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The Mistress of Castle Tau (NSFW, dark themes, dub-con, death)


Nov 21, 2023
About: This is a prologue I wrote inspired by an RP request. The original poster and I weren't a match in the end and the story evolved to be quite different as I wrote it. I'm intrigued by the story I've written here and I'd like to discover what happens next.


It was another gray day at Castle Tau. Dead quiet as always except for the occasional sound of the sea crashing against the black stone battlements. Tau was ancient, unchanging. Even so, Eugene knew that something wasn't right. He could feel it the moment he entered the courtyard. There was tension in how the guards stood, the attendants fast whispering, all eyes downcast. As he crossed from the kitchen into the servants quarters he heard weeping. He found the maidservants all gathered around the fire.They were huddled around the youngest girl, holding her gently, offering comfort as she choked back sobs.

He learned the truth of it as he settled into the attendants chambers. Early that morning the lord’s mistress had died. It was difficult to imagine a worse outcome. Someone was going to have to inform the master, and the master did not like bad news. Eugene and the three other attendants gathered together to draw sticks. When Eugene pulled the short one there was a scuffle. He fought them and pleaded. “It’s not right, I’m the youngest….please!” but they overpowered him easily, shoved him from the chamber and locked the door. He thought of running, getting as far away as possible. Technically he’d be a deserter, if he was caught he’d hang. He weighed the possibility in his mind. A hanging could be preferable to the master. He dismissed the thought. The disgrace it would bring to his family, his father would forgive him, he was sure. But the shame of it… No, there was no choice in the matter at all. Feeling much the condemned man, Eugene reached the stairs to the master's chambers.

No high terrace for the master of Castle Tau. The place lay deep in the depths of the rock. Eugene’s knees ached more than usual on the descent. His constant shaking nearly led him to lose his footing more than once. Once again Eugene considered taking matters into his own hands, hurling himself into the depths. A long fall and a broken neck would be faster than hanging. His honor would remain intact…they’d assume he’d fallen, but Eugene kept his feet. He lacked the courage to take the easy way out. Down and down, he descended.

It wasn’t really a chamber. Not a bedchamber anyway. At the foot of the stair, was a cave so dark and so deep that Eugene could not see the end of it. Before him stood the bell. For many moments Eugene stood at this precipice. It seemed as if it was someone else performing the action as he reached towards the bell and pulled the cord. In his present state of mind that sound might as well have been the loudest thing he’d ever heard. He had to fight every part of himself not to run. The ring echoed on and on. When the ringing ended, It was replaced by something so much worse.

Click Clack click click Clack

The familiar rhythm of the master's step, always on far too many sharp and pointed legs. The thing that emerged from the shadows was not human, though cloaked as it was it held a human shape. It stood the height of three men, its eyes reflected bright in the candlelight. Eugene said a silent prayer and kneeled before the master.

“EARLY” The voice sounded like nails driven through rotted wood. A mouth never meant for human speech, it could only imitate, approximate. “DOES THEE SEEK DEATH?”

Eugene fought for words, but words refused to come. “Say somethin damn you” he thought. The Master advanced towards him.

“Urgent news Master!!!” it came out as a childs squeal.
The master paused. “SPEAK!”
The mistress….I…I’m afraid she’s dea…d..d”
The master had heard enough. He roared like thunder as he reared up to his full height. Eugine closed his eyes and cursed himself for not ending his life on the stairs.

At this moment another voice rang out in the darkness
“Oh master Wollk, I kindly request that you refrain from harming that servant. They are diligent, and replacing them is quite difficult”
The master rounded on the voice. It was the old man, Cecil. He was the only one who dared address the master so plainly. How and why could this old greybeard speak this way and live? No one knew, only the rumors were the stuff of legend among the staff.
“The boy speaks the truth….I’m sorry my friend. Your bride passed early this morning”
The master moved so fast Eugene missed it. In a moment he was upon the old man, leaning over him. Unlike Eugene, Cecil showed no fear. He didn’t back away or so much as flinch.
“HOW HOWWW DID THIS HAPPEN?” Cecil talked calmly as if the situation were no more than a casual counsel meeting. “I did warn you m’lord, If you insist on taking a human bride…there are limits to how much a body can withstand”
For a moment Eugene was sure that the old man was about to be torn apart, but the master strode past him, into the darkness of the cave. Eugene could not believe what had happened. Somehow he was still alive. Relief washed over him, and Eugene felt hot tears begin to gather behind his eyes. The old man turned towards Eugene with a grave expression. “Follow” he ordered, then strode off after the master. Eugene’s relief shrunk away. He dared not disobey. He fought down the tears and followed Cecil into the darkness.

The path led them to the mistress's' chambers. Eugene had never seen the place before and he realized now that that had been a mercy. The master and Cecil were talking and… the bride, the broodmare, the young woman who had arrived looking healthy only three weeks before... Eugene wanted to look away, he wanted to so badly, but he could not. The body hung from the ceiling, suspended in iron chains. naked…her legs open…her body…her…
In his nineteen years, Eugene had never seen a woman's bare body before, now his first time would forever be a corpse. Even so Eugene felt his cheeks flush and pressure in his groin. Eugene’s disgust with himself pulled him out of the trance. He ripped his eyes away from the scene and forced his gaze to the floor. He stood silently and listened.

“Heart gave out I believe” Cecil was saying. “Too much stimulation, too much strain. The human body just isn’t built for this”
“This is true but I also advised you to exercise restraint. Once a week I said…at the most, no more! And the poor girl…you where at her every night without fail”
Cecil threw his hands up in the air. “Then I simply don’t know what to tell you, perhaps a giant from the isles is close enough but can withstand your…” “NO! MUST BE HUMAN” The master paced the room

Click Clack click click Clack.

“There’s no point,” Cecil retorted. “I will not lure another poor maid down here just so you can…” The master roared and advanced on Cecil again. This time was different. The old man knew it, real fear bloomed on his face. This was no joust. “Peace Master Wollk, It would pain your masters to see our arrangement end so trivially!” This stopped the beast in its tracks, it snarled but moved no further.

Cecil held up a placative hand. “I will find you a new bride, a strong one”
“However!” Cecil continued. “However…restraint! This one has to live”
“I propose in addition to your new bride we arrange for some….ah lesser servants….to appease your lordship when his need is strong…to lessen the burden as it were…on your bride” Cecil breathed deeply. “Are these terms acceptable?”
The master made a deep cracking sound that Eugine felt in his core. “I CARE NOT, GET WHAT I WANT, OR I WILL TAKE”
With that, the master strode away.

Click Clack click click Clack
Into the darkness.

Cecil looked at Eugene. “How old are you boy”
“Nineteen sir” Eugene said, relief threatening once again to wash over him like a balm.
The old man looked thoughtful. “A man grown, fetching even. Listen close” Cecil moved closer to Eugene, his expression dire. “More is at stake here than you know. The master must be appeased…for now. I have need of you” Eugene swallowed hard and once again his eyes shot towards the body. “ please?” he stammered. Cecil waved a hand. “No…no dear boy…not that. I need a friendly face. Someone who can approach girl. A friendly face to help make Castle Tau….. appealing. Do you understand? Eugene did not understand but he nodded anyway. Cecil smiled “Very good my boy” then he motioned to the body “Naturally you will say nothing of this, understood?” Eugene paused, once again finding his eyes drawn to the hanging bride. Eugene knew he wasn’t smart, but he knew enough… Cecil’s eyes narrowed. “It’s not a nice thing” he shook his head “grim business, but a vital one…do I need to remind you of your service…and the price for dereliction of your duties?” Eugene didn’t hesitate this time. “I will do my duty”

Cecil clapped his hands together, seemingly satisfied. “Very good, you head back now, send the maids down here to clean up, I’ll work out the the contract, you leave tomorrow”

“Ummm uhhh yes my lord”
Cecil shook his head “I am no lord, now go”

Eugene turned to leave, still shaking, still unbelieving. As he began the walk back he was compelled to turn, compelled to see her again. He turned once more towards the horrible bride. The old man was cradling her head gently, it seemed with reverence. He spoke something softly, yet in the endless cave it still traveled to Eugene’s ears…….”forgive me”

That night Eugene dreamed he returned to the mistress's chamber. She hung there like before. Head thrown back, mouth agape, breasts heavy and swollen. But this time was different. She moved, lifting her head towards him. A single glassy eye swiveled in its socket, finding Eugene and piercing him, the other eye remained dead. She smiled at him and rocked her hips against the chains. Eugene felt the heat and the pressure spreading inside him. She spoke in a sweet falsetto. “Oh my lord please…don’t look away my lord…see” She spread her legs wider and wider. The mystery of a woman's sex revealed to him at last. “Look what I bore you!” From those pink soft folds erupted a mass of crawling things. Thousands upon thousands of tiny spider-like legs and scythe shaped claws issued from her body as she moaned in ecstasy. They tumbled onto the stone floor. Eugene wanted to run, but he could not move. The cloud of crawling things began to move, spreading like a flood to every corner of the space. Closer and closer to him, and still he could not move. The bride’s head fell back and she moaned once more before falling limp. The crawling things reached his feet, up his trousers, everywhere. They pinched and clawed and cut and entered.

Eugene woke at last. He was breathing hard and covered in sweat. Below his waist the bedsheet was wet and sticky. “DAMN THIS” Eugene shouted aloud. He slapped himself hard in the face. “Disgusting fool” He rose, shed his nightclothes and stripped the bedding. Today he would be traveling. He was going to be the face of Castle Tau.

