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Mx Female (New One on One Storylines)~Literate & Intimate~ (NSFW)


Dec 13, 2023
Introduction & Pleasantries

Hello, everyone. First and foremost, welcome to my newly published request thread. Here, you will discover all that you might wish to know about myself and my history related to my writing experience. Please, take your time and read this thread in its entirety. I am only interested in writing with those that are keenly interested in pursuing a long-term partnership. I’m aware that this thread won’t reflect a great amount of flare. It is only meant to provide the reader with the utmost important information related to myself and my writing career. Perhaps someday this thread will be an extravagant work of art, much like many of the threads that I’ve already been fortunate enough to read. For now, however, I hope those of you stopping by might forgive its rather bland existence within the forums.

About Your Humble Host

My experience relating to that of writing is quite extensive. Since I was but a young teenager, even. I like to consider myself thoroughly detailed with the work that I put forth in the stories that I write, as well as extravagantly literate with my play on words. All while paying close attention to that of grammar and punctuation, as well as quality over quantity. My writing style can range anywhere from one paragraph, to something related to that of an intricately woven Novel. It is strictly dependent on what might be transpiring within a specific scene. Upon anyone’s request, I would be more than willing to provide some samples related to some of my work for the sake of your viewing pleasure. As well as to allow you a small glimpse as to what a potential writing partnership might look like with me, should you want to pursue this interest further.

Throughout my years of this time spent within the world of forum role-playing, I’ve come to find that erotic storytelling is my passion. Quite specifically, any and all things related to that of the more erotic spices of life, if you will. I just adore the sense of realism that this genre all too often is able to bestow. Having the opportunity to enact specific fantasies that otherwise might never take place within our own mundanely ordinary lives is an age-old thrill that I have yet to grow fatigued of. I’m well aware of the fact that most other writers tend to stray away from elements such as these, though I simply must ever so respectfully disagree. While I do possess experience within other genres such as the realms of fantasy, most of the plot lines discovered here will largely reflect my passion for the former.


When writing with me, you needn’t not ever fret about post frequency. Quite truthfully, my schedule can at times be rather hellacious and incredibly difficult to predict or even navigate. While it is admittedly rare, I can at times reply multiple times throughout any given day. However, a worst case scenario will be at least once every week. With that being said, I completely understand that our respective real world responsibilities will always take priority over anything created here on this site. So long as we communicate with one another, of course. Should you extend these same courtesies to me, I will always return them to you.

Furthermore, I take immense care with the posts that I construct and deliver to my respective writing partners. Once finished writing, I will always read what I have written while simultaneously inspecting it all for any possible mistakes within it’s text. Things related to that of grammar and punctuation, among other things like how well it all might flow together. In short, I care very deeply about the product that I put forth and have an inextinguishable desire to please my writing partners. I want my partnership to be worth it for them. In short, I expect this same level of dedication in return.

Now, with all of that having been stated, I do not expect perfection out of either of us. Alas, we are all only Human and are prone to making mistakes. However, I do expect us to never cease in striving for and toward this said perfection.

Kinks, Fetishes, & Limitations

I do not have an F-List. Everything found within this category will be all one might need or want to know relating to myself and just how to please me and my characters. As well as what to avoid.


~My ultimate love and passion revolves heavily around aspects related to that of long and incredibly drawn out foreplay.
Dry-hump my throbbing, thick shaft until I cum. More often than not, I have found that aspects related to this are far more fun to write than anything related to actual intercourse between our characters. Nothing gets me harder than a playful tease of a woman.

~I live for the raw, gritty detail in the bedroom. More specifically, things related to that of clothing, actions, and positions.

~My biggest weakness would come within the form of a large, ample, firm piece of ass. Tease me with it. Grind it against me. Let me spank it. Use it as a fucking weapon against me, please. Sit on my face and just fucking smother me with it. Giving anal sex would obviously go hand in hand with this fetish. As well as elements related to light anal play. Such as eating ass, fingering, and hot-dogging.

~Oral sex. Both giving and receiving. Sloppy, wet, messy, loud, and aggressive. Worship my cock. Deep-throats welcome. No gag reflex? No problem. Fucking devour me, baby girl.

~Breasts. A healthy bust and chest. Again, fucking smother me. Breast/titty-fucking is also encouraged during the previously mentioned oral sex.

