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Cyberpunk Alterna: The Bright New Star of Night City [Tenzai vs Shoko]


Aug 4, 2019
The last four days have been rather ridiculous for any one person to have gone through. The degree of chaos was frankly ludicrous. Imagine dying. waking up nigh a year later wearing the face of your sister...only with a body that could only be described as fetishistic, only to find out you're in fact a custom built war machine. You wake up, find out your sister is in the hands of slime, you go to save her and maybe even free her, find yourself in the middle of an attempt on that very same man's life, save him in order to save yourself, find yourself embroiled in a severe conflict, get ambushed by a Corpo that wants you to work for him, proceed to find yourself in a bone chilling horror film-esque setting, find yourself punching out a robot, find yourself defending a hospital from a bunch of rabid thugs, a bomb is in your sister's chest, and to top it off, you ended up dealing with another assassination attempt that again, wasn't meant for you but you were just unlucky enough to be at the wrong place at the wrong time...all in the span of four...simple...days.

No one would believe you, even if the hospital thing was publicly televised.

However... while you're definitely a bright new star, you don't matter right now. the world doesn't...entirely revolve around you... there are other stories that ought to be explored first...

[21 years earlier]

"My word...your temper is frankly ridiculous..." Spoke a soft, youthful, feminine voice as an enraged youth charged at her. "I'm growing intolerant of your behavior." She spoke before suddenly gripping his throat, stopping him dead in his tracks. He gripped her wrist with his hands, squeezing in anger, digging his nails into it before She squeezed his throat in kind. she pulled him in for only a moment before pushing him back, causing him to stumble before the Kimono-clad woman suddenly spun at alarming speeds, planting her food deep into the side of his head, sending him crashing into a nearby wall as she gracefully danced like a ballerina. Her spin slowed, her arms poised like wings, Her leg, slowly lowered and she returned to standing normally, her arms before her, elegant like a queen. There was no expression on her face. Not one of anger, annoyance, nothing. She closed her eyes and sighed through her nose.

"Your rage is misguided. Revenge is empty. Meaningless. The strong move forward. Never backward. The victor is the one who reaches the stars. Not the fool who clings to the ground, seeking a revenge that will change nothing. Your mother is dead. No degree of hatred nor rage will ever change that." The Elegant woman gently stepped towards him. The boy barely held onto consciousness as the kick to his head had him reeling. "Let go. Honor your mother. Be forever a force for positive chance. Give her a reason to brag about her child to God whenst you meet."

Her name was Akamine, Kokoro. She was the owner of what was once a Traditional Japanese styled, inn turned orphanage. She was dressed in an incredibly extravagant Kimono specially designed to show off her body's lewd shape while still showing she could easily be of royal blood.

Her body was almost completely organic from what anyone could tell.
This boy she adopted had only recently been made orphan. He refused to tell her his name so she named him Ueno, though he wasn't even Japanese. The truth was, his father worked for Arasaka, but had defected. He tried to get his wife and son out of the country but they were found and killed before that was even possible. By her own guards no less. She had decided one day to take another child she took in, A blue haired girl by the name of Aomine, Saehara, to an amusement park. Her guards ID'd the traitor to Arasaka and went after them after calling in back up. She felt responsible and while she wasn't directly tied to Arasaka, she did begin to distance herself from the company. Even requested to no longer have company affiliated guards anymore.

She arranged to have the orphaned child who witness the murder of his parents brought to her, told him the truth about what happened and her involvement and he chose to take out his anger on her.

"Ueno..." she said, slowly kneeling down and planting her soft, round tush against the tatami mat below her. "I'm so very sorry for what happened. But this is as God ordained...I promise to care for you... for this is the fateful road the Lord set us upon... everything happens for a reason... you were meant to become my child... you were meant to become the brother to your new sister...In will look back on this will realize that I was right...You will find that all of the pieces to the puzzle that is your life...will fall into your hands, bit by by day... you will come to see the bigger picture... you need only trust me..."

[21 Years later]

Taiga closed his eyes and exhaled through his nose. "Before that. Need a smoke?" Taiga opened one eye to see the cigar. "'Preciate it but...It's a bit too sophisticated for someone like me." The truth was, Taiga just didn't wanna look like an idiot trying to smoke one. "Judging from the way how your sister is planting her face on the window, I could imagine she gave you her worst, didn't she?" Taiga shook his head. "Nah...She's the best...I'd easily go to war for her. Especially now that I have a damn good shot at coming back alive..."

Ueno was leaning against an open window, Cigarette in mouth as his mind continued to drown in the past. Thinking of his Adoptive mother, A dark, mysterious woman whose darkness was matched only by her kindness. the was the embodiment of Yin and Yang. A woman he somehow knew nothing about, a woman who changed his life entirely. Taiga, Shina. The children of his Foster sister, Saehara. Somehow...just like she predicted, these two whom he never met before, were now entrenched in his life out of nowhere. Just like the fate Kokoro so very much adored to preach about.

He thought about how he tried to kill Trojan that fateful day Taiga awoke. How she interfered. How she agreed to play the double agent. How Taiga saved him from certain death. Not once but at least twice in the span of two or three days. How she united two sworn enemies who wanted nothing but to kill one another. Turned them into Allies. How she kept them both from crossing a line. Hell even Hex seemed affected by Taiga. it all came back to Kokoro. She found Taiga's mother. Raised her, and let her go once she was able to fly on her own. Once she felt comfortable with how Ueno turned out, she let him fly on his own as well. She no longer contacted them. She wanted them to find their own path...only once she was confident their paths would be bright, was she willing to let them go.

still... it wasn't like they were estranged. He knew she ran a lavish Brothel in Little China. He could visit her at any time. There just...wasn't really a reason to. It was probably better that way...she was after incredibly dangerous woman. Kindness matched only by her ruthlessness. A part of him was reminded of her when he watched Taiga. That kindness, that conviction, but that ability to murder someone without a second thought of she felt it necessary.

Ueno was out of the hospital at this point. Things were quiet however. His cleaners were laying low and so was he, hence the moments he took to reflect on the past few chaotic days.

The strong move forward. The weak cling to their past. Bolster your strength and build your own destiny. Become the change that Night City needs.

Ueno stirred from his alcohol-driven slumber. Every now and then, he found himself dreaming of being back in the orphanage holding the same conversation that pushed him to become the leader he is now. "That dream again?" He could hear the voices of his foster mother and sister still ringing in his ears. Little did he truly understand the meaning behind her message at the time due to his revenged-fueled focus on avenging his fallen family. However after the events of the previous few days, he couldn't doubt that her sage-like words driven change within the city. There was a depth in her understanding he couldn't fathom, even as he was today. His hands dragged across the fabric of his jacket, reaching for his cigars before dragging one into his mouth. "That woman." He took a deep breath. "I wonder whether she planned all of this." In a flash of small flame, he lit the cigar with his chrome plated lighter. "I wouldn't be surprised if she did."

The room he found himself in was full of cleaners, corporate freelancers, black-market smugglers, and mercenaries sharing conversation over beer. This bar, known as Purgatory, served as a hub for those in between jobs. All who found refuge within these booze-scented walls shared a mutual respect of each other. No matter who you were nor what you were there for; If you knew of this place, you were welcome. This location was kept a guarded secret from outsiders, only shared between those members of the community found trustworthy. The bar also served as a rumor mill. Info over recent events, opinions on who was worth working for, and hidden job listings were shared among the patrons.

Ueno smoked quietly, overhearing word on current events and rumors in Night City. "Did you hear? I heard the coach of the Night City Heat was taking bribes." Another patron put down their glass mug. "You know how sports are here. Its all one big gambling ring. The only winners are the ones fixing the bets." He turned his focus elsewhere. "Vesta City choom. That place is better for pushing lace than Night City. The cops there take bribes. Trust me." Ueno thought to himself. 'Nothing new I guess.'

He paid little attention to the additional banter of nearby groups until he heard a familiar name. ". . . So that big gang that ran west side. The one led by Trojan I think. Did you know that its breaking up into a bunch of smaller gangs? I've been told something about him retiring thanks to the blue haired chick on the TV." Another patron mocked the thought of retirement. "Are you talking about that fucking fake news? Everyone knows that's all staged. There's no way a netrunner could pull off all those hacks at the same time. And you know what retirement fuckin means already. Someone probably flatlined that asshole. Good riddance too. He taxed the smugglers that ran through his territory." The other shrugged. "Well, I just wanted to warn you to avoid the ports. Place is an absolute warzone right now. Without that gonk in charge, his old crew has been making that place a mess."

