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While the possibility of the contract being outright canceled had come to mind, Gabby hadn't expected such an offhand dismissal. The utter lack of interest or care for any consequences. Reflexively the idea came to bring up potential legal trouble for breach of contract, but this was not the same company they had a deal with. While the goblin was fretting over how to best respond, Vask stepped in and made his decision, clearly he had a plan, that gave her something to cling to.

Gabby regained her composure and gave the same sort of dismissive shrug that Ainsley had given. "Very well, it is your loss if you don't want to hear us out." She turned on her heel, and proceeded to walk out with Vask. She hoped his plan was a good one.
The red skinned woman shrugged at their disinterest. "Show them out." She said to her shobhad guards. The guards motioned the couple to leave the place. They were not very polite as they seemed to have very little regard to personal space.

"Move it." One said as the large pike were raised to a less than peaceful pose.
He was already moving to retrace his steps out of the building by the time the woman gave the order to have them escorted out. In the face of the brandished polearm Vask was ready to meet violence with violence should it come to that but the other shobhad were more concerned with removing them from the building so there was no conflict between them in truth. Once they were back outside he'd continued towards the rig to climb in, expecting that Gabby would follow suit.

When everyone was in he'd get the rig moving, this time heading back to their ship and explaining everything that they'd learned. "I made a mistake. One that I'll not make again. In the future we will contact our delivery points before loading and bringing the cargo." He was mad at himself for this because they had all wasted time and energy due to his eagerness. This was not the crux of the matter though, just a statement he was getting out of the way to hold himself accountable. "Siski is not dead, or at least the woman inside didn't have her killed. I can feel it by the way she spoke of things. This new group won't honor our contract and so we must seek out Siski and forge a new agreement; one to see her business back in her hands."

He let that sink in for a few moments before continuing. "We first need to protect the cargo, which means returning it all to the ship since it might be a matter of days before we can sort this out. Then we find Siski and plan how to recover her business so we can get the money we are owed... and show that little red-skinned gichii her place." In his anger he couldn't resist slipping into his native tongue for that last insult. Not like he had any reason to hide his words to his crew but insults just stung deeper to him in shobhad. Calling her a bitch in common felt hollow.
Gabby followed along, slower than both of the taller aliens so needing to double time a little to keep from getting jabbed with a pike. It annoyed her, but she wasn't keen to start a fight, even if her captain might be.

Climbing into the rig once more, the goblin listened as Vask explained everything to the rest of the crew and laid out his plans moving forward. There was flaws of course, what if Siski was off world or had actually been killed, what if this business acquisition was too far over any of their heads? She didn't voice them right now, it was worth taking a stab at to at least confirm the fate of their original contact. "If we find a suitable social setting I can ask around, she's sure to have friends and associates somewhere around here. It'd be faster if you can drop me off somewhere on the way, though that is risky. Perhaps me and Dris will manage while you boys park the rig in the hold?" She hadn't forgotten Vask's warning, so wasn't going to push to go off alone on such an endeavor. He knew best the sorts of risks on this world.
Tani noticed his master cursing in his own tongue. That meant that he was seriously frustrated with the woman. This was going to end bloody, sooner than later, the smaller lizard femboy feared.

Drisala nodded at Gabby's idea. "Not that I will reject sampling the social scene of Akiton, but perhaps our first priority should be to secure the cargo. If anyone realize that we have a cargo worth millions just sitting there, we will be a prime target." She reasoned.

"Maybe we can use the infosphere to gather some information about Siski and such?" Tani suggested.
He agreed with Drisala's correction to the goblin as it aligned with his own thoughts, though he didn't affirm this aloud since he figured one person saying it was enough. Secure the cargo, then focus on a path forward. Still his slave ever tried to be helpful with his suggestion and Vask did comment on this thought. "The infosphere is worth trying alongside a more direct search. Siski may be hiding but the hivemarket is safer than most places on Akiton thanks to the khulan. Her death is unlikely, but not impossible. The khulan will intervene to prevent battle or theft... but only if they are around to notice it."

