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Fx Male Fantasy Fandoms (Craving FFXV's Ardyn)


Nov 7, 2023
Hi everyone! So, this is a request specifically for fandoms where I'm looking for pairings with specific canons. In these cases, I would be looking for the male, and I would be playing the OC female. Roleplays would primarily be romantic and/or smut, but we can talk out details, if needed. Please keep in mind, I do want plot just as much as I want smut.

I do lead a busy life, but I usually try to push out a reply at least every two to three days.

In regards of post length, I usually try for 200-300 words or so, but can do more to match my partner, if given enough to work with. I don't do one-liners.

Also, I usually am more comfortable with PMs for roleplays, especially with smutty stuff, so just as a heads up.

I also have a discord if you would like to PM me for it.

Below are my cravings right now, as well as plot ideas. Remember, these plot ideas are not set in stone, and are merely ideas I had. If you have something else you want to run by me that still involves that canon, please don't hesitate to reach out to me! I love new ideas!

Devil May Cry
OC x Dante (preferably from DMC 5)
OC is a fellow demon - a descendant one of the four queens of succubus - Jezebeth, the sister of Lilith. Unlike Dante, she has not yet learned to control her powers, and discovers that an intimate companionship with another demon of noble blood is the only thing that keeps her in check and from killing innocent mortals.

Final Fantasy
OC x Ardyn Izunia
My OC, Nyxia Chantieri, is the princess of a city called Curia. The city uses a magical resource, which it is well-known for, which imitates sunlight. During the Starscourge, Curia's magic was highly sought after, and it's king, Cingarus, offered protection from the daemon scourge. This can go in many directions, but ultimately, Ardyn will likely see this either as a threat or an opportunity, allowing for Nyxia and his paths to collide.

I'd love for this to be dark - a cat and mouse sort of game that Ardyn initiates. Seduction, cruelty, anger on both sides, rough sex... I want this one full of drama and conflict between them.

Harry Potter
OC x Severus Snape
OC x Lucius Malfoy
My OC, Leveena, is the daughter of a Death Eater that was imprisoned in Azkaban for killing his own wife. With either canon, this could go many ways. Snape would probably have a protective streak, whereas Lucius might take advantage. She is a Ravenclaw alumni, running The Apothecary in Diagon Alley.

Marvel (Movies)
OC Valkyrie x Loki
My Valkyrie, Dahlia, is the only other surviving Valkyrie from the Battle of Hel. Her sister, Agnethe, was the Valkyrie that jumped in front of Brunnhilde to save her from Hela's blow. When she saw this, Dahlia fled. Loki and Dahlia cross paths, and this can be before or after Ragnarok, but they may have a bit of a lust-love-hate relationship sort of thing going.

Stranger Things
OC x Eddie Munson
OC x Billy Hargrove
My OC, Lillian, grew up on pop music. She was a good girl for a while, until rebel stud, Billy, came in and wrecked her world. His devil music and magnetic charisma started to send her down a spiral, but she managed to break up with him before he took her virginity. Then, a long came Eddie, a sweeter version of Billy that Lillian immediately took a liking to. They were fast friends, staying steady for a good period of time until they finally started dating. Eddie introduces her to Metallica, Black Sabbath, and D&D, and Lillian even joins the campaigns. One night, Lillian goes missing, getting lost in the Upside Down. This hits Eddie hard, and he starts his downward spiral into drugs, stealing, and so on, leading into the events of Season 4. When he goes to the Upside Down, he finds Lillian had been there all this time.

The Sandman (Netflix Show)
OC x Morpheus
Female OC, Scylla, is a mara, a type of witch that lives off of sexual energy in order to survive. She is a Daughter of the Lunar, a daughter of Hecate. At one point, she was also Morpheus's lover, but was unable to stay loyal to him due to her need to feed. Scylla's insatiable lust causes so much chaos, as kings and queens have killed and done appalling things just to bed her for one night, that her mother punished her by condemning her to a life as a human. Now Selena, she has forgotten her past life as a mara, but Morpheus tracks her down for a certain artifact that she possesses, a lunar necklace, that may help protect The Dreaming from the impending attack that Lucifer has planned.

