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Prince of Jurai

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Dec 7, 2009
ninteen years ago...

Everyone in the masaki house are gathered in Washu's laboratory staring at blue tubes filled with a strange green gel like liquid inside each tube are little black balls that kind of look like th stuf in lava lamp. It just lightly bounced kind of up and down in the liquid. The other two remained stationary.

"What are those miss Washu?" Aeyeka stepped forward staring at the tubes, and looking at them.

Washu thought for a moment. "How should i best explain this?" A light bulb appeared above her head. "This is my, and tenchi's child." She smiled.

"WHA!" The whole house said simultaneously in an uproar. She grinned. "Just kidding well kind of what you see in these three tubes they are all of our children. I've taken, and combined DNA from all of us with some of Tenchi's Semen. I wanted to see if the light hawk wings would pass on, and i could have new subjects to study as well as how the jurain power would flourish if mixed with other species."

"Oh, i get it." Mihoshi said. "But how did you get the samples from tenchi?", "Well while tenchi was asleep." Sasami's went wide-eyed. "And that how i did it." She said with a large smile. Everyone in the room was beat red, and paralyzed with embarassment.

"Miss Washu i can not approve of you doing such a thing to tenchi while he was asleep. Steam flew blew from Ryoko's ears. As both Ryoko, and Aeyeka attacked only to be knocked down by a large hammer that seemed to materialize out of nowhere.

She snickered phasing to tenchi. "Don't worry Tenchi i was gentle." Tenchi passed out.


A boy who had quite a few of tenchi's trait's stood over him. "Father tenchi are you ready to head to the field?" Tenchi hadn't aged a day the only one with any noticeable changes were Sasami who'd grown up to look just like Tsunami. Tenchi nodded. "Let's go Xerisyu, Is neeves coming?"

Xerisyu shook his head. "I think he is studying with mother washu, or playing with mother Mihoshi. Well then i guess it's just you an I." Xerisyu said bye to everyone just as his father did as he followed his father out to the field.

Xerisyu always loved having alone time with his father. He was the only male in the house, and in every way Xerisyu's role model. He usually felt left out. His sister had powers she could float, and manipulate energy summon protective blocks, and create force fields. And his brother had some of the same abilities not as powerful, and was a genius. He couldn't even float the only thing he had to show was his tail, but that was fine cause his father didn't use his powers which was another reason Xerisyu looked up to him.

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