Mx Male cravings / sub looking for dom


Aug 6, 2020
not really looking for heavily action, historical, horror, sci fi rps. im not really in the mood for those. i just want to do some slice of life, drama filled, maybe hurt/comfort, and such for rps. also looking for some dark themes but im also down to do fluff type of rps. i try to post daily but most times would be semi-daily since my work schedule gets changed a lot and i write up to 4+ paragraphs but mostly i am adaptable :) and i like to chat but i will be awkward at first lol but i will be throwing ideas around once im into the RP lol so please be patient with me, i really like to make friends :)
- rules -

ᨳ The preferred pair I tend to rp a lot are mlm pairs. I preferred to play submissive characters. I also like to incorporate omegaverse concepts/elements into the rps, as well as mpreg. If you're uncomfortable with mpreg but wish to still try out the concept of ABO (or not at all), please send me a message stating so. :)

ᨳ I use art/anime/drawn face claims for my ocs. I also like to make character sheets no matter how detailed it is or if it a basic sheet, these character sheets are like references to me, so I'll be happy if you could provide a sheet when we go pass the planning state for the rp. <3

ᨳ I write in 3rd POV and expected the same from my partners. I also only rp in PMs atm. I'm not willing to do doubling for this thread nor will i do fandom rps.

ᨳ ditch/ghost friendly. Atm I don't have a phone. My phone cease to work now. I'm currently using a kindle to write but I tend to forget to replies + I work 40 hours and shifts tend to be varied a lot haha, but if I go without replying for a couple of weeks, please blast my DMs 😅 don't be afraid to remind me of our rps. ^^

ᨳ bluemoonroleplaying rules applied here

ᨳ please send me a message if you're interested in doing together! ˃̵ᴗ˂̵

also if youre an old partner, please send me a pm if you wish to continue the rp we had or wanna start a new one ^^;
you can also ask me for my f-list :)

non(dub)-con / con
omegaverse / male pregnancy
vanilla sex
stomach bulging

soft cum facials
sloppy seconds
dark themes: verbal, physical, & mental abuse, etc
nipple play
body worship

gore/ vore
foot fetish / footjobs
anal fist/ rim
furries / pony play
small dom / big sub
scats / watersports
- pairings -

ᨳ roles that are italicized are roles I'll like to play + all pairings will have the concept of Alpha/Omega. The roles that are italicized are omega roles which I will like to play as. If you don't like mpreg nor omegaverse, please let me know in the DMs.

boss x assistant
rich x poor
alpha x omega (mpreg can be applied to any pairings, but it's fine without it in the other pairings expect this one)
arranged marriage
demon x human / angel
vampire x human / pixie / elf
hunter x witch / vampire / angel
villian x hero
bully x bullied
master x servant / slave
mafia boss x barista / florist
emperor x peasant / neighborhood royal / servant / slave
king / prince x servant / peasent / prince
villain / bad guy / obsessed / yandere x victim / civilian
priest / priest's son x openly gay neighbor
yan!rich asf! ceo x assistant / poor civilian
- themes -
arranged marriage, enemies to lovers, forbidden love, stuck together/forced proximity, childhood friends/best friends to lovers, found family, angst/fluff, slow/fast burn, romance, platonic, fake dating, college, friendship, hurt/comfort, bayside/beach/island, city/urdan, forest, friends to lovers, (to add more)

- genres-
general, slice of life, modern, supernatural, paranormal, comedy, romance, mystery, drama, adventure, low fantasy, high fantasy, urban fantasy, modern fantasy; (to add more)

- dynamics -
- plots -

ᨳ roles italicized are the ones i will like to play as
all plots can involve mpreg/omegaverse/ alt. male pregnancy. if you're okay or not with mpreg/omegaverse, please let me know in the PM.

omega!poor!sex worker x alpha!rich!ceo, dub-con, con afterwards, enemies to lovers, mpreg (if don't like, please let it be known in PMs), slice of life, drama, hurt comfort, angst, fluff, modern time

The omega lives in desperate times and those times call for desperate measures. The omega had no choice but to sell their body for cash. They knew the risk it comes with it. If one is not too careful, he could end up getting knocked up.