'No rest for the wicked I suppose.' Ueno stood up, ready to reestablish order in the area before once more being reminded of his own mortality. Even if his wounds have been stitched, the pain from prior injuries have left him incapable. He needed a break, and after the fiasco that was Taiga's influence at the hospital, he needed to lay low. Many curious eyes cast their attention upon them. Making any more moves so soon would only attract the ire of those too powerful to fight back against. Ueno grumbled, sitting back down on his barstool. Though he felt a responsibility to uphold order where NCPD could not, he knew he needed to prioritize his recovery instead. His people needed their leader, and there was little point leading from the front if his body refused to follow his orders.

". . . The fixers have been talking up a storm about the new smuggler in town." The sound of glasses being placed on wood echoed through the establishment. "Oh, the import from Vesta City?" Ueno knew who they were talking about. "Yeah! That guy. Rumor has it that he took a part of the corporate war in Korea." It was Silver, the pilot he hired to remove the bomb from Shina's chest. 'With all these big names being thrown around and all the shit being pulled in town. I wonder if she'll take notice.' Ueno thought about whether Kokoro was watching it all from behind the scenes. He wondered whether she would be proud of him, or whether she'd be disappointed in him. He knew he was no hero. In his short war against TJ's gang, he shed a lot of blood only for Trojan to suddenly turn around and become someone new. The lives of his companions felt like they were traded for nothing. There was guilt with every action he made and it wasn't hard for him to rethink his past choices. He looked back down at his reflection in the booze. Not even alcohol could bury his regret. He was lost in his emotions. With no mission to distract him, he was alone in his own thoughts. The first person that came to mind was her. 'Maybe she'll have the right thing to say. She always does. Or maybe she'll scold me. Hell... At this point. I'll be even fine with that much.' Ueno finished the rest of his drink, turning towards the door. If there was any reason to visit Kokoro, there was no better time to do so than now.

"So their names are Ueno and Taiga. Hmph, it's good to see the faces behind the miracle." The Arasaka corpo grinned, reading over the comprehensive files on the two that foiled his father's plans. Ever since Taiga interrupted his father's assassination attempt, she became an object of interest to Caine. "He has a single sister named Shina. Family name Aomine. He went missing for nine months before a heavily augmented woman took his name. Apparently she's been involved with the miracle doctor, Hex, the legendary smuggler, Silver, the leader of the Cleaners, Ueno, the Iron King, Trojan, and the hacker, Subterror. It appears that we have our work cut out for us." He stood up, showing slides of Taiga to a corporate board. "Now I know. Some of you may be angry, and I understand. However, I believe the best course of action isn't brainwashing or flatlining Taiga nor is it capturing Shina for leverage. Rather, I believe that we should continue maintaining surveillance. With enough intel, perhaps we could even use her against our rival Militech too." One of the executives stood up, in arms. "So you're saying that we should work with that bitch? She saved the man who cost us millions!" Another spoke out. "There's no way I'm working with someone who wants us to work with... That thing!" The executive pointed at Subterror's false image. Caine remained calm, pulling out his Arasaka WSA Autopistol and firing it into the ceiling. He was no simple corporate dog. He knew how to keep even the corpos in line. "I wasn't asking for your assistance. I was demanding your support." He pointed the barrel at the complaining corpos. "Anyone else have issues with my directions?" He looked around. "You'll.. You'll regret this! Kill him! Kill him now!" The corpo looked to the guards for help to no avail. They turned a blind eye, even as Caine dumped his magazine into the corpo. The room stood silent once the gunfire stopped. "Say what you may. I don't care. Your were hired here to make money. I was hired here to get results. Unless one of you has an even better idea on how to deal with another hyper-augmented cyborg and her capable crew, I don't want to hear it. Now, are we all in agreement?" The corpos nodded in agreement nervously. "Good. I'll expect your support for the upcoming project. Or else."
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The entire city was buzzing from recent events. Some people could easily say she was clairvoyant with how incredibly prepared she seemed to be, how she was always in the right place in the right time. Every single thing she did really felt like it was all in service to her vaunted almighty road of fate. Everything she did felt like she was playing a huge game of chess, setting up her board for a perfect one fell swoop.

Ueno never actually knew how she came to take in it never mattered before a few days ago where it's significance exploded to it's maximum value.

She now served as an Info Broker. With the homeless and the people she touched over the last 30 years served as her network. She heard and knew everything...including that her adoptive child was making his way towards her.

it was only fitting that the last thing Ueno saw her wear, was the first thing he'd see her wear 20 years later.

She was in her Eden Palace; Her brothel she set up as a haven for those who needed to reset to survive.
When Ueno Arrived, she was in the reception area, standing there silently, looking upon him with an expression he simply couldn't read. One could argue she looked sad to see him. but she often carried that expression. She never *looked* like everything was go according her plan. She was the perfect criminal. She could get away with anything because nothing ever definitively added up. everything she did could never add up beyond coincidence. Even calling her a criminal never got a reaction from her. It's like she was either acknowledging she was or she simply was unaffected by baseless words or words in general. "You've been busy as of late." She spoke, Turning part way onto to motion for him to follow her. She hadn't aged a single day. She still looked like the twenty something year old that took him in two decades prior. She even dressed the same. it was like time stood perfectly still for her. as if she froze while the world wasn't focused on her.

She moved passed the reception desk, back through the waiting area where clients were viewing BDs or in a booth with hologram dancers in the center, not unlike Clouds where people could speak in privacy. Two guards stood in front of an elevator, stepping aside as her and Ueno approached. Once entered, they made their way up to the pent house suite which doubled as her office.

Entering, she made her way to the living space. A massive 40 inch TV hanging from the ceiling by the full glass wall over looking the district, a Chinese man cleaning glasses by a bar area near the kitchen and on the other side, an office space with ten monitors mounted against a wall in front of her desk which also held up three additional monitors and two stacks of papers, folders and other common desk top accessories.

"Wei~ Bring me some Lychee wine and a glass of Bourbon would you?"
The male behind the countered smiled and bowed his head before preparing drinks for the two.
Upon arriving at the living space, She sat down on one end of the C shaped couch and gestured him to the other end. Several cases of branded Cigars awaited him as well as a cutter and a tray, as if once again, she planned for this very moment. On her end, an extravagant pipe which she promptly lit up and promptly puffed from. "I'm sure you have no end of shortages of things to say...I will hear them..." She said, crossing her legs, getting comfortable as the room remained barely lit. Candles illuminated the table that sat between the couch. The only lights on were the lights that lit up the bar and kitchen. Unlike the rest of the palace, this room was barely lit up; providing a... ambiguous atmosphere. much like her herself, it was impossible to tell what she was thinking. The atmosphere was soothing, yet tense. It offered a wide array of conflicting feelings. It was almost as if she was speaking through the atmosphere. "The only ones who need to see are the ones with a task to complete." He came here to wonder how she felt about him. The things he's done. He couldn't tell himself if he was right or wrong. If he was still on the path she envisioned for him...and like clock work, She answered.

"I'm proud of you." Almost as if reading his mind. She didn't answer in a roundabout way. She told him up front exactly one of the two things he expected to hear. "You follow God's will remarkably well. You've done wonderfully." Again giving him the impression she already knew how everything was supposed to play out. As if she saw the future. As if she knew everything. It was incredibly off putting. Her wisdom seemed beyond belief. Thinking back to that day 20 years ago again as a prime took him two decades to see her words come full circle and that in of itself was mind rendering. It made her feel larger than life. If Arasaka was the big bad, towering monster you could see, she felt far greater, far more towering. A monster you somehow couldn't see.

She always appeared to be alone, inconsequential, unthreatening...and yet...there was nothing vulnerable about her. he still acutely remembered how a kick from her organic body felt. How even when she resorted to violence it was never at the expense of her elegance.

He recalled seeing a fair amount of Corpos in the waiting areas and the booths. He remembered growing up, seeing her speaking with all manner of individuals, from Corpos to unsavory looking characters and so on. "You feel you not...? Speak to me. Tell me everything. All that irks you...all that weighs on you...speak your mind of what joys you. Unleash everything...unburden your heavy heart." Then there was the way she spoke. It was so unnatural...not mystical perse but...utterly unnatural. if it was all planned then she certainly was a master of Theater...The problem was never knowing...
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The drive towards Kokoro didn't take long. He followed his recollections of old shortcuts he once frequented as a child. Despite the changing tide of family owned storefronts being replaced by corporate chain stores; Old memories of his early childhood reached the surface of his conscious as he passed by familiar streets. It was still the same crime-stained shithole he once remembered. The only differences coming to mind being the local Asian gangs trading their old streetwear for the sleek look of suits and the change in local ownership.