--to be continued--
Chapter 1


It was going to be her day, she had that feeling. The afternoon sun was peeking out from the gray sky bathing the cobbled streets in a warm yellow as Bridget ran to the inn where she knew Margaret would be waiting with drinks. “You’re late” Margaret complained as Bridget sat down in their usual corner. “You caught yourself a needy one? I hope he paid well.”
Bridget leaned forward and looked her friend in the eyes. Margaret sighed heavily, she recognized Bridget’s manner all too well.
“No! nope, uh ah, not interested” Margaret clucked.
Bridget protested “you haven't even heard what I’m going to say.”
“And I don’t need to,” said Margaret.
“It’s always the same with you, rich asshole with money and you’re going to convince him to marry you, then we make off with the riches” She cocked her head. “Tell me I’m wrong”

Bridgett smiled and shook her head “dead wrong”
“Fine, I’ll bite, what then?”
Bridget crossed her arms “no I don’t think so, you said you didn’t want to hear it”
“If it’s not another, rob a rich asshole plan again, than sure I’ll hear it”
“Tell me!”
Bridget smiled and leaned forward again.
“It’s a lord!...from overseas”
“Oh fuck off!” Margaret cried. “IT IS a rich asshole, what is wrong with you?!”
“No, no this is different, they’ve sent a page all the way from Castle Tau. The lords looking to marry”
“Welllll, good for him. Wishin him the best of luck. Ya think he’s looking to make a whore his royal lady?”
“Of course not but…”
“AHA!” Margaret jabbed her in the arm. “Then I guess that’d make you shit outta luck then wouldn’t it.”
“Just listen!” Bridget said
“The page, he’s all nervous and twitchy, like fear of god and all that. Cute as all hell I must admit…”
“It’s not the page gettin married” Margaret interrupted. “The lord is most like some ancient shriveled man”
“SHUT UP! And stop interrupting. He’s lodged upstairs and I snuck in for a look at that contract” She leaned closer. “It’s got the usual nonsense, but then it reads” She held up her hands for dramatic effect. “Seeking royal blood for a mutually advantageous union” Bridget leaned back with a look of victory on her face. “How’d you like that?”
Margaret just looked confused and shrugged her shoulders. “Umm so what? You got some royal ancestry I don’t know about?”
Bridget’s face dropped “Seriously? You don’t get it?”
“I get that you’re mad”
“Gods you’re dense” Bridget looked up as if seeking help from the heavens “how to explain this to my stupid friend” Margaret looked like she was about to be ready to throw her drink in friends face before Bridget continued;

“There’s no request for a specific house, no official seal, or evidence of any correspondence with anyone, or anything. This means they’re desperate! Desperate! You’re right about the old man. Probably dying, no heir, can’t even get hard lest the effort kill him. I bet they’re so desperate that they’d be ready to hitch with just about anyone, ANYONE! You get me?”

“No” Margaret sighed, setting down her drink and looking disappointed with her friends' mad plan after all. “No one in the history of the whole wide world has, or ever will be, desperate enough to marry a whore”

“We won’t be whores. That page, I’m tellin you he’s scared. My guess is they’ve put the screws to him. He doesn’t deliver for the master and it’s his ass. Which means all we need to do is show him what he wants to see. An that is an elegant well dressed high society lady ready to marry, and her dutiful maid servent”
Margaret laughed, “You’d make a terrible maid servant! You can barely take care of yourself, b’sides no one would put up with you.”
“You're the servant Margaret!”
Bridget spread her arms open, “cause I’m the prettier one, obviously”
“Obviously?..” Margaret scoffed. “Not obviously, you’re not rakin em in any faster than I am, plus you have a flat ass”
“My plan!” Bridget shot back. “My plan, I get to be the bride”
“It’s a stupid plan you idiot, we’d never make it out of there alive”
“Getting out isn’t the plan” Bridget smiled again. Margaret paused a moment thinking it over.
“Oh no, noooo no no, hell no”
“Think about it,” Bridget said. “Foreign lord on the way out, once they marry us what difference does it make? Whatever wealth they got in that place, it’s ours, and no one can take that away from us.”
Margaret shook her head and downed her drink. “I don’t fancy a hanging thank you very much, I think I’ve heard enough, and you can count me out”
Bridget reached and grabbed her friend's arm, keeping her from escaping.

“How old are you Marge?”
Margaret looked hurt. “Ohhh fuck you bitch, I’m not that much older than you are”
Bridget shook her head. “No no, that’s not what I…I mean what’re you going to do when yer too old for the boys out there huh?”
“That’s bull” Margaret said, trying to pull away. “Ronda’s pushing sixty and she still brings them in”

Bridget held on harder.
“I don’t wanna live like Ronda, get a real close look at her and you can tell she’s dyin. No! We run out of time and we are nothing to them, NOTHING!. We ain’t worth the shit on their shoes and that’s not going to change. We’re just waiting till we’re useless and I say, fuck that! So what if they hang us, better than the alternative. But maybe, just maybe we can pull one over on those pricks, even if it’s just for a little while. They think they’re above us, so we fight our way through and we take from them, we take them for all they got and we earn our place.

Margret was silent, but she was still.
Bridget wouldn’t let up. “Tell me Marge! TELL ME! When our time runs out, what's left for us? Please Marge, I can’t do this without you”
Margaret’s tone was grave. “I hate being your friend sometimes, ya know that?”
“I know…I really do”


The journey had been a miserable one. Eight weeks of bad road. Every night brought with it the same dream. Every night he’d revisit the mistress’s chamber, finding her there dead but also wanton. Every night she’d spew the mass of crawling things, and he’d wake up tenting his bedsheets.

There were four of them when they left Castle Tau, all packed into a single wagon. There was Pitor, the other page, Henricks who knew his way around the royal court, and two maids. There was no privacy in the cart so Eugene did his best to get used to sleeping on his belly. It hardly mattered, as soon as they reached the capital the maids vanished into the side streets, never to be seen again. Pitor ditched them the following night, only he was smart enough to rob them first. That left Henricks.
“Justice will find them in time” Henricks said to Eugene as they approached the great wall that separated the wealthy lords from the general populace. The guards required a hefty bribe that Henricks could no longer provide them. In the end he was persistent enough to get an audience with a captain, then a commander, then some official higher up the chain. Three days since they arrived and they’d finally have the opportunity to post their request in a public forum. Reception was poor. Two old ladies complained that the contract lacked a coat of arms. Henricks explained that Lord Wollk was a foreign, and that a more proper matriculation into Evrionic customs would be forthcoming. But they had lost interest at the word foreigner. There was an old maester who wanted to handle the contract himself. He snorted to himself repeatedly as he read it, and even began to scrawl on it in red ink. It took some time for Henricks to claw it away from him. They returned to the old inn with low spirits. Henricks surprised Eugene with a bear hug. “Bad luck my friend, I suggest you run”
In the morning Henricks too was gone.

“Run?” Eugene thought to himself, “where could I possibly run to?, what would I even do?”
Once again Eugene considered death. He could set a rope from the rafters, stand on a stool, kick it away when ready. Eugene was still puzzling over where to find the rope when there was knocking on the door.

Eugene slunk to the door, preparing to beg the innkeeper for just one more night. It wasn’t the innkeeper. Two women stood at the door…two very beautiful ladies Eugene tried not to notice. They were dressed in old lace that contrasted with their apparent youth. It looked very different from the matte bland styles Eugene had observed in the inner city. The one that spoke first was slender with bright orange hair. “I do believe I am the one you are looking for Sir…”
Eugene blinked, unsure what to say. Clearly these ladies had the wrong room. Before he could form any words however, the redhead pushed past him into the room. Her friend smiled apologetically and let herself in as well. “I expected nicer lodgings considering” the redhead said, “still, no matter I will just have to hope Castle Tau will offer better accommodations”
Eugene nearly jumped hearing the words “Castle Tau.” What was happening?
“Ummm ahhh, how did you..”
“Word travels fast” interrupted the lady.
“Don’t get me wrong, I’m doubtful about the entire arrangement. In fact I think it’s a terrible idea, but I’m willing to hear you out”
Eugene just stared dumbstruck.
“I ummm, well, perhaps we should, you are…I mean if you would”
Eugene stammered for a few more moments before the lady spoke up.
“I see you’re a real special one, let's try this again, more ... .slowly…”
She gestured to herself. “I am Bridget Revel and this is my maid servant Mar…”
“It’s Mary” the other lady interrupted, firing a sharp look at her friend.
Bridget shrugged
“Yes that’s Mary and I’m Bridget and you are going to try to convince us to come with you to Castle Tau”
Eugene was still at a loss for words. It was as if his world had upended. Nothing made sense anymore.
“NO, NO YOU CAN’T” He cried out. “IT’S NOT, IT’S NOT…”
Eugene couldn’t bring himself to say more and went to his knees, put his head in his hands and wept.

Moments later Eugene felt soft hands on his shoulders. It was Bridget. She patted him awkwardly.
“Easy there, big guy” Eugene turned to look up at her. To him she was now the most beautiful person that had ever lived.
“Let’s sit down, why don’t we”. She cooed.
She helped him up and guided him to a chair. The two women pulled up chairs as they exchanged many meaningful looks between themselves. Bridget leaned forward and placed her palms on Eugene’s trembling knees.

“Ok big guy, we are going to figure this out, one step at a time. Let’s start with Lord Wollk, is he very wealthy?”
Chapter 2


Eugene wasn’t so naive that he believed in miracles. His time in castle Tau was more than enough to disabuse him of any such notions, but the moment Bridget and Mary entered his life it seemed he had been swept away in a current beyond his control. Bridget had all but strong-armed him into accepting her presence on the return journey. She had left the travel arrangements to him. Eugene figured the rickety horse drawn cart that had taken him to the city would be more than enough to turn her and her friend away. It wasn’t.