~Giving healthy, thick facials. There’s just nothing more satisfying than painting the surface of a pretty little feminine face with that of a heavy coat of sticky white venom. If you like to swallow, I won’t stop you.

~Vocalization during any and all sexual activities. Praise and encouragement, as well as plenty of filthy and flirtatious dirty talk. I can also provide differing levels of degradation upon request.

~Eye contact. I believe this speaks
for itself, right?

~Being licked/kissed about the various surfaces of one’s body. Both giving and receiving.



~Eagerness. I just absolutely adore this sort of sexual energy and enthusiasm.

~MFF threesomes & harems. One male falling victim
to multiple eager minx…if this is something you’re interested in writing, please, speak up and get in touch with me.

~Provocative, alluring, enticing outfits and uniforms. I’ve also got a thing for girls in glasses, too
for obvious reasons, of course.


~Any and all things related to that of the restroom, blood, and gore. None of which are my cup of tea.

Plot Skeletons & Simple Pairing Ideas

1. Chronicles of the most Taboo

Plot Disclaimer

As the title suggests, I’d like to indulge myself within a forbidden sort of story. Something very taboo. Something that would revolve around either two or more characters. Idealistically, a story catering to a young man playing against an older female. A fair bit of age play would be prominent within this setting, as well. Further details regarding this aspect can be discussed in deeper detail when plotting. I picture the overall setting and storyline to cater to a more slice-of-life type of plot line, too. Something revolving around a tantalizing and rather slutty babysitter…a total nymphomaniac harboring an untold amount of sexual experience and energy to shower upon her unsuspecting client or host.

If this sounds like something you might be interested in, please feel free to reach out to me. I have no actual plot skeleton for this said idea just yet, so any detail related to its overall direction is entirely open for discussion. A direction that can either cater to a more erotically smut-driven one shot, or something catering to a more long term and story driven idea. Everything is on the table and is equally negotiable.

2. (Under Construction)

Turn the Page

So far, I don’t have a great amount of detail regarding this idea. However, I’d like to base it heavily off of this photo.
I picture her being picked up by a passing truck driver, or perhaps by some other form of traveling drifter. There are a great many of directions that could potentially be taken with an idea such as this. So please, feel free to suggest. It could be heavily smut-focused and short-term, or take a much more romantic approach for the longer term. In short, I’m very open to negotiation with this kindling plot.

4. Past the Point of No Return…the Ballad of Seemingly Innocent Bookworms & Academic Rejects.

Plot Disclaimer

This story will cater to the few that enjoy and are capable of portraying multiple female characters at one time while playing against one male character.

Plot Summary

Arianna and Emma have known one another since their earliest days of childhood. Having grown up together within the city limits of the same small town and attended the very same High School, the two girls were quick to form a strong bond and friendship that would accompany them throughout the course of their future.

By way of the public eye, Arianna and Emma are extremely intelligent and highly disciplined. Astoundingly ambitious in all aspects of life that they might set out to dominate. So utterly dedicated to their studies and bright futures while remaining the most diligently hardworking and intellectually talented individuals through even the most trying of times. Neither of them having ever once failing to rise to the occasion and conquer the various trivial challenges that might arise. All while remaining ever loyal to those closest to them, as well. They are kindhearted and humble girls who would never go out of their way to hurt anyone or even say anything negative about anything. In short, their reputations are nothing short of respected, valued, and well known. Just the sweetest pair of religiously endowed young women that harbor a seemingly innocent nature.

Though despite their often praised and well received personalities, every good girl longed for the opportunity to let their hair down, of course…

Behind closed doors and unseen by the majority of the masses, Arianna and Emma share another side related to that of their normally noble reputations and highly praised personalities. Along with having been blessed with similarly talented academic minds, these two girls also harbor looks that could quite easily kill. A pair of beautifully crafted women that also come well equipped in all of the right areas…something that they are all too aware of and always have been.

Behind these same closed doors, Arianna and Emma are nothing short than that of adorably playful and kinky little minx. A deviously perverted and seductively charismatic pair of provocative females that quite simply hold a secretive desire to tease and please their male subordinate counterparts within either of their respective longstanding relationships. Oftentimes, using these said attributes of theirs as an avenue to release the ever rising stress levels related to that of the equally as ever increasing workload demands that accompanied one’s lifestyle when pursuing a higher education. A pursuit of bettering oneself in hopes of brighter futures and prosperous careers.

