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Fx Female L1za's Longer Legends of Lust (nsfw pics)


Aug 16, 2022
Hi hi hi!
🙂 👋

I decided to consolidate a couple threads into one big one with some ideas. This one has my longer term (but stil highly smutty) ideas. It also contains a high density of ideas where I'm looking for a partner to play multiple characters against one of mine. Ik that's not something everyone's comfortable with, and if it's a dealbreaker for you, no hard feelings at all! Hope you find what you're after :)

If that sounds interesting, feel free to look around, maybe something will spark and we'll end up writing some damn good smut together, who knows? If you'd like I'm happy to write side characters and 'co gm' the rp as it were. But the most focus will generally be put on mc.

Before all the horny though, perhaps you should give the below a read. It has stuff about my writing style, availability, expectations, and related ooc stuff:
  1. I ask that you be somewhat ghost friendly. I do my best to inform when it happens, but sometimes I just don't have the time or energy to reply, and I'm happy to extend the same courtesy. Especially if there's some ooc chatter so I know you haven't just lost interest. Even if you didn't tell me, feel free to message me after a couple of months, I'm more than likely to be down to continue.
  2. For a couple of reasons, I only do FxF erp, no guys, no futa please. I've experimented a little with femboys, but that still takes a specific mood.
  3. I'm very much a smut first and foremost sort of person. Don't get me wrong story is great, and I'm sometimes happy to fade to black smut scenes, but I'm also mainly after smut.
  4. I LOVE to talk ooc. Talking, planning, flirting, or just vibin'. Also tend to be quite.. rp huggy. If you're not comfortable with that please tell me and I'll refrain from it no hard feelings.
  5. Please tell me if I'm being too clingy or pestering you, I'm a bit self conscious about that so lmk if I get annoying.
  6. If it's not on the blacklist or kink list, please ask OOC before doing it.
  7. If you've read this far please tell me in your message, you get a cookie if that's any incentive :3.
  8. I don't have an expectation for minimum post lengths from my partner, the longer the better since I'll often try to match them (not always successfully). That said, please don't one liner me, that tends to kill interest in an rp, though sometimes I understand it happens. Perhaps 1-2 meaty paragraph would be a good guideline. The more the merrier however.
  9. Fairly often I'm able to respond multiple times a day, that said I don't expect you to do the same. I understand people have lives, and sometimes just aren't motivated.
  10. Romance, or emotional connection is vital for me. Something beyond just fucking for its own sake. (Or something that elevates fucking to love making if you wanna phrase it like that)
  11. I write in third person past tense, I only ask that you also do third person, the tense you use is up to you, as long as you don't mind me sticking to past tense it'll be fine.
  12. While I would prefer to keep rp's on site in pms. I can also do discord if that's preferable. It has a few more options for worldbuilding and organisation that I like playing with. Things like making a channel for text message conversations in a modern/ futuristic setting. Also much better on mobile.
  13. No AI art for character fc's.
Kinks and general scenes/themes I like:
Bondage and toys. Lingerie. Outfits (mostly work based ones. Stereotypical secretary/teacher outfits (white shirt, short skirt, that sorta thing), stewardess uniform, etc), that sorta thing. Virgin killers. Height difference (and body type difference to an extent). 'Casual lewdness' if that makes sense? Like having a char come up behind another whilst she's busy and start groping her from behind (with previously established ic consent and bounderies). Consent. Romance, passion, enthusiasm. Basically an emotional connection of some sort, our characters might be strangers having casual sex, but I'd like to get a sense that these people enjoy each other's company. Aftercare/ cuddling after sex. Also, can you tell I fucking love milfs yet? Because I really like milfs. And bimbos.

Gore, vore, underage, futa, scat, hardcore mind control (aphrodisiacs are ok with ic consent, but hypnosis and stuff I'd rather avoid), branding, hoods, wax play, bodywriting, hair pulling, abuse, watersports, sounding, incest, whipping (paddles, spanking, crops etc are all fine, just whips specifically are a nono), noncon, dubcon, cheating, milking (breast milk in general), breast slapping, heavy pain, public sex (lighter exhibitionism like groping is fine) men (as long as they're not in the sexual side of the rp it's fine).

