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Fx Any They did the Fuck, they did the Monster Fuck

House of Self Undoing

Monster Fucker
Mar 7, 2024
Version 1.0 Barebones Edition

Hello Everyone and thank you for dropping in. What follows is a very barebones request thread, which I will be updating at a later date. If you're intrigued by the ideas but think I look like a shoddy writer, then bookmark and have a look at later date!

I write 3-5 paragraphs and respond roughly every couple of days. Real life might make this vary, and shorter messages such as when we're planning or brainstorming can happen much quicker. Real life is my priority and I'm going to assume it is yours too. I expect a partners level of writing to be legible, some of us have reasons why our English isn't perfect so I try and cut people some slack on that front.

I write as females/women, NB or even femme-men, obviously this is a Female x Any prompt, but if you think 'Hey I like that idea, but it would be cool if you could play a.....instead' that is a discussion we can have.

The Big Kink: Monsters! Writing against or as, whether they are anthro and conventionally attractive, anthro and conventionally unattractive or of a completely different body type all together I am here for it! Goblins, Merpeople, Dragons, Ghosts, Minotaur's, Orcs, Trolls, weird eldritch abominations you've just made up! You will have my interest if an RP includes them as participants! By extension non human but not-monsters such as Elves, Anthros or Robots are also of interest.

Additional Kinks: Armpits, Large body parts, impregnation/pregnancy/breeding, sexy/slutty clothing, anal...and many more! I'm open to most kinks and the more obscure or niche they are the more they'll interest me.
No's: Medical settings/scenes (I can elaborate further on this if there is something you feel may but up against it)
Dislikes: Overly muscled men.
Serious Maybe's: Harem's.
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