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Fx M or F Seeking Roleplay Partners for Engaging Storylines.


Apr 4, 2020
Hello everyone,
I'm Misty, a 26-year-old roleplayer currently residing in Qatar but originally from Scotland. With years of experience in the art of roleplaying, I'm on the lookout for partners who share a passion for immersive storytelling across various genres. My preferred writing style is third person, and I thrive in genres such as drama, romance, action, slice of life, and fantasy.

I prioritize rich storytelling over explicit content, so I aim for a smut to story ratio of 50/50 or more in favor of story development. However, I'm open to exploring mature/dark themes as long as they serve the narrative.

While I'm open-minded, there are certain limits I adhere to, including furries, food fetish, toiletplay, scat, incest, and big age gaps.

Some of the roleplay themes that intrigue me include:

- Enemies to lovers
- Best friends who secretly love each other
- Vampires, demons, elves
- Mafia
- Fantasy settings such as princess/prince/knight scenarios
- Superheroes

Currently, I'm delving into "A Court of Thorns and Roses," so anything reminiscent of that world would be particularly captivating to explore.


I'm an avid poster and can contribute frequently to keep the story flowing smoothly.

If you're interested in crafting intricate plots and developing compelling characters, please don't hesitate to reach out. Let's embark on an adventure together!

*NEW* Here is a starter I created for a roleplay but was then ghosted. I would love to roleplay this out with someone so feel free to reply through DM's.

Princess Misty Lockheart stood at the edge of the grand balcony of the Elven Palace, her sage green eyes sweeping across the verdant expanse of the Elven Empire. The rolling hills, dense forests, and the sparkling rivers painted a serene picture that had always brought her peace. This land was her sanctuary, a place where she had played as a child and grown into the woman she was today. It was a bittersweet sight now, knowing that soon she would be leaving it all behind.

In the weeks leading up to her twenty-third birthday, Misty had spent her days indulging in the simple pleasures of her kingdom. She wandered through the lush gardens, her platinum blonde hair catching the sunlight as she bent to smell the fragrant blossoms. She visited the ancient oak in the heart of the forest, its gnarled branches a familiar sight that had provided her with shade during countless afternoons of reading and reflection.

Misty's nights were filled with laughter and camaraderie. Her closest friends, a tight-knit group of elven warriors and scholars, had rallied around her. They shared stories by the fire, recalling their adventures and dreams. Despite the looming shadow of her fate, Misty never let her sorrow show. Her grace and kindness remained intact, a testament to her strength and character. She cherished these moments, storing them away like precious gems to draw upon in the uncertain future that awaited her.

On the eve of her birthday, a grand feast was held in her honour. The great hall was adorned with garlands of ivy and shimmering lights. The air was thick with the scent of roasted meats, fresh bread, and spiced wine. Music filled the room, and elves danced and sang in a joyous celebration of their beloved princess. Misty smiled and laughed, her heart heavy but her spirit undaunted. She danced with her father, the Elven King, his eyes reflecting the same sorrow she kept hidden within her own.

The following morning, as the first light of dawn crept over the horizon, Misty stood by her family's side at the palace gates. Her mother, the queen, embraced her tightly, whispering words of love and encouragement. Her father placed a gentle kiss on her forehead, his eyes moist with unshed tears. Misty's younger siblings clung to her, their small faces etched with worry and sadness. She held each of them close, promising to remain strong and to remember their love always.

A grand, ornately carved carriage awaited her, its design a mix of elegance and practicality. The horses, white as snow, pawed the ground impatiently. Misty took a deep breath, her heart pounding in her chest, and climbed inside. As the carriage began its journey, she looked back at her family one last time, committing their faces to memory.

The landscape she loved so dearly blurred past the windows as the carriage moved swiftly through the kingdom. Misty felt a pang of longing with each familiar landmark they passed. The ancient bridge over the river where she had once played, the bustling market square where she had wandered incognito, the serene meadow where she had first learned to ride – all these places were now part of her past.

The journey was long, and as the day gave way to night, the carriage entered a darker, more foreboding part of the land. The trees grew taller and more twisted, their branches forming a canopy that blocked out the moonlight. Misty could feel the change in the air, a chill that seeped into her bones. She wrapped her cloak tighter around her, her mind racing with thoughts of what awaited her.

Eventually, the carriage slowed as it approached the vampire lord's castle. It was a stark contrast to the elven architecture she was accustomed to – a formidable stone structure with four imposing towers and high walls. The castle stood on the edge of a dense forest, its silhouette reflected in the large river that flowed nearby. Misty felt a shiver run down her spine as the gates creaked open to admit her.

As the carriage came to a stop, the door was opened, and Misty was helped down by a silent, hooded figure. She took a deep breath, standing tall and composed. Her heart was heavy with fear and uncertainty, but she knew she had to face her fate with the same grace and dignity that had defined her life. With one last look at the darkening sky, she stepped forward into the unknown, ready to meet the vampire lord who held her destiny in his hands.

Hope to hear from you soon,
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