breath when she sensed its hunger. A stone like this could be dangerous, especially given how active the medium seemed to be. It was a bit frightening; as someone born with mana, there was a natural fear of losing a lot of mana. It could make one sick or even lead to death. She had to trust him that he didn't just give her some kind of elven death stone, although it could possibly be treated like one.

His plan made sense. That neon mana was dangerous, and if it could allow her to explore the energy shift more compared to summoning an unwelcome storm, Still, getting to that point would probably be difficult or at least flustering. All of this was this was confirmed by his blunt order. He had seen her naked before. Hell, they had even had sex, but it didn't stop Vaeri from being timid over the high-status male and the way she had lost control of herself last time. Maybe it would be a little easier this time if she just had to play with herself a bit to get her primal magic flowing, but it was never that simple, was it?

"I... I can disrobe, but I usually try to be more of a modest woman." Did he think she easily got undressed and was sexually liberal like some of her peers? Maybe, but she didn't want him to see her that way; that was unless he shaped her mind for it to be a good thing. He was already making some progress in that realm, proving she could tap into her magic from new angles if she let her passion flow. She corrected herself, "I mean, I should trust your guidance. I apologize for my hesitance." There she was, coping with the situation by blaming herself.

She undid her green sash, and her robe opened up, revealing her porcelain skin. Peeling off her robe, that petite yet curvy shape of hers was once again revealed to him. Her face had that pretty rosy hue again as she rolled off her panties as well. Nervously, she half-folded her robe and panties before placing them beside her. Now naked, she struggled to look at her master, embarrassed despite her near-flawless figure.

She parted her thighs and covered her sex with a hand. Her fingers touched her warm and silky slit, but there Vaeri was struggling again. She was more nervous than excited, although fear, suffering, and anxiety could still bring primal magic to life. "I... I'm not very good at this." She didn't please herself often. "My own touch is nothing compared to yours." She bit her lower lip, flustered by the truth. Still, she would try to relax, petting her slit with two fingers and softly circling her clit every so often. It would stimulate her mana some, but not like how he had done by shocking her with bold pleasure during admissions. Could her new master help further kindle her flames of lust?
While Tethis was weaving a web of lies around the young elf, what he told her was grounded in truth. Most mages drew power from the elements, the raw primal energies beyond their grasp. Safe as the elemental magic was, it was also exceedingly hard to master. It took a great deal of effort to draw power from the world that was, the fickle elemental mana easily slipping through one's fingers. Primal magic in contrast could not be controlled, the raw energies seeking to fill any void they could find. Anyone opening themselves to the primal mana was inevitably at a risk of burning themselves inside out. The fact that the raw mana had addictive qualities made matters only worse.

While no-one could deny the existence of primal source as the sages called it, its use was debated, many of the senior teachers considering it too dangerous for anyone to study. Many a great mage had perished trying to master the primal mana, each such loss felt keenly by Academy. The fact that most mages had never dabbled with the primal mana further obfuscated the academic discussion on the matter. Many of the mages were afraid of power they did not understand. Yet those who could draw upon it defended its use, often citing Tethis and his achievements as an excuse study the primal source.

"Trust me." Tethis assured Vaeri even as she insisted being a modest woman. He found it both endearing and amusing that she still clung to the idea of being prim and proper even after she had tasted the primal mana. She had to know what lingered within her. It was the passion that burned within her small frame was her greatest strength, whether Vaeri understood it or not. The old mage was determined to make her understand her true nature, one way or another.

"It will be safer like this." He had seen how Vaeri lost the control of her body as pleasure took over her. This way he wouldn't need to clean her robes before sending her back to her rooms. Besides, he found her rather pleasant to look at. "And yes, yes you should. I am your master, am I not?" The old elf smirked, his pale green eyed flickering with mirth. He found it exhilarating how eagerly the young mage threw away any and all reservations she might have had. How eagerly she followed his lead. "No-one else can show you how it's done." While some of the professors could have actually taught her, Tethis knew that none of them would. Not this early on and most certainly not in this manner.

