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Fx Any Presfop's Requests


Jan 23, 2024

I'm going to preface this right now, this is probably going to be stylistically a bit more boring than other ones you've seen.

But a little about me! I'm fairly newer to rping than a lot of other people, I think, having only done it for maybe 5 or so years. It is something I greatly enjoy. I use she/her and am a full-time college student, so my replies might be a little slow, but I'll try to reply as soon as I can.

I'll also add my f-list here.

So! The prompts!

These are going to split into two different sections. The top one will be cute and fluffy romance, and the bottom one will be some of my more dark desires.

The Romance! (Currently craving!)

YC and MC were good friends, once. The best of friends, you could've even said. After all, ever since they met in elementary school, they did everything together, from playing to studying to lazing around. Then, one of them moved away. It was hard, but it came with new revelations about their "just good friend". So when they reunite, can those feelings really stay hidden anymore?

YC is flashy, confident, maybe even famous. MC is shy and withdrawn, trying not to put too much attention on herself. So what happens when, on a dare, YC has to ask mine out on a date? And even worse, actually have to go on one? Definitely not getting to know her over the course of the night, enough to consider hanging out again as friends or maybe even more, right?

The Dark!

This will mostly have noncon or kidnapping elements, just as a warning.

MC is the daughter of a rich man, and YC knows they can get a good ransom for her. But once they have her in their clutches, maybe her confusion and fear become irresistable, and maybe her helplessness is too much... maybe you'll just keep and train her for yourself, then.

Slightly more basic premise, but it's a classic. MC is young, experienced, and way over her head, a cute adventurer trying to make a name for herself. She goes into the first dungeon and, well, she get's caught in a trap that just doesn't let her go... and the dungeon is very keen on having new blood around.

MC is a college student. She's a good student, too: 4.0 GPA, participates, etc. She seems desperate to keep that 4.0, and her professor smells blood in the water. A few low markings here, a few worse test grades there, and before long, MC is in his office with tears in her eyes asking how she can improve her grade. And her professor has a lot of ideas on how to accomplish that... (Preferably includes a build up from minor sexual acts to more major ones!)

That's all I got for now! If any of these interested you, please PM me and we can discuss more!
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Bump again! Sorry for my extended hiatus, but if anyone who had PMed me before is still interested, please just PM me again and I promise I'll respond!
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