Primal Sex Goddess
- Joined
- Dec 26, 2022
- Location
- Fairy Land !

Are you a WOMAN ? ( ie a Cis or Real Life woman )
AND ...
- Like impregnation themes ?
- Like Medical breakthroughs that are perverted ?
- Want to explore humiliation themes ?
- Like Dog sex (Women with male dogs) ?
If so read more ! If Not I SUPPOSE you don't have to
Note this will NOT have pet play in it (ie no dressing up as animals nor pretending to be animals).
This role play set in the modern world about ten years in the future or less, where there has been a breakthrough in medicine where there is a set of injections offered by a private medical research clinic that changes women in several ways:
a) It changes their vaginal scent to mimic a bitch in heat but several times stronger
(triggering male dogs to be aroused)
b) It allows them to get pregnant to male dogs (the offspring being male dogs that lust women).
c) It accelerates the pregnancy to a week or so (But does need dog ejaculate deposited in the womb several times each day of the pregnancy)
d) The male dog offspring that eventuates is different to normal male dogs, in that they utterly lust women all the time, even more so than true bitches in heat.

The role play would assume such changed women are no longer truly human and the same laws do not apply to them, but due to their scent triggering arousal in male dogs (more overtly than bitches in heat), it is expected for them to please them when it happens - even publicly - failure to do so is deemed unethical and is punished. Such changed women not being truly human (As they have canine genes) means that they can have dog sex in public without breaking any law. Also the offspring not being a true male dog but having small amount of human genes - are legal lovers of women.
This idea is that our main characters (both female in their early twenties) are best friends that live together and are desperate for money and apply to an add in a woman's magazine. In short they are tricked by Femmelabs (who over see the injections) into taking the injections. and our main characters are changed - and have a job/duty to create offspring male dog for sale to women (for sexual pleasure). Profits from the sale of the offspring to needy women go partially to the clinic that researched the genes, part to the government and part to the "bitch" mother (ie one or both of our main characters).
This role play will involve dog sex (of course), as well a slice of life role plays where our characters are judged as a lower class citizen or non-human and the social repercussions of being so !
Interested ? Please read my profile > about tab for more details also linked here. My alternative stance on god moding is defiantly important to know.
Still interested ? ... Send me a pm ideally with the title "breeding bitches" so I know which request of mine your referring to.
The horses being reduced to charred messes confirmed a few things, one the dragon wasn't attacking to hunt for food, otherwise it would have ignored all and not used fire and just grabbed a horse or two to eat at some point later. Secondly due to the intensity of the fire breath it confirmed the dragon was an adult - a mature dragon, as juveniles couldn't reduce horses to charcoal in one pass. Visual confirmation also confirmed it was a big one. Black dragons, unlike their metallic kin were evil, one type of many that were. Likely the Dragon was increasing its territory, and wanted everything that moved larger than a rabbit ... ash.
All dragons were arrogant and proud, and didn't take to others easily, even good dragons. Many a good soul has lost their life to metallic dragons taking offence. However plain coloured dragons did this to pretty much everything, even their own kind unless it was mating season - whenever that could be for dragons that live for thousands of years.
Abby looked about fearfully, staff raised high, thinking if there was some spell that could be used to help their situation, but alas none came to mind. The Black Dragon now was circling around ready for another pass, likely to rake the sparrows with fire and have their fate match the horses.
Salrena extended both her arms to the side and closed her eyes and a moment later a semi-transparent dome that looked like it as made of a cloud covered the sparrows. The next moment the dragon let another breath of fire over the sparrows. Salrena cried out in pain, but the shield held, just, but it obviously couldn't take another due to holes being seen in it afterwards, and the heat not completely repelled.
"I have the means to portal us about a league away, however i will overdraw my mana and tap my health, you all know what that means, but we have no choice. I can't shield us from another strike. This foe is beyond my ability to protect us from. Whatever you all do use the portal the moment you can. Oh and someone will need to carry me through as I will not be conscious"
Salrena cast one more spell, a portal like she said, and blood oozed from her ears nose and eyes in horrid spurts before she fell limp on the ground. Being prepared Abby with considerable effort took up the sorceress in her arms, and rushed towards the small portal that was flickering due to being rushed.
Eruna and Celina also went through, and when all were, the portal flickered out silently.
The sparrows found themselves in the forest in a section they had traversed a few hours ago, considerably beautiful spot. There were flowers about surrounding a stream that was old due to the rounded stones that littered the bank.
A female deer that was obviously drinking when they arrived was spooked on their appearance and bolted away as Abby collapsed on the ground, mage in hand, in a tangle of limbs trying to protect the mage from any additional injuries due to falling.
Salrena was looking bad. Deathly pale, and blood was streaming from her facial orifices. Her breath was shallow and had a rasping sound.
"She is mana drained, and had indeed used some of her health to power the casting of her last spell. I can stabilise her however I dare not try and wake her." Abby crouched beside the sorceress and waved both her hands over the mage's face, close but not touching. Warm golden light seeped from Abby's fingers to shower the mage's head. The bleeding stopped, and some colour returned to Salrena's face. Her frantic shallow breathing deepened and slowed.
