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Mx Any (You Playing F) The Wonderful World of Celebs + Fanfiction

Apr 8, 2019

So today, I'm looking for someone who actually prefers the story and the buildup as much as if not more than the smuttier side of the story. Sure, I'm into that stuff too, but I have to have a gripping story that makes sense first and foremost. I don't want some bad cliched plot; I want natural build, plenty of details, and a story that keeps making me want to come back for more. Also, I would note that I don't care if you're male or female IRL; as long as you're willing to play a female character, that's all that matters. If you can write, you're good with me!

As far as my writing style, I would point out that I am a fairly detailed writer. I'll always give you plenty to work with for sure. I'm not into things such as non-con, gore, or bathroom stuff; the extremes basically. I can be quite vanilla honestly in terms of kinks, though I do have a few taboo ideas as well, such as incest or some ageplay.

Before I get into the stories, how about some celebrities you can choose from. This isn't an all-inclusive list, but rather something to possibly choose from. Feel free to suggest your own - though I do need to have some knowledge of them.

Some favorites of mine include Scarlett Johansson, Margot Robbie, Jennifer Lawrence, Anne Hathaway, Sydney Sweeney, Demi Lovato, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez or Lauren Cohan in no particular order. Or any WWE/AEW girl.

Also open to TV Show/Movie suggestions, which I will list some below.

Now for a few ideas. Again, with everything, I'm totally up for suggestions here too. Doesn't mean I'll absolutely go for any idea, but I welcome creativity.

TV Show/Movies-

Of course, I also enjoy writing within television and movie universes as well. I find this is the hardest category to find a match, as it does require both people to have some kind of a clue about the film or show itself. With that being said, I've written scenes within shows like The Big Bang Theory, Gotham, The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, Marvel Cinematic, and the like. Always open for those, and this list will expand as well. Also open to your ideas as well.

Scene with AOC -

Here I'm thinking of a political intrigue story. Not your typical 'convert liberal into conservative' story I see all the time on here. This would involve either a family member of hers or an intern on her staff. A relationship forming that most certainly should not; one that if word got out to the media, it would destroy her political career. Our characters start to form a closer than normal bond as time and the story goes along, and despite their best intentions, they keep finding themselves in one another's arms.

This story is probably going to be my most elaborate/highest build story. I would not be looking to rush into any kind of sexual act for a while with this one, rather adding bits and pieces as time goes on. Small escalations as they build a bond together. Justification of small acts as they happen. Plenty of sneaking around and trying not to get caught.

Incestuous Themes-

This can apply to any of the characters aforementioned, or celebs that you might want to suggest. I like these scenes most of the time to take place on some form of vacation setting, though that's not absolutely mandatory obviously. Dad/daughter, brother/sister, or mom/son. I'd PREFER for the brother/sister role that my character would be the younger brother role, but it's negotiable.

This would be a story where our two characters, depending on the pairing listed, would have been very close throughout the years. Spending a lot of time together instead of hanging out with friends, sharing all their secrets and life ambitions with one another. But when she goes away for some time due to her career, their interactions become less and less frequent. Perhaps when she starts a relationship with someone (not mandatory, but just an idea), those conversations become few and far between. Sure, they talk on the phone some and she might visit on an occasional holiday, but it just isn't the same as how things used to be.

So when the celebrity in question gets some time freed up in her schedule, either after a concert tour or a movie she is in wraps up filming, she calls up her dad/brother/son to see if they might be interested in catching up. This could either take place at her home across the country, or even more preferable, as said previously, at a vacation type setting. Of course it doesn't take too long for them to get past the initial awkwardness of not having seen one another for some time, starting to inch toward the innocent but close relationship that they had in the past.

Of course, being isolated with one another, and connecting again on such a deep level leads to activities that they never beforehand would have considered appropriate. Perhaps as things build, they just explain them away in their mind as just naturally joking and kidding around types of behavior, neither of them intending for a very inappropriate relationship to occur. But they keep easing themselves closer and closer to that line, until finally they are past the point of no return.

I'd see this as fairly slow moving, but with plenty of buildup and foreplay. And once things get going, of course things start moving at a faster pace.

Fan encounters -

Perhaps a fan meets his favorite actress/singer at a convention in town. Or on a vacation.

TV Show/Movies/Video Games-

Of course, I also enjoy writing within television and movie universes as well. I find this is the hardest category to find a match, as it does require both people to have some kind of a clue about the film or show itself. With that being said, I've written scenes within shows like The Big Bang Theory, The Walking Dead, Gotham, Game of Thrones, Marvel Cinematic, and the like. There are SOME video game worlds I may be open to like The Last of Us as well. Always open for those, and this list will expand as well. Also open to your ideas as well.

Certainly open to suggestions as well!
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