5. If you would like to use NSFW (Not Safe For Work) images in any thread, you have a few options.
If you would like to embed NSFW images without using spoiler tags or links, you must include the term "NSFW" in your thread, just as it is written here.
If you are using spoiler code or links (how to do so using BBCode can be found here) for NSFW images, they must be individually labeled as NSFW or have an easy-to-read disclaimer before the spoilers or links that any spoilers or links may be NSFW. The site must always be safe for members to browse.
For private message conversations, check with the conversation recipient before sending NSFW imagery.
If they request that you spoiler/link and label NSFW images, you must do so.
NSFW imagery is defined by staff as any image that contains visible genitalia, visible nipples on female breasts, backside spread in a way to show the anus, people or creatures (drawn, animated, or real) engaging in sexual acts, or scenes of excessive gore. These will be judged at staff discretion.