Though what would these two girls do when their equally as academically driven boyfriends had little to no time for them due to their oftentimes conflicting schedules…?

Despite their wilder tendencies behind closed doors, the girls could not be described as some sort of pair of unfaithful harlots. No. They were loyal, after all. Grounded tightly to their higher moral standards than that of the rest of society. Sure, the two of them could be described as raging nymphomaniacs behind drawn curtains…complete and total sluts for being bent over and thoroughly fucked by a fat, throbbing shaft. However, these acts had always been performed with someone of whom they held a great amount of respect and trust for. Someone that they knew would never hurt them…in any way, shape, or form. Still yet though, they couldn’t be denied this almost constant need for lovingly passionate attention forever…could they? Within such dire circumstances, who better than to trust and confide within than that of…one another?

While having been rather unsure at first, what had started out as nothing more than that of lighthearted experimentation, had swiftly transformed into an enticingly exciting newly found adventure as the two minx began to grow even closer…strengthening their lifetime bond with one another while shrouding themselves within the comfort of a dark secret that not even their boyfriends could ever become aware of. Beyond this newly discovered lust for one another still, would lay yet another troubling little issue that hovered over them like a heavily heated fever…

Could it be the guilt brought on by keeping such a devious little secret from that of their most trusted companions? No…that couldn’t be it. While wrong, of course, the girls had long since dismissed this guilt while having come to the mutual conclusion that; so long as they only used one another and no one else; than the actions that they performed together and with each other could not be deemed as cheating. A rather twisted and arguably more or less morally unethical way to justify what they were doing together was indeed taboo, yes…though the pleasure found within worshipping one another’s heavenly blessed feminine qualities was something that neither of them planned on going without any time soon…if ever. Despite this unique and profound pleasure found within one another, however, these two girls still craved cock. Perhaps a stiff tower not used for fucking or sucking, yeah? They wouldn’t want to cheat on their respective partners, after all. However, would it have been so dreadfully wrong for the two of them to seek one out to tease and torment in all of the best ways possible…? After all, despite the great many of naturally blessed characteristics this unique pair of playful vixens came equipped with, a fat cock is something that neither of them possessed, unfortunately. With that being said, how could any respectable woman be denied of such rightful pleasure by their partners? Such a thing was terribly cruel, they thought. Borderline unforgivable, even!

Despite their morals, Arianna and Emma still had their more natural needs and wanton desires that were required to be fulfilled upon their request whenever they so demanded. So, when their partners were busy and stubbornly unavailable to give them what they so truly desired, this would in turn leave them with little to no choice other than to turn to someone whom they knew could never resist nor deny their charm…

Enter their lifelong friend and favorite boy toy, William.

William was someone whom the two girls had known for the vast majority of their lives. An individual who had grown up with them alongside one another within the city limits of that same small town and High School. Someone whom they had formed a strong bond and friendship with throughout their years spent together…a deeply trusted individual by both Arianna and Emma. A shoulder to cry on, so to speak. As well as a strong and steadfast voice of reasoning to help right themselves when found in troubling times. Because of just how close their relationship as friends truly was, William had naturally always longed to achieve something just a little more meaningful and intimate with either of them. Though despite his constant attempts, pleas, and pursuit of them, Arianna and Emma had only continued to deny him. Not because they found the idea unattractive, no. William was an incredibly handsome young man, after all. Harboring a kind heart and warm nature with only that of the best intentions to accompany such healthy genetics. Intentions that could be described as sweet…ones that came faithfully dedicated to the two girls, more often than not.

Still yet, however, Arianna and Emma had always remained fearful of ruining such a beautiful friendship by way of taking on the risks that often came with taking those next steps into the unknown. Something that William had remained respectful of, despite his true desires. Though this hadn’t stopped the girls from showering him with an abundance of loving affection within the form of playful teasing and torment…often using him as a form of stress relief whenever their partners might be ignoring them, or whenever the stresses of their academic workload might become too much for them to bear. Or perhaps, whenever life in general became grossly inconvenient and overwhelming.

Either way, one certainly wouldn’t find William complaining…at all.