The next morning the pair arrived in plain clothes, hardly recognizable except for Bridget’s red hair. She jumped into the cart and proclaimed, “I’M READY! By God as my witness, I bid you take me away to my bridal bed!”
Eugene said nothing, once again at a loss for words. Mary however, seemed like she had some thoughts on the matter.
“Excuse me sir, my dear friend and I need to have a talk privately” She turned to Bridget and said sharply under her breath. “Bridget, this way, get!”
Bridget sighed heavily and made no indication she intended to move from her place.
“We can talk right here Marge, Eugene’s a good sort. I’m not worried”
Mary stamped her foot, looking furious. She seemed to master herself and turned Eugene with a smile that did not meet her eyes.
“Eugene, would you be a dear and go take a little walk for us? Bee and I need to have a chat about the particulars”
Eugene, accustomed now to stunned silence, just stared for a moment. Mary's eyes were like angry daggers. At last Eugene realized he should say something.
“Oh, uhh yes” he turned awkwardly
“I guess I’ll just walk the road a bit” He looked back at Mary for some kind of affirmation. She waved him off,
“Yes yes, off you go”
He’d taken three steps down the road when he turned.
“Wait!, how will I know when to…”
Mary was in the cart and it seemed her and Bridget were having a terrible row. He called out and waved his arms, but they no longer had any mind for Eugene.
“I’ll just come back soon then?”
He turned and walked.

The solitude didn’t bring Eugene any peace. His mind kept returning to the feel of Bridget’s touch. It’s like she had put butterflies deep in is stomach. He wanted to feel her touch again. It was different from the guilty arousal he felt in the dead bride's chambers. Bridget was warm and alive. It wasn’t right. He didn’t want to see Bridget like that. He needed to tell the ladies the truth. He was resolved now, more resolved as he had ever been in his life. He turned his way back towards the cart. He would tell them never to come anywhere near Castle Tau, he would make them understand that there was nothing but death waiting for them there. He rehearsed the words in his head over and over again. He would not, could not freeze up, not this time. He needed to get the truth out. Perhaps even speaking it aloud could somehow free his soul. His thoughts were so focused inwards he wasn’t looking where he was going and he nearly collided with the armored centurion blocking his path.

He stopped short just in time and felt his world sink when he recognized the green and black colors of Castle Tau draping the knight's shoulders. The knight looked at him blankly and Eugene could see the man wasn’t alone. Six of them stood in the road next to their anxious horses. Behind the men Eugene could see the sallow faces of his departed travel companions, the two missing maids, Pitor, and Hendricks. They stared at the dirt, each of them the very image of hopelessness. Pitor had a bloody nose, but the others looked unharmed. No one was restrained, and the knights paid them no mind. The knight cocked his head at Eugene, “explain yourself.”
With his usual nervous stammering Eugene was eventually able to convey enough details of the situation. The man accepted the information without any curiosity. He motioned for Eugene to lead the way.
Bridget and Mary were no longer in the cart as they approached. In fact they found them quite a ways down the road walking like they were in a hurry headed in the wrong direction. They did not look happy to see the new retinue. Mary spoke up when she spotted Eugene.
Excuse us sir, my lady is very forgetful. She forgot to inform you that we’ve made other travel arrangements. So we’ll be on our way then.
“No one leaves,” the knight said flatly. Bridget spoke up next, “I resent your tone sir, am I not to be the future lady?” She moved to sidestep the man and he drew his sword, stopping her in her tracks. “No one leaves” he said again with no inflection.

They all gathered around the cart and the knight commander demanded to see the contract. Eugene looked guiltily at Bridget when he confirmed her signature on the document.
“Well then I see no more reason for discussion” said the knight.
“For her protection the bride will travel with us” Bridget seemed about to protest but the knight continued. “First we have traitors to deal with” He looked towards Pitor and the other deserters. Pitor wept openly, the maids were silent and solemn, Henricks looked at Eugene and smiled sadly.
“The punishment for desertion is death, and you all know it well” He nodded at his men. For swords were drawn simultaneously. They came down in unison upon the four deserters. Pitor had enough time to scream and hold out his hands. The blade cut right through him anyway. Three bodies fell along with all of Pitors fingers. Pitor fell to his knees staring at his hands screaming, a final blow cut through his neck. The body fell one way, the head rolled the other. There was silence. Eugene waited for a sword to fall on him as well, but it didn’t come. The knight walked up to him and patted him on the shoulder. “Good man, you stayed true. You will be rewarded on our return” Then he looked at Bridget and Mary. They were staring at the bodies in shock.
“So…is there anyone else that would like to choose alternative travel arrangements?”
Chapter 3


Now, on the return journey Eugene had even less privacy. There was a growing urge deep in his core that would not let up. Eugene had learned about masturbation, though later than most. Still those urges had never been an undue burden in Eugene’s life. He could always put it out of his mind to focus on his duties. He’d save relief for late nights. The guilt would come after of course, it was a dirty sin after all, but things were different now. The dreams of the queen would not let up. Even now in his waking life he would still picture the scene. Now with Bridget always being close, but not close enough, the urges visited him every moment. Constant torment found Eugene absent mindedly pulling and rubbing at his pants before he had a mind to stop himself. Sleep was impossible. This couldn’t go on. He needed relief. That evening at camp he briskly informed the night commander that nature was calling. The commander didn’t seem to care and Eugene was flush with guilt. Still he felt the man’s eyes follow him as he walked away into the forest. He hoped they wouldn't notice that he was walking deeper into the brush than normal. He found the widest tree trunk he could. It wasn’t near large enough for his liking but he didn’t think he could go any deeper without arousing the guards' suspicions. It’d have to do. He took several nervous glances back towards camp to be absolutely, completely, and confidently sure that no one was or would be approaching. The sounds of camp were low and distant now, no one appeared. Eugene sighed, put his back to the tree and dropped his pants.

His penis was cold and flacid in his hands. Needy as he might have felt, the fear and shame prevented his body from cooperating. It occurred to him that the only thing worse than the guards killing him for desertion would be the guards killing him for desertion…with his pants down and cock in hand” This thought did not help, and he considered giving up.
“Anything please anything,” but his mind wouldn’t cooperate either, not in the slightest. Tree bark scraped against his bare ass and every rustled leaf or broken twig would have his eyes popping open, glancing in every direction in a panic, while simultaneously reaching for his pants to hide his shame. There was nothing and nobody of course. Just the sounds of the forest, but Eugene’s mind would not rest at ease. Release continued to elude him. Time was passing. He did not feel he could be away much longer. It was now or never. He closed his eyes again and searched for something. His mind drifted back to the inn, a kind touch, Bridget's touch. How she bent to help him up off the floor. He could see the line of her bust swelling as she leaned over him. “Yes, Bridget, yes” Eugene whispered to himself. It was working, he felt the shaft stiffen under his hand and the sweet pressure at the base of his balls began to mount. “Yes please…” He pictured her body underneath it all. Her body was the dead queens. “No not that!” but at this point it didn’t seem like it mattered. The feelings were building. “Just a little bit more…”

“Need some help with that big guy?”

Eugene shrieked and fell to the ground. It was Mary? Why in all the hells did it have to be Mary? The building orgasm vanished instantaneously and he frantically pulled up at his trousers, which wasn’t working well in his crouched position.

“Relax” she said.
“Mary? Can’t a man deal with nature's call in piece” Eugene stammered.
“Look hon, I’ve seen a lot but I must say I’ve never seen anyone so painfully obvious as you announcing yourself and all that. Why didn’t you just shout to all the men “”Hey ho, off to go diddle myself”” Seriously Eugene, you aint foolin anyone”
“Gods dammit” Eugene wailed only now managing to stuff his penis back into his pants. He stayed crouched against the tree, doing everything he could to will the dam thing to either soften up, or disappear from his body entirely. Not even his close call with the Lord Wollk could compare with the mortification he felt now. “No more doubt,” Eugene thought. “Death was the only escape”
“Would you calm down ya fool” Mary said. “Nobody gives a rat's ass, nooobody. Back in town this one fella Danny. He’d be diddling himself in broad daylight every day right in the middle of the square, no one paid him any mind” She paused. “But then again I think some lordley lass got sprayed right in the face, afterwich they gelded him so…yea”
“Gelded?” Eugene dared to ask.
Mary smiled and held up two fingers. Making a scissor shape she mimed a snipping motion as she winked at him.
Eugene just buried his head in his knees.
“Listen you,” Mary said.
“I didn’t just follow you here only to catch you in the act” She knelt next to him and her voice lost its mocking tone.
“I need the truth, plain and simple”
Eugene rocked gently “why bother? you already know it. I’m a filthy sinful…”
“Not you, idiot! I mean Castle Tau, Wollk, everything. They killed those others and they won’t let us go, I need you to tell me what kind of madness we’re walking into”
Eugene’s rocking stopped. The shame in his gut slowly giving way to the old, familiar, cold fear.
He shook his head, “I can’t tell you anything and it doesn’t matter, I’m sorry”
“Not good enough Eugene. Bridget and I have been through a lot together, she’s a daft bitch to be sure but I love her. You know it, she’s special and I will not let anything bad happen to her” She placed a hand gently on Eugene’s knee. It was not the same as Bridget’s touch, he didn’t feel the butterflies. “I tell you this because I noticed the way you look at her, trust me we ladies always know. You care for Bridget too”
Eugene nodded quickly. “And I can tell you know what’s in store for her there, so I need you to tell me right now”
He felt her hand move slowly from his knee up to his thigh. She leaned forward and whispered in his ear “I meant it Eugene, we can help you. Tell me what you need” Her fingers reached and reached…
“NO!” Eugene cried. He stood up and backed away quickly. “Don’t touch me”
“Eugene please…”
“No,” he said again more calmly. “Forgive me, but you saw with Pitor and the others, no one gets away. If they’ll let you, you should leave. Sorry”

He turned and walked as fast as he could without running. He didn’t look to see any reactions from anybody as he returned to the camp. He threw himself into his bedroll face down and begged for sleep. “Sleep damn you!”