He made no effort to turn away to offer her a modicum of modesty, his eyes resting on her pale skin as she undressed herself. "Vae." Tethis called out to her, his voice dripping with mischief. "Look at me. I need to see your eyes." The old mage knew she would find it hard to meet his gaze — which was exactly why he asked her to do so. The lesson he had planned for her was safe enough to allow him some fun as well. "Vae, look." he beckoned her, slowly wiggling his fingers as if to make sure he had her attention.

"Good girl." he purred as Vae reached between her legs, Tethis visibly pleased with her efforts. "Focus on what you feel. All of it." Well aware of the turmoil of emotions with in her, he wanted to see if his student could also turn her shame and anxiety into mana. "Anything you can feel, you can use." he explained. "Try and see." Knowing that his student was safe, he leaned against the table, reaching to pour himself another cup. "There. Careful. Let the stone burn it all up. Don't let the mana pool in your core." The last time he wanted to see her channel the power without his help.

"Is that so?" The old mage tilted his head to the side, smiling rather smugly. "Maybe I'll help you later." he offered, taking a sip from his cup. "Go on Vae, touch yourself for me. Let me see you. All of you. Spread your legs a little, won't you?" Tethis murmured, seemingly content watching his student masturbate for the time being. He watched her for a few moments, smiling softly. "There. Careful. Vae, do you have any idea how pretty you are?" The old mage asked her, curious if he could disturb her focus. "Ravishing." Taking another sip, he shuffled a little closer to Vaeri, reaching to rest his palm on her bare bosom, allowing some of his mana to slip into her body. "Did you miss me? My touch?" he asked her, his fingers seeking out one of her nipples and giving it a gentle squeeze.
There was no doubt that Vaeri's desire to learn was rather strong. In fact, so strong, she was willing to sacrifice some of her modesty and allow herself to become vulnerable. Of course, she would need some time to adapt to Tethis expectations and teachings, but she was on a good path; a path where she wanted to obey him to grow as a mage and earn his approval.

He directed her to look at him, which indeed was a struggle while both naked and timid; passion had not gripped her yet, leaving her feeling abashed. Her body subtly trembled before her gaze slowly but surely found his. She would try to keep her eyes on him during, but it would remain difficult until she was engulfed by passion and the primal source. His praise comforted her a little as she began to brush her fingertips against her petals. He had told her to focus on what she felt, but it went against her instinct. To embrace her nervousness sounded like the opposite of what she should be doing, but the whole point of the field was to take advantage of these natural intensities. It went against reason as magic often did, and Vaeri had to accept that.

Her thighs parted a bit more, and she leaned back. She was trying to find a balance of comfort and also channel the restlessness she felt into mana. All while her eyes remained on the older mage. As she touched herself, her breathing would get a bit harder and hotter. She would take her nervousness and not only shift in into mana but try to add it as fuel to her lust. Vaeri was quickly learning she could possibly cope with hard moments by channeling them into passion. It made her body a bit feverish, and the stone would glow in reaction as she started to emit a faint yet bright violet aura compared to her typical lavender. It was clear that after he had shown her once, she knew how to channel the delicate source of magic. Well, not entirely, but to be able to turn it on like a switch once the right conditions were met. It was overwhelming to feel such mana coursing through her, but the hungered stone kept her balanced; allowing her to burn with primal magic without it consuming her.

"Hm-mmm..." Her body quivered under her own petting as she felt her mana come to life. It felt strange feeling it being consumed too. It also felt... wrong. However, it made sense for her safety, but of course, a mage wanted such beautiful and raw mana to run free or for it to be at least properly savored. She noticed her slit was becoming slick with her brewing excitement, so she started to focus more on her sensitive button, which caused her legs to kick a bit, her body squirming under her own touch as she continued to emit wild mana.

Looking at him directly became a bit easier as she continued to follow the flow of mana and body. He complimented her appearance, which raised her confidence a bit more. She wanted to hear she was doing well and didn't look distasteful; it allowed her to obey him with more ease.

"Haa-ah.." She rolled her head as another soft but sweet wave of pleasure crashed into her anxiety, causing more of a storm. The stone in her other palm became brighter as it consumed her wild mana. However, he would surely notice that when he came near her, and touched her, the wardstone hue became saturated. Him just being near her stimulated her.

