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Hyrule's Downfall (Cerberus and Foxykoko)


Jan 9, 2009
The wave of twilight swarmed over Hyrule castle. Its guards stood in front of both Princess Zelda and the true ruler of the twilight Princess Midna. The guards had fought the shadow beasts until they were right at the large doors to the room. The guards took a quick look at the princesses before drawing their swords as the doors were flung open and a large black wave swarmed in. "Heh he he...How touching you really think these people will protect you Midna." He laughed and quickly grabbed a guard who rushed him and lifted the man up by the throat. "So easily these human's life is erased, wouldn't you agree Midna?" He laughed and looked at the two girls. "It will be much easier for you to just give up now." He watched both Princess Zelda and Princess Midna with his stone cold gaze. first wondering how Midna was able to escape from her holdings he had set up. No matter she would be punished for it later.
Stood her ground, watching the flood of black burst through the doors. Hyrule was at stake once again and she had failed to warn them in time. "Put him down!" She screamed "You have no need to hurt these people! They have done nothing to you!" Midna looked at Zelda and bowed her head, "I'll go but only if you leave Hyrule and all of it's people alone...."
Twili just shook his head and looked at the guard. "a simple flick of the wrist and he is dead. Now you know we have taken the castle and there is nothing you can do about it. Now you can save them from suffering and surrender or not and let them suffer." A few of the shadow beasts walked in and looked up to their master before looking back to Midna and to Zelda. "You see my pets are so very hungry and I bet a human would be so very good for them." He laughed and tapped his foot against the ground. "Too long you waited too long." He flicked his wrist snapping the poor guard's neck "you don't have to worry, he never felt a thing." He tossed the guard to the beasts who quickly ripped him apart. "as for these other humans..they will suffer some before they die, Go my beasts, eat have fun."
Zelda stared in horror as she watched her people get devoured. "Stop it!!" She yelled as she drew out her bow and shot an arrow through one of his monsters. "Get out of my castle!!!" She continued as she shot to 3 more magical arrows at once. She quickly aimed at Twili pulled back on the arrows.

Midna touched her shoulder gently, "Zelda we can not fight them. We have no choice but to surrender..." She said as she got down on her knees before Twili. Minda swallowed her pride and knelt her head tying to protect Zelda from him.
Twili looked at The two princess and laughed. "Good, so very good." He smiled and cracked his knuckles, The shadow beasts dissapeared as he watched the two. "You have learned well Midna, not to oppose my power. Now the two of you, Kneel before me and beg forgiveness from your master." Twili was different somehow. much darker power then when he first faced the pair years ago. He somehow had regained most of his power that he had last and again brought the twilight back. "You will learn well to obey my orders when I give them or else you will learn that you will be punished."
Zelda crossed her arms and turned her back on him. "I kneel before no one, Zant!" She confirmed without hesitation. "I'll surrender but I refuse to bow before scum!"

Midna grabbed Zelda's arm and yanked her to the floor, "Just go with the flow for right now. You have to in order to protect Hyrule." She whispered. "Zant, My Lord, we are at your serves. Please, spare our lives."
Twili laughed and walked over to the throne and sat down in it. He looked over at the two girls and shook his head. "And I know you think your "Hero of time" Will help you, but you are sadly mistaken. He wont be able to beat me." He looked at Midna and shook his head. "Your family were fools to deny me my rightful place." He watched as the shadow beasts moved throughout the castle. "Take those two to the dungeon and make sure they are tied good and snug and if you want play with them." Back in Ordon Village Link was seeing the sky turn to black and animals hiding in fear. "this cant be good."

(meant to say twili. He's related to Zant but far more powerful, it will be revealed later why)
The dungeon was dark and cold. Zelda pulled from their grasp and ran to the corner. This room was familiar and she new it well but now wasn't the time to fight. She had finally come to understand she had to surrender until Link came. Even if that meant... She looked at the guards and shuttered.

Minda pulled away from them and grabbed a rock. She turned swung at the guards head but was unfortunately stopped. He laughed and pulled the rock from her tiny hand and held her off the ground by an arm. "You are week, Princess!"
The shadow beasts nodded and plodded over to Midna and Zelda before dragging them off. The large shield like mask covered their faces as they dragged the two girls down to the dungeon. Another Twilli like Midna stood ready,waiting for them. "So what has the master's animals brought?" He watched as the beasts had the girls tied together and even one of the beasts holding the chain to their makeshift collars. He nodded and looked at Midna and crossed his arms over his chest. "Princess Midna of the Twilight." He lightly bowed out of a slight form of respect. even though he was an enemy he still showed some respect to her.
Midna stared at him as both ladies stayed still. "So, whats going on now?" Midna demanded with arms crossed along her chest.

(wasn't sure where to go with this.)
The twilli looked at Midna and just shook his head. he unchained the two from each other. one of the Shadow beasts jumped Zelda and pinned her down as the Man was tying up Midna just right. The Shadow beast just kept Zelda pinned down. its tail moving from side to side before hooking the edge of her tattered dress and starting to pull at it. The twilli looked at Midna before finishing the ties and even gagging her. "That should hold you in nicely." Meanwhile Link knew something was going on so as soon as he was able to he got onto Eponya and started to ride off to Castle town.
Zelda squirmed and tried to pull away. Unfortunately, only making matters worse and taring her dress faster. "Get off of me, scum!"