Sleep came eventually but it was short lived. Again he found himself in the queen's chambers. Her bare body was suspended and exposed as it always would be. She moved the dead eye and lifted her head. It was Bridget’s face now.
“Why Eugene?!” there was no seduction in her voice. Only hurt. “I trusted you Eugene. TELL ME WHY YOU’RE DOING THIS TO ME!” She screamed as she opened her legs. Out burst the crawling things and then they came for him.
It was still dark when he woke, and he could tell right away he had soiled his last pair of pants.


She was the loneliest she’d ever been. Marge wouldn’t talk to her, not a single word since they’d been caught.

Before that they'd had it out.
“Get up,” she’d demanded.
“We’re ditching right now no arguments”
Bridget had reassured her that everything was fine and everything was working out.
“No, you were right about desperate but this boy is TOO desperate. This isn’t normal. It’s red flags, all of it, and love... those flags are a-waiving!!!”

They’d fought a while, but this time Margeret wasn’t having it. Bridget could see that she’d reached her limit. Margaret was going to leave her, and this time it would be for good. Bridget relented. They grabbed what was theirs and they started off, but it was already too late. Eugene and his new friends caught up with them. They had killed four people right in front of them, and left their bodies for the crows. For the first time it was clear to Bridget that she had made a terrible mistake.

The two of them traveled together in the cart but Margeret wouldn’t say a word, wouldn't even meet her eye.
“Hey, now I know you never pass up a good “”I told you so”” so come on now, out with it”
Marge wouldn’t take the bait. She stared past her at nothing. It went on like this for the first day, and the second, and the third.

And so Bridget was alone, so awfully alone. When they’d make camp she’d make eyes at Eugene. She got a kick out of making him squirm at the least. She’d catch a disapproving glance form Marge, but actually that was comforting. “Had to mean Marge still cared right?” But after a whole week of travel her friend showed no intention of breaking her silence.

Bridget and Margeret had grown up together. Bridget was the unwanted child of a fisherman. Mother wasn’t in the picture. Her father had thought a basket of molded bread on the table each morning was the full extent of his parental responsibilities, so he’d be gone by day and Bridget would be alone and hungry. She’d wonder about the city stealing food where she could. She’d get caught often and there would always be a beating. One day the butcher had her by the neck and he was so angry Bridget was sure she was going to die. But then someone threw a rock at that bastard's head. He was so surprised that he dropped her. It was Margeret.
Margaret was an orphan who’d been fending for herself for as long as she could remember. The two of them booked it out of there and had been friends every day since. She was taller and stronger than Bridget, so she taught her how to fight, to be silent when she needed to be, and showed her what was worth stealing.
As they grew older though, stealing got harder. As they became young adults they knew there were worse punishments in store for grown women. Sex work was something Bridget had just kind of slid into. Margaret didn’t like it of course, but hunger changes attitudes pretty quick. Customers and pimps all came and went, but Bridget and Margeret would always find time for drinks at the pub.
One bitter cold night had them sleeping in a stable. They’d clung together for warmth and it went further than that. It was so different from being with a customer, it was good. That night they both discovered that an orgasm wasn’t only something for a man. As they held each other Margaret whispered in her ear, “I love you, Bridget”
They were the sweetest words, but Bridget didn’t return them. The idea scared and confused her. What did love even mean? Bridget had always fantasized about running away from everything and everyone. Yes, even Margaret. She hated herself for thinking it, but every morning as the sun rose she would imagine herself flying towards the horizon. Escaping everything. She knew it was selfish and stupid, but she just couldn't say the words to Margaret that night.
So instead she pulled away, grabbed her clothes and ran out into the cold.
It never happened again, but Margeret stayed her closest friend. No matter what grand idea Bridget would be chasing, she always knew Margeret would have her back.

Or at least that is what she had thought. Now she wasn’t so sure. The days went on and they got closer and closer to whatever nightmare was waiting at Castle Tau. Still Marge wouldn’t talk to her. Wouldn’t even look at her. One night she spied Eugene looking even more nervous than usual, creeping into the woods. Minutes later she saw Margaret slipping away, headed in the same direction. “They’re making a break for it, they’re leaving her” She wanted to follow them, but unlike the others she was the prize. The guards watched her every move. She could only sit there as her last and final friend disappeared forever. But then Eugene came stomping back with a beat red face, and Margaret followed shortly after. “What had happened?” Bridget got up and put herself in front of Margeret. Before anyone was in ear shot Bridget grabbed her shoulder.
“What happened Marge? please talk to me” Her own voice sounded more desperate than she had intended. Margaret turned slowly and at last she looked Bridget in the eye.

“Listen close” She said. “This is all I have to say to you; This is your fault. You did this! If we somehow get out of this I need you to understand one thing, we are not friends. I fucking hate you. We get out alive, then we go our separate ways. I’m fuckin done with you”

She pushed Bridget out of her way and walked off.
Bridget stood there a long long time letting the night pass and the stars to roll on overhead. She felt hollowed out, empty, truly alone. She’d done it, she pushed too far.

Red light crept over the horizon. The sun was rising now. She looked straight at it, not caring how it hurt her eyes. “Was this her dream coming true? Is this what escape really meant?”
(Trigger warning for heavy misogyny and physical abuse)

Chapter 4


The trip took forever, and it was also far too short. The castle was in sight now. It was an ugly place with yellow brown stone that didn’t match the rock it was built on. It insinuated itself on the sea line like a scar. She hated the place already, but despite her dread, Bridget actually felt some sense of relief. Her restless mind hadn’t stopped playing out every grisly posability. Could Lord Wollk simply be a man that doesn’t take no for an answer? She could handle that, but the worse possibilities were endless. Perhaps he liked to strangle his brides? Perhaps he liked to wear their skin? maybe, maybe, maybe… It had been torture. Soon she’d know the truth of it at least. She wasn’t the only one not sleeping. Eugene would be up and about to. He was always with a blanket around his waist, despite the balmy weather. The guard on watch had fallen asleep the night before and Bridget had managed to corner Eugene just as he was trying to disappear into the woods again. He heard her following and turned, “leave me alone, I already told you I have nothing to…” He stopped he saw it was Bridget. He shook his head quickly and turned back to the camp mumbling to himself. “Hey!” Bridget stepped in front of him, “lets talk.” Eugene shook his head and stepped right. She stepped with him, staying firmly in his way. “Look I know you and Marge got something going on, happy for you really but I’m getting a little bored back there so let's talk eh?” He stepped left and Bridget followed “No you don’t!” Eugene was starting to look a little frantic, “Look, I got nothing to say about the Castle or Lord Wollk, I only due my duty, so please leave me alone”
“I don’t want to know about Lord Wollk” Bridget lied. “I want to know more about you” This made Eugene pause, “me?”. Success! Bridget put on her winning smile. “Yes you silly git, I want to know all about you.” Eugene looked like he was thinking hard. “What about?” he asked.
“Anythin!” She thought for a moment.
“How’d you come to be at the Castle”
“Father served there, now me”
“You like it?”
“Doesn’t matter”
“You like anyone there?”
“You like pussy?”
Eugene’s eyes bugged out and he was silent. “I see how it is,” Bridget crossed her arms. “You fancy boys” Eugene looked confused at this, clearly the mere concept had never so much as crossed his mind. Finally he said, “I don’t fancy anyone” Bridget had to block his escape a third time.
“Look Eugene, I get it ok. You’re stuck. I’m stuck, we’re all stuck. It’s bad but I don’t blame you one bit. But I’m Scared Eugene, real scared. All I’m asking you, is to talk to me. You don’t have to tell me more than you’re s’posed to. Just talk to me” Eugene sighed, found himself a tree log and sat down. “I don’t know what to talk about”
She sat beside him, not too close. They’d gotten this far, she could not afford to spook him.
“So family, you mentioned your father, so you got fam still kicking?”
Eugene nodded.
“Are we going to meet them at Tau?” Bridget asked.
Eugene shook his head, “My father’s retired, mother died, a sister, haven't seen any of them in years, probably never will.”
Bridget thought for a moment, searching for words, for anything. “
“So why do you do it?”
“Do what?”
“Do what you do…at Castle Tau I mean”
Eugene spoke automatically as if he’d spent his life rehearsing it, “We all have our role, I’m grateful to have mine, It’s an honor to serve”
Bridget cackled at this.
“Wha..what?” Eugene stammered.
“H…honor” Bridget put her arm on Eugene’s shoulder and giggled again. “Tell me truly Eugene, do you think there’s anything remotely honorable about what's happening here?” Eugene didn’t have time to respond. At that moment the Guard captain and three others burst out of the brush. Their hands on their sword hilts. Bridget took her arm off Eugene’s shoulder and stood up in a snap. “G’day good sirs, nothin to see here. Jus gettin schooled about duty and all that” She marched past the men and headed back to camp.