After making several turns, Ueno found himself in the red light district. Red neon lights from massage parlors and love hotels dotted the strip, bathing his Shion Targa MZT in a shade of crimson. He could recognize the location from the smell alone, accompanied by the sight of nearby joytoys advertising their services on the street. As he drove, he noticed one building stand apart from its sleazy surroundings. It was the Eden Palace. Unlike the dull facades of its neighbors, the palace held a bright and lavish appearance. It's vast exterior was more akin to a castle compared to its nearby skyscraper counterparts. At its front entrance, rich and influential patrons lined up behind its doors, awaiting their entry into the exclusive club. Eventually he found parking nearby, exiting his vehicle to be greeted by the warm hues of pink and blue that coated the Eden Palace walls. The lights were mesmerizing, flashing its brightness in tandem as if the location was alive. He assumed that if he was under the influence of synthcoke like many of those who frequent its services, his trip would be unlike any else. However, he wasn't here for the sake of hedonistic pleasures. He needed answers.

The guards that blocked entry stood aside for Ueno. Snide comments and rude insults from those waiting in line were thrown at Ueno as he made his way inside. The lobby he entered in was extravagant. Wooden pillars etched with artistic interpretations of dragons and another Asian mythological figures were on display all across the reception area. The nearby black lights highlighted the water that shot from the fountains, creating similar tones of hues similar to the neon lights on the palace's exterior. Men, women, and those in between cast their lewd glances at the holographic dancers. Those who weren't were either enjoying the finest wine Night City had to offer at the bar or sitting on the silk cushions, entranced in BDs that featured niche kinks. Caught in awe of the splendor that was his old orphanage, he heard a familiar voice. "You've been busy as of late."

Right in the middle of it all, a recognizable figure stood with her arm lifted towards him, hands beckoning him to follow her. "I see that you've been busy too. I hardly recognized this place since I left." His mind was full of questions, pushing his body along as she led the way.

Eventually, they arrived to their destination; A curved booth, coated in leather, hidden away from the prying eyes of those curious. In front of it was a curtain that isolated the activities and conversations held within from the outside. He sat on the opposite end of the booth, listening as she gave her orders to the bartender. "I guess you've been keeping your eye on me. I don't remember telling you about my favorite drink." His eyes noticed the ash tray and cutter on the table. It was as if she predicted his arrival long before he held the thought. Even if she was his adoptive mother, he felt a instinctual sense of fear being in front of her. In his mind, he believed that there were no secrets left within him that she didn't know about already. He wondered if she knew about his overwhelming guilt and his mountain of questions. Believing that their conversation was going to soon turn personal, he grabbed the hem of the curtains to pull them down. He didn't want the world to see his vulnerable side. Before he opened his mouth to speak however, she spoke first. "I'm sure you have no end of shortages of things to say...I will hear them..." His vocal cords froze in its place. She spoke again. "I'm proud of you." And once again, she reinforced his belief that she had a window into his mind and soul. "I. . . I don't think you should be." He turned his head down towards the table. The regret he held anchored his heart down. "You follow God's will remarkably well. You've done wonderfully." Ueno couldn't believe her words, despite them coming out of her own mouth. He shook his head. "All I've done was sacrifice the lives of those who believed in me needlessly. I've betrayed them. I wasted their lives. I've took their futures. I..." He pulled his cigar out with shaky hands. It was clear for her to see that the tremendous weight of his actions burdened his soul.

"You feel you not...? Speak to me. Tell me everything. All that irks you...all that weighs on you...speak your mind of what joys you. Unleash everything...unburden your heavy heart."

He sat quietly for a moment. His eyes didn't respond even as Wei placed his favorite drink on the table. There was so much that happened over the course of the past few days. He took a job to remove a tyrant from his throne, but his lack of intel on Taiga caused the avalanche of events that happened next. From the lives he lost at the warehouse and the lives that were sacrificed to even have the opportunity to assassinate TJ in the first place, Ueno felt that the ends didn't justify the costs. The fragments of TJ's gang were still there causing trouble at the end of it all. He wondered whether the efforts of his cleaners made a difference. Even if TJ changed his entire stance thanks to a culmination of his and Taiga's efforts, nothing changed. "I'm not the man you think I am. I'm no leader." Ueno was at his breaking point. Now in front of the woman who saved him from himself, all the stress and emotional baggage he bottled up poured out like a waterfall. "I couldn't keep Saehara safe. I couldn't keep my promises. And... I wasn't strong enough to make a difference!" His fist slammed against the table. He was angry with himself. "I'm nothing but a weak!" He punched himself. "Pathetic!" He punched himself again. "Failure!" The guards outside drew their weapons for a moment, hearing the sounds of fists meeting flesh in Kokoro's booth. However, they placed their weapons down cautiously, remembering her words that she expected this much.

Ueno couldn't hold his hands still enough to light his cigar. Blood dripped from his lips as he stopped tensing his arms. "I'm no hero. No leader. All I am is a danger to those that believe in me." Finally, he found the control to light his cigar, taking a deep breath to calm himself down. "The moment I find Saehara again, I'll retire and leave her solely in charge. The cleaners need a strong leader. Not whatever the fuck gonk I am."
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"Yare yare..." She uttered in her native tongue, crossing her legs, adjusting her position as she took another puff from her pipe. She heard her guards spring into action, hearing the noise but without looking at them, she raised her hand to signal them to stand down. "Would you give thought to the efforts poured into the wood you rage upon..." She sighed softly. "Ever the unchanging...The boy strides into a man only to retain the worst elements of the boy he once was..." She put down her pipe and reached across the table. she took the cigar from him, the cutter, and split off the end. She placed the cigar between her lips, her faint lip stick providing an indirect kiss as she lit the rod aflame. Exhaling the smoke, she returned the cigar to her son. "They are with God. They followed you down the path of deliverance. They were not wrong to believe in your convictions and yet even today, you stand uncontested. Not one a man under your rule casts yet a single frown. Is this not the case? Do they not still show unyielding fealty to you? They understand the nature of this life. When one falls it is not the end but the beginning of true, eternal peace. It is fine to mourn...but chain them not to your guilt. They deserve better than that. instead, hold their memories fondly. use those memories as strength to stand and walk forward, never backward."

She smiled, truly, for the first time in years, slowly throwing her head back. "Hilarious is it not? The child of your elder sister flipped your world on its head... amusing... but you cannot look it as a simple game of numbers. I wish not to believe the lives of the men you lost... but... you're placing far too much on the importance of those you place no importance on the lives you have saved one way or another. You have done an inordinate amount of good since you grew your own wings." She stood up.

scratching the back of her head, she wondered if this was even appropriate to do but... even she had her flaws. She slowly walked over to him, around the table before placing her hand on his shoulders, pushing them so he'd lie his back against the back of his seat. She gently straddled his lap and started into his eyes with her golden hues. Her huge rack pressed against his chest. "Sae has children... she doesn't need a gang chaining her down. She chose her family. You are doing fine..." She said before slowly moving closer and closer, slowly closing her eyes before kissing her son with a bit of passion. She pulled back shortly after. "You're should learn to relax...give into some of your more baser needs...If you wish to stay in control...then you must take care of your spiritual needs." She smiled, fully aware that what she just did would be considerably taboo. "God will not condemn you so long as you don't inflict harm upon others...if you lead a noble life, he can overlook some...taboo... naughtiness..." Her arms were wrapped around the back of his neck. "I heard Sae's boy has become quite the looker...and knowing that man...I'm sure he's adjusting to his new circumstance well~ call me crazy...but... perhaps a one night stand could be interesting ~ exciting even~ then you both can be too embarrassed to lock eyes for a while hehe~" Her soft lips moved to his left ear before she gently tugged on his ear lobes with her teeth. "My point need to destress...soon... otherwise more will truly die in vain..."
As much as his heart wanted to fight against her words, his mind understood her logic. The lives he managed to save through his actions remained unseen, but he could see the effects in the eyes of those who follow him. If they didn't see the results of his works, they wouldn't be following him so zealously. "I suppose... You're right." Despite the change in his appearance and the scale of his actions, he was very much still the same boy who remained tied to his past. He couldn't help it. But, he figured, at least he could help some people in the process of becoming the person he wanted himself to be. He wanted to be strong, someone even she could respect. In essence, the love she poured into him when he needed it most, he wanted to return it back in droves. Ueno felt an emotional debt to repay. One that required him to become stronger for himself and others. When he left the orphanage the first time, that was the promise he made to her. Out of everything that he felt that he failed, he never broke that promise. He told himself he'd die first before breaking his oath to the woman he respected most, Kokoro.