Midna squirmed and wiggled, her back hit the cold stone and she squeaked. "I bet your loving this, may I ask what I ever did to deserve this!" She said with a growl.
The beast growled and lifted its tail making a high slit that ran up the dress all along her side to the top of her thighs as the man held Midna and laughed running his hands down her sides. The man looked at Midna and grinned,tugging the rope that ran in between Midna's legs as he watched the Beast Torment Zelda. "Its best you just give in.." He laughed and looked at Midna. "You have no idea how much i've fantasized about having you Princess Midna." He laughed watching Midna as he moved a hand down along her chest and started to grope her through her dress. The beast grunted and pinned Zelda, she could feel its member against her legs.
Zelda gasped at her torn dress and Closed her legs tight "this is not right!" She squealed as she tried to pull away. Midna watched him, a gentle moan escaping her lips as he pulled on the rope. "get your filthy hands off my chest!" Midna closed her eyes trying to show no sign of enjoyment.
The shadow beast's tail cut her dress even more ripping it away leaving her in nothing but her silk undergarments. "You shouldn't try to fight with it Princess Zelda..You will only make it that much more angry and it will be that much more rough with you." The Twil guard looked at Midna and laughed as he pulled the rope again to get another moan out of her. "Oh sure thing what ever you say princess." As he did that he pushed her over his knee and pulled the rope more sliding his hand in between her legs.
Zelda stared up the beast and blushed feeling exposed. She new this was going to happen but why the monster. she held her breath closed her eyes waiting for his next move. How else was she supposed to handle this?

Midna moaned again and glared at him. This was humiliating. She gasped softly as she felt his hand, at least Zelda was to occupied to realize that she had it a bit different.
The beast watched Zelda and roared, she could feel its thick member pressing up against her legs. While the twil guard kept playing with Midna. He laughed and rubbed her more before giving her breasts a playful squeeze. Twili walked down a little while later and looked at the two princesses. "Oh how the mighty have fallen, Once noble royal princess, now nothing more then bedroom slaves."
Zelda looked down and swallowed hard squeezing her legs even tighter. Midna gasped again with a soft moan. She away from the guards in shame. "Don't worry you will pay for this!" She said in retort.
Twili looked at Zelda then to Midna and grinned licking his lips. "Well it looks like Zelda isnt likeing her mate so i guess I'll take her for myself and let the guard and the beast have you Midna." He grinned and looked at the beast and hissed. it backed away and Twili grabbed Zelda and pulled her up. "Now what to do with you."
Zelda looked at Twili and relaxed a bit. After struggling with the beast she was tired. She wasn't able to fight as much as she had. "Do with me as you please..." She said. "I'm yours Twili!" She continued gratefully.

Midna looked at the beast that lusted over her. "Zelda keep fighting... Wait, now I have to deal with both of them?" She questioned selfishly.
Twili looked at Zelda and laughed as he tied her hands behind her before he dragged her up from the dungeon. He grinned and brought her to her throne room and sat down on the throne making her kneel infront of him. "Now what to do with you." He grinned and licked his lips watching her. Oh I know!" He waved his hand in the air and she could see link fighting with shadow beats, more and more surrounding him and attacking.

The guard lauged and rubbed her abit before tossing her over to the beast who pounced on her.
Zelda gasped and stared, "Please I'll do anything. Just don't hurt him!" She begged on the floor before Twili.

Midna moaned as he touched her. then as the gaurd moved her, she realized what was happening. "No please. Not him! He's... he's to much!" She said as she was tossed in front of the beast.
Twili looked at Zelda and grinned licking his lips. "Now why would I do that, You already will do anything I tell you to, because you belong to me..there really isn't much that I could get out if I stopped and let him be. Make me want to my pet."

The guard laughed and watched as the beast pinned her down. They used to be twilight folk just like the guard or Midna but when Zant's power attacked those many years ago and was destroied some of them still didn't turn back. When twili discovered the power he took over and made even more shadow creatures. The beast growled and pressed itself against Midna.
Zelda stood and began take off what was left of her dress until she was naked. She walked towards him with a look of desire on her face. If she had to give him a reason to let Link go she had to show him that she wanted him. She gently bit her lip and crawled up into his lap. she leaned in and kissed him passionately while leading his hands up her body and to her chest.

"No, please. I beg you. Please!" She begged while squirming away from him as much as she could. Her eyes grew 3 times bigger as she felt his huge member press up against her. "Please no! I can't take it!"
Twili held Zelda on his lap as he ran a hand up along her legs. he grinned and kissed her back then kissed along her neck as he thought about what she was doing to try and save Link. He grinned and looked at her. "All right then." He kept her on his lap. "Now dance for me my pet dance for me and show off yourself."

The shadowbeast growled and pressed up against her as the guard just watched and licked his lips. "Now why should I, You, tied down about to be raped by shadowbeast, Now that's hot."
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