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The Death Eater's Catch ((Vivid and Vicodin ))

Finally he was able to shut her up without having to use a spell. He uttered a groan when she had taken part of his cock into her mouth, and he let his fingers twirl around the girl's clit, playing with her, but not allowing her to orgasm. She endured pleasure for 8 hours, and still was not going to get a release until he did. He was so sadistic. And she was so lucky. Any other Death Eater would have loved to rape her over the whole night, not give her any sleep, torture her, and then kill her within a few days. Anthony had a... Soft spot for prisoners. He still was sadistic, but he couldn't kill. No matter how much he said he could, he couldn't kill. Torture? Yes. Rape? Yes. Kill? No. He was going to start to move the girl's head, but she was already doing that for him. His eyes twitched a small amount out of anger when she had bit his cock, but he wouldn't use it against her. She was new to this, she would be a master cock sucker when he was done with her. He pulled her off of his cock and smirked. "How does it taste? Does it taste dirty, since it had Mudblood juices all over it? Or does it taste good, since you enjoy doing this sort of thing?" He then started to pump the fingers inside of her, using the other hand to push on his cock again, forcing it into her throat, but letting her move off of it if she couldn't deep throat it.
When he pulled her off of his cock she thought that he was going to slap her again. Her face was contorted between pleasure and pain. The way he was playing with her clitoris was good. As much as she hated to admit it, his fingers felt wonderful but still she was being permitted from orgasm. He continued to cut her down. How could she think this was something fun to do? This was the last thing that she wanted.

Eyes watered and a loud, gargling noise erupted from her throat as he forced her to take him throat deep. Breathing was nearly impossible like this and the muscles in her throat seized. Quickly she pulled back off of his throbbing member. A thick line of precum connected from the tip of him to her lips. Her hands moved to wipe away her tears but they were bound to her sides. Swallowing she moved her lips back over his cock and began to bob up and down. She moved her tongue in small circles around the shaft. Spittle dripped down the sides as she gave him her first blow job.
Everything was extremely sexy. Her choking on his cock, him continuing to shove it into her mouth. She was finally starting to get the rhythm of how you were supposed to do a blow job. Moans came out of the man's mouth, her little tricks starting to build up his climax faster then usual. His fingers started to thrust in and out of her, extremely fast as if they were another cock, that was pounding just like last night. Her better version of a blow job was starting to make that tingle sensation inside of Anthony's body. He knew that his climax was building up, and soon enough, he would be shooting it out. However he couldn't decide whether he wanted to shoot it on her face, or down her throat. He knew that she would hate the taste of cum, unless he broke her and made her love the taste. And if he had it on her body, it would be hot to shoot his cum all over her face, neck, breasts, and hair. He let out another groan. "I'm going to... Cum."
Roslyn was close to cumming as well. Her pussy clenched around his brutally pumping fingers and she moaned as she worked him over. Her movements became faster and more fluid. Her tongue wrapped eagerly around his member and she suckled with passion and abandon. Already she was coming to know that her pleasure was in direct correlation with his. His orgasm would mean that she would finally be relieved of the terrible pressure building. Her moaning became louder and louder the closer he came to his release.