The sun was going down when they arrived at their destination. Bridget expected something like a tunnel stretching out like a gaping maw to swallow her, instead it was a tall boring gray wall with the thickest iron gate she’d ever seen. The guards moved forward and began a laborious process involving many many keys, gears, and levers. Slowly thick metal began to scrape and turn as the doors began to open. The guards backs were turned, and suddenly Bridget felt something being pressed into her hand. It was Eugene. “Eugene, what in the…”
“shhhh” Eugene spoke so soft and fast she almost couldn’t hear him. “You need to keep your strength” Bridgit looked at her hand. It was two thin pieces of bread, between them was what looked like a mish mash of brown erbs. “Aww you sweetie, made me sandwich did ya? how romantic” Eugene shushed her again, and none too soon as the guards turned back towards them. They either didn’t notice or didn’t care about the food in her hands. They took their place behind her and stared solemnly at the gate as it inexorably began to open. On consideration Bridget realized she was actually hungry, she’d been so nervous she’d hadn’t thought about food all day. Eugene’s gift had reminded her, and now she felt that hollow pit in her stomach. If she was about to get hacked into pieces or whatever she might as well not die hungry. She shoved the whole thing in her mouth. It had an earthy taste and was almost sweet. “Looks like someone found their gentile honor after all…” As she turned she realized Eugene was no longer by her side. Instead she locked eyes with the guard captain instead. He gave her an incredulous look as she chewed wetly. Bridget shrugged at him, swallowed and burped loudly. He shook his head and prodded her forward.

Past the gate was another wall, and then another gate, and another wall, and yet another gate. This wasn’t so much a fortress, Bridget realized, it was a prison. Escape from a place like this would be impossible. Five gates later and they arrived at a drab courtyard with a gathering of what seemed like everyone in residence, maybe sixty sad looking people. A giant man in guard uniform with a gargoyle-like face was the first to greet them. He stood beyond the gate, blocking their path. He looked Bridget over, his face betraying no emotion. She shivered under his stare. If he wanted to, it was clear this giant could easily snap her in two like she was a twig. She did everything she could to meet his eyes. She would not allow any fear to show. “Step aside Max” said the captain. “No one likes looking at you.” Max said nothing, though he did slowly step aside. Bridget could still feel his eyes on her as they walked forward. A tired looking woman stepped up, behind her stood a young girl who kept her eyes firmly on the ground. Her face was twisted in pain, and Bridget realized the young girl was fighting back tears. “What was this awful place?” The older woman introduced herself as Bryne. “I’ll be seeing to your needs here at Castle Tau my lady” she said. “Don’t mind Max none” She nodded back at the giant who Bridget could see to no surprise, was still staring at her. “Never heard him say so much as a single word, but he doesn't take kindly to deserters” Bryne paused. “I’m sorry to hear it’s been a problem as of late, very sad. Henricks was a dear friend. She then motioned to the young girl “This is Emy, my apprentice” She clucked at the girl “Emy?” Emy didn’t respond. “Emy, please introduce yourself to the new mistress.” Emy made no move to comply. “EMY!” Bryne shouted. Emy remained silent. Bryne looked like she was ready to slap the girl. “It’s ok,” Bridget said. “Leave her be”
Suddenly Emy broke into a keening wale. It was as if Bridget’s words had somehow released the flood gates. “I can’t do it again Bryne! Pleasssse!” Emy cried. “Not another one” Bryne looked at Emy, then back at Bridget. Her expression told Bridget everything she needed to know and confirmed her worst fears. It was a look of abject pity. “I’m so sorry” Emy weeped. “I’m so so sorry”

Bridget was guided inside. There she was taken to a small office. She was ushered in, alone. Inside sat an old man with sunken eyes. He introduced himself as Cecil. His back was turned and he was muttering to himself. Bridget could see him carefully studying the very contract that had brought her here. His fingers traced red ink on the parchment. It seemed someone had made some annotations during the document's time abroad.
“Damn pedants” he muttered to himself.
“Too many dots? Too many…dots! Ridiculous”
Bridget cleared her throat.
“Are you ovulating?” the old man asked without looking up.
“Hardly a polite question” Bridget responded, doing her best to sound like an offended rich lady.
“Just answer the question please” Still he didn’t lift his head.
“When will you be ovulating?”
“None of your business”

At last the old man turned to look at her
“I know what you are, whore” Cecil stared at her with a satisfied smirk on his face.
“I beg your pardon?” Bridget stiffened, trying hard not to react.
Cecil cocked his head, “please, save us both some time. You have to understand that I always know everything, always.
“You and half the men in all of Evrion” Bridget retorted. Cecil nodded in affirmation, “spoken like an experienced whore” Bridget folded her arms, how she wished Margeret were by her side.
Cecil continued.
“I knew when my own people deserted me, I knew where to find them, and how to deal with them. You think I didn’t know what I was doing when I sent Eugene along? Eh? Dumb as a log, but maybe pretty enough to win a young girl's heart? If not then this…” He waved the contract at her, “this was just flimsy enough that dregs of court just might be looking to take advantage, which works for me as long as they send a girl.”
“Well I’d say that plan backfired didn’t it” Bridget said, “So I guess you don’t know everything after all”
Cecil smiled again and held out his hands to Bridget “Have I? You are here aren’t you.” Cecil smiled again, this time she could see his crooked teeth. “But in part you have me there”, he continued. “I underestimated how much the court had changed in my time away, and overestimated the loyalty of my people. However” He pointed a gnarled finger at Bridget, “How could I have foreseen that a parasite like yourself would be the one to take the bait. Truly astonishing.”
Bridget scoffed, this old prick had her feeling like a rebuked child, and she hated it.
“Well then, you got me. I’m nothin but a dirty whore, but I know what you are too”
“Oh?”, Cecil chuckled “Do tell”
“Just another oh so small man, out of oh so many small men, who like to convince themselves they’re important, if only to make up for a shriveled cock that don’t stand up anymore”
Cecil’s grin vanished. “Listen you stupid child, you have no idea what is happening here. The lives of everyone you know and have ever known are at stake.”
Bridget laughed in his face “See what I mean! Old cock thinks he’s importan…”
Cecil slapped her in the face.

The old man was stronger than he looked, it felt like she’d been slapped by a bag of bricks. Bridget had been hit before, and the pain was something she could deal with, but the force of it made her eyes water. She cursed her body's betrayal as she felt involuntary tears forming in her eyes. Cecil made it worse by letting his smirk return. “See now isn’t that better”
The old fuck looked positively triumphant.
Bridget wiped the tears from her face and did her best to look unfazed. “Right, all important man you are, but you aren’t the lord here are you? Lord Wollk is lord here isn’t that right? When will I be meeting my future husband?” She pouted her lips, spread her legs open and raised the hem of her dress up to her knees, making an over the top lascivious pose. “I bet he’ll like me a whole lot better than you do” Cecil only smiled wider.
“Oh you’ll be meeting the Lord tonight, that I can promise you. He’s been without a woman for weeks. For him that’s unprecedented, so he’ll be…needy to say the least. Oh I think he will like you just fine” He spoke with a cruel satisfaction that was plain to understand. “There will be no wedding however. It has just come to my attention that my second party in Trask has acquired a suitable girl. They’ll arrive in a fortnight. She will be the queen, and will help establish Lord Wollks legitimacy here in Evrion. As for you…” He paused, seeming to think. “I was going to say your sacrifice will be remembered, but I think it’s best we all forget you were ever here. Guards!”
In moments the door was open and Bridget had hands on her. She couldn’t keep herself from trembling. This was it, end of the line, there were no more plays to make. “Hey!” she shouted when the men started pulling at her dress straps. Then a heavy punch landed in her stomach. There was no shrugging that off, she doubled over and fell off the chair. “I’d save your strength if I were you. '' Cecil sounded bored now. “Stronger women than you have succumbed to Lord Wollks affections, I expect you won’t survive the night.” One man knelt on the small of her back as the other pulled her dress down to her waist. Her bare nipples scraped painfully against the stone floor as she felt her underclothes being torn away. She did what she could to keep her voice steady but her terror was clear anyway.
“So that’s all this is?! He fucks and kills em, boring! So predictable”
Cecil leaned over her and grabbed her by the hair, pulling her head upwards, straining her neck at an angle. “You have no idea what's in store for you, you have my sympathies truly” Then he spit in her face. Thick spittle got in her mouth and nose and she couldn’t help coughing. He let her go, stood up and shrugged. “For the disrespect”

The guards stood her up, tearing away what remained of her clothes. Now naked as the day she was born she just couldn’t stop the trembling. Cecil stared at her, licking his lips. His eyes went between her legs. Time spent on the road meant she had grown a thicket of red pubic hair that spread to her navel and her thighs. Despite herself Bridget felt her knees trying to come together to hide herself. She thought she’d done away with shame long ago. She was wrong. “Sorry I didn’t have time to tidy up the drapes for ya, put a razor in my hand and I’ll make myself all pretty for you.” Cecil chuckled, “I think not” he nodded and the guards marched her back out to the courtyard. They were all still there. Bryn, and Emy. Emy regarded her with the blank expression of someone who’s seen this all before. Seemed she ran out of tears. The other woman gasped but also showed no surprise. Eugene turned heel and marched out of the courtyard the moment he noticed her, his face red as ever. Everyone in all of Castle Tau had eyes on her with mixed expressions of sick curiosity and sympathy. That monster Max was there too, staring of course. Clearly “forgetting she was here” was meant to be more a poetic statement. No doubt this too was by Cecil’s design. This was no queen, no bride to be. Just a whore on her way to the gallows.
She called out for Margaret, shame or not she wanted to see her. But Margaret wasn’t there, in fact she hadn’t seen her at the gates. Bridget looked around panicked. She wasn’t there. She’d finally run for it.