Now with his attention turned away from his own guilt, he noticed his cigar inside of her mouth. The view of Kokoro with one of his used cigars ignited something within him. A faint blush grew over his face as she handed it back. He was no mere innocent boy naïve to passion. But no one else could arouse the sleeping desires he buried within him other than Kokoro herself. He took the cigar, fulfilling his end of their indirect kiss. His emotions muddled his focus on her. Her next passing words passing over him like a blur as he tried to calm his nerves. 'Calm down Ueno. Don't let her get to your-' Before he could finish his thoughts, he felt a soft warmth on his lap. "You're should learn to relax...give into some of your more baser needs...If you wish to stay in control...then you must take care of your spiritual needs." This wasn't the first time someone attempted to seduce the usually stoic man, but this was the first time it worked. His eyes darted all over her body, confused on where to look. His skin warmed, flushing his face red as he felt her massive bust press against him. He didn't know where to place his hands, unable to process the woman he looked up to all his life in his lap. "I heard Sae's boy has become quite the looker...and knowing that man...I'm sure he's adjusting to his new circumstance well~ call me crazy...but... perhaps a one night stand could be interesting ~ exciting even~ then you both can be too embarrassed to lock eyes for a while hehe~ My point need to destress...soon... otherwise more will truly die in vain..."

Ueno's hands moved on their own, eager to explore the body of the woman that moved him. "Well, I'd be a fool to turn one of your invitations." Slowly, he learned to let go, giving in to the irrational emotions that he kept hidden away from her. Truth was that ever since he was a boy, he fancied her. She wasn't just attractive. She was strong, intelligent, and very much capable. Ueno's heart didn't fall for her looks alone, instead becoming enamored with all that became her. Perhaps it was through the combination of all she was that made him unwilling to see anyone else the same way. He was truly in love, but he refused to divulge himself in what he believed was taboo. He assumed that it would be one sided; That any attempt could never be reciprocated. Since then, he kept that secret locked inside his heart, unwilling to ever let it go until now. Instead of remaining calm and taking it slow, he pushed her back onto the table, mounting the woman he held a crush on for so long. His body grew since then, easily holding a couple feet over the woman who raised him. His form moved with passion, fingers clutched around her hands over her head as his lips met hers. Ueno was in bliss.

Now with a chance to become intimate, he was sure to make the most of it. The kiss punctured deep into her mouth as their lips danced. He pressed his body on hers, sandwiching her between himself and the table below. His hips grinded against her own; Their intimacy only being separated by a couple layers of cloth. A bulge began to form from behind his pants, anxiously holding back the urges he held onto for years. He was so lost in Kokoro that he forgot that they were in a public setting, only separated from others by a single curtain alone. Still, it didn't matter whether others were around anymore. His world only included the two of them.
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Her fat, round ass squished into his lap as she whispered into his ear. Upon completion, she began to get off of him when she suddenly felt two strong hands sinking into her round, ballooned rump and gasped as she was suddenly planted onto her back with her wrists pinned above her head. She giggled softly. The incense around them burned a sweet intoxicating scent into the air but even still, it was no surprise to her that he was like this. She looked no older than 26 and never ever seemed to age. He grew up, seeing her, living with her for many years. It was only natural she was the one his eyes hungered for. She smiled up at him just before he forced a kiss onto him. She kissed him back. Her lips were pierced by his tongue, fighting with hers, wrestling with hers, causing her to moan through the exchange. When they'd finally draw breath, he saw her smile. She knew how he always felt...of course she did... it would be more shocking to hear she didn't... and as if reading his mind, she spoke. "I did notice every time something went missing from my hamper of unmentionables ~" Even if he suspected she knew, she never brought it up or mentioned hearing it now...

"You must of cherished my fragrance...with how many I found stained in your colors<3 I can only imagine how furiously you wished to punish me for having such a sinful body~" The older he grew, the harder it became to see her as his mother. was easier to see her as his times he found himself lost in fantasy. She smiled so tellingly. She knew what she did to him and she clearly enjoyed it. all those stern lectures. All those looks of defeat on her face when he got in trouble for fighting. It was so hard to believe this was the same woman who raised him. "You need not hold back... There is nothing sinful about this ~" She cooed gently, looking so vulnerable, especially with one of her breasts having slipped free from the loose confines of her erotic outfit~
The image of her smile warmed the depths of his heart, freeing him from the pain of regret. She was right once again, though at this point, he doubted she could be anything but. A bit of release and a break in indulgence is what he truly needed. The scent of incense made his body much more sensitive to the sensations, filling him with pleasures he never felt before. With the satisfying influx of pleasure-inducing chemicals running through his system, he found it hard to abstain from the desires of the body. Her words were like ambrosia to his soul. He could never have enough. Despite her embarrassing comments about his past lewd endeavors involving her clothing, he still remained firm in his grasp. Ueno didn't intend on letting her go.

"You must of cherished my fragrance...with how many I found stained in your colors<3 I can only imagine how furiously you wished to punish me for having such a sinful body~" She knew. A warm smile cracked over his cold face as his heart gripped onto her words. She knew and yet, she still loved him. "I must admit Kokoro. I've held back my desires for so long, I forgot how much I had dreams over marking your body with my scent." The beating of his heart grew rapid. All five of his senses were overloaded with each part of her being. From the feeling of her curves pressed against him to the view of her body below, from the sounds of her lewd gasps and the taste of her lips, down to even the smell of her fragrance, all of it served to drive Ueno's mind wild. "You need not hold back... There is nothing sinful about this ~" His hand clutched her naked breast, fondling her massive chest. "I don't intend on it."

With every move he made, he poured his heart out through it. Ueno was still very much inexperienced when it came to the pleasures of the flesh, but that did little to take away from his intensity. Now with her clothes becoming unraveled, his hands explored the skin she barely hid below. He groped her fleshy mounds, massaging each sensitive nerve she held within them. His long shaft pressed against her belly. Now that his body was fully developed and larger than hers, he imagined he could fill her up to the brim with most of it. A lewd thought occurred to him whether he could force it to fit all the way. Now with his body craving every fiber of her being, he held little reservation to what he was said or did. It didn't matter to him whether he was going to make a mess of the brothel's owner in public. Right now, she was his and he had a lot of time to make up for.
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As her clothes became unraveled, he began to notice she was 100% organic. She had white fluffy arm bands that rested just above her elbows and frilled garter straps just under her knees. they were unmoving however, even tho nothing was holding them in place, same with with her armbands. She moaned softly as his hand sank into her mountainous and soft breast. their was a soft firmness to it but enough squish to have her flesh sink between his fingers. her nipples grew rock hard as the fragrant aphrodisiac took such a hold on him his bulge was actually hurting. She smiled as he undid his pants, revealing his lust for her.

She chuckled softly, seeing his large, heavy cock plop down on her belly. "My... you almost look like you intend on... filling me with life~" She teased softly. Her legs bent, slowly moved over to the left, giving him a ripe view of her giant southern mounds as well as her soft, pink, wet pussy. "Come... Be it you're mother... your sister... or your woman~ Let me be whatever you need the most<3 Let it all in me~"

A purely organic woman...that was truly incredible. No. he saw a neural port...but...that was the basic of basics. other than that, she seemed completely organic!
His couldn't tell whether his eyes deceived him. At her level of power, he always assumed that she was at least, partially cybernetic. No chrome appeared to have been installed in her body. Though his mind wondered how she was able to maintain her boundless youth all these years, his body drifted his thoughts elsewhere. With the aphrodisiacs enhancing the strength of his feelings, he felt his sense of reason slipping away with each passing moment. "What I need most is you Kokoro. I've needed you all my life." With his pants becoming undone, his fully erect cock pressed against whatever little fabric covered her stomach. "Right now, who we were doesn't matter to me. What matters is what happens next." He pressed his length against her body, reveling in the picture of how far he could carve his signature into her body.

"There is nothing more that I want than you." With a show of force, he tugged at her robe to expose her pussy underneath. He felt at odds with himself. On one hand, he was sure that their relationship wouldn't be the same if he truly indulged in her. On the other, he feared he would regret making any other choice that didn't involve becoming one with her. However, all it took was another whiff of the candle to sway him. He chose to break the mold he forced himself into. His hidden thoughts broke through the veil, escaping through his lips. "There's no other girl like you Kokoro. No other one I want to have more than you."