Whew, what a read right? 😅. WIth that out of the way, let's move on to the plots I'm searching for. These are generally quite open to modification, as long as they stay away from my blacklists. Also divided them into group searches and single searches to make life easier:


MC is a former mercenary who owns a small tavern pretty much in the middle of nowhere. A rest stop for weary travellers to get some hot food, a bed for the night, a bath, and wash their clothes. She's quite happy with this, content to do it for the rest of her days.

On a particularly quiet evening, YC comes in to take advantage of these services. Could have things take a turn for the horny right there, and the two of them hit the same bed. Either way, either the next morning, or some time later, a group of unsavoury types come after YC. Perhaps MC slaughters them and they have backup, or drives them off, but our characters very quickly find themselves in a tavern that's on fire.

With MC now having nothing but her sword, the clothes on her back, and possibly whatever could be scrounged from the ashes of her home, she and YC set off on some variety of grand quest. Whether that's vengeance, safety, getting whoever sent the unsavoury lot from before, or rebuilding MC's home. Or a combination of all the above, or something else entirely. What matters is they're on the road and relying on each other, romance blooms, and lots of wild sex is had.

Probably should mention now that Mc is a vampire 😅. Admittedly, doesn't bite from people much, but that can change if YC is ok with it. She also has a small amount of magical ability, not much, but helpful in a fight. She plays both of those cards very close to the chest though, the vampire thing for fairly obvious reasons, the magic thing because it can be a tactical advantage if people don't expect that. You expect a brute with a sword, you get a bolt of fire to the face.

Quick setup, but with potential. MC is a somewhat short but well endowed half drow mercenary, Yc is.. well dealer's choice, but preferably tall and shreded. So human, orc, half orc.. big harengon (please) etc. Together our lovely ladies travel, escort caravans, hunt monsters, hunt bandits, and get involved in various other adventures. Oh, and of course, fuck like rabbits when they have time.

Despite them both being competent warriors and such, Mc would be submissive in the bedroom.

MC is a young lady, perhaps in college, perhaps just working somewhere. Quite recently (about a week ago perhaps), she and her girlfriend have broken up after a somewhat lengthy and serious relationship. She knows her ex went off somewhere and isn't home, so she's worked up the emotional juice needed to go and pick up some things. Who is home however, is YC, her ex's mom. As it happens, she's got it goin' on, she's all mc wants and she's waited for so long.. ok i'll stop now. Point is things take a turn for the horny, then the romantic as the two of them hit it off like a house on fire.

Fun things to include (i'd like these, but none are necessary per se if not your thing): Having yc's daughter walk in on them mid doing it (optionally in her bed/ room). Also having her discover them in similar aesthetics to a cheating spouse: someone else's coat in the hall, two wine glasses/ champagne flutes in the sink or on a table. Maybe she thinks her mom found someone new and is happy for her, then somehow sees her and Mc and freaks out. Those sorts of things.

Possibly Yc comparing herself to her daughter and asking mc who's better, etc.
(Also possibly introducing mc to more kink if her and her ex only ever did it vanilla or the most basic kinky stuff)

Oh, to be clear, I'm looking for Mc to be the bottom in this relationship.


Pretty much as it says on the tin, I'm looking for a partner/ gm type person to play a harem of milfs, mommies, or curvy older ladies in general. These would be mc's neighbours, co-workers, or perhaps people she's never met before but are acquanted with someone she does know.

If you're still interested, hooray! Lemme throw out some details/specifics. These are very much up for debate, but perhaps it'll spark ideas of your own, or just give a starting point.

  1. I'm mainly thinking a modern, or better yet modern fantasy sort of setting. Mixing modern tech with more classic fantasy elements is great, and allows for a wider cast of characters, but isn't a big necessity if you want just modern. Or even slightly futuristic for cooler tech stuff.
  2. I'm very willing to worldbuild with you to create the setting, and bounce ideas off each other. However if you wanna go nuts with worldbuilding, feel free!
  3. Would love for a mix of domme, sub, and switchy ladies, of all types. I'm ok to purely domme if that's what you prefer, but having different ladies with different preferences is just the best.
  4. I have a lot of refs I would enjoy having characterised, and more than happy to flood the pm's with them, just ask, but they are by no means mandatory, if you have refs you want to use, shoot them my way, idm if they're from a show or game, and you don't have to play that character, just use their image for an oc or something of the sort.