When she heard that he was close she redoubled her efforts. All she wanted at that moment was not to be tortured any more. Her juices soaked his hand as he worked. Really she was just build for this type of use. She became so wet with even the slightest bit of stimulation.
Anthony never stopped pumping his fingers into the woman's moist pussy, enjoying that she was acting like a cock hungry slut, sucking his cock just so that she could get an orgasm of her own. She was moaning, she was moving faster when he told her his incoming climax. She was a virgin, but she was the most experienced virgin that he ever knew. He felt it hit him, and his cock shot glob after glob of sticky cum inside of the girl's mouth, practically filling it up with how turned on he was. He didn't backtrack on a promise, his fingers kept moving, using her fluids as lubricant to move as fast as he possibly could inside of the woman. He knew she was going to cum as well, but he hoped that she would slurp up all of his cum, instead of spitting it out, like a quitter.
Roslyn attempted to pull away as he shot his load inside of her mouth. It was thick, gloopy, and salty and nearly choked her. Finally she let her throat relax and let it slide down. Her stomach churned as the seed hit it but she hardly cared. His fingers were causing her own release to take place. Muffled, pleasure filled cries filled the room, sending some of white goop spraying from her mouth. Every square inch of her body tensed and twitched. Eyes rolled back on her head and she felt herself become a slave to pleasure. This was the most sublime thing that she could hope for now. The fact it came from him repulsed her yet she knew that she would live for those little snips of ecstasy while she was forced to stay in this room.
Anthony felt the girl's twitching from her orgasm, when she was sitting on his fingers. He pulled them out of the Mudblood, and he then kissed her on the lips, bumping his tongue against her lips so that she would open them. "Damn you are really good." He replied, putting his softening cock back into his pants. She sucked up his cum, and had a very sexy orgasm. He could keep this girl around for now. A knock on the door had roused Anthony from kissing the Mudblood, and he then stood upright, looking presentable, while the girl below him looked... presentable by Death Eater standards. By that, they mean a woman being naked and taken advantage of. One of the other Death Eaters explained that breakfast was being made by a bunch of house elves, and Anthony asked for two helpings. The Death Eater closed the door and Anthony then turned to Roslyn. "So slut, tell me about yourself. If I want to keep you as a fuck toy, I need to know all about you. All I know is that you were a virgin. I need to know more."
Roslyn closed her eyes when he kissed her. She let him easily open her mouth with his tongue. The fact that he was kissing her was almost humorous to her. It was such an affectionate act shared between lovers. How ironic that he did it after raping her and forcing her to suck on his cock. Thank goodness that it did not last long; a knock came at the door. As another Death Eater came in, she attempted to cover herself, but the chains kept her in place. She looked away and used her long hair to cover her face; no one else needed to see it. No one else needed to know who she was. Though she did perk up a little; there was a mention of food and of two helpings. That meant that he was going to feed her!

When the other Death Eater left she looked back towards the one who had held her captive. He had asked her about herself. Odd, seeing that she was nothing but a plaything to him, but at least he was giving her permission to talk…

“Roslyn,” she corrected. Her throat hurt and sounded very raw. With all of her screaming and moaning, paired with the fact nine inches had been shoved down it, it was no wonder that she was having a hard time speaking. “My name is Roslyn. If you must know I am the only child of two muggle parents. I grew up a normal life and excelled in Hogwarts; even if I did get in trouble a few times. I’m eighteen and joined the Order as soon as I graduated from school. My dream was to be an Auror.”
He was able to tell that she was having a hard time talking. He realized that after all of the things that he did to her mouth, from silencing it, to shoving cock down it, that she was going to have a hard time. So he paid extra attention to all that she had to say. It was a shame that her life was extremely boring. She only got in trouble a few times, so he couldn't listen about how either her parents didn't love her, or she didn't fit in. Something that Anthony was saying when he was 14. However now he had his own family, a real family, not the fake one that gave birth to him. That family died. "It is too bad that you can't be an Auror now." Anthony replied, almost making fun of her. He then looked back at her body. "But I mean, if you were going to do this to the boss of the Ministry of Magic or something to get the job, then I'm sure you might have had a rich and fulfilling life." Anthony then was interrupted when the food was brought into the room. He placed a plate next to the woman, and freed her hands from the bonds just for now. He didn't give her any silverware however. "Eat with your hands. It isn't like you used them for worse things." Anthony replied, smirking. "Like touching a man. Or touching yourself."
Roslyn could feel tears prickle at the corners of her eyes as he degraded her further. To him, the only way she could have a successful carrier in the Ministry was by giving blow jobs. That wasn't true! She was a talented witch who had every reason in being a wonderful, productive Auror. Now, well, now she had nothing much to look forward to except orgasms. A shuddering sigh came from her as he released her hands.

"Mmmm!" she exclaimed. Her body shuddered and a line of juices trickled down her leg, washing away the dried blood and cum from the night before. Pain throbbed in her hands as blood flowed back into them. It felt almost like pleasure to her. No doubt that was the plan.

Roslyn reached out with trembling fingers and began to feed herself with her still partially numb digits. At least he was feeding her and she wasn't going to complain. What if he took the food away because she shot off her mouth.

