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Stuck at Aunties (for a female character)

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Aug 5, 2010
I have had one taker on this... So for now I will close it.
I might be interested in a furry or anthro version with a step mother...

Mike had gotten into a little trouble with one stupid gang member and his parents had shipped him out to his Aunt's house to work for her. He was to spend the summer fixing up her place for room and board, and would get some money toward college in the fall.
His Aunt had been divorced (or widowed) for several years and lived alone. He had not seen her for ten years and was now just 18.
Strong, 5'9" and a lean 150lb. He wanted to date, but the place he was headed was in the boondocks... She was probably getting old...

(So his sexy aunt surprises him at the station. As he helps her, he begins to become more attracted to her and she returns his interest secretly.)

If desired, another female - cousin or another aunt or her friend, can be added in.

Thank you for considering my RP.


PM me for O/Os. no rape, scat or gore to begin with.
But it's not Bel Air... It's waaaaay out in the boonies where she can control him.
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