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Mx M or F I'm So Sorry! I Hit Your Car... (Intro Included)


We're all mad here
May 11, 2017
I don't tend to make request threads, I usually just lurk in the shadows and pick and choose those that I find interesting to reach out to. However, at the moment I'm not having any luck with that so I figured I would come on here and make something.

    • I have 20+ years of experience roleplaying and I have played every genre you can imagine. I have also become rather cynical and maybe a little picky about those that I play with...
    • I typically post 500-1000 words with intros sometimes being 2000+ if I'm truly inspired (this has scared away more than one partner in the past
    • I usually only do original plots with original characters, but if you can make a convincing enough plot, I might be willing to do a fandom with you
    • I can guarantee at least one post a week but if I like the roleplay or we're really hitting it off, sometimes I can post multiple times a day
    • I am more active during the week and less active on weekends because of my personal life
    • My characters are my characters, your characters are your characters and for the love of all things holy, please be able to differentiate the difference between me and my character. If my character responds negatively to something your character does or says, that's not me passive-aggressively saying I don't like your post. If I didn't like your post, I would say something. Let the characters work their shit out between them
    • I have no limits
    • I tend to play more dominate characters, but open to playing a switch if desired
    • I play both male and female characters but for this particular itch, I'm looking to play a male

  • Foreword: This is a revival of a story I tried to do nine years ago. It was based on the very loose prompt of, "My day's been so bad it can't get any worse. Oh wait, take that back. Somebody scratched my beloved car and left a lame post-it with their phone number." Only I wrote it from the opposite point of view. This introduction is open to many interpretations and can go many, many different ways. Oliver is an established character and I have a very extensive back story and family for him so be prepared to step into a colorful world of characters.

    Will you play the owner of the car that was hit? Is she a nice girl or is he the leader of a gang that will take out their displeasure on Oliver for daring scratch his car? Or, maybe, you'll play the cop that shows up to take his statement. There's a world of possibilities just waiting to be achieved...

    Oliver was running late. Again. He didn't know why it was so hard for him to get up in the morning. His alarm would go off and he'd hit snooze, and snooze and snooze again and still he'd be tired. Even a cup of coffee didn't do the trick anymore. By the time he dragged himself out of bed, took a quick shower and grabbed a bite to eat, he'd already he running late. So he had taken to driving much too quickly on the highway. Luckily around here everyone drove like assholes so he just fit right in, and the cops did nothing.

    Today was exceptionally bad. When he got into the quiet little town he worked in, traffic was damn-near stopped. It was a very touristy town. Population 5241, according to the 'Welcome to Manitou Springs' sign. The main street was a two-lane street. One lane was North-bound and the second South-bound. And right now it was backed up a mile past the welcoming sign. Drumming on his steering wheel, he glanced at the time for the umpteenth time as if his staring at the time could make it stop. Why was it that such tactics always worked while at work and yet when on the way to work it just made the time speed up? He should have known that there would be extra traffic today. It was the beginning of summer break for many local schools as well as many in surrounding states and there was a festival being held in the park today.

    When he finally pulled into the parking lot he usually parked in, he was dismayed to find it was already jam-packed. It was centrally located and most all the shops were within walking distance from here. "Come on, give me a break..." He muttered under his breath.

    Making a second, desperate circuit, he noticed someone backing up. As he turned the corner he noticed a new car coming into the parking lot and making a bee line for the same backing-up car he had just noticed. "Oh no you don't," He muttered and pressed on the gas petal. The car backing up had barely cleared the spot before Oliver pulled into it. The third car - the one that just pulled into the parking lot - honked at him and the driver flipped him off. Oliver raised his own hand to return the one-handed salute and felt the car suddenly jerk.

    His heart nearly stopped as he turned to look forwards again and saw he had hit the rear panel of the car next to him with his front bumper. "Shit!" He backed up and straightened out before jumping out to take a look at the car next to him. "Please be okay, please be okay." It wasn't okay. His own heap of junk car was undaunted but the nice car he had hit had a long, deep scratch. It was a beauty of a car too; clearly the owner took pride in it, they had even backed into the space to avoid being damaged. "Shit. Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit! Motherf-" Taking a deep breath he looked back at his car, it was clear he was the one that had done it, there was paint from the car on the front of his metal bumper.