"I haven't touched a man before you," she said through a piece of bacon.
He was hoping that this woman would be able to get the message, that pleasure and pain were the same thing to her. If he were to constantly keep her in pain, then maybe she would eventually be trained to feel that way. So far, she didn't fight and did everything that he wanted her to. An excellent blow job was given to him when he shoved it in her mouth, and her pussy was an excellent tool that seemed like it sucked his cock in whenever he pushed it inside. He opened the door and unhooked the chains from the walls, materializing them in his hands. He then finished up eating, and tapped the plate with his wand so that he could send it back to the kitchens. He would do the same to the girl's plate when she was done. He then started to drag her out of the room and down a hallway, into the major dining room of 13 Death Eaters. They all stared at the naked woman, as Anthony bound her chains to the table. They all were staring, and all were wondering, if they could have her. And if she was a pureblood.
Roslyn virtually growled when she was pulled along by the Death Eater like some animal. Hands reached up as she attempted to steady herself but, eventually, she had to scramble on her hands and knees just to keep up with him! Fury shone in her vivid blue eyes and she had to bite her tongue over and over again to keep herself from snapping. Things would be much better if she at least tried to be good. Maybe he would even trust her a little if she was well behaved and that may lead to a chance for escape.

“Not in there!” she hissed through clenched teeth. He was taking her into a room full of Death Eaters! “I don’t have anything on! They’ll look at me!”

Knowing that every eye was going to be on her made fear go through her; no one else could see her body. No other filthy fucking abusive prick needed to know what she looked like without her clothes. What about her dignity?! Her cheeks dotted brightly with pink as she was dragged towards the table and lashed her to the leg of the table. Like she thought, all of them were looking at her body as if she were some piece of meat.

“Don’t fucking look at me!” she snarled at them.
Many of the Death Eaters considered her outburst quite funny. "Oh is that so? What if I want to look at you? Blood Traitor?" One of the Death Eaters replied. All of the men were taking this opportunity to stare at Roslyn, her beautiful breasts, and the wonderful pussy that was dug out last night, but was now hidden by her crossed legs. One of the Death Eaters walked over to Roslyn, and then put his wand to her throat. He turned to Anthony. "Anthony, are you done having fun with the girl? You know, we are going to need some information." Anthony nodded his head. "Go ahead, have fun with it." He said. However, that man had something else in mind. Once again, the first part of the killing curse was used. "Avada-" But was broken by Anthony, once more. Anthony had blasted the wand out of the Death Eater's hand. "Just because she is a Mudblood, does not mean that we kill her. I am not done with her completely. Although I am done with her for the day." He said. "If there is going to be any information inside of this useless woman, I will get it. No one else." Anthony sat down at the table, and started to eat a second helping of food, along with throwing pieces of bacon at Roslyn whenever he wanted to. One of the female Death Eaters had tackled the girl to the ground, and started to feel her up. Anthony smirked, and just watched while the female felt up Roslyn's breasts, squeezing them and pulling on the nipples.
Roslyn let out a scream as she was approached that was quickly cut off by the hand around her throat. Desperately she attempted to pry the fingers from around her neck. What was he playing at?! These guys were completely and utterly insane! He wanted to wheedle information out of her but was ready to throw the killing curse at her at the drop of a hat. As the fingers dropped from her throat, her hand flew up to her neck and she gasped for that delicious air. A nasty glare was shot at the man who had strangled her but she said nothing.

The bacon was tossed in her direction but she ignored it. Unlike most of the people at that table, she did not like stuffing her face full of food do early in the morning. Especially when she barely had any rest to begin with so, instead of eating what was thrown, her head dropped and there was an attempt to catch some rest. However that was not meant to be.

A woman lunged herself at Roslyn, pinning her to the floor. She groped at her flesh and pulled without mercy at the girl’s nipples, causing the redhead to yelp.

“What a pretty little mudblood!” the woman exclaimed. “Look at the way her skin bruises! It’s beautiful!”

