
He needed her, plain and simple. Any time she walked by, he would ache. Body and heart. She could see the faint pink glow from under his visor as he watched her.
She smiled fondly and looked around before standing on the tips of her toes to kiss his visor gently, "I love you..." She whispered.
He was making it worse for himself, his head suddenly swimming with thoughts of her it had only been a few weeks, but he still felt like it was acid in his stomach,
Aileen could not bear the long weeks without him, and moved to the inner sanctum to pray. She wanted to help Ludwig and ease his fears but didn't know how or where to start.
She prayed quietly, asking for some way to help Ludwig and help ease his troubled mind. She suddenly felt hot, her ehole body aching before she gasped and doubled over into the floor.
Ludwig had finished his shift, and he was headed back to his room. Thankfully for him, Aileen was able to get him a room off to himself.
When he reached his bedroom door, he saw movement out of the corner of his eye.
"Ludwig," it was Aileen, and her robes seemed much more revealing than he remembered them being. Her eyes were no longer their enchanting green color, but a haunting and familiar pink.
He almost froze. He looked around, trying not to lock eyes on her revealing outfit. “A-Aileen? Vhat are you doing out here..? S-Someone could see you..”
He closed the door behind them, his mind seeming to short circuit. Maybe this was a dream? He had no idea what was happening. “Allow me to light a fire..” he said.
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