She fought them when they reached the steps. She knew there was no escape but she’d give it all she had. She screamed, clawed, bit, eventually four men had to hold her arms and legs as they carried her down. And down they went, down, and down, and down. They tossed her over the last few steps. She screamed bloody murder when her shoulder struck the stone floor. Then once again two guards pinned held her down. The other’s carefully collected an old rusty bell from its stand. They spoke in whispers and their tone spelled panic. Even they were scared to be down here. “Marge what have I done, what have I gotten myself into”
It was a dark cave beneath the rock. She could see the place was littered with holes and branching paths. It would be easy to become lost down here.
She was led to a circular chamber, in the center was a stone table. Another blow to her stomach, this one entirely unprovoked. They used the moment to lay her down on the cold stone. They worked fast. Each of her ankles was manacled to a length of chain. They pulled the chains taught, forcing her ass upwards and her legs to open wide. Her arms were secured over her head. She was immobilized. Now there was nothing left for her but to scream curses at them. The captain covered her mouth quickly with a gloved hand and met her eyes. “ Quiet, quiet” Now at last she understood the terror that followed Eugene, even the soulless guard captain was terrified. “I can offer you this,” he said. From his robe he produced a tiny corked vial. Inside it sloshed a dark brown liquid. “It’ll put you to sleep, for good. Painless'' He looked over his shoulder into the darkness before turning back to her. He whispered as softly as he could “The master probably won’t know the difference” He popped off the cork with his thumb and moved his hand. He placed it to her lips. “Drink all of it quickly, c’mon” A drop passed her lips and she quickly spit it out into his face. He dropped the bottle in surprise, spilling the rest on to the stone. He recoiled, spitting and cursing. “Fucking cunt!” Bridget threw her head back and laughed. “Drink it yourself coward” He reeled back towards her and slapped her in the face. Bridget saw stars. “Damn,” she breathed. “Isn’t everyone out to beat on the whore today, look at you a bunch of scared sissys. Maybe you should take my place on this thing, show what a real man ya are '' The captain closed his hand into a fist, but another man placed a hand on his shoulder stopping him. He quickly came to his senses, and smiled with satisfaction at Bridget. “You’re really going to wish you had drunk it bitch” He grabbed her breast hard. She thrashed but couldn’t move away. “Serves you right whore” He let his hand move lower down her belly. “You got an ugly cunt, cunt!” He said as he ran his hand over her vulva. Her breathing quickened involuntarily and she twisted in her chains. “Aww little man, is it your first time seein one? '' He pulled his hand away and reached into his coat again. “Well I was supposed to give you this.” He pulled out a flask. “Oil” he explained. “To slick you up down there. We didn’t think of it with the first bride. Lots of bleedin” He held up the flask, and turned it upside down, spilling its contents onto the floor. “Oh well” he shrugged theatrically “fuck you I guess”
“Shoulda saved it for your ass when you all bugger each other” Bridget spat.
The captain grimaced and nodded, “rot in hell bitch” he turned to the man holding the bell. He had it in both arms holding it to his chest like a baby. “Do it” The captain ordered. He set it down on its stand and rang it. It was impossibly loud as it rang through the hall. They left the bell on the floor and ran out like scared school children. “WHAT?” Bridget screamed after them. “No one wants a quick go before the big man comes? C’mon you cowards!”

The only sound now was her breathing. How she wished Marge was here. “I’m so sorry Marge, I should have said it back, I should have…I’m so sorry” She’d been strong but now she felt the tears coming, warm and salty on her cheeks.

Click Clack click click Clack.
Click Clack click click Clack.

Her blood froze. Something was coming. Too many sharp pointy things echoing on stone. Somewhere beyond in the darkness, it was getting louder, getting closer.

Click Clack click click Clack
Click Clack click click Clack

Terror gripped her. Now everything made sense. The man of Castle Tau wasn’t a man at all. It was a thing, and it was coming.
Trigger warning for heavy misogyny, con-con, dub-con, threat of sexual assault.


Bridget always loved what she did. It was like her body was a super power. For once in her life she had something of value, but she also knew never to make the mistake of thinking it was herself that was valued. It was only her body that the clientele wanted, the head attached to it hardly mattered. On a bad night she could see those men doing the mental calculus, weighing the cost against the risk of taking what they wanted without paying for it. There were times it went bad, plenty of times where she thought she might be killed. And it felt good. It felt good getting taken down, getting fucked. Once she learned from Margaret that she could cum, she always found a way to get hers. Every scrape she got out of alive felt good, like a rebellion, every orgasm she could claim from it was a victory, every morning she'd wake up alive and whole was a good old middle finger to death himself. The riskier the better, every night dancing with the reaper. Now the cold clickity clack of death really was coming for her. In her wildest imaginings she could not have conceived the end that now faced her. It made her wet.

Click Clack click click Clack.

It was very close now. She twisted in her chains. A war raged inside her of inconceivable terror and twisted lust. If she could just free her hand. She'd do anything to escape, or did she just want to touch herself.

Click Clack click click Clack

Fuck no! She needed to get free. There was no sense to it anymore. Bridget wasn't home anymore, animal panic took the reins. She pulled and pulled at her restraints, it hurt, she felt skin bruise and tear, but there was no getting free. She could not look away from the cave entrance. The darkness beyond was impenetrable. Any moment now something would emerge from that shadow.

Click Clack click click CLACK

So close, just beyond the wall of blackness it had to be.


It was here. It had to be, but she could see nothing at all. The entrance remained empty. How could this be? Could the echoes of this place make things sound closer than they are? Could this thing even be seen at all?


It was in the room with her, it had to be. It made no sense. It was so close, yet still there was nothing there to see. "God help me!" she screamed and a voice inside her reminded her, "God doesn't care" So she struggled and struggled. She felt blood slick the manacles as she cut into her wrists and ankles. She didn't care. There was only terror.


It stopped, right in front of her, but still she saw nothing there.
Irrational hope sparked inside her. "It's gone, please be gone, it's gone, it's gone, it's gone"
The cave entrance remained empty. She was alone, alone, all alone. That's all she ever wanted, all she ever dreamed. Alone at last.

Something sticky fell from above. A tiny drop of dark orange slime. It landed on her belly. It smelled acrid, like rotten fruit. It glowed with an unnatural inner light, and It itched as the drop puddled and coalesced into her belly button. She shook herself trying to get the awful stuff off of her, but it was useless. Another drop, hit her cheek, and another on her knee. "What the…"

Bridget froze, paralyzed by terror.
Understanding dawned, It was coming from above her.

Drip drip drip.
Each drop is thicker than the last. Splotches of it coating her breasts, making her nipples burn.

She wouldn't look up, she couldn't look up, she didn't need to see, she'd just shut her eyes and let it take her…
Bridget looked up anyway.

The roof of the tunnel was full of dark empty voids. Holes in the rock, entrances. Some much larger than the one on the ground level that she'd been fixed on. All of it was eclipsed by the shape that hung above her. It was a star. Nine sharp points radiated out from the center. Each tip glowed with that sickly orange color as fluid dripped and dripped. A burning glob splattered into her eye. She cried out, but was unable to turn her head away from the star. Eyes stinging, vision blurred she saw the star begin to move. The points of the star began to move inwards, gathering towards the center of the mass. Then they unfolded. It wasn't points of a star, they were legs, splayed scythe like blades. It was like a spider, but also not like a spider. More like something from the deep sea. Something from a place that light never ever touched, nor ever should. Her mind couldn't truly understand what she was seeing. There were none that could. The Master began to descend. There was warmth between her legs, and liquid splatter on her thighs. She was pissing herself. She couldn't bring herself to care. The great shadow of the master encompassed her, its segmented body became all she could see.
Then came the sound of grinding gears and crushed rocks. It took Bridget many moments to hear words in the tortured sounds. The thing was speaking.


Somebody started laughing. It was her, she was laughing.
"You got it, big guy, that's me. Filthy animal, worthless dirty whore, at your service" Her voice sounded remarkably level and clear despite the horror.


"What the laughing?" Bridget said. "Well fair enough i don't think anyone in ten miles of the place has ever heard such a thing"
The master paused, then it erupted with shrieks. The sound was awful, and Bridget twisted and struggled again, this time only desperate to cover her ears. It was only when it ended that it dawned on her that the master was attempting to imitate laughter.


The question hung in the air. Bridget could think of no response. She didn't think she was in the state of mind to educate the beast on humor.

"WHAT MEANS THIS?!" Louder now, impatient.

"Fuck, uhhh. It means…happy…joy…good um… feelings"

The master's maw opened and two long orange tongues moved towards her belly.

Bridget could not recoil as the tongues began to journey downward. They oozed the stinging fluid. It seemed these things produced the stuff. She watched them slither over her mound, slicking her pubic hair. "Oh fuck"


Bridget closed her eyes tight as she felt the spongy things make contact with her clit.It burned.
"Well maybe you aren't so special yourself big guy huh, just another fu…" She was overcome with burning heat between her legs. One tongue entered her and she grinded her teeth against the pain. It was warm and thick inside her cunt. Her eyes flew open, she had to look. The tongue pulsed color, bright orange to yellow, to white. All the while she felt it ooze its caustic fluid inside of her. The second tongue searched lower towards her anus. She lost her newfound calm and screamed and begged, No Not THERE, FUCK"

"A VESSEL" replied the master.
It entered her ass, and it burned. The tongues pulsed those fey colors faster and faster, deeper and deeper inside. She breathed relief when she finally felt the tongues retreat. Her holes felt so empty now. "Could it be over? was that it?" Then she noticed the orange glow. It wasn't coming only from the Master now. The flesh of her mound up to her lower belly was emitting that faint orange glow from within. It had changed her, infected her, even now perhaps it was molding her body to welcome the master's foreign seed.
She wept, she struggled, she wept. It didn't help.