He pulled his hips back before attempting to slide his cock in. The first attempt failed, causing his dick to hotdog her sensitive clitoris. He could barely hold his excitement back after feeling her second pair of lips slide against his shaft. Slowly, he guided the tip of his cock towards her entrance. The girth of his cock brushed against her labia, resisting against any penetration. He never realized how big he was compared to her. Before any other thought came to his mind, her words echoed through his head, driving his craving further.

His hands gripped her hips, holding her in place. Instead of treating her delicately, his animalistic urges forced his hips forward. His member ripped through her tight body, bulging the skin that coated him. For just a moment, Ueno felt a taste of heaven. The table shook from his forceful thrust but remained steady. His hands wrapped around her thighs tightly, spreading her legs apart to give him some more room to move. He wasn't all the way inside, but the feeling of being inside of her was addictive. "Do you want to know something Kokoro?" He panted, closing his eyes to focus more on the feeling. Instead of merely holding her in place, he pulled her body towards his hips, piercing her even deeper. "I always dreamed of fucking you. Since the first time we bathed together." His eyes began to record her form being fucked. "From the times we shared the same bed together." Ueno wanted to remember this moment forever. "To the times you accidentally caught me." With each movement, he speared more and more of her body. "I always wondered how it would feel to paint your insides white." He pulled her legs over his shoulders, holding her down into a mating press. "Now I don't have to wonder~"
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Kokoro couldn't help but chuckle as the grown man proved to be just as needy as he once was growing up. She listened to his words, unable to help but be flattered by them. She wrapped her legs around his waist, ever staring into his eyes her smile never leaving her face as he praised her. Her eyes closed and her lips curled into something of a cue little pout as he tried to push in but slipped away. Her eyes slowly opened, her arms still above her head as she looked on and gasped sharply when he finally made it in. A blush plastered along her face as he didn't waste a moment in experiencing her body. She was just as tight has he always imagined her to be.

"Do you want to know something Kokoro?"
She opened her eyes to look into his, wondering what he wanted to say. "I always dreamed of fucking you. Since the first time we bathed together." Admittedly... This was entirely on her. That sort of thing was for much younger children... But in her defense... He was a really tough but to crack... She had to go full mommy mode to get him to warm up to her as quickly as her ended up doing. Bathing together, sleeping together, so on, so forth. The full softness of her body went into comforting him and effectively Taming him. He really was a greedy child... Though it was easy to understand why now. These things have a completely different effect on teenagers. It wasn't like that wasn't exactly obvious to her... But it hadn't occurred to her that he may have been doing it on purpose to get closer to her... And he was all but admitting that here and now. Either he had remarkable restraint not to just fuck her in bed... Or he was terrified of what she'd do if she disapproved.

She made a cute sound as he pressed his full body down onto her, placing her in a mating press. Her breathing became heavy and she arched her back in anticipation. She had no reply... One wasn't needed. Instead her pussy tensed up, anticipation a brutal punishment~
Each of Ueno's words were genuine. All the thoughts he shared with Kokoro were deeply seated truths, long hidden within him that erupted from his soul. His primal urges once buried beneath several layers of fear, respect, admiration, and duty to protect the relationship he valued so much were now reaching towards the light, eager to escape into the focus of his overflowing conscious. Inside the confines of this thinly shrouded booth, he exposed all that he was and all that he kept from her. He wasn't that much different from the boy she knew before. All that shifted inside of his heart and mind was an exchange of motives. He traded his anger for an obligation to do right. However, the love he held for her only grew stronger with time. The words she offered during his childhood unraveled his future. The advice she set as a foundation within him made Ueno become a man he could be proud about. She gave him everything, and he hoped that one day he could do the same for her.

Now as one, his ingrained reservations that kept him at a distance from his physical cravings wielded little power to hold him back. Each thrust was a new experience. Each feeling was a new sensation. His heart and mind were both at ease, both experiencing a taste of heaven. The table creaked with every movement as hushed moans escaped beyond the curtains. The guards nearby watched from afar, seeing the form of their shared silhouette contoured on the silk that cloaked their embraced bodies. Sweat beaded from Ueno's body while silent gasps broke through his lips. He felt like he was overheating, holding himself still as he tried to regain whatever little composure he still had left. The member he buried inside of her had its tip pressed against the entrance of her womb. She was a perfect size for him, but there was still a secret left that he kept from her.

After one of missions went haywire in the past, large swathes of his body needed reconstruction. From his eyes to his arms and even the organs within, all had their experience under the scalpel. With every new body part, each augment served to enhance his body in one form or another. He was a much stronger man than he used to be and he held a wider variety of controls over his body than he ever had before.

A single concern passed his mind. He didn't know whether this would be the last time they became one. He didn't know whether he or she would still be around the next day. Instead of fretting on potential regrets, he decided that if there was anytime to pull out all the stops, it would be now.

His augmented arms wrapped around her thighs tightly, pulling her into his hips. A concoction of adrenaline and dopamine flooded Ueno's brain, increasing his sensitivity for pleasure towards dangerous levels. He flooded his lower half with additional blood with the aim to increase the strength of each thrust and the size of his cock. Ueno wanted to give Kokoro his all.

He closed his eyes, holding his desires back. "Hey Kokoro. Mind doing me a favor? You don't have to mean it. But I want to hear you say the words . . ."

". . . I love you."
The heated session eventually came to an end. Ueno sat back in his chair, now relieved with an air of closure. The self-doubts that he arrived with were now dissolved thanks to Kokoro's intimate persuasions. "I don't think another could sway me just like you did." Now with his mind unbound from the shackles of guilt, he returned back to his typical serious demeanor. So much has happened the past few days with the failed assassination of the iron tyrant, the war with the West side gangs, and now the involvement of big name corporations, Ueno knew that there needed to be contingency plans for whatever happened, no matter how inconceivable it may be. He could no longer hold off his concerns that those powerful and influential enough to dictate change in the city now had their gaze casted onto Ueno and his company, especially with the New Star of Night City working alongside him.

"But I doubt you expected me only to come here just to get my shocks off." If there was anything he expected from his adoptive mother, it was that no matter how far he planned ahead, she was always one step ahead of him. Her foresight was what inspired him to take a cautious approach to all matters, regardless of how petty nor inconsequential. He took another puff of his cigar before dashing its charcoal tip against the chrome-plated ash tray. "So I guess you've know everything about Taiga already?" He paused, staring at the shape of her smile. He could never get a read on her thoughts, especially through that ironclad smile she always wore. In his youth, he debated in his mind endlessly of whether she wore that smile to mask he inner emotions or whether she simply viewed most of the people she interacted with as children. It was not the time to guess now. What he truly needed was answers. His family was in danger and so were the people he wanted to keep safe. He understood that happy endings were never a possibility for those who attracted the scrutiny of those that ran the city. "I understand you don't owe me anything. But, I need your help Kokoro." For the sake of protecting the ones who dedicated their lives to him, he would spare no pride. He was willing to exchange his soul in exchange for their happiness and safety.

"Taiga. He. . . She made herself the enemy of many gangs and corporations alike. Some want to capture her for study or brainwash her for their own uses. Others want to eliminate her and all who surround her. I do want to protect her, and I want to follow through with my promises, but I don't want to sacrifice any more lives than I have to. I don't know what to do. I don't have any names or targets to work off of, and after the issues with TJ, my intel network is down and currently in hiding. I need your help." Ueno placed his hands on Kokoro's and looked into her eyes. He didn't know whether there was a sense of sympathy behind them, but he was hoped he could leverage anything to get her to be by his side. There was no one that he imagined could be a better boon than her.
"Kokoro. Mind doing me a favor? You don't have to mean it. But I want to hear you say the words . . ."

". . . I love you."

Those words shook her to her very core and she didn't even understand why. They completely caught her off guard. Her mind began to race at the significance of those words. She closed her eyes after he unloaded into her. The remained closed for a while and she lied still for a while before he pulled himself together and began to speak again. Slowly, she pulled herself back up, her legs tucked off to the side as she sat on the table. She heard him speak his troubles, closing her eyes once again to collect her thoughts. "Well...It's more accurate to say I know enough." Truth was, while she did make sure to keep on eye on her... 'grand child' so to speak, She stopped paying attention once Taiga was presumed dead. It was only within the last two days she learned of what became of Taiga. There was someone she suspected was involved but didn't have enough time to look into it.

"Taiga. He. . . She made herself the enemy of many gangs and corporations alike. Some want to capture her for study or brainwash her for their own uses. Others want to eliminate her and all who surround her. I do want to protect her, and I want to follow through with my promises, but I don't want to sacrifice any more lives than I have to. I don't know what to do. I don't have any names or targets to work off of, and after the issues with TJ, my intel network is down and currently in hiding. I need your help."