“Get her off of me!” Roslyn screamed.
Anthony let out a laugh as his fellow Death Eater had pinned Roslyn onto the ground and started to play with her body. He was not going to get the Death Eater off of her, that was for sure. "I am sorry but there is only so much that I can do to my fellow brethren. If you want the Death Eater to get off of you, then you should probably do what she asks." He replied. He took a sip of pumpkin juice and then grabbed his wand, pointing it at Roslyn. He was thinking of giving her that curse again, the curse that caused her to rub her body raw and beg for an orgasm this morning. If she was under that condition, then she would have to enjoy herself with that woman. Especially if he made it to where only the women make her moan. He thought of this as he pointed the wand at her. "Honey, continue." He said to the female Death Eater.
Again a hand came up to wrapped around Roslyn’s throat; cutting off any breath that she had. Desperately the redhead swallowed and kept her eyes locked on the woman choking her. A demented sort of laugh came from the Death Eater as she strangled the defenseless young witch.

“Anny-kins.” The woman purred after releasing her grasp. Roslyn slumped and whimpered pathetically. A hand came up to rub at the marks that were left by the surprisingly strong grip. The hand moved downward and began to pull and twist the Order Member’s full breasts without mercy, causing her to yelp. “This one makes such good noises. You are so lucky. Are we keeping her for awhile? I think she would make a beautiful pet.”

“Ceres,” another Death Eater chuckled. “You always liked to play with the filthy little mudbloods.”

“But her skin turns such a beautiful shade of purple! Look at her. She is simply gorgeous!”

Again Ceres’ hand was on the move and this time it came to touch between her thighs. Roslyn let out another yelp and attempted to squirm away. Two fingers were instantly plunged into the swollen and now practically dry pussy. She clenched her teeth together and attempted not to scream out for help. None was going to come.

“You deflowered her, didn’t you? She clamps so yummily around my fingers! Is she any good with her mouth? Pretty little lips…” The fingers were removed and then trailed up until they were being pressed against Roslyn’s mouth.
Anthony smirked as he let Ceres have her fun with the girl. He didn't mind that this woman was plunging her fingers into her own pet's pussy, being that he used his own cock to dig her out last night. And then he managed to use her mouth as much as possible, and shoot all the way down her throat. As he saw Ceres plunge into Roslyn's hot and tight pussy, he got off of the chair and then got onto his knees in front of the girl. He moved close to Ceres and whispered in her ear, a smirk on her face. "I was thinking that the both of us, later, could move into a private room with our little pet, and enjoy the feeling of her flesh." He said, and then he pulled Roslyn's right nipple, and let out a small laugh. "I know how much you like women, and men, and maybe a cute little threesome would be the perfect enjoyment for us both. And don't worry, I don't plan to stop you from playing with my pet at all. Enjoy yourself as much as you want. "Yes, I did take away her virginity. She was extremely tight, and I made her pussy wet from the blood."
Roslyn let out a sharp gasp as her nipple was pulled on again, allowing for Ceres to press her fingers deeply into her mouth. The taste made her retch her head back but the Death Eater would not allow for such a movement. She pressed harder down on the physically broken redhead, moving her fingers against Roslyn’s tongue. A soft coo emitted from the woman’s lips and Roslyn hated her and hated her ‘master’ for suggesting a threesome.

“So soon?” Ceres asked. “She won’t bite, will she? I don’t like it when they bite. It is not their place to bite.”
Anthony smirked. "I am sure that if this girl were to bite, we can take the light out of her eyes immediately. We can kill her if she were to bite your fingers, or in my case, my cock. And then bury her where no one will find her. It is extremely easy." He said. He then moved in on Cass, putting his hand on Cass' shoulder while he moved his face in to kiss the woman. He wanted to see if his pet would get jealous yet. If she were to get jealous, then he would be able to use that to his advantage once he finished up the threesome. If she were to just throw up, or not respond to it at all, then he was going to have to do some bonding with his pet, or humiliate her more. He then smirked at Cass. "So what is the answer? Do you want to play with this Mudblood?"
There was no jealousy yet. Anger and resentment that he would screw anything that moved but she did not feel attached that thoroughly to the man who had taken her freedom away, raped her, and kept her in chains like some naughty pet.

"It would be a shame to kill such a pretty thing over a bite," Ceres replied in a pout. It was clear that she was torn. "I would love to play with her more once she's been trained more. If she is a virgin she probably doesn't know how to use that silky little tongue."

