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Fx Any ᴏяᴀɴɢᴇ ᴄᴏʀɴᴇʀ_ꜱᴛᴏʀᴇ ! 𝘯𝘴𝘧𝘸


Nov 26, 2021
  • haiiiiiii~!

    i've been writing for too long 4 years now (i think, lol)
    and i've been told that i write good dialogue.

    graphic design is my passion job (lol), so expect a lot of media;
    i suppose some
    (most) of it will be
    nsfw, so beware.


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    irl, i'm a pretty exclusive lesbian; part of the reason i love it here so much is that i can satisfy my hetero urges without having to actually interact with men (ew) in real life. all that to say: i don't really care about the gender of you, or your character. if the idea's good, i'm writing
    all characters 18+; this is non-negotiable, idc that it's technically fine wherever you live
    i'm pretty flexible in length (and other ways); it really depends on what the scene asks for.
    i like sliding media into my writing, but it depends on my mood, sometimes i just vomit out pure text
    PMs/threads are fine, and Discord is fine for OOC comms. i will not write a story on Discord.
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    ~ favs:
    cum on me! · facial · anal · make me squirt! · eat me whole
    ~ yes:
    threesomes · spitting · giving head · public · low-key bdsm · toys · face-riding · + everything else
    ~ no:
    vore · gore · cuckold · incest · anthro chars.

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    low-setup, long-term:
    meeting at a club => a neverending bender

    high-setup, long-term:
    {Modern} An artiste // A primordial being —— not into anymore
    It all started—like things often do—with a bored, inspiration-less artist. They were on the cusp of their masterpiece, on the very edge of their absolute success, yet they just couldn't get past the tip of the hill, towards actually creating. They tortured themselves with workshops meant to induce inspiration, with exercises designed to foster creativity, but none of it worked. Finally, on some dark, deep, hidden corner of the Internet, they stumbled upon a mysterious series of incantations, meant to summon one personal muse—not a divine being, nor even one from the myths—an accurate and complete reflection of a person's creative and abstract brain. The manifestation of all of their deepest desires, the well of all of their pleasures, combined. Of course, they just had to try it...
    finders, keepers
    {Modern} Man who got cheated on // His ex-wife's sister —— taken
    No one understood how her sister bagged such a wonderful, kind and handsome man. Of all the women in the world, she didn't deserve him: she was trash in every sense of the word. She couldn't commit to a breakfast, let alone to a whole-ass marriage. So, to no one's surprise, it ended as quickly as it began. Barely a year-and-a-half into it, MC caught her sister out at a club, sticking her tongue down another man's throat. Obviously, her first thought was to inform her brother-in-law... but then, she got an idea. Instead, she secretly recorded her sister, even as she departed the club with her affair partner, with the ultimate goal of being the one to expose her sister—and the one to reap the rewards, when her brother-in-law needs a should to cry on.
    beauty and the beast
    {Modern} low-life // rich chick
    she's a cut-throat business magnate/politician, masquerading behind the visage of a family-oriented, traditional woman. the illusion is crafted to such perfection that she's even hired actors to 'play family'. a handsome man as a husband, a proper lady as a mother.
    he's a low-life, a gangster, a drug dealer. a man who wears his heart on his sleeve. A girl like her has the needs of men like him—to deal with competition and to send a message.
    is it even an affair when you pay your husband a Hollywood salary?
  • (you don't have to read these; as a matter of fact, you probably shouldn't, lol)
    (if you want, you can bring any of this up with me, I would love to talk deeper about any of these topics)
    (or just take them as a window into my mind, or whatever…)
    deprival of agency
    I've noticed a bunch of ideas that deal with some kind of deprival of agency for one of the characters (usually the opposing one); I understand that it's a certain part of d/s and dub-con (don't get me started on that), but I don't get it: doesn't the whole idea of writing stories where 'consent is optional' go against the concept of collaborative writing? And doesn't writing a character like that, the victim in this equation, feel incredibly unsatisfying (since you're essentially just 'reacting' to what the other writer writes, without agency, nor even consent)?

    Not trying to kink-shame, or anything, I'm just genuinely curious about these kinds of stories!

ARCHIVED (public) RPS: Steps to Stardom
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