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Tip of the Iceberg: A Mass Effect RP [TBM and Lord DreamCrusher]

Sera gasped as the knife twisted inside of her thigh, shuddering slightly as the cut was lengthened. As Aptis stood and informed her of what was coming, Sera simply braced herself as Aptis turned her back and got to work making the piercing. Sera was definitely nervous about what was coming, not so much because of the piercing coming as it was who was doing it. Someone like Aptis wouldn't bother to make it safe or painless. To the contrary, the turian would probably rather do more damage just for the sake of punishment.

As her breast was grabbed and her nipple manipulated almost gently, Sera was not aroused by the situation, to say the least. However, her body didn't react to her fear or lack of interest in a way that Sera would have wanted it to. Her nipple hardened exactly as Aptis wanted it to, the quarian squirming slightly as she tried to pull back from the turian's efforts. This time, however, she didn't bother demanding a question be asked, as she had preceding the previous efforts on Aptis' part. What was going to happen was going to happen no matter what, and Sera was realizing that even the slight amount of power she felt she had was a front, and that Aptis truly was in control. As such, she wasn't going to bother trying to take any control.

The turian listened to what Kar requested. "Straight to the point. I can respect that. I'll do the same. We both know who took her, you just have no proof or leads. There's a difference between that and suspicions. The where...that is something we can help you with. It won't be cheap, however. We also both know credits won't cut it with Aria. I cannot tell you the cost of your request, as I will need to take it to Aria. I can tell you that because of the time frame, you won't be in suspense long. I'll take your request to Aria, and someone will contact you once she has a price to offer."
If Sera looked closely at the needle held between Aptis' fingers she might see the thin sheen of a translucent, greenish liquid coating the metal. It was faint though and very minute in quantity, thus easily missed in regards to sight. However, once the quarian's nipple was nice and erect so that the turian could hold it in place there would be no missing the effects of said liquid as Aptis pressed the needle through the sensitive flesh. "Can you feel the toxin? Rather harmless and yet blissfully agonizing. I've heard humans equate it to the sting of one of their small insect species, I think they called them ants? The piercing will hurt for a moment and fade, unfortunately, but the toxin I placed on the needle? That will stimulate your pain receptors for hours, maybe even days if you are lucky, and prevent the adrenaline response from dulling the sensation."

While each individual was different when it came to nerve endings and sensitivity, and as such this piercing may not be as brutally painful as she desired, the toxin all but guaranteed the suffering she desired. With the precision of a surgeon Aptis threaded the needle, pushing at a slow and steady pace through Sera's left nipple until it exited the far side. As this penetration progressed the toxin would enter Sera's body and begin working its terrible magic; burning through the area of the puncture itself and spreading to the immediate vicinity around the end of the woman's breast. Nerves would alight like fire, like nails driving through soft flesh, and the sensation would remain a constant reminder; one that did not fade as the moments passed. When she was satisfied that the channel was large enough for a piercing, the turian would withdraw the needle back as she remained careful not to touch the tip where the toxin had been applied. It only activated when entering the bloodstream but caution was always warranted with such things all the same.

A few moments of waiting to let things settle, followed by a light dabbing of cloth to absorb any lingering blood that might yet remain, and Aptis would go ahead and push through the small bar of metal she had fashioned into the shape of a barbell before screwing a small piece to cap the other end. Sera could remove this piece of 'jewellery' in the future, assuming she got free and survived captivity, but for now it stood prominant on her chest as the only thing her body currently displayed that was not her natural flesh.
"Let's try a different question. What did you do with the prisoners you took from the Eletania research camp?"

"I've done this before. I know how to play this game." Kar replied in response to the woman's comment on his straightforwardness. There was little point in trying to obfuscate anything when trading information through Aria and, in this case specifically, it would only potentially slow the process down. Still the soft confirmation that Belia was involved was as he suspected but he had hoped there was a chance for something lesser. He couldn't hold onto that hope at this point though and shifted his viewpoint to the worst-case scenario that it was rapidly turning out to seem.

Her assurances that he'd hear back in short order didn't amount to much as far as he was concerned, he needed more immediate results lest he resort to the same ineffective searching he'd ordered Velira to do in the district. He'd have to wait somewhat regardless but he had to expedite the process more, had to sweeten the pot.
"I'll wait here." Making it clear that he was serious about this transaction despite the potential cost, he would follow this up with some parting information. "You can tell her that the services of a krogan such as myself, an ex-blood pack leader with the skills to back up his muscle, would be on offer. That's not even counting the fact that I'm now a spectre with my own ship. I'm not writing a blank check, but I expected some wetwork to be in my future."
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