- Joined
- Dec 24, 2023
- Location
- Scandinavia
Chapter One
Somewhere on the road to Almas
Somewhere on the road to Almas
The caravan was travelling thoutheast from Elidir, the capital of Isger, to Almas, the capital of Andoran, on a road between the Apsodell Mountains and the Five Kings range. There were faster and easier routes south, but for those seeking to avoid Cheliax, this was the safest.
Bort Bargith was a dwarf trader from the Five Kings Mountains, welcome in many settlements for his fair prices and gregarious spirit, and he had been using this route for years.
The caravan was six covered wagons, four of which were laden with supplies, trade goods, and trinkets. Bort made his home in the lead wagon and the cabin built onto its back, while the final wagon were for passengers and the cook.
Two of passengers that occupied the wagon along the camp chef Cooky were the human Jennifer and the elf Minathina.

Minanthyra was an elf that had travelled from Kyonin through the lands. She had been on the road for several weeks now and it was a welcome relief for her sore feet to tracel by wagon. Mina was a freshly initiated member of the druidic storm order. She wore a light leather armor for protection and carried a spear at her side. She was average height by elven standards, but that made her tall in most human eyes. Her eyes were bright blue, like crackling lightning, and her hair was jet black.
She sat in the back of the wagon as it traversed the road. The caravan had left their last campsite a few hours ago and it was still before noon. Bort had claimed that they'd arrive at Etran's Folly later the same day.
The woman Jennifer sat next to her as they drove and Minathina was telling her about her homelands. "The forests are larger and denser than any place on Golarion. If you are not an elf you best stay on the roads or you will get lost. The mighty trees of the forest are some of the most beautiful trees in this world."