He personally believed that the khulan were more focused on keeping stability in the area rather than truly being against violence. In his mind a mercenary contract was business even if it involved violence and he figured they would allow such business to be conducted much the same as they would allow an individual to defend themselves. That was never something he'd tested of course... though but it might well come up in this instance should no other option reveal itself.
Gabby gave way to Drisala's point, it wasn't like the goblin hadn't been debating it herself. As nice as it would be to get a headstart, it would slow stowing everything considerably, perhaps enough to even risk some bold theives. So she didn't argue further for her path. That just left one point she couldn't help but ask any longer. "If she is actually dead? Do we scramble to try and find a buyer before thr cargo expires, do we hedge are bets and make those inquiries too?"
"Since selling to a new buyer is our last resort, because we will have to more than likely separate our cargo and sell in small batches for a cheaper price, we will not dilute our efforts in seeking that right now. If we cannot find Siski and work a plan out with her then we will pivot." That indeed would be a low blow for their first job and he didn't want that happening. Vask wasn't an idiot, he realized it would be better than having the cargo rot away, but he preferred to cling to the concept that might see him enact some vengeance upon the individual he placed the blame for this whole mess.
While it was true that the Khulan protected the Hivemarked, they were not omniscient, knowing everything. They were known for punishing violent crimes in the most severe fashion. And though they allowed for self-defense in case of attack, they were known to be very harsh against anyone trying to start a blood feud or take revenge.

Tani was using his handheld computer to get the latest news from the Hivemarked as the rig moved back towards the ship. "The only interesting thing that I'm able to dig up is this notice from two days ago: New owners of Ka Imports. Following the disappearance of the former owner, Ka Imports have been sold. I can do a deeper search, but it will take a little longer."
"Once we get everything loaded back on the ship you and Drisala can continue your search of the infosphere while I take Gabby to ask around in the area. We shouldn't leave the cargo without anyone to guard it for any long period of time and that will allow us to pursue both methods of information at the same time." He wasn't looking forward to moving all the cargo back onto the ship again but he didn't see any better option. As such, even the disdain he held for manual labor didn't even cross his mind at this point; he was focused and locked-in with little room for distractions. Determination was a powerful emotion and Vask had long been good at channeling his own.
'Missing, well that's a bad start.' She was hopeful they'd find more, and what glad to have Vask around for protection. Sure Drisala might make the investigation go smoother, but that did invite a certain kind of trouble. For now she just settled down and got herself ready for the physical work of loading the cargo once more.
They reached the ship without incident and began unloading the cargo. As before, the work went easier than on Castrovel, due to the lessened gravity, but still shuffling 50 tons of cargo was a chore and doing it twice in such a short span of time was sapping their strength.

When then were about half way done, Gabby noticed two tall figures approach from the desert. It looked like the two shobhad guards that they had encountered earlier at Ka Imports.
Seeing the Shobhad approach, Gabby would set down her current crate and move over to Vask. While she was fairly sure that those two bruisers weren't going to attack the four of them in the open like that, she still didn't like to see them. Stopping by Vask, she'd tap his thigh to get his attention and point towards their incoming guests. "Seems they aren't done talking with us."
Responding to the small tapping took some effort, Gabby was tapping on his armor which meant she had to really try in order to get him to notice, but he ultimately did when she turned up the intensity and looked over at her words to see the others of his kind approaching. "Might be scouting our location and our ship. Should move it after they are gone and once we've got it loaded."

He paused in his work and made sure to grab his arc rifle, which had been resting nearby, before stepping forward to meet them a little ways from the ship. He wasn't brandishing the weapon or anything but, as such a large and cumbersome device, he effectively had to carry it around rather than being able to sling it over his back or such. He didn't move too far from the ship though, just enough to make it clear that he challenged their right to approach as he waited from them to get close enough to speak whatever they had to say.

The question on his mind was why they were here. Ainsley didn't seem to care about his crew or their cargo so unless his parting words upset her, which he didn't think was the case, then they were likely not here on her behalf at all. Far better to not assume anything further at this point, it would do no good to get lost in thought.
"What do you want?" He stated brusquely when he felt they were close enough. It was a simple enough greeting between his people, rough and to the point, but Vask ensured that he was standing as straight as possible to signify that he would not back down from a confrontation if they had come to give one.
The shobhad arrived at the site where the crew was loading the ship. Both Dirsala and Tani prepared themselves as they got closer.

The two shobhad were heavily armed with a large tactical pike and a light reactionary cannon each.

Once they were close enough to talk to the PCs, the shobhads informed them why they came. "Miss Ainsley says she'll buy yer fruit," one of them said, "But the price has gone down.""And will continue to go down," says the other. "The longer you make her wait."
She wanted to bargain with them now? After telling them she didn't want their cargo? This woman was especially stupid it seemed and she apparently had no concept of shobhad honor to treat him this way. He'd rather let it rot than sell to the woman for anything less than the full contract price considering she was the reason he was in this situation in the first place. Besides, he felt he could secure a sale through someone else in the area, or multiple someones, so he doubted rotting was truly his problem.