Star Wars
OC x Kylo Ren
Female OC, Xiamara, is a slave to a group of pirate Feeorins. When searching for a BB unit that holds the map to Luke Skywalker's location, Kylo Ren captures Xia, taking her BB unit. However, realizing her droid is not the one he's looking for, he finds a use for Xia to make as his own slave. Unknown to her, he discovers she is Count Dooku's descendant, and uses this to his advantage. This ultimately leads to training her as an apprentice.

The Walking Dead
OC x Negan
OC x Daryl Nixon
OC Lillian is a survivor in Chesapeake, VA, that Negan happens across when he gets separated from The Saviors. The two of them get holed up in the mall that she has been staying in, allowing them time to get to know each other, and an attraction builds. Ultimately, Lillian becomes another one of Negan's wives back at the Sanctuary, and after she is realized his true intent, she uses her survival skills to escape. At this time, she also helps Daryl escape while he is being kept in the cell that Dwight has put him in. After gaining Daryl's trust, along with the others at Alexandria, she becomes a part of the family. And in time, her and Daryl become close.

I am willing to double up for some of these fandoms, just let me know details in PM!

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Ardyn seems very much like he'd be a dominating individual in the bedroom. Just a thought. <3

Random muse of the day: I have an OC, Lilith, Queen of Succubi, who may have immense fun time trying to break and tame the God of Mischief. I definitely sense a battle for dominance between these two. <3​
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Added these two bad boys to the first post. It's time I delved back into my nostalgia days. <3
Just to reiterate. I absolutely would love to double just about anything to have someone play Ardyn for me. He's just so scrumptious. So evil. So complex. Nnnnngh. While we're here, I would love to share a quick chapter that I wrote, in Ardyn's point of view, in a fanfic I wrote with him and Nyxia.

Sort of gives some insight on their history.

Please enjoy. NSFW below!

Such a shame that such a beautiful creature had undergone so much. A lot of it was all thanks to Ardyn Izunia. He had stumbled across her by chance - at least, that's what he would insist - approximately eight years into the Starscourge. Learning of her determination to find a certain Gem, he had made it a priority to make her an ally.

Ultimately, however, she turned out to be more than what he had bargained for.

Ardyn hadn't known what love felt like for many centuries. In fact, the only love he ever knew was before he had succumbed to the curse. Nyxia didn't remind him of that first love, but she was unfaltering on her trust that he was a good man, yet she never knew the extent of his wickedness.

Not until it was too late.

Not until he had discovered she had taken arms with a certain, gun boy. Granted, he understood their friendship to be only that, and that Nyxia only ever loved her twisted, imperial chancellor, but... something snapped within him. A pure, unadulterated hatred. The king and his friends still tormented him even when Noctis was lost within The Crystal for years.

Prompto and Nyxia being daemon-hunting companions made Ardyn feel...well, betrayed. Because of that, he had broken her. Perhaps it was less selfish than some might have expected, in the long run. He felt remorse after he had left her beaten and raped, but in the end, perhaps it was best that she hated him.

Maybe if he met his end by the hands of the Chosen King, she would hurt less.

And yet, as he awaited Noctis in purgatory, Ardyn came to realize he wasn't ready for his eternal rest. That was why he had sent his good friend, Rubia, to collect the gem - a potential tool for resurrection.

The nights would gradually lengthen once more, just as they did years ago. For that, he had the princess to thank.

Undoubtedly, he was going to have a hell of a fun time rubbing that in. And after he tore a big, gaping chasm between Nyxia and Gladiolus, he had every intention of taking back what was his.