Having known him for as long as they have, the two girls know exactly how to get his attention and keep him at the edge of his seat with a watering mouth and quivering physique. Everything from simply dressing themselves provocatively to garner his attention, to aggressively backing him into a corner and situating themselves on either side of him…whispering the most delectably lewd things within either ear as they nibble on the fleshy, sensitive lobes. Suckling the tender skin related to that of his exposed neck as they giggle in delight…all while their curious hands allow their equally as curious little fingers to explore his body’s surface as they grope him…probing at the hardening and growing bulge between his legs while their own ensnare him within an inescapable trap. Pressing their feminine figures up against his more masculine frame as they allow the heat of their hidden entrances to grind against him. Working together in tandem to drive him absolutely mad…the only boy within the entire world to ever have the pleasure of experiencing their intoxicatingly erotic wrath as a team. Though only to then depart from his grasp once they draw near to that preciously sensitive point of no return…strutting away with their backs turned to him. Arm in arm and hand in hand as they giggle cheerfully, ensuring to exaggerate the swing of their hips just for him. All while their friend is once again, so helplessly left behind to finish himself off to the phantom touches left behind related to that of their feminine scent. As well as the alluring fantasies implanted within his perverted mind by those nasty little mouths…fantasies that he knew would never see the light of day, knowing those two girls. Fantasies that were only ever intended for his imagination. To act as encouragement for himself to come crawling back to them for more abuse…time and time again.

‘Twas was but a rather cruel game these two parties played with one another, yes. A secret little game that the two women made sure to keep silent and under the radar belonging to that of their significant others. Trusting that dear William wouldn’t out them…something that he himself had never considered, nor would he ever. His overall sincere love and respect for his friends outweighed his much darker thoughts of blackmailing them into his submission…little did the girls know, just how easy it would be for himself to take them should he ever truly wanted them for himself. A plan that he had thought carefully about on multiple occasions within time’s past…though he had never been able to bring himself to execute such a crime against their wellbeing.

Because of this fine, thin line that both respective parties walked, this little said game of theirs would remain a mutually beneficial arrangement, at the very least. Arianna and Emma would get to relieve some sort of amount of stress and pent-up sexual energy; all while simultaneously feeling wanted and reinvigorating spirits; while William would get to experience the two female minx on a level unknown by the rest of world. Allowing him but only a small taste related to that of his stronger desires that revolved around them…though this little taste was truly better than nothing, right?

This rather taboo relationship dynamic shared between the three of them would remain this certain way into present times. Present times that would find the three of them halfway through their Freshman year of College and nearing the end of the second semester of the year at Chapel University. Arianna and Emma are excelling at a rapid pace, to no one’s surprise. Adapting to life within such a setting with ease. However, the stress related to that of final exams for the semester are beginning to take a heavy toll on either of them. The ever increasing and constant pressure related to that of their academic workload grows that much more unshakable with each passing moment in time. Simultaneously, bringing them closer to that inevitable deadline. A deadline that they are seemingly uncharacteristically ill prepared for, even.

This little dilemma is uncharted territory for the two, having largely been brought on to them by way of a lack of opportunity to expel these rising stress levels. Their boyfriends are unsurprisingly just as busy as themselves, preparing for the upcoming final exams that are looming just around the corner and immediately after the coming weekend. Attempting to study together does little to no good for them, as most of their cram sessions are swift to take a more lewdly erotic turn. All while the two little minx end up feverishly devouring one another’s tight, wet pussies amongst the numerous towering bookshelves located within the empty Library on campus after hours. Their dear William has remained to be even seen by this pair of sexually charged and highly distraught female vixen due to the chaos surrounding the University during this challenging time. Without his warm and welcoming presence to help feed their Succubi-like souls and no cock to ravage them senseless, Arianna and Emma grow increasingly more frustrated by the second. Just utterly desperate for the attention and pleasure that can only be brought on by a masculine male with a fat, throbbing shaft.

In contrast to their own situation, William’s new life within such an academically diverse environment hasn’t exactly acted within his most favorable or preferred outcome. Since his arrival at Chapel University, the poor boy has struggled to adapt to the rigorous conditions brought on by such a harsh system. His grades are less than stellar, as is his mental health. Having had no scholarship upon his graduation from High School, he had decided that he could possibly pay his way through College while working at a local packaging plant. A factory not at all far away from campus. However, this plan of his only continues to work against him, despite himself putting his best foot forward in the matter in an attempt to right his sinking future for a successful life and career. The workload brought on by juggling both his job at the packaging plant and his studies at school are proving to be far too much for one individual to manage.