She removed her fingers and bowed her head down, pressing her lips against Roslyn's, flicking her tongue so she'd open her lips. The redhead hated every moment of it and wanted to bite the tongue. Instead she allowed it to be pushed into her mouth.

"She tastes wonderful, almost as good as you, Anny-kins" Ceres purred.
Anthony turned a little red from the compliment as he swirled around the actions in his head, thinking about what he should be doing as a rejoinder. "I would love to train her a little more, and if you ever feel like training her yourself, you can do that." Anthony replied, getting more and more horny as he saw Ceres kissing his pet. "I will not kill her if you do not want me to." He said. He took a look at Cere's breasts, and he grabbed hold of one of them to give them a nice massage, while he grabbed Roslyn's other breast with his other hand, and gave that a massage. A smirk came onto his face as he rubbed Cere's breast through the fabric of her robe, and rubbed the bare skin of Roslyn. "Mudbloods are so good for using as pets. They are so stupid, and they usually remain a virgin, so that you can feel their tight body." He blatantly said. "Are you doing anything today Ceres?"
Oh, God, her new master was retarded! People born of muggle lineage were not stupid, nor did they remain virgins any longer or shorter than a pureblooded wizard. This was the sort of garbage they were teaching to their children? No wonder they gave up so easily after the Dark Lord's first defeat! Their doctrine held little water against logic. Her lips pursed. She closed her eyes tightly as his hand came to wrap around her breast; it was so tender from the pulling and twisting that the slightest touch made it hurt.

Ceres smile as his hand found her chest. Roslyn couldn't help but think that all Death Eaters were nonsensical hornballs. It made her stomach churn.

"I am doing a mission later tonight but I could use with a tension release before that... if you get my drift."

"Oh my God! Who couldn't?" Roslyn hissed.
OOC: I love this roleplay. "Oh, God, her new master was retarded!" That made me laugh so hard.

BiC: Anthony smirked at Cere's demands, and he grabbed onto the woman's hand so that he could bring her into his own room, the room that he had fucked Roslyn in last night. He had used invisible rope and chains to make Roslyn follow him, but in a more seductive stride, as if saying that she belonged to only him. He pushed open the door and then chained Roslyn to the wall that she was previously chained at. He smirked as he mumbled the same spell that he mumbled at the girl last night, that caused her to stay up all morning with pleasure. However if she had a strong enough will, she would be able to break the spell, that is, if she wanted to. He wanted her to suffer while he enjoyed the feeling of another Death Eater. He pushed Ceres down on his bed and started to strip her, starting with the top of her robes.
Roslyn was forced to follow; paraded around on an invisible string to strut like some prideful whore. The Death Eaters left at the table watched as she was dragged away. Some muttered on how lucky Anthony was to have claimed such a pretty piece of flesh. Though not many mentioned Ceres being pulled away; everyone at that table had their fill of her and it was no secret that she liked to sleep around. Ceres viewed it as her duty to keep her fellow Death Eaters happy.

Again Anthony chained her to the wall and she let out a growl. That damned wall! In desperation she pulled against them and fired off insults at the both of them when that horrible spell was directed at her again. Soon her fighting stopped and she slumped as the pleasure overrode the shaking redhead.

Ceres let out a mad laugh as he undressed her and her hand came up to help him take off her robes. There was a glint in her eyes and she threw looks back at the new slave.

“What spell did you cast on the poor thing?” she asked after kissing him demandingly. Naked she wasn’t as impressive as his new toy; being too slender in her hips and broad in her shoulders to be as striking as the chained woman but she had her charm.
He looked at the girl that was against the ground, moving in conjunction with her pleasure, and he let out a small laugh, as he pushed Ceres down and got on top of the woman. "I cast a little spell on the woman that would give her constant pleasure, but no orgasm." Anthony said as he put both of his hands onto the woman's breasts, squeezing them a small amount before giving Ceres a kiss. "I gave that mudblood the spell after I had deflowered her." He said. He then took her bottoms off and let the woman's naked body bask in the glory. Anthony then went down on her, taking off his own clothes and pointing Ceres in Roslyn's direction. He brushed his erect cock against Ceres' womanhood and then gave Ceres a kiss as he pushed himself inside. He let out a lustful moan as he started to move in the woman, grabbing her breasts while he thrusted.
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