Her smile reformed. It wasn't like she was eager to deliver bad news but...the machinations of the world amused her all the same. "I'm afraid there's little you can do on that front. The brighter she shines the more humanity will reach for her. If you wish to baby sit her then that's your prerogative. She will need sage advice every step of the way. She is wise enough to handle her own affairs...pragmatic, Bold yet tactful, largely fearless. These are strengths...however his sister is his most fatal weakness...If you wish to protect Taiga...I'd say protecting Shina at all costs is your best bet." She picked up her glass and brought it to her moist lips, sipping gently from it before setting it down. "As for your...'Targets' ...Well...I'm sure anyone who'd go after her would know about her sister...and how that was the optimal way to control Taiga's actions...By protecting her, you protect Taiga. As for Taiga need only keep an eye on her. On the off chance she finds herself into trouble she can't dig herself out of...then you can do what you'd like with that. As long as you build rapport with her, I suspect she'd never hide anything from you, and would come to rely on you for things she isn't suited for. This will certainly motivate her to assist you with your troubles as well." She closed her eyes again to think further. "She does seem like the type who prefers to fight on her struggle on her own...not wanting to drag others into her problems. There will be those who use that to their advantage...All it takes is one forward thinker to know how to best her...and I'm afraid whomever restored her...also planted the seeds to her downfall."

Of course she knew about the little event that took place in her Little China. Hell, she could even see it from her neon palace. She even saw Hex rescue her. Hex was deep inside of her, of that she could tell. She knew of him fairly well...In fact...she often had him indirectly work for her, and eventually, had him modify her body in an extraordinarily special way. She wasn't however entirely sure if Ueno was acquainted with hex so she didn't want to say too much.
Her gaze returned to his and smiled as he wondered if she was always one step ahead of everyone or if she just viewed everyone as a child. "Both~"
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Ueno closed his eyes and mulled once more in his thoughts. His ideals clashed against his reasoning. He understood that the price of protecting Taiga would mean unavoidable, costly conflicts for him and his companions. He knew he owed no debt to her. The cleaners that upheld his organization held no qualms with the factions that held interest in her either. Still, to sacrifice the woman that assisted them greatly, especially after her massive contributions and mass efforts placed into defending the public and keeping him safe, the idea was ludicrous. No amount of reasoning could shake his resolve to maintain his promise. She was invaluable, and he doubted that there was anyone else like her. The scales of whether the cost was worth her assistance tipped in her favor, and he couldn't help himself from giving her a life that she deserved.

"Then I'll ensure that her sister remains safe. However. . ." Despite his best efforts, he acknowledged his limits. "I don't think me and my group alone would be enough to keep her safe. We lack manpower, resources, and firepower for our scale. I've been in contact with smugglers in Vesta City to assist with the latter two, but after the casualties we took during our war with the gangs at San Morro Bay, we are no where near fighting strength." Ueno was well acquainted with Kokoro's reputation in the area. She had contacts everywhere, with everyone no less. If someone needed anything, whether that be smuggled goods, information, or a great fuck, she knew who to call. "If there is anything you can offer, I would greatly appreciate it." He saw this moment as an opportunity to strike when the iron was hot. Few people had the chance to speak with Kokoro themselves, only communicating through middle men and messages. With the rapport he built and his trust in her, he hoped what he held was enough leverage to sway the Queen of Little China.

"Looks like that's it. For now, I'm going to need you to keep this on." A plasteel wristband stretched around Taiga's hand, binding tightly to her skin. Inside of it held a few doses of a special serum meant to assist in keeping her humanity intact. "And until there are no more doses remaining in that, I've disabled some of your major systems." Hex recalled the past few days. He expected to gather data from more ordinary escapades: Bank heists, encounters with joytoys, and drug use. Little did he expect the rapid, grand accomplishments that came out of her body. Now with his expectations in line with Taiga's abilities, he was going to ensure that he could maintain her sanity to prolong her longevity. He saw Taiga as something more than a test subject, though it would take much more time for him to admit it himself.

"Gods. If I knew you would get yourself involved in a gang war, I would've have doubled the dose." He pressed his hand against his forehead, leaning towards a nearby table. He kept his attention on her diagnostics during each feat, observing her physical and mental facilities progress from one extreme to another. Just the other day, he had to repair her broken hand and now he had to disable several of her systems for her own welfare. He sighed, but there was a sense of contentment in his choice. No one could deliver that much data other than Taiga and come back alive. Not only was she the rising star of Night City, she was the rising star of Hex as well. "Until I reenable them, your body should function more like a normal human. I expect you to take a break for your own head. Any more overuse and your neurons are going to fry. Got it?" Despite his rise in expectations, he held a conservative view on her limits. He was willing to do anything in his power not to lose Taiga like he did with many in his past.
Kokoro closed her eyes. She knew what he was trying to do and honestly it was a huge ask. She honestly didn't even know where to begin...Well...there was one thing she could do...
She considered taking over the lease for Taiga's apartment...placing her insignia on the door, effectively marking it as her territory...anyone who knew who she was or what she represented wouldn't dare was the idea anyway...but she didn't really wanna get too involved in this mess. "Well...there isn't a whole lot I'm willing to do here...but perhaps I can arrange for a symbolic form of protection...if anyone tries will be someone who isn't an affiliate of mine...I can take over Taiga's lease...which would effectively place a non aggression pact on her door...You won't need to heavily defend can focus on rebuilding your network..." That was her offer. She couldn't afford to over extend even if it was for someone she considered would do too much harm.

Taiga huffed and puffed in discontent. "I get where you're coming from...seriously I do...but I'm willing to put major money that the time my systems are down is when everyone is gonna come knocking on my door and making dumbass moves...and I won't be able to do shit about it...Like I promise I won't go out looking for trouble okay? I'll stay home for a few days and stuff...I won't go out with friends or nothing I swear! And and and I'll even have TJ be my body guard if I absolutely have to leave the house...surely that's acceptable right...?" Taiga whimpered. "Surely I don't need this shackle..." She said with tears welling up in her eyes. Despite her saying she was a bad actor...being able to tear up at will like that? Definitely proved she was superb at acting. "Pweaaaaseeee~? Trust meee~! I'll be goooood~!" She pleaded. Honestly, she was scared shitless with how things were going that everything was gonna go straight to hell if she couldn't defend herself.
"Thank you Kokoro. I understand that I'm placing you at risk, and I'm in your debt. I'll make sure to keep in touch." Ueno bowed politely, showing his courtesy for her kind gesture. "And should anything come up. Do let me know. I'm only one call away." He understood the weight of her assistance. Her symbol stood alongside her reputation. Her reputation held weight. What she did was remove the risk of many future fights and, as a result, save many of his crew's lives. The guards parted away from his path, giving a respectful nod as he left the room. There was a massive game being played over Night City and he knew he was no more than a piece to be played. Any help from a major player like Kokoro was welcome.

As he left, he took another look at his surroundings. It appeared that his old home received multiple renovations over the several years he spent away. Old rooms that were once empty warehouse space dedicated as spare bedrooms for the orphanage were now love rooms. The kitchen he toiled in for hours on end was converted into a bar that held the finest wine bottles on each shelf. The back room that served as a training area turned into a stage for joytoys to strip and display their wares. Ueno felt old, reminiscing his childhood over each section of the palace before he came to the realization. The faces of the guards were familiar. Ueno raised an eyebrow, approaching one that guarded the exit door. With each step closer recognizable features came into view. As the guard waved, Ueno realized that the guard was another from the orphanage, now grown up. 'Even now, she's still offering them a home. At least some things don't change.' He smiled, walking back into the streets of Night City.

"Taiga." Hex knew Taiga was lying. Though her words would have been enough to convince many, her diagnostic tests were constantly sending data to his mind. Nevertheless, not even he could withstand her emotional onslaught. Now that he viewed her as a person rather than a subject, he opened himself up to a new vulnerability: His heart. "I'm doing this for you." Her whimpering tugged at his heartstrings. The teary eyes and her pleas of discontent were like daggers to his soul. ". . .Fine. I'll let it under the condition that you put this on. I know. I know. It might look a little open but its important that we keep your systems cool." His hands began to work on her body once more, retying wires to sinews. "But I'll be keeping my eye on you. Any more overuse of your abilities and I'll disable more than just the major systems. Got it?" His judgment remained sound. He wasn't going to lose Taiga like he did Subt3rr0r all those years ago. Wanton use combined with a lack of oversight was her undoing, and he aimed to do his utmost to avoid the conditions that caused it in the first place. "Just sit back for now and let your brain get used to your new augments. No one is immune to cyberpsychosis, no matter how special they feel like they are."
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Koko began rubbing her middle finger and thumb against her eyebrows. She began reflecting what just happened and began to feel like she really didn't think any of that through...which...duh...of course she didn't. She was put on the spot right there. It would make far more sense to simply relocate them...
There were strings that definitely needed pulling for such a thing to work. She sighed softly. "Well at the very least there will be no doubts that I love that boy..."