Sounds of the Dragon finding new victims could easily be heard. It seemed the Dragon noticed the Demon-sworn as the sparrows fled, and had begun to attack the captors. Hopefully they would protect the princess and her friends. But who knew with Demon-sworn? Typically their culture encouraged selfishness to a fault.
Eruna then heard something that she most likely didn't want to. Footsteps approaching.
"Well well well, good day to be bandits isn't it brothers ?!" Several roguish men wearing tattered leggings and grey hooded tunics appeared with loaded crossbows aimed at each of the sparrows.
"We were all set out to find some decent pickings but it seems fortune came to us ! Casters among you too judging by your clothes, fine clothes i might add. And unfortunately for you all your mage is incapacitated. Be good girls and drop your weapons and shed your clothes too. They will fetch a fine price. And well .. I must admit you are all quite a tonic for the eyes so we might have more uses for you all other than your stuff ... if you all care to take comfort in the arms of some warm blooded men who have not bedded a woman in months ! Lads it seems today is our lucky day ! These women flaunt wealth, and they have the bodies men like us like too ! I hope your feeling spritely lads for these wenches look just ripe enough for me !"
At this the five other men, all with beards and hair that obviously had not seen a bath in ages, laughed.
"You all may have skills or some ability to live after we shoot you, however your mage is prone. If you all try anything funny we will riddle the bitch so she is sprouting bolts out of her tits !"
The other men changed their aim to that of the mage.
Abby looked up from her healing of Salrena and frowned before deeply sighing.
All dragons were arrogant and proud, and didn't take to others easily, even good dragons. Many a good soul has lost their life to metallic dragons taking offence. However plain coloured dragons did this to pretty much everything, even their own kind unless it was mating season - whenever that could be for dragons that live for thousands of years.
Abby looked about fearfully, staff raised high, thinking if there was some spell that could be used to help their situation, but alas none came to mind. The Black Dragon now was circling around ready for another pass, likely to rake the sparrows with fire and have their fate match the horses.
Salrena extended both her arms to the side and closed her eyes and a moment later a semi-transparent dome that looked like it as made of a cloud covered the sparrows. The next moment the dragon let another breath of fire over the sparrows. Salrena cried out in pain, but the shield held, just, but it obviously couldn't take another due to holes being seen in it afterwards, and the heat not completely repelled.
"I have the means to portal us about a league away, however i will overdraw my mana and tap my health, you all know what that means, but we have no choice. I can't shield us from another strike. This foe is beyond my ability to protect us from. Whatever you all do use the portal the moment you can. Oh and someone will need to carry me through as I will not be conscious"
Salrena cast one more spell, a portal like she said, and blood oozed from her ears nose and eyes in horrid spurts before she fell limp on the ground. Being prepared Abby with considerable effort took up the sorceress in her arms, and rushed towards the small portal that was flickering due to being rushed.
Eruna and Celina also went through, and when all were, the portal flickered out silently.
The sparrows found themselves in the forest in a section they had traversed a few hours ago, considerably beautiful spot. There were flowers about surrounding a stream that was old due to the rounded stones that littered the bank.
A female deer that was obviously drinking when they arrived was spooked on their appearance and bolted away as Abby collapsed on the ground, mage in hand, in a tangle of limbs trying to protect the mage from any additional injuries due to falling.
Salrena was looking bad. Deathly pale, and blood was streaming from her facial orifices. Her breath was shallow and had a rasping sound.
"She is mana drained, and had indeed used some of her health to power the casting of her last spell. I can stabilise her however I dare not try and wake her." Abby crouched beside the sorceress and waved both her hands over the mage's face, close but not touching. Warm golden light seeped from Abby's fingers to shower the mage's head. The bleeding stopped, and some colour returned to Salrena's face. Her frantic shallow breathing deepened and slowed.
Sounds of the Dragon finding new victims could easily be heard. It seemed the Dragon noticed the Demon-sworn as the sparrows fled, and had begun to attack the captors. Hopefully they would protect the princess and her friends. But who knew with Demon-sworn? Typically their culture encouraged selfishness to a fault.
Eruna then heard something that she most likely didn't want to. Footsteps approaching.
"Well well well, good day to be bandits isn't it brothers ?!" Several roguish men wearing tattered leggings and grey hooded tunics appeared with loaded crossbows aimed at each of the sparrows.
"We were all set out to find some decent pickings but it seems fortune came to us ! Casters among you too judging by your clothes, fine clothes i might add. And unfortunately for you all your mage is incapacitated. Be good girls and drop your weapons and shed your clothes too. They will fetch a fine price. And well .. I must admit you are all quite a tonic for the eyes so we might have more uses for you all other than your stuff ... if you all care to take comfort in the arms of some warm blooded men who have not bedded a woman in months ! Lads it seems today is our lucky day ! These women flaunt wealth, and they have the bodies men like us like too ! I hope your feeling spritely lads for these wenches look just ripe enough for me !"
At this the five other men, all with beards and hair that obviously had not seen a bath in ages, laughed.
"You all may have skills or some ability to live after we shoot you, however your mage is prone. If you all try anything funny we will riddle the bitch so she is sprouting bolts out of her tits !"
The other men changed their aim to that of the mage.
Abby looked up from her healing of Salrena and frowned before deeply sighing.
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