Being a broke college student sucks. His home was a shitty apartment an hour away from the campus and he worked at the shittiest job he ever applied for; retail. Being an omega was a blessing and a curse. A blessing because they tend to be the most beautiful and have the best genes, but a curse because they were prey upon by those who deemed themselves superior over them. Their heats and scented pheromones always attract Alphas and trigger their ruts early.

The omega use this knowledge to their advantage.

Desperate times call for desperate measures, is a mantra they would always repeat in their head when they offer their body for cash. They try to keep this sinful act of theirs in silence.

Of course, they're not too desperate to sell their body when their heats comes. They take suppressants for those.

So, the look on their face would have been karma looking back at him all smug. Their suppressants were not in their messenger bag. No, there was nothing in the little inside pocket of the bag. Imagine his surprise when the heats comes crashing down. And the misfortunes keeps piling up as he leaves the building he was in to hide anywhere so no one could find him.

Ooh, how fate must be laughing at them now. Who would have thought there would be a spokesperson from some wealthy company giving out talks about business and whatnot in the campus’ main courtyard. The omega was very, very lucky it came to an end, but he still needed to be wary of those standing behind to speak further more with the spokesman. The omega was about to be relieved of his misfortunes when he spotted an empty building across from the courtyard.

The [subject] Building.

It was under construction. A brand new subject being added thanks to the funds provided by the company who came by for the wannabe ted talk. The omega was sure no one would enter there since it wasn't allowed for the public just yet. And there were no construction workers anymore, believing they all went home after a long day at work.

The omega hid inside the building, letting out a shaky breath of relief. They would just wait their heat out here. Yup, there was no doubt no one would be here.


Just how unfortunate was he!?!?

Turns out, the spokesman of the company of the campus’ talks decided to take a break from all the interviews from the school newspaper group. Turns out, their rut got triggered. Which was weird and strange.

The curse of omegas triggering alphas’ ruts wasn't exaggerating, but another fact of it was missed. An omega doesn't just simply trigger whatever alpha was near their ten feet radius, no. Their heats trigger an alpha's rut if they're highly compatible. And it just so happens… that… the omega had high rate compatibility with the spokesman of the company, who also happens to be the ceo of the company.

Was this a punishment for selling out his body to whoever pays? What other choice did he have? He didn't want to drop out… well… maybe that was part of his plan for the very near future. What was there to look forward to in life? Sex and money consumed his life and mind. His body craves the satisfying pleasure others couldn't provide for him. There was no more self-respect for him. He lost all of it the moment his body was taken from him the first time.

What a shame he was to his husband.

Rp is about an omega who's body unfortunately craves the perfect sex from an alpha. His mind was lost to sex the moment he was violated. To cope with their trauma, the omega finds themselves selling out their body for money. Getting mated at a young age had his parents thrown him out, making him lose any money he had to his name. The alpha who mated him left him once he was satisfied with himself, leaving the omega to crave for an alpha like him, no matter how much he denies it.

The omega lives in a terrible apartment and works the worst job ever. To keep living in his small studio apartment, he lets the landlord have a go at his body. And to keep himself fired every time he argues with a customer, he pleases his boss’ needs. He is a poor omega. Because he was kicked out from his parents’ house and lost their support, the omega only has completed one year of university. This year was his second and last year of uni, planning to drop out as it seemed it was getting too risky trying to hide the fact he was the school’s omega slut.

The omega takes suppressants for their heat to avoid getting knocked up. Unfortunately, their pills were taken away from some alpha bullies. having no choice, the omega had to hide in a building that was under construction. Even more unfortunately, he was met with an alpha who had his rut triggered by him. The alpha happened to be the CEO of the company who funded the construction of a new building and also came to the campus to give a thorough ted talk about business and whatnot.

with their highly compatible rate, the two mated and bonded. Thankfully, the omega didn't get pregnant yet but since they bonded, it is in the law that the alpha marries the omega and provides for them.

what their relationship should be and should happen is up for discussion. I do want the ceo to be a cold, quiet guy who is actually a softie inside. but since the omega is basically a slut using sex to satisfy what happened to him and for money, i want the ceo to be disgusted about that and close himself off from the omega.

Either way, the plot is open for discussion and changes! if you're interested, please send me a PM! thank you! i just want to write a story where the ceo is closed off and guarded and thinks highly of themselves. bonus if the ceo doesn't like omegas! :D i will be playing the omega. but yeah, the ceo can be anyone you want them to be. (^o^)
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