Upon approaching the guard, He'd notice a man in his mid twenties, Arata, Shun. "Yo~ Nii-san~ Long time no see~" He spoke out to the older Ueno. "Doing quite well for yourself I see. Mom was always going on and on about how much of a model child you are. Even all grown up she's always watching you with a smile on her face so don't drop the ball got it?" Shun smirked. "Otherwise I'll be the favourite son~" He bantered.

Something about this whole situation was a little off...It was true he always seemed concerned for her wellbeing but...this time it seemed...more so than ever. His eyes were totally different from if he was looking upon his not quite...but something like that...until he pulled out the striking outfit that followed. It sent shivers down her spine. "God damn..." was all she could muster as he tried to explain it rationally. "Y-Yeah but...but...that's...pffffffff....whew..." The cost of being unchained was steep. Like Hex had hoped, it actually gave Taiga severe pause. "Maaaan...Maaaaaaannn..." She groaned. She squirmed a little in place. "That's just gonna get me totally smashed...mmgh..." was either that or be declawed huh...? "Alright alright, fine...It's the price to pay for continued safety..." She told her self before starting to put on what could barely be considered an outfit. Worse yet, the panties couldn't actually go past half her fat ass, causing them to cover next to nothing. She sighed heavily once it was completed. "Explaining this to Shi is gonna be a wicked nightmare." She opened her eyes and blinked, noticing the massive tent being pitched by Hex. She gave him a smug little smirk. "Now I know the good doctor didn't totally set me up cause he wanted to see me wearing something skimpy right...?" Though she did recognize that he was still a healthy man, older or otherwise. He was genuinely hard before and part of her wondered at this point if he was actually testing her or not. "Soooo..." She said tugging at her collar under the yellow scarf. "Do you still want me to uh~ ya know~" Her right hand formed a circle which she pretended to blow out a cock before looking at him with a sultry glare. "Did you still wanna smash~?" She teased. It was clear she had fully adapted to her new life as a woman, and after earlier events, she was totally at ease with sexual activity...while it was true taiga was more to him than an expirament...why couldn't he get to enjoy his own creation a bit...? Take his mind off things. "Whatever you wanna do~ I think I owe you at least that much m'yeah?"
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Ueno shook his head at the familiar voice. "Oh. Hey Shun. I'm no different than I was before. It looks like you've moved up too. The suit looks good on you." He recognized Shun immediately. They held a past history of competing for Kokoro's love and attention, though Ueno never understood why Shun brought it up so fervently. That was the past. Now without Kokoro in his daily life and with a responsibility to uphold, Ueno had his attention lie elsewhere. "If you are still tied down to being the favorite. Go ahead." Ueno placed his hand on the door handle. "There's things more important that I have to take care of first." Taiga, Shina, and the faces of his crew came to mind.

"I don't have any time to cling to the past. Not when others need me now."​

The invitation was very tempting. Here was the flawless joytoy created in his perfect image offering her assistance to relieve his innate biological desires. Still, there was another woman he had in mind and he couldn't help but shake the fact that she always kept her eyes on him somehow. "What I wanna do is disable your systems to keep your head cool." He gently knuckled her forehead. He still held some concerns over how Taiga's brain was scrambled from the rogue programming. Especially after her first refusal, he was able to get a grip on his senses and keep his thoughts focused. "Besides, if you keep experiencing more and more overstimulation so soon, you might rewire the neurons in your head and form an addiction." He turned his head, avoiding her lewd appearance. "The last thing Night City needs is another horny chromed up superhero."

He muttered underneath his breath. "And I doubt you'd remain the same if you had a taste of my augmented organics."

In time, Hex finished his work on her body. Each joint that lost its durability in the past few days returned to their pristine condition. Each ache and pain was relieved. Even the aesthetic wounds from flying lead and the stretching of her body were now normal. Hex wiped the sweat off his brow, once more basking in the accomplishment that was Taiga. Like he took pride in her creation, he did the same in her repair. He doubted that anyone else in Night City could contour both augment and flesh the way he did.

"I'd usually say you're welcome here anytime, but I really hope you don't put yourself in any more situations that would necessitate another visit so soon." Hex was no slouch when it came to observing Taiga's activities. Her list of accomplishments the past few days was long and comprehensive. He couldn't imagine many others achieving the same within the course of years let alone lifetimes. The amount of stress she put him through accumulated likewise. He never intervened in the activities of one of his subjects so much before, and yet here he was assisting Taiga and her sister, coming in to save them when the circumstances required it.
The expression on the blue beauty's face changed. She closed her eyes and let him work on her in silence, as if she was reflecting on things.
"The last thing Night City needs is another horny chromed up superhero."
At this she raised her eyebrow, opening her eyes before furrowing her brow. "Another...?" Taiga was aware of a few legends but...none came to mind of a horny legend...then again it wasn't like she knew everything there was to know about em...far from it. She shrugged it off and closed her eyes. once it was all said and done, She stood upright and bowed to him, thanking him for everything he's done.

Taiga left and decided it was best to respect the good doctor's secondary wishes and make it him as soon as possible. She called on her Avenger, Stepping inside once it arrived and drove straight home. She rejected any and all calls that came her way, wanting to make sure she was laser focused on making it home. By the time she got back it was around 11pm. She made her way back to her apartment, kind of surprised she wasn't called at all by Shina or TJ before. She pressed her hand onto the biometric scanner and the door slid open. Taiga walked in and looked around. "Hello...?" She called out, wondering if anyone was even still here
The moment Taiga approached the door, she noticed that its hinges were damaged. It appeared as though someone attempted a break in while she was gone. Her biometric scanner detected four people within her apartment. Now inside, she was greeted by the sight of Shina sleeping with her head on the dining room table, arms crossed acting as pillows. "More . . . Fish . . . Please . . . Taiga . . ." She was talking in her sleep. A small stream of drool dripped from her mouth pooling underneath her cheek. Next to her sat a homemade meal, wrapped to prevent the food from drying out. Underneath hid grilled seafood, masked only by foil with a crudely written name on it: It was meant for Taiga. Shina kept herself up, awaiting Taiga's arrival to eat alongside her, though her stomach won out in the end. Several dirty dishes sat in the sink nearby, soaking in water.

There was no sign of TJ and Hyun in the living room however, but enhanced hearing detected their voices coming from the bedroom. "So what do we do with her T?" Hyun looked at the tied, unconscious woman bound to a chair with rope. "I say we just blow her fucking head off." TJ pressed the barrel against the woman's head. "If she doesn't die in one shot, we could blast her a bunch." Hyun grabbed the barrel, forcing its end downward. "HOW ABOUT WE DON'T?!" Hyun's voice shot up two octaves from TJ's suggestion. "We're supposed to be laying low. NOT FLATLINING CORPOS TJ!"

"You're no fun. We could just kill her and dump her before Taiga comes back. If she asks about the door, just uh... Say that the delivery guy was giving us shit for not tipping. Sounds good enough right?" TJ grabbed a garbage bag. "And if we toss her body in the harbor, no one's going to notice. If Taiga or Shina wants to go swimming, we just take them to a different beach. It's not like NCPD's gonna care about some dead bitch in a suit." Hyun facepalmed. "It's not NCPD I'm worried about! Its the corporation we're gonna be pissing off by killing one of them!"
Noticing the damaged state of the sliding door, her eyes widened. She grit her teeth expecting to find someone that would piss her the hell off. she silently but rapidly moved into the room but froze as she saw shina babbling on her couch, fast asleep. "What..." She began before her ears twitched and locked onto a conversation. <Hyun: So what do we do with her, T?> Taiga slowly approached her armory as she listened to the conversation more and more before pushing the button to open the sliding door once she heard enough. She saw a surprised Hyun and TJ and a woman she didn't recognize. She started tapping her foot on the ground, staring in silence. Man was she ever glad these two stuck around. She noticed both men were blood red, seeing what she was wearing. Taiga sighed softly. "I'll explain later okay?" She walked over to one of the walls containing several pistols and pulled out her shiny blue Nue. She pressed the barrel of the gun under the woman's chin and knelt down to look her in the eye. " got something I wanna hear? or did you come here just to die...? And...before you get any cute ideas...I've got no patience right now. you do one thing I don't like. I'm blowing your head off. We clear? And trust me...I have a thing for taking heads off...just ask the big guy behind me. He's seen me take off two with my fist alone. Though I suppose you'd want a quick and painless death huh...? Tell you what. you talk. If I like what you say, I won't kill you. Id I feel like you've told me nothing interesting, I kill you after blowing out your knee caps and elbows...if you piss me off...Well... you're gonna learn what's it's like to be in a scav haunt. I'll pick you apart piece by piece, keep you alive until this room is stained in your blood...then, once I'm satisfied torturing you, I'll blow your head up with my fist. Do we understand each other...?" She stared at the woman with an unamused expression. Ideally, she'd learn who had the balls to try and fuck with her and her sister. Otherwise, She'd get to let off some steam. Taiga smiled. "Oh and... I'm recording this whole thing~ even got footage of you messing up my place. So... unfortunately for you... you've forfeited your rights to live...all I gotta do is show this to the cops and well... just another case of some dumb ass bitch sticking her head into a meat blender~ So...diplomacy? or Violence..."