"Tüünii üildeld ner khünd baikhgüi." He replied in shobhad. A simple statement that carried heavy meaning to their culture, translated to common as: "Her actions have no honor." Not that they expected honor from city people though. The others might not agree with him but this was his responsibility and he would not negotiate a lower payment through these petty tactics. Not in selling to her at least. "If she wants my cargo then she can pay the contract price. If that is all you have to say then leave."
Gabby had followed Vask along, as usual ready to help smooth things as needed. Unlike him she didn't draw her weapon, but her two pistols remained ready to draw if that was needed, she hoped that wouldn't be needed.

Listening it seemed one of two things happened, either Ainsley had gotten around to reading the previous contract and wanted to get in on it. Or more likely the whole thing was an act to try and make them desperate and get the berries for a steal. Gabby didn't like to underestimate anyone and was pretty confident that someone like Ainsley knew their craft well enough. It's the sort of tactic she was taught to use.

Vask seemed in no mood to cave, and she was glad of it. Smiling, she gave her own small nod. "Of course Miss Ainsley shouldn't wait too long. Price per unit is only likely to increase as we find buyers for smaller bulks." If they didn't have a time limit on selling these, they could probably make more money rather than settling for the bulk deal of their original contract. But Ainsley didnt need to know that, and the goblin was happy to turn the tables.
One of the shobhad enforcers pointed his weapon at Vask. "Perhaps if we reduce the size of the crew you'd accept the price." He was clearly begging for a fight and it was surely going to escalate into violence unless something special happened. "I suggest you take miss Ainsley's offer of 30% of the price before your bodies start to rot like the berries."
In response Vask reached down to his side with one of his left arms and grasped the helmet resting upon his waist. "The only ones rotting are you." He lifted his helmet and pressed it down upon his head, securing the fit with a soft hiss as it connected to the rest of his suit and tested to ensure a vacuum seal was present; not that he needed environmental controls on his home planet.

When his words came out again there were filtered through the somewhat garbled and static-filled speakers of his helmet to further enhance his intimidation factor.
"Attack if you dare to die a second time. Your weakness has already killed you once." To take a contract, to fulfill employment to the city-people was not shameful on its own. However to choose an underhanded boss, or a foolish one, and to not seek to withdraw, to instead continue to serve, could only reflect on the shobhad themselves. He may be an exile from his own clan but Vask truly believed that these two before him were of the lowest caliber that his people had to offer. He would not fire first but he would savor every moment of punishment delivered against them should they attack him or his crew.

The four vents on his back opened up to allow his long, thick tentacles to burst forth from his flesh and extend upward in a frightening display; undulating slowly as if underwater despite the cool air. Their dark gray, almost black coloration and unnatural appearance was only furthered by the sheen of faint wetness upon their length, a few bits dripping off like clear mucus. Between his words of challenge, his body language, and the showing of his tentacles he tried his best to get in their heads. Fear was a most delectable emotion to witness after all.

Intimidate: [1d20+5]=18+5=23

Could go either way between Bully and Demoralize so whichever you think is most appropriate for the circumstance.
That morning, Gabby hadn't been sure if she'd want to pick up her gun again, if she'd want to shoot. Now though, on being threatened she found her hand coming down to her scout-gun and drawing it with ease. She knew Vask was not going to back down and at his threat, she simply held her weapon at the ready and gave a wide somewhat unsettling smile to the two guards. "Boys, there are smarter ways to die than attacking a crew outside their own ship." Sure their crappy rustbucket didn't have any hull mounted defences, but these knuckleheads didn't need to know that. "You heard the Skipper, back off and tell your boss we aren't impressed. Or take an early shallow grave."

If you allow an Aid Another: [1d20+8]=18+8=26

Somewhat amusing Gabby has a higher Intimidate than Vask
The negotiations were certainly not going very well. There seemed to be a lot of hostility with the two shobhads, as if they were there to provoke a fight. Both Tani and Dris had noticed the increased tension and were both preparing for things to turn violent. Tani was moving closer to the two enforcers. His best combat abilities were after all in being close to his opponents as possible. At the same time, Drisala while using a few boxes as cover, used her nanites to form a plasma bolter.

One of the shobhad enforcers pointed his pike at Gabby. "How about we take this little slut. We can have our fun with her while you decide that 30% is a fair deal." He chuckled, "I can promise you that she won't survive a double penetration." The other responded, "Yeah. It's been weeks since we fucked someone to death."
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