Also interested in experimenting a bit with a free use/ free use lite arrangement. If that's your thing feel free to ask for details, if not that's ok too!

This one is much smaller scale. I'm looking to play one member of an adventuring party, with you playing the other 4-5. Mc would be the party healslut, while your ladies would make up the rest of the party. The important part is mc is group sub, with everyone else topping her. Whether it's the orc fighter who simply pins her down and takes what she wants, or the mage who ties her up and makes her cum her brains out with barely a touch.

However, despite mc being the party squeeze, don't expect her to be a shy little doormat. She knows what she wants, she's set on getting it, and doesn't intend to take bullshit easily. It's just that what she wants happens to be getting tied up, used, and utterly fucking ruined. Tldr, she wants to be treated like a princess, and fucked like a sex doll.


Smut aside, I'm looking for a fairly specific dynamic, something like her contributing to the party and being valued by the other members for more than the sex. Besides that, and her medical skills, her being able to charm information from people, or being adept in situations the rest of the party isn't.

That, and things like protecting the camp and keeping it comfortable while the rest are fighting through a cave. The thought of coming back to her cheerful smile (and amazing tits) helping to keep them going.

And some image inspiration (got more, just ask :3):









So, this one is similar to the above, basically its own twist on that idea. Instead of a small group of adventurers, it's a warband or mercenary army or something to that effect. I'm not crazy enough to look for someone willing to gm an entire army or anything though. In this case, Mc would be shared among the leader and her top lieutenants/ command staff. It's not really a huge difference, perhaps just different theming.

Could also involve various politics in it.
  • Other characters lusting after mc and being pissed that the higher ranking ones keep her to themselves.
  • Mc being handed out as a political favour to some visiting advisors or up and coming members. (With her using pillowtalk and sex to spy and get info)
  • Or even Mc being the 'kingmaker' of this group, with her favour/ her sleeping with someone being a sign that they're going to advance in rank.

The above are just options, not all have to be included if they're not your thing. To make it clear though, in any of these scenarios/themes etc, Mc isn't a slave or capture, she's there willingly because she likes being lusted after by strong and powerful women. And the insane amounts of sex too.

Mc is a starship pilot working for a small-medium sized band of adventurers from various walks of life. Together these ladies travel the known and unknown universe doing odd jobs to get by, solving problems, and generally getting into trouble. Oh and screwing a lot in the meantime, like.. a lot a lot.

The size and story here would be dependant on how many you're comfortable playing to my pilot girl. Obviously not all at once. Happy to work with you to shape this faction and make the ladies, ship, etc.

For this one, I'd be looking to play against a harem of fictional celebrities. Mc being a super rich socialite who sleeps with actresses, royalty, singers, ceo's..etc. To sneak into one of mc's properties would be an early retirement for any paparazzi, they'd get enough pics in an evening to keep tabloids full for years with stories of debauchery.

To restate, I'm not looking to play against representations of actual irl celebs, nor use their pics for this. These would be women who are famous in the world we create.
Now there are some famous characters whos pics I'd love to use for this as references.
  • Princess Peach
  • Princess Rosalina
  • Pauline
  • Jessica Rabbit
  • Samus Aran
  • Lisa (genshin)
  • Mirko (the bunny girl from MHA)
  • Ghislaine Dedoldia
  • Purah

Feel free to suggest other characters as references too :)

This idea focuses more on a location than a character. Specifically a brothel. Our characters would be a few different workers there, which would be consistent and we could switch to them. Or customers, that could be once off quick characters to fill a specific kink with a worker. This would be mainly short term smut scenes with several different characters from a consistent cast, in the same location.

That's the quick version, I'll probably flesh this out more when I have time. Still, hit me up if it sounds intriguing or fun :)

If you made it down here, yay :)
I hope one of these strikes your fancy.
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