And there it was...that line. That line where she provides and ultimatum. That line that was slowly becoming an iconic line. another crossroads. another person to decide their own fate.
'Oh fuck. Nice~'
'I can't believe she made it past Shina alive. . . Nice~'

The two men lost track of their thinking once Taiga came in. Even if they both had different minds, Taiga always seemed to draw similar thoughts to the surface. They already found her attractive before, but with her attire, it felt like she was purposely milking both of their attention. Her clothing left little to the imagination, but they weren't complaining. She was walking eye candy, and even if Hyun refused to admit it, he loved it all the same.

"I'll explain later okay?"

"Oh, feel free to take all the time in the world when you do. I don't mind one bit." TJ was as obvious as ever, exhibiting no shame when it came when he displayed his obvious intentions. Hyun on the other hand tried to maintain a form of decency, nevertheless even he too found his eyes wandering. "How about we focus on the bigger problems first T!" He grabbed TJ's chin to turn his attention back towards the formal woman. Hyun sighed. "We caught her trying to lockpick her way in when TJ and I came back from grabbing groceries for Shina and. . . TJ fucking tossed her through the door." TJ smirked, flexing his muscles. "Right! I would have done more if Shina didn't start complaining about the landlord! Sheesh. She needs to learn how to take it easy. I mean, a thank you for saving her from a corpo gonk would have been nice." Hyun rolled his eyes. "So that's the deal. Shina and I tried fixing the mess TJ made with what's around here but I need some things from my toolbox and. . ." He looked up at the proud giant. ". . . I don't trust him in the apartment alone with a stranger."

Eventually the woman woke up to the feeling of cold steel pressed against her forehead. There wasn't a fire in her eyes. "I knew this fucking job was a bad idea." She looked up at the barrel, listening to her words. However, Taiga's threats failed to shake her. She was fearless of whatever came next. Instead of resisting interrogation though, the woman provided a counter offer. "You look a lot more useful. Tell you what. I give you intel and you help me flatline the small dick prick that sent me here. Got it?" Between dying for a cause she could care less about and living out of spite, she chose the latter option. The uniform she wore didn't seem like it was from a corporation stationed in Japan. The aesthetic matched that of what was considered professional in Korea. However, the equipment that Hyun confiscated on the side alluded that she was no more than a mere intern. "And hey, give me a job that doesn't fucking pay minimum wage, and I'll be willing to work here too. At least, your boys here know how to do a job right."

TJ scratched the back of his head with the sliding handle of his shotgun. "I don't know. You don't look that useful yourself if you're struggling with breaking in. Are you sure you're in the right line of work?"

"I'm better at merc work and planning. Not gathering intel like some sort of middle-range IQ joytoy." The woman had some bite to her words. "What do you say? You in? Or are you going to let that dick send another intern after you and your sister again?" Taiga's sensors suggested that she was speaking the truth.

"Your call Tai. If you don't like her, I know a place we could dump her too."
Taiga didn't even need her sensors to tell this one was okay. "I knew this fucking job was a bad idea."
Taiga blinked at these words and stood up before snorting. "Good enough for me." She mumbled before listening to her go on about wanting to get back at her employer. The threats and stuff were never really meant to scare anyone. That was just a bonus of it did. The threats served a far different purpose. She listened to her counter offer and placed her hands behind her head. "Hrm... well I guess it depends on your info doesn't it? Like for example, a smart person would want to know who their target is. Truth be told... I'm not even supposed to engage in any kind of combat or augment required activities." She glanced over to TJ. "It's basically why I'm dressed like this. turns out the last couple of days have my body overheating quite some bit." looking at her body and even underboobs, they could see the sweat on her body, only increasing her sexual attraction. "I either had to have most of my systems shut down for god knows how long it dress as minimalistic as humanly possible so that my body could cool down naturally." She walked back over to her gun rack and placed her gun back against the wall. "As for hiring you. I guess I wouldn't exactly be too opposed but...I haven't been able to actually work since I came back to life so... my pockets are wearing a bit thin... and I'm not sure I wanna stoop to heists." Taiga sighed heavily. "Plus at this point...I get the feeling I'm not gonna get many peaceful days coming my way anymore. I'm not some super hero after all..." She closed her eyes and nodded towards Hyun. "Go ahead. let her out. I certainly don't dislike her after all... though .. in exchange for letting you walk away peacefully, I wouldn't mind Knowing who sent you."
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TJ continued to stare at his blue-haired companion. His attention wasn't focused on their new acquaintance but rather on Taiga's barely covered mounds. "Shit, the things I'd do to you if no one else was around. Agh! Hey! What was that for?!" TJ felt his ear get pulled. Hyun sighed, nearly on the tips of his toes to reach the earlobe of the dark-skinned giant. "TJ, you're thinking aloud again."

"Go ahead. let her out. I certainly don't dislike her after all... though .. in exchange for letting you walk away peacefully, I wouldn't mind Knowing who sent you."

"Well, its your call. Hope Shina doesn't mine a plus one."
Hyun's hands pulled at the ropes, tugging the knot loose. Now with her wrists free, she reached over and shook Taiga's hand. "Eh, I don't mind if the pay's cheap for a bit. Beats working for a fat asshole who does nothing else than fuck interns or bark orders. Besides, a chance to see my fucking boss' face after putting a couple rounds in his kneecaps. Now that's priceless." She let go, giving a judgmental side-eye to the other two. "But I ain't dressing up in something like that. You're on your own if that's your uniform. Though. . ." She turned back to Taiga, admiring her body. ". . . You look pretty damn good in that. Suits you way better than it would me."

Eventually, she walked over to Hyun, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Hey short stuff." I'm not sho-" The woman pulled a couple of photos from her bra, placing them in his arms. On each print held images of Shina, TJ, and Hyun entering and leaving Taiga's apartment at different times. "Be careful about the neighbors. I don't know whether you noticed someone spying on you, but I was able to convince your neighbor to take pics for just a hand job." He paused in his tracks. It didn't come to mind to be concerned over the neighbors. All he knew was to guard Shina and Taiga's apartment.

"And you, chrome dick for brains."

"Do you want to get tossed through a window next?" TJ stepped over to her, clutching his fist. "Learn how to be less conspicuous and you know; Make sure no one is following you. You're the damn reason why I was able to find this place in the first place!"

"And? You still ended up captured. I'll kill anyone who gets in our way."

"You don't think that some other corporation or gang is going to send someone with a bit more funding? Keep talking like that and you'll get everyone killed." She shook her head, returning her gaze back to Taiga. "Look like you got a lot of work on your hands boss. I'll help build up this place to be safer for you and uh . . . Shine-uh?" The woman didn't know how to pronounce Shina's name yet. "Before I start tossing names and locations so we could fuck up the suits, lets sort this place and your crew out first. If I betraying my org for revenge, the least I could do is even the odds in your favor right? Especially if you can't pull the Adam Smasher shit that I've heard rumors of at the moment!"

While she thought of additional defensive plans, she realized that she hasn't given her name yet. "Oh, and my name's Eve by the way. Its nice to work with you!"

TJ looked disgruntled, seeing her have little respect for him but he hold his tongue back. As much as he hated to admit it, she wasn't wrong. She found them and their central hub. TJ forgotten that he wasn't as big of a name anymore and now without his gang looking over the place 24/7, even he too had to pay more attention to their surroundings.
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