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The Lucky Coin Pub ( Pirate pub open rp)


May 27, 2013
This scene is set near the end of timeline that group thread is set in. The empire is still standing and has various colonies though some may hold rebellious intent. However no amount of ships can attack land strongholds. Inspire rebellion? maybe, damage trade? absolutely but that battle between pirates/ rebels versus the king is still going though like history a pardon has been sent to get all that wish it off the seas free. As for Lucky well he had gathered his fleet and even managed to get the head of the pirate fleets to agree to work together on an alliance to resist the king before his crew went separate ways and his own wife Lisa who he took on his adventure for a bit convinced him to settle on land and try to make an honest living. They compromised as he settled in Munchester and using some of the treasure the alliance trusted him guard bought a pub where she could cook and he can pretend he knew more than how to drink acholol. The secret was that the pub was a front for fellow sailors or rebels to stop to rest as well as plan there next move as they checked on the beloved legend that was Lucky. It is said if you know the right phrases you could find aid to help you if you were a friend of the cause. Alright that's the set as its open any character is welcome to stop by to hang out for a bit and bring in story. I appreciate characters set in the same theme but if you bring fantasy or other far off worlds well work around it.

Raven woke up one morning the sun of an Irish morning shining on him. He would say it was a beautiful morning, but it was rainy as usual as a light mist fell down the bustling streets. He went down to greet the small plump woman that was his wife. Long brown hair falling down her neck with brilliant blue eyes and charming smile meeting him. Though she seemed sweet and kind he knew she was a deadly woman as one had to be catch his like and between her wiccan craft and her own strength she could bully even him into getting in line if need be. He moved to give her a kiss and a hug as he asked her if she was ready for the day though their place rarely got many customers being on the more shady side of town while the more friendly looking places got more business but it didn't seem to bother her any as long as she could cook for people and keep him on land. He than went to front bar and opened up for the day before checking his stock. He had the classic whiskey and beers of Ireland as well the lovely mix of rum from the Caribbean that his regulars usually wanted but he also smuggled in liquor from other lands weather it be Vodka made from potatoes form the north, the sweet tequila from the hot lands and even something called moonshine that the new colonies had started to make. He chuckled shaking his head before going to sit at the bar humming a favorite toon.
Arriving in town just minutes ahead of dawn, Hazard glanced about casually at the misty streets with a serene gaze, as he closed the spatial gateway behind himself. Reality hopping is quite handy, but prone to many risks and dangers if one is not careful. Seeing the slow start to the day in the small town caused the Atomic Mage to smile faintly at his luck. 'The fact that the streets currently occupy relatively few people due to the early hour is very fortunate, indeed, considering I'd have had to use illusion magic or invisibility to get into this sleepy little place otherwise.' Hazard thinks as he walks calmly down the street, adjusting his sharp custom grey suit and his platinum blond hair in the process, right down to straightening his tie. An old habit he performed robotically at this point, which wasn't going away any time soon.

Spotting the pub as he passed the doorway on the other side of the stone road, Hazard quirked a slim eyebrow and grinned as he read the name of the place. "The Lucky Coin, eh? This the local watering hole then? Well, I think I'll just drop in for a few drops of whiskey or a couple pints of rum. Who knows? I might even have fun meeting a local, or get into a stereotypical bar brawl with a Joe thrice my size. Or, I could just catch a buzz. Let's roll the dice!" The somewhat unhinged mage said to himself cheekily, only partly joking. He'd been through too much to count anything out, after all.

Stepping through the doorway and into the pub proper, Hazard waltzed lazily up to the bar, scanning the joint with his glowing green eyes and a hint of curious enthusiasm in his voice as he called out to the barkeep. "Ey, any chance a guy could get some whiskey straight? Just leave the bottle and a mug, and I'd be much obliged. Thank you kindly."

(Note: just to be clear, italicized sentences like the one above are Hazard's inner thoughts.)
Raven looked up from checking the bar as he looked at the stranger coming in. He didn't seem the usual type to come in but his missus always told him that if they were going to run a real business he couldn't just cater to faces he knew. So he put on his best smile and walked to the bar. ' that will be five gold dubloons or an fair trade" he spoke grabbing a bottle of Irish whiskey and a glass but waited to get his pay before putting the bottle in front of the wandering stranger.
Zik wandered down the street at a slow pace. His exotic attire catching the eyes of more than as few people.. along with his glowing orange eye. He tried to keep a low profile, but as usual.. his mere presence drew attention. It didn't help that he was high out of his mind, and swaying as he walked. Despite this.. he some how seemed to not touch or come into contact with anybody. Even so, he swiped a few pockets as he went.. a pirate's life never fully went away. He had been wandering for a couple hours when a faint presence popped up thanks to his quirk. It was very familiar.. an old friend, along with a couple unknown presences.

Unfortunately, he didn't get to make it as he wasn't paying attention to where he was walking. He bumped into someone on accident and preceded to get into a brawl. The fight did not go well for Zik.. who was ultimately killed in the fight. Not on purpose.. but he had a problem with pushing things too far and he ultimately ended up being beat to death. Luckily.. in a twist of fate, the man decided to dump his body outside of The Lucky Coin Pub.

It took about an hour.. but Zik eventually snapped awake.. and stood up. He was breathing heavily.. "gah.. ah.. what.." he looked around.. now completely sober thanks to being dead for an hour. It was a blessing and a curse for his hidden quirk ability.. cursed to live forever but being able to die over and over..