She bit her lower lip when he pinched one of her delicate centers. Her soft purple eyes gazed up at him, her eyes hazed with blooming passion. "ye-yes," she confessed that indeed, she did miss his touch and how it had a way of exciting her and turning the rest of the world void, allowing only them and magic to exist in her perception.
"Good girl." he praised her, mirth gleaming in his eyes. Within him, the gently bubbling mirth pooled into mana, leaving his skin tingling. Vaeri was such a delight to play with, the young elf allowing Tethis to feel so very alive. He weaved the feelings she evoked in him into arcane energy, allowing the mana slip through his fingers into the floor beneath them, the room slowly becoming warmer. The old mage felt weary, the warmth soothing his aching body. "Go on Vae, show me." he encouraged the young mage, his voice soft and enticing. "Surely you have done this before." Tethis teased her, smiling softly as he did so. "Haven't you?" Making a point to lean against the table, he watched his student touch herself. "Maybe." Licking his lips, he tilted his head to the side. "Maybe you could tell me how you like to touch yourself, Vae." He was curious to see if she would be embarrassed beyond reason or if talking about such things would stoke the flames of arousal in her. "Watching you like this really turns me on you know." the old master added, groaning softly as if to make sure she would know he wasn't lying.

"Just like that. Keep your legs spread for me. Be a good girl and let me see everything." Tethis murmured, his voice a little hoarse with arousal. Yet he made no move to disturb her, the old elf happily sipping wine as he watched Vaeri masturbate herself. It had been a while since he had been last able to persuade his lover to offer such a show for him. Most of the older women he bedded were shy and hesitant to reveal their bodies in such a fashion. He quite enjoyed himself watching the nubile young mage, his manhood slowly growing hard, his flimsy robes allowing her to see his arousal.

"Yes, good." There was a sense of eagerness in his voice as he praised Vaeri, her small moans leaving him aching for her. He knew he would simply have to have Vaeri before sending her back to her rooms. "Don't worry about your mana, the stone will keep you safe." While he could have drained her energies, Tethis wanted the young woman to learn to control the power she could harness so that one day she could practice on her own. "Don't let the mana build up, just let it flow into the stone." Holding the wardstone in her fingers, she could feel its unnatural hunger. "Good, just like that. Careful." The master leaned closer, his eyes intent on his student.

"You are being such a good girl for me." Tethis spoke to Vae as if she was his pet, his voice brimming with affection. "You are doing so very well. Now, try to move your fingers little faster. Draw upon your hunger. Show me." he commanded her, hovering his hand above her thigh, ready to reach for her mana should she slip for whatever reason. "Don't even try to control it, just let it flow from your core to the stone. "Feeling her hesitation, he shook his head. "It's safer this way, trust me." As much as he wanted her to learn as much as possible, he also wanted to keep her safe. Tethis had no desire to see Vaeri burn herself.

"You really do like me, don't you?" His eyebrow rose as he saw the gemstone flare, his voice ringing with mischief. "Such a good girl." Tethis smirked, feeling a little warm inside. Her utter dedication tasted sweeter than than any wine. "And you missed me." Tethis grinned, slowly circling one of her nipples, allowing some of his mana to slip into her bosom, allowing the young elf to become keenly aware of his presence. "Would you want me to alleviate your stress?" he asked, his voice a little coy, his hand moving from one breast to another, his touch soft. "Make you lose yourself for a moment? Like when we last met?" Tethis allowed the young elf to imagine what he might do to her, knowing that whatever her subconscious came up with would further stoke her passion. "Mhmhm... don't stop." he glanced between her legs, taking a look of her her pussy even as her slender fingers teased her nub.

