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Collage Secrets (reboot) LunarWolf and GuardianAngel

Ashe was just looking towards him for a brief moment in time before she was speaking in a soft voice, "My mother is gone.... She passed away at around midnight...."
Ashe was just taking his hand back before she was speaking, 'So if you want you can teach your class.... I'll be fine..."
Drake drove till he reached her home and pulled up before parking the car. once the car was turned off he got out and walked to her side
Ashe was just following him inside once they arrived although it was pretty obvious that she was emotionally shut down at the time, and definitely not paying attention at all to much of anything.
Ashe was just heading inside and soon enough they seemed to be in his room, and she was soon enough laying next to him on the bed. Yet this is about when she was breaking down again, before just seeming to pass out from emotional exhaustion.
The next morning they would be woken up by his alarm going off, one that he had forgotten to turn off the night before - one that told him to get up so that he could get to the college to teach class. Ashe didn't even seem to rouse at all to the alarm going off, seeming to be absolutely out cold. Yet again being as emotionally exhausted as she had been the night prior, it made sense.
There were definitely a number of emails back right away asking if everything was okay, and even why it was so last minute.
After a bit it seemed like Ashe was waking up some, although she was definitely emotionally not with it at all.
Ashe was pretty quiet for a bit although she was getting up and mumbling that she was going to go make some hot chocolate.
Ashe was heading into the kitchen so that she could make herself hot chocolate, or attempt to anyways. It was pretty clear that she wasn't paying attention - as she was grabbing some tea packets instead.
"Oh... thanks... " Ashe was mumbling after a mental in time. Drake would notice he had a message from Adrian asking where he was. Usually the group would get breakfast at first - and the other two were woefully unaware of the situation.

"Usually they are here by now." Adrian spoke as he sat in the diner with Grace that the group had decided they were going to frequent every morning before they went to the college.
Drake texted back informing him that Ashe's mother had passed away early the morning so they wouldnt be there as she needed time to come to terms with the loss.
Adrian was looking at the message before he was speaking to Grace, "Ashe's mom passed away early this morning it seems."
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