Having shown the boy some pity and grace, the University’s head of office has allowed him a chance to earn some extra credit within the form of performing various activities in and around the vicinity of the campus. Everything from aiding to the good riddance of trash plaguing the courtyard, to cleaning up various classrooms that had once been abandoned while readying them for future service once more. Despite himself having had accepted this offer, he remains doubtful and unsure of his future at this prestigious University.

It is now Friday evening.

Only the remainder of the evening at hand and the weekend ahead stand between the students and their ever crucial final exams. The campus is mostly empty and quiet; only a few students and faculty remain as last minute cram sessions ensue. Most have long since retreated to the safety of their dorms and apartments to host their own, however. Amongst the remaining few on campus, are Arianna and Emma. In route to the campus Library for yet another round of “studying.”

The pair have found themselves dealing with ever growing problems still, having drawn some careful suspicions that both of their longstanding relationships with their respective better halves are in severe jeopardy. Heated disagreements between them all, combined with that of almost unforgivable verbal abuse, has lead the pair down a path that has previously been unknown to them before. Not only are they stressed, sexually starved, and terribly pent-up, but they are suffering from severe anxiety and depression. Worried that their boyfriends are in fact, cheating.

Feeling as though their very lives are falling apart, nonetheless. Their significant others have played a large role in each of the girl’s respective lives. Childhood and High School sweethearts, really. Plans that have been in place for decades were now in jeopardy of being erased and left for dead…much like the love they had once shared for so long. Their hearts are shattering as the evening continues to progress, leaving them feeling rather helpless as to what to do. On top of the already heavy burdens related to that of their workload and final exams, one might safely assume that the girls are finally nearing a breaking point…

Little do either of them know as they stroll casually through the courtyard on campus, they are being watched from afar by a familiar set of chocolate brown eyes. Just across this same area, not at all far away from them and occupying yet another random old office in need of his cleaning services, is William. Who has diligently been working on earning his promised extra credit since that same afternoon. Upon laying his weary gaze upon his favorite pair of delightful minx for the first time in a few weeks, the boy is unable to help himself as he opens the office’s window…readying to beckon their attention. Hopeful that they might want to keep him company while they study.

Further Detail

This is a story that I’ve been working on for quite some time now. It has no clear indication as to whether or not it is a long or short term plot, as the direction one could travel with this specific idea is vast, I think. Either way, the overall premise remains the same; three lifelong friends that have always shared a close bond will at last surrender to their ultimate and otherwise untapped desire for another. All brought on by the stresses and heavy burdens of uncertainty related to that of adulthood that begin to progressively beat them down, while fate simultaneously pushes them closer together.

5. Salvation by way of Destruction

Plot Disclaimer

Yet another storyline for the few that enjoy portraying multiple female characters at one time. Though this specific plot line will cater to a more taboo direction, however. Large age gaps between the main male character and the females playing against him will be prominent. However, none that would risk disobeying site rules. Deeper specifics concerning their age differences can be discussed further when contacting me.

What I have in mind regarding this specific scenario, is something that is somewhat incomplete. To describe it within the best and simplest fashion, it will revolve around an older gentleman playing against multiple younger females. Either a Father or Step-Father playing against his daughter/step-daughter and her friends is the main premise. As for what I have in mind regarding the plot itself, this can be found below this disclaimer you’re currently reading.

Plot Summary

Mr. Reynolds is an older gentleman and has always been very well respected amongst his peers and family. Highly trusted and regarded by many as a loyal ally and friend. Having had a successful life and career, his reputation is nothing short than that of a profound professional.

Years prior to the present day, Mr. Reynolds had found himself wrapped around the finger of one of his closest female companions and lifelong friends, Emma. A woman who had; prior to pursuing a relationship with him; unfortunately been married to another man whom was…rather less than good to her, in short.

After suffering from years of abuse, Emma had found herself returning to the steadfast and secure arms belonging to that of one of her most trusted and loyal friends. Along with her then young daughter; Isabella; she had been swift in removing themselves from such a harshly toxic environment. In favor of the security and safety brought forth by her old friend. Not long after this, Mr. Reynolds had found himself married for the first time within his life.

Quite happily so, as well.

Though despite this newly welcomed lifestyle of being a good husband, it would also be accompanied by its fair share of challenges, as well. Challenges that would largely come within the shape of a terribly troublesome step-daughter.