First thing was first: Tell them the truth, and he had. Nyxia technically brought about Eos's doom, knowing the price of using the Gem. Though she had every intention of destroying it, she shared too much information with a man she shouldn't have trusted.

Of course, everyone would have anticipated he couldn't come back. After he damaged Nyxia, he knew his raven-haired vixen would deny him resurrection. Rubia, her misleading, carbuncle ally, was simply his backup plan to ensure his return.

Rubia took many forms. Like Ardyn, she was capable of disguising herself however she needed. Her true form was that of a succubus - a winged beauty who had done well to get him the information he needed on Nyxia and company. However, she had momentarily taken things into her own hands for the sake of amusement, and it was not amusing to The Accursed when he found out she was toying with Nyxia and her new lover.

Gladiolus Amicitia. As if the company couldn't hit him any lower, he had wooed Nyxia, but not without treating her like scum prior to.

She deserved better, and as far as he was concerned, even a daemonic, imperial chancellor had to be better than that brawny hound.

And so, as he sat and watched her do literally nothing, bound to a wooden chair and unconscious from the exhausting use of that spell, Ardyn was carefully plotting what his next words would be to her. After all, they had a lot to catch up on after almost five years.

They were alone now, after all. He could easily choose to do anything he wanted.

Finally, he heard her groan a bit. She was coming back to, which filled him with more anticipation than was likely necessary.

"Will you behave now?"

Nyxia shifted in the chair, and it seemed as though she still hadn't fully recovered. She looked completely spent and vulnerable. She also possessed that stubborn look in her eyes that suggested she wasn't going to answer him.

"Hm, that's too bad."

He hooked his foot around the leg of the chair, pulling her closer to him. For five years, he had wondered what she truly thought of him. Why was she not giving him everything she had? Was there still a hint of compassion inside of her?

"Did you shed any tears when you discovered my demise?" he asked her. Her eyes shifted nervously away from him. For a man who had lived for over two-thousand years, he considered himself an expert at reading facial expressions by now. He couldn't have been more accurate.

"Aw... My dear, there's no need to mourn over me. After all, you made me a promise. If I were to die, you would use the Gem to revive me. Do you remember making that promise?"

He remembered it well. It was the same time when she had confessed her love for him. How could he possibly forget?

She loved him, utterly and truly. And even after all of this time, after her being attached at the hip to her friends, he was still mad about her.

He growled, snatching her by the back of her neck. The gasp that elicited from her caused him to stir in excitement. "You shouldn't make promises you can't keep."

He knew these words might stir her. In an episode of passion, she had said the same words to him, when he pretended he would deny her pleasure. Of course, Ardyn considered himself a gentleman, and as he stressed to her that night, he always kept his promises.

She, however, did not.

"Don't...touch me..."

Her voice strained for strength, but he knew better. "Is that really what you want?" His other hand brushed over her knee and upwards, and he felt her flinch. That was more like it. He knew after all this time, he could get through to her. "We made a splendid team, once upon a time. Nothing says you can't leave them. Come back to me." Nyxia shook her head firmly. She was trying so hard to keep her confidence. "We both have our daemons. We can embrace them together. Curia and Lucis... They could both be ours."

"Don't be ridiculous. I would never join you... " He interrupted her as his hand made its way between her legs, his thumb caressing through the black leather. She gasped, leaning back her head. The sound was absolutely intoxicating, and the look on her beautiful face... It would have even made the gods lustful.

"You were mine once. You loved me unconditionally. Is there no trace of that left?"

Her body squirmed, and a soft whisper sounded through a moan that practically made his mouth water. "Ardyn..."

"It's just as I thought." Content, he continued caressing her. "Say it again." She gave him a look of alarm, one that said she had no intentions of giving him that satisfaction. He swiftly tore open the leather, every button popping off from the force. Again, his fingers returned, but this time, directly onto the flesh. It came as no surprise that she was silky-wet.

