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[NSFW] Office Space Shenanigans (Yume Kuribayashi & Dreamstreet)

With the beckon from the futa, Max slowly moved closer towards Ophelia as he stuck to the script and got close enough so when she started going onto her knees to unzip his pants, he was in perfect position. He watched her intensely as she opened up his workpants and pulled out his cock, which in turn made him blush at first. However the tempting pornstar words made him grin even more, as he quickly got even more excited. This really felt to him, like he was on a pornset, with the biggest pornstar in the world.

As she started sucking off his dick while jerking him off, he instantly began to moan cutely for her, and his dick started to get harder and harder quickly. It reached it's full hardness almost instantly, but he tried to hold himself back. His hands were at his sides while his fingers were twitching from how good it felt. His eyes were closed for a few moments, as he just savored the sensations that ran through his body, until he remembered what was supposed to happen next.

Bringing his hands up as if trying to signal himself to the futa before speaking up, he opened his eyes and looked down at her. "I-It feels so good... You are so good at this...!" He moaned out, before bringing a hand towards the top of Ophelia's head to gently signal for her to slow down. "C-Can I perhaps feel your breasts afterwards? Y-You know, around my dick?" He asked her in a cute tone, though his facial expression was showing some very clear excitement, as if he was imagining all of the things that the former pornstar both could and would do to him as his personal escort.
Ophelia took quiet notice of Max immediately stiffening up as she sucked him off, glancing down at his crotch in-between bobs of her head. For the most part, though, she kept her eyes closed, silently but eagerly savoring his taste the more she fellated. It warmed her how much he was into it, and this early into their reenactment, no less! If this wasn't proof that he wasn't kidding about Futa Escort 4 being his favorite flick of hers, she had to wonder what would prove it. Still, she was a little concerned that he might explode while he was still in her mouth, moreso out of it being off-script as opposed to any... premature concerns. She loved him enough that she didn't mind if he quick-shot every now and again.

Apparently, Max took notice as well, as he immediately made motions, as exclusively verbal as they were, to move onto the next phase of the warm-up. Recognizing his lines, she knew that the paizuri scene was next. So, in accordance with his hand-to-head gesture, she slowed her sucks, stopping right as he finished his request. She pulled back, gasping softly for air as a strand of saliva connected her lips to his cock for a few seconds, breaking once she spoke her next lines.

"Ah, so you wanna fuck my titties first, is that it?" She chuckled softly, bringing her hands up to her outfit and unbuttoning her shirt above the belt, from the top down. "Anything for my cute client~."

She backed up while on her knees as she got to the last two buttons, and for good purpose. Once the last was undone, she grabbed either inner fold of her shirt and pulled them apart, allowing her big tits to bounce free from their confines, fully bare as the slight nipple outlines from the start implied, and all front and center for Max to witness. She gave him enough time to properly react, just like she did for her co-star in the movie, and then continued from there.

"Impressive, aren't they?" She placed her hands on either side of her breasts and squished them together, moving them around in her grasp for extra impact. "I bet you just wanna bury your face in 'em, give 'em a good motorboating, am I right?" She moved them around a little more, then let go, sighing as she let them bounce to a stop. "But you asked if you could feel them around your dick, and who am I to deny a client's explicit request?"

With a playful chuckle, she placed her hand on Max's chest and pushed him back so he was now laying back on the bed. Once he was in the right position, she crawled forward again, her hands once again on either side of her breasts. Pushing outward, she lightly grazed his cock with her easily 100cm+ bust to start, then provided more consecutive close-contact rubs, and then finally, she wrapped each breast around his shaft. The size difference between his erection and her tits was made even clearer by how the former just disappeared once it fully entered her cleavage.

Once Max responded appropriately to having his member surrounded by Ophelia's boobs, the paizuri phase of their reenactment would begin in earnest.
Once Ophelia stopped sucking him off, Max let out a sigh of relief. Now he wasn't going to cum anytime soon, so he could relax himself a little, but he couldn't do that for long. As the former pornstar got ready to move onward, he watched how she undid her shirt and soon ripped it open to let her tits pop out freely and forcefully. The sight almost made the femboy squeal, and just stared at her big breasts until she spoke up again.

The way she was pressing her big tits together, tempting him to motorboat her or fondle her greedily, which he was just about to show by moving his hands forward towards them. But just as he was reaching out for her tits, she would push him onto the bed and get into position for the titjob. His eyes were fixed on her, as she got into position above him and wrapped her bosom around his member. That action alone was enough to make him squeal for her, this time much more loud for her to hear and notice.

Then as it finally happened, Max let out a loud moan as his cock disappeared between her big breasts. It made him instantly start to thrust upwards, almost like he was actually fucking one of her holes. He seemed like he was getting to a point where he couldn't control himself, as he finally spoke. "T-They feel so amazing! I wanna do everything with them! Feel them, motorboat them, but now... I really wanna fuck them!" He moaned as he would thrust his hips upwards.
"I'm glad to hear that you love them so much," Ophelia replied with a sly grin. "In that case, I'll make sure this feels extra good for you~." To match his thrusts, she pushed her breasts together around Max's shaft and started moving them up and down. It took a couple cycles, but eventually, the tip of his cock started poking up through her cleavage. Preceding things with another grin, she leaned in and started flicking her tongue out at his glans, providing a little extra stimulation to push him closer. It was almost like she was trying to make him cum before it was time to put it in. The first big difference from the familiar script, but would it come to pass? That would be up to Max's own endurance.
When Max felt how Ophelia to move her tits in rhythm with his thrusts to make his dick poke out of her cleavage, he moaned even louder as the pleasure only got more intense. His fingers was gripping onto the bedsheets, while his hips were doing all the work for now. They would thrust up harder against the futa's bosom, like he wasn't thinking about the script at this point. Now he just wanted to cum from this pleasure.

