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ꜱɪᴛ ꜱᴛɪʟʟ, ʟᴏᴏᴋ ᴘʀᴇᴛᴛʏ 「ᵃ ᴮᵉⁿⁿʸQ & ᴾⁱⁿᵏ. ᵖʳᵒᵈᵘᶜᵗⁱᵒⁿ」━nsfw

Tommy's hand on her waist, another in her hair, his eyes piercing hers. Everything else disappeared from around her. It didn't matter that they were in the middle of nowhere, in a no-name motel room Hallmark threw up in. It didn't matter that they were only stuck here because of her boyfriend, and that they were repeating the same dance. They didn't bother to look for the iceberg because they already knew it was there, and still they drove full steam ahead.

This. Him. That was all that mattered to her. This was all that existed for her. There was only his thumb, her lips, and the taste of his kiss filling her mouth as they crashed together in time with the thunder.

His hands pulled her into him, fingers nimble as he untangled her from the miniscule bikini top before breaking their kiss to lean back. She inhaled one deep breath to fill her lungs, and that was enough. Her hands pulled him back into her as he finally freed himself of his shirt and together they rocked back against the table. His weight ground into her sex, her shoulders trapped by the corded columns of his forearms as he hovered over her. Her fingers traced the ridges of his ribs as her legs lifted to coil around his hips. This was the moment she would remember when she'd think back on this night.

He looked like a god leaning over her, the warm red glow of the lamps backlighting him like a dream. It was so strange, seeing him as the man he had become but knowing him as the boy he had been. He had grown into everything she had imagined he would and more. Her hands lifted to caress his chest, fingertips dancing over each and every brush with death he'd faced before his kiss wandered.

"Ohhh," she moaned with the flutter of her eyelashes, her breath sweeping into a sigh. Her hands slid down his arms, holding onto his wrists until his weight rocked back and his attention reached her chest. Holle couldn't help herself, she never could. Her eyes closed and her back arched to encourage him with soft, eager moans that highlighted everything she wanted more of. Her hips rolled, grinding her aching sex against his lap as her hands moved to unfasten his belt with desperate urgency.

When he lifted himself back up to her mouth, she met his kiss with white hot reciprocation. She used her feet to help kick his pants down to his knees and reached between them to cup his bulge in her palm, grinning against his kiss with a little growl of appreciation at how hard he was in his shorts. Catching his lower lip between her teeth, Holle urged him forward and over top of her. They had only half a second to realize the table wouldn't bear their full weight. With a crack, they collapsed to the floor.

Holle's shocked laughter was quick, and almost immediately melted into genuine hilarity at the absurdity of it all.

"Are you okay?" she asked through her giggles, reaching up to caress his cheek.
There was no thinking, no consideration. Only action. Decisive action. Where they were, forgotten. Why they were back together again, to the edges of his memory. There was still something there, on the fringes, crying out for some return to sanity and reason. They couldn’t be doing this. They shouldn’t be doing this. Yet here they were, his hands on her most intimate flesh, his mouth and tongue tasting her in places only a lover should know. And Schatzi had one already, did she not?

If it was anyone but Thomas…who cared?

His shirt was all but torn off by her eager hands, baring his hardened, toned flesh to her touch and sight. Bare chest to bare chest, hands upon one another, relishing all the comforts and familiarities they once knew and still clearly remembered. Some they never had before. Her hands explored his arms. His hands wrapped around her slender midsection. There was so much of her he couldn’t grab or hold all at once. Schatzi’s moans filled his ears, her mouth just above his head as he feasted on her chest.

She had no idea how much he lusted after this, and more beside. More below. There was no complaint, disruption or falter from him, as her hands freed his manhood soon after, until they were both completely naked. His pants went down his waist and legs and he hurriedly kicked them off his feet. Her hand drifted to his groin, feeling his heaviness, his size, making his eyelids flutter with the exciting anticipation of release. He wanted her. He needed her. Now. He had so much to give, she had no clue.

Snacks and drinks scattered to the floor as he pressed her down on the table. There was no thought for form or position. Just…take. And she wanted to be taken, the way she invited him down, and Thomas leaned heavily upon her, as if seeking to consume her through his very being. His body and heart burned so hotly in that moment he felt like he could. His hips were upon hers, his manhood grinding to her sex, pushing, thrusting, demanding. Demanding too much. His hips pressed to hers a little too hotly and suddenly…the table collapsed.

The legs cracked and jerked, breaking under the weight of their ferocious lust, causing them to free fall suddenly for a short inch or two, but the surprise of it was still enough to make Thomas’ heart jump. His lips parted in a silent gasp, before he realized what had happened, as they continued to lay together in the ruin of the table, him upon her, realization sinking into both their eyes as he peered down at her.

She laughed. And it took a slow second for it to become contagious, a similar smile forming on his own lips. He raised his eyebrows and looked down between them momentarily, then back up to her face, a light of levity in his eyes. ”I almost crushed you.” He said, referring to his much larger bulk and frame upon hers. Indeed, he was probably like a warm, comforting blanket, one that was alive and could hold her oh so closely…

Instead he reeled back onto his knees, his hands snaking under her shoulders, and with a little application of his strength, hefted her right up off the table and into his chest. One hand moved down, to wrap one of her legs around his waist, before he stood, cradling her close to form. Standing, he walked, not to the bed but to the nearby dresser, which was exactly level with his hips, and there he planted Schatzi upon it’s surface, his hips between her thighs, once more against her womanhood. Grinding, his hand caressed her neck, clutching it lightly, as he brought his lips to hers for another hot, passionate dance of tongue and mouth. Such was his energy that the wet sounds of their kissing resonated all through the room.

He was so hard and erect against her womanhood…

Only the need for breath separated his lips from hers, Thomas pressing his forehead to hers as he gasped a moment, truly flustered and breathless. He peered into her eyes and saw only his own desire reflected. He…was going to have her. No words. No warning. He reached between them and took hold of his organ, guiding it to her core, the head of it rubbing to her outer folds with a wet sound that was so vivid and sensuous. And then…there. A push, a thrust, and he was inside of her, driving in hard and deep to fill her all at once. And there, on the dresser, against the wall, spread around him, Thomas began to fuck Kennedy Monroe without restraint or care for anything else.
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