    He could just move his own car and the owner would never be the wiser. He knew from personal experience that there were no cameras in this parking lot. Someone that could afford such a beauty of a car surely had good insurance and heavens knew Oliver couldn't afford to fix the scratch and his insurance was a joke. But he had been raised to be much more honest than all that. His dad had always taught him to take responsibility for his mistakes.

    Knowing he was already late, he leaned back into his car and opened the glove box. "Paper, paper, paper… Fuck!" In his search for paper all he came up with was a sticky note pad and a bloody knuckle as his hand scrapped against the ice scrapper he kept in the glove box. Pulling out his hand, he sucked on the bloody digit for a second before reaching into the pocket in the door for a pen. He scribbled down his number, trying not to drip blood onto the sticky note before getting out of his car. He set the sticky note on the car and took off running towards his job.

    Surely his day couldn't get any worse.

    How wrong he was. If he'd known how terribly wrong his day would go, he probably wouldn't have gotten out of bed this morning.

    "I'm here!" He shouted as he barged into the matte shop twenty minutes after his shift had ended.

    "Don't bother. You can turn your ass around and go home. I'll mail your final check to you." Chuck, his boss, said from behind the counter.

    "I- Last check? Wait, you're firing me?" He asked, eyes wide.

    "Yeah, I am. Now get the fuck out of my store." The man growled.

    He blinked and stared at the man for a long time before sighing and allowing his shoulders to slump. There was no use fighting it. If this had been his first offense he probably could have talked his way out of it, but he knew he'd been late enough times that there was no talking his way out this time. "Can I uh... Can I at least get a band-aid?" He asked, feeling lame for even asking.

    Chuck gave him a long, cold look but then went into the back and came back with a band-aid, handing it to him without a word. He turned and made his way out of the shop, applying the band-aid as he walked. This was turning out to be a fabulous morning. He was already mentally doing the math, trying to decide if he could make it through the rest of the month with what he had in savings or if he would need to crawl back to his parents with his tail between his legs asking for help.

    Walking glumly through the parking lot, he vaguely wondered if the owner of that nice car had come back. His eyes quickly found it and he contemplated taking his sticky note off. Reaching for his keys, his hand found an empty pocket. That's strange. Had he left them at work? He thought back and the last place he remembered them was… As the thought crossed through his mind he ran the rest of the way through the parking lot, coming to a halt in the empty spot his car had occupied not twenty minutes ago. "Motherfucker!" This was definitely where he had parked, there was that nice car with the scratch he had created - and his sticky note was still there!

    Running back through the parking lot he stopped when he reached the street and looked up and down the street. Of course there was no sign of his car. It was a piece of shit, but it was his car, and he was still making payments on it!

    There was no way around it, he would need to call his dad now. That thought made his stomach drop.

    The rest of his energy drained from him in that moment and Oliver collapsed onto the corner of the sidewalk between the street and the parking lot. At this point he didn't even care if a car ran him over. Though that thought only lasted until the first car that honked at him. Disheartened, he moved out of the way to sit on the grass instead. Pulling out his phone he dialed 9-1-1. "Yes… I'd like to report a stolen vehicle…"

To make things interesting, I have included an intro (see The Intro Tab above). This works as both a sample of my writing and the beginning of the story. If you feel so inclined, you can either send me back an intro of your own and we can start off with a bang and work things out as we go. OR you can send me an OOC message to let me know that you're interested and we can do some plotting before we begin.

Depending on how this goes, I may expand this thread later to include other interests and a full set of plots and ideas. I am full of ideas.
Bahaha!! I just had a long-term partner of mine come out of the woodworks and send me an intro to this that I did not see coming in the least. Quite refreshing and amusing! There's so many ways this plot can go, send me any idea you have.

Another idea: Instead of being the person that owns that car he scratched, are you going to play the person that stole Oliver's car?
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