Despite his own best efforts to fill the void left by her biological Father and raise her accordingly, Isabella had always resented him within some sort of fashion. She was rebellious and not at all compliant. Neither to him, nor even her poor Mother. The crowd she so often associated herself with was of no help in combating this behavior, either. If anything, her peers had only ever encouraged her rapidly declining and inappropriate behavior.

Years later and nearing her eighteenth birthday celebration, Isabella’s rambunctiously debaucherous ridden lifestyle has yielded little to no change. To celebrate, she along with her closest friends of a lifetime and of similar age to herself; Hannah and Grace; travel together to a remote location somewhere within the greater mountainous and heavily wooded areas within their home state for a weekend full of bad habits and delightfully lewd adventures. Their destination in question? A luxurious log cabin owned by Isabella’s Step-Father. A birthday celebration that is of course, entirely unbeknownst to him and her Mother.

Two individuals who are experiencing their own increasingly intense struggles related to that of their own relationship. With even their marriage hanging in the balance of a weary jeopardy.

Since turning eighteen, Isabella’s relationship with her Step-Father has taken an unexpected and newly discovered turn. A direction that could hardly be described as a positive one, but…something that was oddly better than that of what it had been prior, nonetheless. Though within a more taboo sort of fashion, of course.

Isabella, having had for some reason or another, developed a sense of attraction to her Step-Father. Nor had she acted extremely subtle concerning the fact, either. Oftentimes, going out of her way to garner his attention by way of her increasingly lewd behavior toward him. Having known him and lived with him for as long as she had throughout the course of her life, she was well aware as to just what exactly turned him on. Enacting upon this knowledge as she would soon develop a nasty little game she had grown to adore playing with him…one that she had hardly been inspired to even hide from her poor Mother. Teasing him and tormenting his growing sense of urgency for her blessed feminine figure. One that was undoubtedly much younger…and tighter than that of his spouse. Something that she would constantly remind him of by way of sporting the most provocative outfits throughout their home…swinging her supple hips from side to side with an exaggerated swagger whenever she might find herself passing him by, all while she so generously allowed the light phantom touch of her curious little fingers to gently brush across his bicep. Occasionally, even dropping them to a much lower altitude to tickle the sensitive python between his legs…all of this, combined with playfully bestowing upon him the nickname of Daddy, was more than enough to cause any respectable man to find himself teetering on the edge of what he knew to be right and what was so dreadfully wrong. A battle that he was slowly beginning to lose. Finding himself submitting to the darker side of the later…something that his spouse had become all too aware of, as well.

In an effort to clear his troubled state of mind and aching heart, Mr. Reynolds departs from his home. In route to his cabin for some much needed time alone so that he may collect himself for the betterment of his marriage. During this rather difficult time, Emma has since departed, as well. In route to spend some extended quality time with her parents at their home for the foreseeable future. Thus, leaving no one to stop the love of her life from falling headfirst into the trap that unknowingly lies ahead of him deep within that quiet forest within those snow capped mountains…a trap that comes within the form of three eager little minx awaiting at his cabin so that they may warmly greet him with gifts of erotically laced tender love and care. Despite his unexpected appearance, the three girls waste not a moment in preparing their ambush.

Further Detail

Regarding all that you just read concerning this plot, this is really only a rough outline of what I intend to include. There is still so much that I’d like to possibly discuss with any potentially curious applicants. Everything is negotiable, after all. For example, I was toying with the idea that Isabella’s friends could be the daughters belonging to that of some of Mr. Reynolds’ peers. As well as playing around with some sort of climatically traumatic event that would serve as the purpose to he and his spouse’s temporary separation. Thus, launching himself into a state of panic, anxiety ridden depression, and severe guilt…before ultimately finding himself ambushed by the very girl that had been all to eager to cause him all of this previously said trouble, of course. Along with two of her friends that are just as eager to help him ease his mind.

There are a lot of possible directions that could be explored with this plot, I think. Directions that could either be guided as long or short term, yeah? I look forward to doing just that with one of you. Perhaps soon, I hope.


As you can see, I only have three specific plot points readily available for your viewing pleasure. However, if you’ve finished reading this thread and feel as though we might make a good team, feel free to get in touch with me. I’m extremely receptive to new ideas that align with my more erotic tastes and themes.

In closing, I look forward to hearing from you all!
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