"I said...say it again." His fingers made oscillations, but she was still fighting from within. He might have expected another wave of magic to push him away, had she not looked so defeated. Yet, the moment he slid a pair of fingers into her, her resolve broke., and she moaned again.


Ah. A small reward for those two-thousand years endured.

"That's much better." He pulled away from her, juices coating his index and middle fingers. It had been a long, long time since he had the privilege of tasting her before fucking her. Yet, there was still the sour topic of someone else partaking in those pleasures while he was absent.

He grabbed her forcefully by her face, leaving the remnants of her sex on her cheek. "We have a long drive back home."

"Home?" she repeated.

"Yes. What better place than where it all began?" From thin air, he summoned a dagger. Even now, the abilities of his Caelum heritage remained. Funny, how all this time, Nyxia still didn't learn this secret of him.

The blade was used to cut her free from her restraints. However, as soon as he had let her go, he realized he had underestimated her cleverness. He staggered back as she threw the chair at him, taking that moment to tear her way out of the room.

His concentration had shattered. No doubt, everyone would be breaking out of their comas down below. But that was all well and good.

He had another idea.
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Would love a little slice of Eddie Munson. I will also drop a potential starter here that I made that could go in many directions. Just for fun, once again, enjoy!

Black Dahlia Roleplaying

The Thing That Should Not Be (Lillian/Eddie)

  • Participants
    • Andromeda2050
    • A Mundane Mystic
  • Start dateSep 24, 2022


A snowstorm burning.

Sep 24, 2022


Lillian had never known loneliness quite like this. Sure, she had felt it for a little bit of time after she lost her mother to lung cancer a few years ago, but being quite literally the only person in a world was as true a hell as it got.

It was still a bit unclear how she got here. The last thing Lillian remembered was going to the RadioShack one evening, just minutes before they were supposed to close. Sure, it probably could have waited until morning, but the new puppy she and her dad had gotten just chewed up the cord to her cassette player, so as far as she was concerned, it was an emergency!

Suffice it to say, she never made it to the store, let alone back home. She was on her bike, riding down the road, and suddenly, she felt this weird resistance, almost like a heavy gust of wind. it had been enough to knock her off and make her slam into the asphalt, but not before going through whatever invisible gate had taken her away from home. she had scraped her elbow and both her knees, but the worst thing about it all was that she had no idea how to get back.

That was nearly three months ago. Since then, she had learned to adapt. In this place that she decided to call Limbo, everything looked like Hawkins, except old, dirty, and depressing. She had resorted to going back to her own place almost immediately, but that didn't last long. She could hear the echoes of her father crying somewhere in the house, calling the police and demanding that they "try harder" in finding her. She was in some sort of parallel plane, and it was then that she managed to figure that much out. Trying to call out for him was completely hopeless, and at that point, she couldn't take it anymore. After a couple of weeks (she kept track of the days by tallying a piece of paper that she kept in the kitchen), she migrated elsewhere. It wasn't something she thought a whole lot about, but somehow, she found sanctuary in one of the most unlikely of places:

Eddie Munson's trailer.

In her world, she had been here many times. Of course now, she wasn't used to the dinginess and uneasy silence of it.

Eddie... Fuck, she missed him so much. He hadn't been her first boyfriend, but he had been her only real boyfriend, where there were emotions and good times - things to bond over and laugh about together.

She could remember the first time she met him like it was yesterday. It was at a Halloween party. She couldn't really remember whose place it was, but that wasn't really important anyway. She only went because her partner at the time, Billy Hargrove, wanted to hang out and get free drinks. It didn't take long for him to discard her once the beer-chugging started. Lillian, who was dressed as Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz, sat on the sidelines by herself when some guy came up to her, saying something about Billy being an asswipe. It made Lillian feel a little better about the whole situation, and before they knew it, they were talking about Lord of the Rings. Lillian was a big fan of the Tolkien books, as she and her dad would spend a lot of time reading them together, especially after her mother passed away. It was their way of bonding, and it helped heal the pain for both of them.