"Show me." he beckoned her once more, inviting the young elf to embrace her true nature. "Faster. Can you get to the edge?" The old mage hoped she understood what he meant. "Very close, but not quite past the point." He ran his fingers along her neckline, reaching to caress her ear. "Then hold it. Careful." The more she felt, the more energy she would have at her disposal. "Don't cum, just let your hunger flow through you. Drink your fill." Close as Tethis was, she could see his mana shimmering in his eyes.
The receptive elf picked up on how his presence was engulfing the room. Due to her rapidly growing attraction towards her mentor, it lightly intoxicated her just to be in the same room as him. Her heart fluttered as she continued to get lost enough in the moment that she could fight through her embarrassment and experience pleasure. With how her fingers fumbled around, Vaeri didn't seem too experienced. It wasn't true innocence, but a girl who hadn't much of a chance to feel like a woman. The Vello's interest had been strictly on the arcane, and not exploring herself or even having much fun. Every moment, she could be studying, writing, or planning. She didn't know when to stop and actually try to enjoy herself. "I usually can't clear my mind to explore." Vaeri was a very honest girl, that was certain. "But.. I know I like to put a little mana on my fingers." She couldn't much do that now with how eagerly the stone was leeching any outward mana, but it didn't stop her slit from drooling from having her Master near as she played.

As she continued, the more confident she became. Two of her fingertips dipped into her, which caused her to shudder. "Mmhmm...!" She kept her legs wide, allowing him to try to get a peek around her busy hand. As she channeled her mana with her lust, she continued to pour it all into the stone. Letting it flow like an endless wave instead of trying to keep it bottled up and controlled.

His praise allowed her to continue forward and quicken her pace. "Ah-ah... mmahh!" Her fingers were now moving a bit faster and deeper, to the point where the sound of the wetness could easily be heard. It was embarrassing to hear how wet she had become, but she did her best to accept her primal reaction.

"You really do like me, don't you?"

The question almost threw her out of her trance, as she turned into a blushing schoolgirl. She squirmed a bit while her heart hammered. Why the hell was answering such a question harder than getting naked for him? Perhaps it was the fact that it made the situation even more personal. She had told him she didn't want her feelings involved in the situation too much. She struggled to speak up since Vaeri struggled to accept her own feelings. She just wanted to focus on her studies like she always did, but she had thought about Tethis often. The pleasure he gave her, the magic he showed her, the stories he could tell her, how she quietly idolized him, the look in his eyes, his voice, and overall how attractive his status was to her.

After freezing she finally spoke up. "I d-do. More than I-I probably should." Every time he gave her praise or a kiss of his mana, the high-strung elf melted a bit. Her heated expression became softer with acceptance as she continued to obey him, allowing wild neon mana to course out of her. It felt so good to feel mana run freely out of her body, although it made her increasingly vulnerable to be so open while bleeding out essence.

She bit her lower lip hard when he asked if she wanted to free herself from her stress like last time. She needed it after trying to adjust to White Tower; every hour here was stressful and sleepless. Her mind raced with memories of the last time they were alone together and that blissful mental haze he gave her. He had pushed her, but instead of scaring her, she was left with a yearning to experience it once more. The high, the submission, the magic. Just thinking about it, she started to finger herself with even more speed, seemingly growing wetter and wetter by the second as she fantasized about her Master. "pl-please!" She panted heavily between every few words. "I want...ahh~... you to ta-take me-e over... again!" Bluntly saying such a perverse truth caused a heated sensation to rush through her body, which stimulated her mana even more. Neon would try to storm around her in need, but instead, it was directed to the stone in her palm.

She would show him how much her body desired him by rolling her hips upwards, so he could better watch as she fingered her needy sex. "I'm so wet for you, Master Tethis." That she was, already leaving behind a bit of a mark from all the dripping. She continued to work herself to the edge. The closer she got, the louder and sweeter her cries became. "Aaaa....hhhaa!" She rolled her head back, and her dainty body trembled. "My bo-body!" She couldn't get the words out, but she felt like she was burning up with lust. Based on her feminine song and the way her body would shiver, there were clear hints that she was nearing the edge. "I n-nee-.... A-a-ahhmmn!" She closed her thighs some to help ease herself. However, she knew he wanted her to accept her natural urges. So, she forced her thighs open and went back to rubbing her clit. The pleasure was delightful, but every few seconds, her body would scream for release. There was a fine line in which she was walking as she gazed into his shimmering stare. She needed to cum; she needed him, and she could not easily verbalize it.
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