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Seeking literate female and male RP partners. (FxF / MxF)

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Miss Pretty

Aug 15, 2010
EST (GMT -5)
*LAST UPDATE: March 5th 2012*


Hello everyone,

I am currently seeking literate RP partners for story-driven RPs through Yahoo Messenger.

I prefer discussing characters and storylines through IM chat, so please do not ask me with 'what's your story' as your greeting. I don't want to go into all the story discussion without first knowing if we're compatible or not. Be patient.


CURRENT FOCUS: 1-2 Female Partners AND 1-2 Male Partners (Human characters)

CURRENT INTEREST: Story Driven RPs (Long term preferable and when possible | Short term possible as well)

GENRES: Romance | Action/Romance (romance with action elements, not so much the exploding airplanes kind), Noir/Romance, (vanilla) Romance, Horror. (In order of preference)

I generally RP modern and full realism most of the time - but that can bend and stretch for the occasional "special" scenes and stories, though fantasy and monsters and such are generally not my thing.


The 4 main things I'm looking for in my partner:

1) Please be literate and take care of your writing and grammar. That includes: capitalizing the I's, using punctuation, using apostrophes, not making too many grammar/spelling mistakes, etc. Typos are fine, but laziness is not fun. RP is a writing game.

2) Please be online "regularly". No, you don't need to be on every day (though that'd be awesome), but if you log in once a week, or are prone to disappear for long periods of time (especially unannounced), or have sporadic schedules, or have endless reasons or excuses, then it probably won't work.

3) I dislike mixing real life with RP, and as such, I keep RL talk to the bare minimum, and strongly prefer if we limit our talk to RP talk. I don't mind some casual, lighthearted chatter once we build a "working rapport", but I do not want to get involved in any of your real life problems. Real life self pictures are the ultimate no no. I do not play (or stop playing) with people who show me their real life faces - for whatever reason.

4) I play exclusively on Yahoo messenger, exclusively with other Yahoo users. (I don't play with MSN users because the Yahoo-MSN compatibility is unreliable.)

I have stories that are waiting to be started. I have a preference for story with smut, somewhere in the 70/30 ratio of story/smut.

I prefer multi para (usually 2 Yahoo boxes) most of the time (150+ words) and look for partners who can do the same. I do not use line or sentence numbers as reference, because obviously, the length will vary depending on your window size and word number. That is why I prefer using a more absolute value like word/character number.

Here is a visual representation of what 1 para looks like for me:

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam sapien libero, iaculis et feugiat non, venenatis vel turpis. Integer metus diam, gravida iaculis pretium congue, feugiat eu velit. Nunc consequat pharetra semper. In fringilla purus purus. Fusce ultricies laoreet facilisis. Praesent volutpat enim ligula, sit amet pretium sem. Integer dapibus turpis quis lacus porta et hendrerit arcu pulvinar. Sed lacinia, nisi vestibulum varius volutpat, nisi urna commodo eros, sed pharetra arcu ligula at dui. Vestibulum feugiat laoreet nunc, vitae pellentesque lectus lacinia rutrum. Vivamus varius justo ac est dignissim tempus. Proin elit dolor, porta in lobortis sed, aliquet vel augue. Phasellus a ipsum augue, nec consectetur mauris. Nunc consectetur arcu in nibh rutrum id vulputate nisl cursus."

Thanks for reading.

Oh, and please take a look at my F-list.

RE: Seeking male (mostly) and female RP partners.

"I just don't want to get involved in any kind of eDrama and play eCounselor"
I lol'd.
RE: Seeking male and female RP partners. (MxF & FxF)

Good luck. I'd of loved roleplaying with you but I hate doing messengers. By any chance do you make an exception with threads or are you strictly messengers?
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