Then the tingles began, like pins and needles in her ass and cunt, only it wasn't a numbness, but a sharpness of sensation. Bridget had felt something like this before. Long ago, the first time in her life she had felt arousal. Early morning in late autumn she had been washing in the river. When the icy cold water passed her hips she felt that burn of the cold but also that tingle. Equal parts pain and pleasure. Now the glowing fluid dripped from her holes and the tingles built and built. She moaned without meaning to. "I'm still in the river," she told herself. "Not here. It's just that sweet cold water" Then she heard a loud snap, like a tree falling over. It was the master. A part of its body separated itself, or rather unfolded like a fern in the spring. It was the ninth leg, not a leg at all really. It unspooled, a long tube reaching for her. "Of course the fuckin thing had a cock, it wasn't over." It grew and grew. The size of her thigh and still growing. "This is how it kills me" she thought. "This is how I'll die, that thing, that cock, is going to destroy me" Still she tried to slow her breathing, tried to keep her body loose. The master's great claws folded around her, embracing her, and bracing her. She felt the tension as the thing held her shoulders, and felt the building potential energy. The strength of the thing, the force that was about to be let loose. "Fuck" was all she had time to say.

The cock shot into her faster than sight. She didn't have time to feel it push in at first, just a jolt from the impact as it rammed against her cervix. Then her nerves caught up with what had happened. She wailed as the mother of all cramps tore itself through her pelvis. The agony was unlike anything she had experienced before in her life, and she couldn't even curl up into a ball and wait for death, so instead she blacked out.

Her mind returned to the river. She floated on her back, legs open. She let the water push into her. Faster and faster, deeper and deeper. Time passed as the water rushed into her cunt and sometimes her ass. It filled every part of her, distending her belly with cold hurt. The current sped up, taking her helpless body faster faster towards unknown depths. She thrashed in the water, her hands seeking something to hold onto. Her fingers closed on something warm. Human fingers folded in hers. She opened her eyes. It was Margaret. Margaret smiled and held her there. The current continued to pound into her body, but Margaret held her steady against the flood. "I got you," she said. She always had, Bridget thought. It was ok, she'd saved her again. Margaret touched her clit and Bridget came. It was a painful cramping orgasm, but an orgasm nonetheless. Her eyes rolled back in her head and her muscles twitched. She wanted more than anything to pull Margaret closer to kiss her, to feel her body, she tried, but Margaret wouldn't move, she was unyielding. Instead Margret laid a hand on Bridget's chest and pushed her down underneath the water, into the cold, into the darkness. Bridget didn't fight it "I deserve this" she thought. She let the darkness take her.

Her eyes flew open again. She was back in the cave, the Master was with her. She was being fucked and filled. "I should be dead now" she thought. But she wasn't dead. She watched her breasts sway in a blur up and down as her body was ratcheted against the Master's cock. Somehow her right hand was free of the manacles. How had that happened? The pain was gone, her horror was gone. In its place was exhilaration. It felt good, damn good. This was her moment, dancing with the reaper. Why had she ever been afraid? Just another cock, and she could take anything. She raised her hips, grinding into the master's thrust. She moaned at the sensation of it. The thing paused, surprised as she started to rub her clit.
"Not used to lively ones, are ya?" she said. "Don't stop now, I'm gonna get mine"


Cecil regarded himself as a connoisseur of fine ale. He brewed it himself. He'd have the wheat imported from inland, where It'd be brought to a storehouse a stones throw beyond the castle walls. There he'd inspect each and every bushel, looking for the slightest hint of rot or mold. Anything less than perfect would be discarded. Grinding the wheat down to oats was his daily exercise. Then the oats would be mixed with boiling water in a two story tall cask. He'd need a tall ladder to reach the lid where he'd haul up the oats and water. It wasn't advisable work for an old man like him, but he didn't care. He'd do this until he dropped dead. Once the mixture was completed he'd turn the crank by hand. The cask itself was custom made based on his own designs. The crank moved a special rake inside the container that would perfectly mash the oats with the water. Soon it would be a thick porridge and it would take great effort to continue to turn. Add more water, then add more grain. Boil it all, turn and turn and turn. Then the water that remained would be drained out the bottom. This muddy liquid was the prize. All that effort and he'd only be able to squeeze out just over a gallon of the stuff. It would be mixed into a cask with yeast he'd cultivated himself. Four days of fermentation and it'd be ready. A drink worthy of a king, even though he was no king at all. The ale was his pride and joy.

The past two months had been a crisis the likes of which he'd not seen before. Wollk's appetite was out of control. It had never been this way before. Four servant girls were taken to the darkness, and all four died fast. There was no possible way he could spare more. Bryne wouldn't last and Emy…never Emy. Not his beautiful sunshine.
Less hands around to help meant that he had to see to most matters himself. There wasn't a chance to visit the storehouse. The wheat sat dusty and unused. In his chambers was a cask of the last quart of ale he'd made months back. He'd been saving it for a day such as today. And what a day it had been. He'd ensnared a whore of all things. He'd never sent a woman to her death with a clearer conscience. If only it could always be this way. The agreement was for royal blood of course. In his youth Cecil had balked at the tales of a beast beneath Castle Tau, a creature that demanded virgin sacrifice, lest the beast come calling for us all. As it happens some tales are true. But this wasn't just a tale, it was a full blown conspiracy, a conspiracy that he now stood at the very center of. It was an ancient pact that kept every man woman and child of Evrion safe. The beast stayed beneath Castle Tau, and in exchange it would have a royal mate, and one day a royal heir. An abomination. Cecil would not let that happen, screw the pact, he'd made arrangements.

This in mind Cecil took himself, and his precious cask of ale, down to the main hall. It would be more fitting to enjoy the ale in his own chambers, but Castle Tau had a tradition every time a new bride spent her first night with the master. All the men were there, guards and servants alike. It was already past midnight but every one of them was there staring into their own mugs of ale. They drank swill brought from town, not worthy of Cecil's finer palette. Cecil had arrived just in time. Just as he settled down and began to fill a mug of his golden drought, distant screams began to echo through the hall.

Sound behaved strangely in Castle Tau. The queen's chambers lay miles under the rock, and yet somehow sound would find its way into every last corner of the castle. There were many nights where one could hear the ceaseless tapping of the Master down below. Always moving, to what point and purpose? No one knew. But on a night like tonight, the castle echoed with the screams of a new bride. "Not a bride," Cecil thought, "tonight it's a foolish whore getting her comeuppance." The thought gave him such a feeling of satisfaction. For once, the unfortunate wench had it coming. He knew she'd refuse the poison, he almost didn't bother preparing it, but he was kind. Now the screams grew clearer and clearer. She had chosen to suffer. "Serves her right." As for the men…there would be no sleeping with that racket, so everyone gathered here to drink. Cecil knew that wasn't all. Their faces held grim fear and fascination. They wanted to hear. None of them would ever admit how it titillated them. Cecil smiled to himself and raised his mug. Before he could drink, a shadow stood over him. It was Max, the giant. He'd come for the performance like everyone else. Max took his seat uncomfortably close to Cecil. The brute was even more terrifying than his overzealous attack dog of a captain. Cecil knew nothing of Max's history, but his bullish face and dead eyes spoke volumes. This was a man with no soul. This wasn't someone Cecil wanted for company and he considered moving somewhere else, but decided it would be unbecoming. At least the brute wasn't much for talking. The screams now took on a low moan. It sounded almost like…pleasure? Impossible. Cecil raised his mug again…a smaller shadow stood over him. This time it was Eugene. Cecil put the mug down with a sigh. Eugene was a sweet boy, but exhausting. "Umm…sir" Eugene began with his usual stuttering. It took forever for this boy's small mind to produce a thought. "What is it Eugene?" Cecil snapped, harsher than he intended.

"I umm…m'lord I was wondering if…"
"Get on with it" Cecil didn't even have the patience to correct him about lordship this time.
"Um m'lord, I…uh… was wondering if I might be dismissed. I'd like to try and get some rest"
Cecil chuckled "Well good luck with that my boy, try all you want, and you don't have to ask. This gathering isn't official" Eugene turned to leave but then Cecil remembered he had business with the boy.
"Oh Eugene"
The boy turned.
"I just remembered, you were promised a reward for your loyalty."
"Just doing my duty "
"Yes even so, you've earned it"
"Thank you m'lord"
"Pack your things, you're leaving Castle Tau"

Far from relieved, the boy looked mortified.
"WHY? I…If my duties have been lacking I…apologize"
"No, no Eugene. You've been exemplary, that's just it. You are a gentle soul. Castle Tau is no place for you"
"I'll do better…I'll…"
"I thought you'd be happy Eugene, I'm offering you a way out, with honors. You should take it. Now get out of here"

Eugene looked like he wanted to argue but Cecil glared at him. Eugene bowed his head and left. "Stupid boy," Cecil thought. "Bundle of nerves about to break, and now he doesn't want to leave?" He'd find his way. Castle Tau belonged to the damned. Cecil closed his eyes and listened to the moans. Winding down now. It was surprising she could last this long. He reached for his mug…the hall doors creaked open. Bryn walked in, holding sweet Emy's hand. Her gaze went straight to Cecil and the pair walked over to him. "Good god woman, what now?"