"Where am I?" He asked himself.. as he looked at the building behind him.. "The Lucky Coin Pub.." he muttered. He no longer could sense anybody since his drugs had worn off. He walked up slowly to the door and walked in. "Lucky!" He said loudly and enthusiastically, also with a hint of dryness.. as soon as he saw his former captain. "Why.. you're looking older my friend!" He said as he took a seat at the bar. He reached out his hand to shake Lucky's, "I've missed you and the crew! Though it's good to see you finally settled down! You know what I like to drink! So don't even ask!" He tossed a small bag of coins he stole on the bar. Zik looked exactly the same as he did back in those days, at least he would to Lucky and anyone who knew him then. However, his face was currently still healing the recent bruises and cuts from his fight.
Raven stood there waiting on the strange man to offer something in return. He was used to all types but people usually passed out after his matter it they were watered down or cheap brands in expensive bottles. Hey! This was an expensive career and he really knew more about drinking than serving the stuff. His grumpy attitude snapped out of it as a familiar voice called out to him and he looked up.

" Zik! You half asleep bum come over here!" He called out grasping his hand and shook it in earnest. His wife looked out from the kitchen worried but smiled seeing her husband excited in a first time in awhile. " It's been a long time! Are you still in the fleet or did you retire as well my friend." He than grabbed a bottle of Ziks usual drink and slid the glass in exchange for the bag. He was glad someone felt up to paying.
He eyed Lucky happily. It had been ages. "Well you know me.. despite me being a half asleep bum.. I'm always on the move. However.. I no longer travel with any crews.. and I occasionally meet with Bones.. but even so.. I'm always on the run." He took a big swig from his bottle, as he noticed the lady peak out from the back. "Oh Lucky.. I cannot wait to meet your wife.. I remember you saying a lot about her during our time together."

He hoped his old friend would pop a squat for a bit to catch up. "And before you ask.. yes.. I am still inevitably alive.. this thing with me never seems to stop." He looked solemn for a minute, "but anyway.. what have you been up to my friend? Last I ever heard of you was your final battle against the English.. shame I missed that." He couldn't quite remember what led to him splitting ways with the crew.. he just knew it had been time for him to move on.
Raven chuckled happily that to see ah old friend. He was in see ti crews leaving, hell it was part of the job in a very opportunistic field. Most joined for a chance to try get rich than left for home to buy a business or farm for a family so he held no ill will towards Zik. He motioned for his wife to feel free to step from her cooking and say hi which cuaseed a frowj but she slowly stepped out to say hi.

She was a short portly woman filled out in the right places with a soft kind face. However when one looked in her eyes you knew not to mess with her when you see the feirce determination in her gaze. She had long brown hair and green eyes with a colorful scarf around her neck and traditional Irish dress. She was a mix of gypsy and wiccan that frequently practiced the old magics and could befriend and get help from wild life. " It's a pleasure to meet someone that could help this old fool from getting himself killed." She said speaking with a soft accent while giving Raven a look. " I'm still trying to keep him from running to seas despite our agreement." That last part ended with a look making Raven rub his head and chuckle.

" I'm here aren't I Woman." Hr grumbles but hugged her close.." don't let her fool you. It may have been after you left but she joined me and the final crew for a bit and wasn't till after they broke up that I agreed to a new role. As for the final never happened. I may hate them but I'm not crazy enough to storm england and killing the king would just make the next angry. I did get the main captains to agree to a pirate collation which they appointed me as head of...kind of like pirate lord '

Lisa laughed at that statement. " A lord running this place. They just let him look over the money and supplies while using this place as a meeting spot." She spoke but eyed Raven kindly knowing his hidden pain though she hoped living in his homeland eased it though he wouldn't take up his old name again.

( A lot of kind of how I Imagined my friends and I all parting.)
The red flag flew high on her smaller ship, as marine stretched with a yawn along with a small gold and red chest that also had a gold skull with red on the front as her own little boxy wallet, a belt that had a pair of swords and pistols as well as her long flowing coat showing she had another pair of pistols along her still good chest >.>. Finally she would land as marine gave another stretch before jumping down to look around at this almost strange and random place she found that made her curious though.
Raven was still in the middle of catching up with his old crew mate enjoying seeing a familiar face in do long. Okay by now the locals and wandering sailor's were like family too but he sailed with this man! Than saw him die and return than repeat... The emotional rollercoaster kind of faded after so many deaths but he was glad he was still sailing. He would offer him a place in the fleet if he wished since he was kind of grandfathered in at this point.

That was interrupted when another face from the past walked in. " Marine!" He said happily waving at her. " What brings you here?" This new person drew a speculative look from Lisa as she crossed her chest. Not that she threatened mind you. She was used to her man flirting and talking with women to be friendly but knew his heart was with her and if it wasn't her frying pan would snap sense into him. She heard tales of what this person was like off searching for her mate to unlock her chest and gave a sniff. " Remember whose chest holds your gem heart dear." She said dryly.
“AHHHOY!!!” Shouting loudly in her bursting hyper tone. Crossing her arms as her chest bounced, leaning forward with arms under but glancing at the other then back at him. The girl stretched now, “ finally get to walk somewhere that’s not a random island. Your a sooner stop than where I would be going. The side of her red coat mostly hanging from the shoulders and her arms and hands covered by the big sleeve so she wasn’t wearing it right.
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