With eddie, it became the start of a wonderful friendship. Very shortly afterwards, probably the next day, Lillian had broken up with Billy. That didn't go too well, considering he was an egotistical prick who didn't take kindly to being rejected, but Lillian no longer had interests in dating a bad boy and being a very temporary side piece. Instead, she made new friends within Hellfire Club, and Eddie would regularly introduce her to new music by lending her some of his cassette tapes.

It didn't take long before Lillian changed the decor in her bedroom. Where was once Duran Duran and Madonna posters, she would hang up Metallica and Joan Jett instead. There were some occasions where her father had to leave town for business, as he was a real estate agent that did a lot of traveling. Because of this, as Lillian got a little older, she had the house to herself. That was usually when Eddie came knocking on the door. He would bring another tape, and she would cook some food, and they would listen together as they indulged in a late night dinner and just shot the shit.

It all started off innocent, and then one day, things just sort of...flourished. It seemed obvious that they both really liked each other, but neither of them were bold enough to make the first move. Finally, one of the members of Hellfire, Dustin Henderson, had had about enough. He demanded that the two of them just kiss already and get it over with. Lillian hadn't even realized their glancing and smiling at each other through the entire campaign didn't go unnoticed. That made for a most embarrassing moment for the both of them, as they were both denying that there was anything there.

But after everyone else had left for the evening (they were holding the campaign in Eddie's trailer that night, since Uncle Wayne was not expected to be back until the following afternoon), it turned out that they were both proven wrong. They weren't able to keep their hands off each other anymore.

Lillian sat in the room where it all happened, smiling faintly at the memory of her first kiss with him. He tasted like Cheez-Its and root beer. It wasn't the most romantic thing in the world, but to her, it had been perfect.

Then, one day, the ceiling in the trailer started to crack. With no explanation or understanding of what was going on, Lillian hauled ass out of there. She had no desire to stick around to find out what was going on, as she was familiar with the fact that this place was crawling with demons. From there, she was forced to return to our own house, and her lair remained there.

She was makeshifting a double-ended spear one day when she heard something peculiar in the distance. At first, she couldn't decipher what it was, but as she stepped out onto the front porch, holding her handmade weapon in both hands, she stared up to the angry-looking sky.

It was a guitar that she heard, very loud and very live. But how was that possible? There had been no one else here for as long as she was, at least, as far as she was aware. And the song it was was familiar...

It took her a moment to figure it out. After all, it had been months since she heard music. Once she put two and two together, her heart began to quicken against her chest, and an overwhelming wave of emotions started washing over her. That could only be one person shredding on that thing like he was Kirk Hammett himself.

Was it possible... could it be Eddie?

She practically stumbled on her way to the bike, finishing the assembly of her weapon in transit, albeit it was a bit messy. Strapping it around her shoulders, she mounted the bike and sped down the hill. "Shit... Holy shit..." she panted.

In ten minutes, which was about how long it would take for her to get there, she would find out if her suspicions were right.

Still need to sate my Ardyn craving. Willing to double, even if it's not the same fandom - and at this rate, even if it's not a fandom at all.

(Do you see my desperation yet? xD)

Still looking for the delectable Ardyn. To emphasize, I am willing to double just about anything for this man. I'm craving him that much. Doesn't have to be the same fandom, or could even be an original plot you have in mind. Run your ideas by me, you'd be surprised what I'll say yes to for The Accursed. <3
Disappeared for a while due to numerous reasons, but I have returned and am looking to start fresh! So, here's a revival bump!
I have this thought in my head. An image of Loki as King of Asgard, just like he always wanted, and his Valkyrie queen knelt at his feet, who helped him achieve his crown. A field of dead bodies before them. There was a war or great struggle to get him there. With who? Eh. I don't know. Help me formulate this, I'm salivating over this image in my head!
Looking for an Ardyn again. Willing to double just about anything with this one, as he's been my biggest craving as of late!
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