From here, it wouldn't take long before the former pornstar would start to get the taste of femboy precum in her mouth whenever her tongue would move over his dick. It was showing just how close he was at this point, and if she wasn't going to make him stop, there was no way he was either.
Ophelia blinked in surprise as Max's pre squirted onto her tongue as she lapped at his glans. It wasn't something that happened on the set, let alone in the script, when she did it with her co-star, so naturally it caught her off-guard, if only slightly. Still, anything was expected with this divergence, one that could easily be put back on track with little effort. With how close he was, and clearly at that, Ophelia saw no reason to stop. With a soft chuckle, she slipped her tongue back inside and spoke another line, one originating from her own mind.

"My, someone's eager to cum already! And from just a titjob?" She grinned wide, mischievously so, and raised her eyebrow for further emphasis. "Either I'm doing my job very well tonight or you're a straight-up pervert! Either option's fine by me, though, so long as I leave you satisfied~." She winked at Max, blowing him a hands-free kiss. She pressed her tits around his cock a little harder now, applying extra pressure for the moment he'd finally explode all over her tits and maybe also her face.
Max let out a soft whimper as if protesting Ophelia's comment about him being a pervert. Although he didn't blush from it, so it seemed more like he was doing it to improvise his role, in same was she was for hers. He knew that this wasn't part of the script, but he didn't feel like holding back like he should. Instead he kept thrusting up as she tightened her big tits around his cock, pushing himself even further towards his climax.

It only took a couple of more moments of thrusting upwards while the futa continued her titjob, before the femboy would throw his head backwards, moaning louder and louder until he couldn't hold himself back any longer. "I-I'm cumming! I'm cumming!" He would cry out as he pushed his dick far enough up so that the tip of it would stick out from the futa's massive bosom, just a moment before he started to shoot out his pent up load. It was clear that he hadn't climaxed since he was with Kana the night before.
In what felt like little time at all, on both sides, Max finally came, alerting Ophelia to his impending climax just before it burst out past the top line of her cleavage. She softly gasped, closing her eyes reflexively as his seed shot onto her face, with some landing on her breasts and collarbone as well. His seed was thick and came out in an above-average quantity; to be expected from a femboy left pent-up for about twenty hours' worth. Looking down to get a good view of her half-bukkake'd tits, and the femboy's glans poking out between them and oozing residual cum, she let out a smile, giggling under her breath. "Well now, that's quite the load we have here. And I bet there's more where that came from, isn't there, sir?" She was tempted to call him "boy", but he was the one in charge for this stretch of the roleplay-reenactment, so it was only right she stay close to the script, even in her improvisations.

Ironically, it was then that she went back to the script. After reaching up and wiping some of the cum off her face, licking it off her fingers as a tease to get Max ready for the next round.

"Mmm, feels like you're about ready." Giving his cock one last squeeze with her tits, Ophelia pulled away and, instead of getting back on her feet, turned around and hunched over the bed, pulling up her skirt to expose her ass for Max. The cheeks weren't hidden away at all, with only the G-string keeping things relatively decent. But a single pull to the side would be enough to expose her pussy and asshole to the cool air of the room, and she was coming very close to making that so, her hand crawling down towards the material as she let out her next, familiar tease. "These two holes of mine are yours for the taking, sir. Feel free to use whichever one strikes your fancy first~." With a sultry wink, she slipped a finger into her thong and pulled it aside, leaving her two holes exposed, while keeping her cock and balls fastened away in their pouch.

How it went in Futa Escort 4 was, the client went for her pussy first. Studio mandate. Though rumor had it that there was footage shot of Ophelia taking it up the ass in the first half, in case fan demand was high enough for the executives to relent. Of all the moments in the movie that Ophelia imagined would go off-script, this was the one. There was no way Max was gonna fuck her pussy when her asshole was right there.

But then again, there was plenty of room for surprise.
As Max came down from his first climax after titfucking Ophelia, he looked up and saw how her big breasts were covered in his cum, which in turn made him blush. However he did grin widely, just from the thought that he got to do that in a reenactment of one of his favorite porn videos. He felt like he could die happy now, having lived out such a big fantasy already, however there was still so much more to cum, as Ophelia revealed her two holes for him to fuck next.

While he wondered if he was even ready yet for round two with the former pornstar, he looked down and the sight and naughty words had apparently been enough for him to already be hard for her. A part of him wanted to go off script and have her kiss and eat out his ass, but with how it was progressing, it felt wrong for him to want that at this point. Besides he couldn't help himself, with her holes exposed to him like that. He knew exactly what to do next.

Without saying a single word, Max put his hands on the futa's ass and gave it a squeeze. "Your ass looks... So good!" He said and moaned a little as he moved up to line his dick with her exposed asshole. "Can I really fuck your ass?" He asked cutely, as the tip of his cock made contact with her anal entrance. Even though he was slightly humping against her ass before he even entered her, he was still waiting for her response before he would thrust inside.
As was expected. Ophelia's satisfaction that her gut was correct was clear on her face, or it would be had she not opted to moan in response to the squeeze Max gave her ass. Catching her breath as he groped it, preparing to enter her at her go-ahead, she looked back and gave it with a smile. "Of course. A man of your excellent taste, you can fuck it for as long and as hard as you like~."
With the go ahead from the futa, and how he was already moving up to mount her, Max finally got to thrust his dick into Ophelia's ass, letting out a loud moan in the process. "Oh god, your ass is so tight, Miss Brest!" He said while moaning as his his began to thrust in and out of the futa's rear. His hands would move up to wrap around her waist, clinging more closely to her, as he savored being the one giving the buttfucking rather than on the receiving end.
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