"My Lord"
"Dammit I'm not a lord, how many times do I need to tell you"
"Sorry, umm…" Bryne was fumbling her words now just like Eugene.
"I wanted to discuss the marriage"
"No marriage for Lord Wollk, not until the true bride gets here"
"Not that marriage. Your marriage…to Emy"

Cecil looked at Bryne, his eyes narrowed.
"What of it?"
"M lor…" she stopped herself, "I recognize that a marriage to you offers much, and it's very, very generous of you, but I thought your lor…um a man of your stature could afford to court someone…older"
Cecil smiled. "You think so little of me Bryne? Look at her." Emy's face was downwards as usual, staring at nothing. She didn't seem to hear anything they were saying. Just nothing there.
"You see her," Cecil continued. "She's no child, not anymore. Eighteen years old. She's a woman now. This place has poisoned her, I can at least offer her security"
"But surely someone more age appropriate would...," Bryne protested.
"Have you been paying attention Bryne?!" Cecil raised his voice, no longer able to contain his anger, "I offer her life! but perhaps instead of heading up the tower with me, you'd prefer she descends to join our whore in the depths"
Bryn was silent. Dejected, she held Emy close to her in a protective embrace and walked away. She didn't leave the hall though. Instead Bryn went straight for the tap. She too felt the need to drink. She sat heavily on the other side of the hall, as far away from Cecil as she could manage. Emy wouldn't sit though. She stood next to Bryne, her face showing no emotion.

Cecil's heart called out for the poor thing. This place had truly broken her. It was Emy who first found the last queen dead. The horror had been too much. She could never be the innocent girl she once was. She would never laugh again, she would never smile again. Oh what Cecil would give to see that girl smile again. The least he could do for her was show how sweet lovemaking could be. Not the deadly violence of the Master, with him it would be sweet and serene. The anticipation excited him, after all hadn't he earned it? How many people lived because of his efforts? Countless. Yes there was more for him to look forward to than his ale after all.
The space was quiet now. At last, the whore was finished. Good riddance.

He reached for his drink. He lifted the mug…and the guard captain walked in. He strode through the hall, headed straight for Cecil with a look of worry on his face. Cecil slammed his fist down on the table when the man reached him.

"NO! Not a word, whatever it is, it can wait till the sunrise!"
"Sir It's urgent…"
"I said no"
"The other whore, Mary, or Magdalene, or something, she's missing"
"What? There's another whore?"
"Lost track of her at the gates, she's trouble I can tell."
Cecil slammed his fist down again, harder this time. "IT CAN WAIT. Now if I hear another word from you I'll have you killed!" Cecil turned to the giant next to him. "You'll see to it won't you Max?"
Max only stared blankly, but the guard captain tensed, reflexively reaching for his sword hilt. The captain breathed heavily and calmed himself, then marched off to get his own pint. Cecil grunted. Everyone was getting a chance to drink but him.
He took up his drink in both hands, he swore that the next person to interrupt him would for sure be a dead man. He lifted the mug…

The silence was broken once again by the tortured creak of the hall doors opening. Cecil was determined to ignore any more newcomers, but before he could drink he became aware of a new silence. No more murmurs in the hall, no more shifting chairs, no sipping ale. Cecil gritted his teeth, set his drink down yet again and looked up. His jaw fell open.

It was her, the whore. It didn't make any sense. How? She was naked except for a parchment thin white robe that didn't close in the middle. Instead it left little to the imagination, lightly draped over her shoulders, barely covering each breast. It was open in the middle and the shock of her red pubic hair could be seen between her legs. Now there was a sound of creaking as fifty men all leaned forward in their chairs for a better view. Then the sound of fifty men all swallowing hard.
She stood there without a hint of shame, sweat and fluids plastered the robe to her slick skin. It was impossible. He doubted even Max could break the chains that held her. The captain must be at fault. The bastard had made a mistake, had to be, but she was up here? Hundreds of steps? after the master? Standing on her own two feet? Impossible.

Bridget stumbled forward, struggling to maintain balance. She fell, and caught herself on the nearest table. The startled men there only stared wide eyed. Then Bryn came rushing forward, with Emy in tow. "M'lady" she cried. She put her arms around the whore, steadying her. "G..get me a drink" she croaked. Suddenly Emy came alive and ran out of the room. Bridget was determined to remain standing. She shrugged Bryn off of her and continued stumbling forward. She was headed straight for Cecil. He watched her stumble towards him, his mind blank at the absurdity of it all. "Someone was going to hang for this." She half walked and half fell into Cecil's table. She looked at him drunkenly. "Heya ya old fuck, surprised to see me? Yea, you didn't know that this was my dance"
Cecil could think of nothing to say. Her words made no sense. She'd clearly gone mad.
"Wus a matter, got nuthin to say" She got her feet properly under her again and stretched, her back arching like a cat. It pushed her breasts forward, and Cecil could see her nipples tenting the fabric of her robe. It was a wonder why she had bothered to put anything on at all.
She shook her head and seemed to gain more strength from it.
"Whoa, y'sure weren't kidding. Wollks got stamina I'll give you that, but no imagination. Just one position, one speed, pshh! I've had worse. There was one time…there were like six guys and…"
Emy rushed in carrying a carafe filled with water. She marched up to the whore with purpose holding the water out to her carefully. Bridget laughed. "Awww sweety, water?...naw. I need a real drink" She looked around and her eyes landed on Cecil's prize Ale. "I'll take that"
This broke Cecil's paralysis. He grabbed at his drink but the whore moved faster than him. She snatched it up and took a swig. Then she spit it out, coughing and sputtering. "What is this SHIT!" Then she threw the mug on the floor. Cecil's heart sank as he watched his golden reward spill onto the floor. "I don't know who brews your ale, old man, but they don't know shit, was this even properly aerated?" She laughed at Cecil's shocked expression. "Oh yea, this slut knows a thing or two." She turned her attention to the men. "Is there anyone in this hall that can offer a lady a proper drink?!"

That did it. Rage filled Cecil's mind. There was no more sense to it, not caution or care for appearances. She dared! She dared! It was time to put this bitch in her place, now!. He'd kill the whore right here in the hall. He'd cut out her fucking heart and show it to her. He stood, fists shaking. At that moment Max also stood up, he looked ready to strike, but something wasn't right. Max's attention wasn't on Bridget. Instead he was turned towards Cecil. The giant towered over the old man and Cecil's rage was snuffed out like a candle. It was replaced with naked fear.
Nothing made sense, Max was his man. HIS. Max made a motion and Cecil found himself backing up, and tripping back into his chair with a thunk. Max extended his arm out towards Bridget. In his hand was a mug full to the brim with foamy ale. He held it out towards her, in offering. Bridget put a hand on her hip and regarded Max with a bemused expression. Slowly she reached towards the mug, her slender fingers made a dramatic contrast to Max's meaty fist. Her fingers grasped the mug, and Max let go. He nodded. She smiled and winked at him, then she threw back her head and drank. She kept drinking, not coming up for air. Her adam's apple working. Foam leaked from her lips and dripped down her chin. It was a lurid sight. Then to Cecil's shock, Max spoke. It was as deep and loud as one would expect from a giant. It rang through the hall and, Cecil suspected, the entire fortress.


The hall erupted with cheers. Every man in the place but Cecil and the beleaguered guard captain stood at once and raised their cups and cheered.

Bridget finished the drink and tossed aside the cup. It was empty, she had downed it all. She burped loudly. This elicited more cheers, louder than before. She threw up her hands. "Now that's more like it! BRING ME ANOTHER!"
Uproarious cheers.

It was utter madness
Emy came alive with renewed purpose. She ran to the still and came back double fisting two drinks in each hand. Bridget patted her on the head and began to down each and every one while the men cheered.

"How did this happen?" Cecil thought. He'd faced down the Master countless times. Now above ground, and he had been humbled in his own hall? The shame of it ran hot in his cheeks and gut. This could not stand. A shameless naked Jezzebel had somehow captured the hearts of HIS men. He looked to the guard captain. He looked to be in as bad a state as Cecil. His knuckles were white as he gripped his sword hilt. "Do it" Cecil thought. "Take this whore down."
But the captain didn't move.
When Bridget had downed her fourth cup there were cries for "Speech..SPEEEECH!"
Bridget waved them down. "Hey now, I'm no good with speeches." Then she paused "But fuck it, LETS DO IT!" More cheers. She climbed up on the table. Her legs no longer slid or wobbled. Her stance was confident and sure.

"Now now listen all of you" She cried. "This place…this place…THIS PLACE IS SHIT!"
More cheers as more rage built in Cecil's gut.
"But it doesn't have to be," she continued. "First thing I'm gonna do is to get some goddamn color in this place! Ya know not everything has to be all gray and black. We can have blues and greens, and screw it…even PINK!"
They cheered for that too, they cheered for every asinine thing out of that whores trap. Cecil spied Anson, Doug, and Roy, the three men that had been tasked with stripping the bitch and taking her to the caves. Now they stood and cheered, hell they showed more verve than the rest of them. How could he have known that a naked cunt was all it took to rest his tenuous control away? Madness.

"But now I want to get serious," she said. Her tone lowered and the hall quieted.
"I see the sickness that eats at all of you, I see the fear and hopelessness. You have the look of men who know every day could be their last. Your fear has left you to sit idle while the innocents are offered up as sacrifice. All to appease that…thing downstairs. Well I'm here to tell you now…IT ENDS WITH ME!"
The hall erupted anew. Different now than before. A new energy had come over the men. They looked at her not just with excitement, not only lust, but with reverence.
The chant broke out anew.

"TO THE MISTRESS, TO THE MISTRESS" But then there was a dissenting voice gathering among them. It spread through them, taking over.



Bridget raised her arms, accepting the title laughing.

Cecil's gut turned to ice. He felt sick, his head swam. He needed to get out of there, fast. He shook his head at the captain. The man looked like he was about to raise his weapon and start swinging. It wasn't the time. The bitch had to die, but not in this pandemonium, but it would be soon. Cecil waved the captain down and bid him to follow. The two made their way to the exit. As Cecil left the hall he took one more glance back. There she was, still standing atop a table as the men cheered and drank. Then there was Emy. She had gotten more drinks and was climbing the table. As she handed them off to the whore Cecil saw Emy's face. Sweet innocent Emy. The girl was positively giddy, and she was grinning from ear to ear.
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