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tale as old as time | jezebel & solo


π–Ž π–œπ–†π–˜ 𝖔𝖓𝖙𝖔 π–˜π–”π–’π–Šπ–™π–π–Žπ–“π–Œ
Apr 8, 2019

In a castle full of oddities and impossibilities, the Muggle Studies classroom stood out starkly. There were no intricate pillars, moving pictures (unless the television screen was counted, but it was rarely turned on, only used when the professor 'had a headache' and smelled faintly of the evening before's Butterbeer) or spells cast within its plain walls, and it appeared, more or less, to be a normal Muggle classroom. Few students chose to remain in the class beyond the basic education required in their First Year, including the four boys entering, as they did most rooms, as a group, but James had somehow convinced them all the summer prior to choose it over Sirius' pick of Care of Magical Creatures ("Grubbly-Plank loves me, it'll be cake, we won't have to do anything) and Remus' quiet request for Ancient Runes, which had been summarily turned down almost as fast as it had been suggested.

"This one can barely communicate in the Queen's English, mate, what makes you think he'll pass in runes?"

Remus had paused for a moment, then agreed; after all, Muggle Studies would look great on a resume if he decided to go into the Department of International Magical Cooperation, or so James had said.

There weren't many seats to choose from, with the room being so small, so they took up a fraction of the back row of the two, Sirius' seat backwards as he leaned over the desk to flick a piece of parchment onto Remus' desk. Eventually, the class filled up between the students' idle chatter, with one of the last seatsβ€” next to James, of all placesβ€” being taken up by Lily.

James had opened his mouth to say something to her as she entered, but before he could, the professor began speaking. All for the best, James thought with chagrin, you'd have said something to muck it up anyway. It was easy to portray the facade of confidence he showed to the world every dayβ€” especially when at least sometimes it wasn't a facadeβ€” but around her? All bets were off. He'd spent years trying to woo her and been turned down at every angle, and over the summer, he'd made it his mission that it would be this year or never.

The only trouble with that wasβ€” how would it be this year? No matter what he triedβ€” grand gestures in the Great Hall at breakfast, sending charmed chocolates to her dormitory, showing the world what a coward that Snivellus really wasβ€” nothing seemed to work, and even Remus' half-hearted attempt at brainstorming hadn't helped. No, James would have to think of something much better...

And just when his mind was beginning to wander, the professor's brief introduction of that year's project brought him back down to earth.

"I'm sure the more observant of you have noticed the cottages alongside the castle, near the Herbology greenhouses," the older man said, pushing his eyeglasses up his nose with one finger as a smirk spread over his face. "If you enter oneβ€” and enter you willβ€” you will find that no magic will work within their walls. After all, what better way to understand your subject than to live as them?"

Scattered gasps rang through the room, but James only rolled his eyesβ€” they were being dramatic, he thought. How hard would it be to live as a Muggle? They didn't have the constant threat of Dark magic breathing down their necks. So they'd have to do a little more work to make dinner... how difficult could that be?

"Now... partners!" The list rattled on, and as names kept being called, neither of them his or Lily's, he leaned forward in his seat, suddenly paying rapt attention like he never had to any of his classes sans Transfiguration before... only to hear:

"James Potter... and Lily Evans!"

Turning to her with a wide grin, James wiggled his fingers in an exaggerated hello, before turning to his friends just in time to see their reaction to the professor's next words:

"And... oh, dear, it looks like we've run out of pairs, I thought we'd have an even number this yearβ€” ah, well. Remus Lupin and Sirius Black, you'll have to make do with the last one."

"And I wasn't invited to the wedding?" James gasped exaggeratedly, putting his hand over his heart in mock scandal. "Here I thought we were best mates!"​

There were a great many reasons she always tried to get to every class early-- The importance of education, finding a seat with her dearest friend Sev when he wasn't in one of his moods, being at the front for the best view of the materials at hand, but most importantly...

Finding any means necessary to avoid sitting next to Potter.

The young man while charming as she could admit many of his gestures were, were often overshadowed when his ego came into play. However kind he could be, she didn't appreciate how selective he was with his kindness. He almost made it seem as though people had to fit a particular mold to recieve his kindness. While she didn't come out and say what the root of her issue with him was... She was quite certain that her eye rolls probably did all of the talking for her anyways.

But today? Lady Luck had picked a favorite. And it was not her. She came in late with Sev, unlinking her arm from his as Severus grumbled seeing the only two seats were next to Potter or by the loo. As much as Severus clearly wrestled with the dilemma, he assured Lily he wouldnt have her sitting next to some filthy toilet... Even if it was only near the door, and took the seat instead as Lily sat next to James. She immediately opened her parchments and began to jot down a few notes on the assignement as the professor explained it. Lily's emerald eyes widened in surprise as the professor called out her name alongside James Potter's. She felt a mix of amusement and exasperation at being paired with James, knowing all too well his reputation for mischief and his persistent attempts to win her over. She gave a bit of an eye roll as he wiggled his fingers in a wave, obviously aware how quickly he could get under her skin.

As James turned to her with a wide grin and a playful greeting, Lily couldn't help but roll her eyes playfully. "Oh, joy," she muttered under her breath. Clearly, the audible gasp and angry grumbling from Severus was, in fact, less of a joke and more of a sign of a potential crime scene. Before she could retort, the professor's announcement about the shortage of pairs interrupted their banter. Lily watched as the last pair was announced, Remus Lupin and Sirius Black. She couldn't help but feel a twinge of sympathy for the two friends who always seemed to be caught up in James' antics.

"And still not the least unhappy couple going into this," She grumped, obviously scolding him. She could hear Severus snickering, throwing him a look as well before she went back to scrolls, doodling a doe on her parchment. "Please take this seriously, James. I prefer not to have my marks drop over your silly antics," She remarked, picking up her things as she prepared to go see exactly where they were intended to follow through on their assignment.
Heading into the year, James had just known that his seventh would be different. There'd just been something about it, some gut feeling he had that something was going to go right for him. Not that nothing had, he supposed – he'd made lifelong friends, gotten as good of marks as could be expected, and was Quidditch captain going into a promising season – but the final piece of the puzzle (Lily Evans acknowledging that he exists with anything other than disdain) still hadn't fallen into place.

But this? This was his chance.

"Seriously? No, no, you must have misheard, you're my partner, Sirius is with Remus."

And there that went.

Even Sirius didn't laugh at his joke, having heard it far too many times since they'd met to even react anymore. At first, it had been a hoot – they'd laugh about it every time they said it for their first two years. After that, it had at least been acknowledged with an eye roll or a shove. But by their sixth year, it was completely brushed over – but that was by his mates, after all. Maybe Lily would be different.

If not, he'd get her with it in the end. He just knew he would.

"Alright, students! Now that you've met up with your pairs, follow me, follow me!"

The professor led them out of the classroom, all the way through the halls and out to the courtyard, where a winding path led them to a cluster of newly constructed cabins. "And here we are! Seventh years, please find your living quarters for the class semester. Each is stocked with everything you'll need, and your things have already been brought – but remember: no magic!"

Murmurs spread through the crowd, some excited, some displeased, and the professor clapped his hands to dispel them. "I will be in the vicinity for the next half hour or so, so if you require anything getting acclimated, come and find me. Otherwise, we will see you at our next class!"

James paused outside of their allotted cabin, looking at Lily with a sly grin. "Well, Evans, should I carry you over the threshold or is that tradition a bit too outdated for your taste?"​
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