Multiversal Traveler Seeking Partners For ORIGINAL Stories (NSFW Pics In Thread)

Dec 24, 2019
Hello all! I hope anyone and everyone reading this is having a good day in our crazy reality. Below you can find a little about me, my writing style, and how I approach writing. Feel free to peruse, and if you think we'd be a good match, let me know!

Note: In an effort to make my requests threads not so lengthy, this has been moved over from my main request thread. I think I formatted it right but if you see any weirdness let me know!

You can call me T! I go by he/him pronouns. I prefer Discord (Or Here) as the platform we write on, and my availability is at least once a week and more. I'm always open to communicating with my partners and letting them reply when possible. I typically aim for 200-300 words in a reply. I usually don't go lower than two hundred. Unless it's more of a back of forth dialogue type thing. Details are super important to me from my partner, so I do my best to give them myself. I tend to give more if I'm getting more if that makes sense.

I run my replies through Grammarly before I post them (including these request posts!), so at the very least, I hope my post is grammatically correct (*chuckle*). I write in the third person/past tense style. What I look for regarding my partner is someone that gets invested in a story, likes putting details in, and is open to the idea of adult themes and content enhancing a story and romance and not being a detriment to the work. I enjoy writing erotica and feel it enhances the narrative.

I'm looking for someone who feels the same way. In return, I put a lot into my stories and ideas to make them as thrilling and engaging as possible.I can't stress that enough. I'm looking for partners interested in crafting a long-term story, world-building, and don't shy away from the adult aspects.

In an effort to bullet point this, I'm going to include the things I must have at the top, things I'm interested in, and things that are a no. Its worth saying that this might change as my taste or current mood changes. So if you see something in the bullet point and you want to know more, scroll down and you'll find an accompanying explanation behind it.

So, as of 9/19:

Must Haves- Green Means Go

1. Clothing descriptions (What your character is wearing)
2. Lingerie ( "Some" kind of thong wear is a must)
3. Alpha Males (Dominant or otherwise)
4. Romance!
5. Public Sex

Interested In

1. Obsession (Moved to Must Haves)
2. Possessiveness (Moved To Must Haves)
3. Monsters
4. Different Cocks
5. Dominance
6. Pregnancy
7. Rough and dirty sex
8. "Forward" Women
9. High Sex Drive
10. Mating

No's- Red Light, Red Light!

1. Non-Con
2. The usual No's (Toilet stuff mostly)

The Must Haves Explained In Greater Detail:

Romance: At this time, I'm a little burned out on Dub-Con and Non-Con. I'm a little more okay with dub-con, but I'm really here to write romance stories and that's where my heart is. I love the sweetness accompanied by the kinky stuff. I love to play guys who are utterly adoring of their girl. To that end, I'm not really interested in multiple lover stories either. My guys are very much "One Girl/One Focus" and won't even bat an eye at anyone else who walks by. There might be "some" exceptions to that down the line (I have had some great two males one female stories) but for the most part this dance will be one on one.

Picture Refs:


Dominant Alpha Males: They like to be in control. Sometimes I even play with elements of them being able to give mate marks, glands, and the like. I think it's fun when they go into ruts and have to have their women. Typically I'm "Daddy" minded though my guys could also be "Sir", or just "Dom". It all depends on what my partner is into. Even if Dominance isn't at play, my guys can still be expected to like to be in charge. Unless the story calls for something else. If you like hunky guys who are self assured in the world then I'm your guy.

Picture Refs:


Clothing Details: I'm fine with pictures somewhat but I prefer to have a picture painted. Seeing it is nice but its so much better to have it described. To hear something like "The blue dress accented her breasts and showed off her long legs" VS "She wore a blue dress". I love visual treats! I love knowing how something fits on your girl and the like. I'm here to be mentally turned on and I try and provide the same. For example:

"He wore a bespoke black suit that showed off his broad shoulders and hinted at the biceps underneath. He smiled at her and the corners of his plump and kissable lips twisted up. He brought his large hands up, adjusting his silver cufflinks as he approached her with swagger."

Clothing help sell foreplay in my opinion.

Note: There are so many different styles of clothing out there that fit all sorts of types and themes. That's why there are no pic references for this one.

Lingerie & Thongs: I love lingerie on a woman. Its hotter to me for the two of them to fuck with clothing on and or lingerie. Above all else, thongs are a big love of mine. Yes I know that's specific but its a request all the same and I try to accommodate and compromise with those willing to make that their ladies go to panty of choice. We all have our kinks eh?

Pic References:


Obsession: I love playing characters who are obsessed with one another! Even if that obsession goes into dark avenues and places. Characters blowing up each others phones, jealousy over nothing, flirting with the edges of taboo just because it's so much fucking fun and they can't get enough of each other. The king that would burn the whole world down just to get the women he wants and the woman who would ask him to just because it turns her on. Give me your most depraved and obsessive characters.

Pic Reference:


Possessiveness: Like I said before, my guys are very one women minded. So, possessiveness comes with it. Again this can be normal levels or as dark as you want it to be. My guys tend to get very possesive during sex and will use verbaige like "You're mine." and "No one else can have you.". They often "fuck" to ruin their love interests. I like possessiveness in their love interests as well. Again taken to whatever extreme you want.

Pic Reference:


Public Sex: The Level of this is really based on comfort level slash what my partner is okay with. However, most of my guys enjoy some form of public sex. Even if it's just risque fun in an alleyway or doing it in a car. Of course, I'm also not against the more extreme ideas of public sex or even having an audience...

Pic Reference:


The Interested In Explained In Greater Detail:

Monsters: Heck yeah! I love to play monstrous characters. Either a person who can change into a beast or a monster character. My taste still runs toward romantic as before, but who doesn't love a pretty little elf girl entering an alliance that leads to hot and steamy fun between said elf princess and a beast kind. I'm okay with playing "most" kind of monsters but again be aware that romance is still a must. It has to make sense that these people can have a real relationship.

Inhuman/unnatural cocks: Honestly, I try to add this whenever possible. Knotted cocks, Bulbous cocks, uncut cocks, ect ect. I usually play very well-endowed men (there's nothing more fun than writing about a thick droopy cock), but bonus points if that cock isn't a normal cock.

High Sex Drive: I don't do a whole plot-to-smut ratio. To me, sex is a fun part of the story and does enhance it. I've mentioned above that I'm not really into slow burns, non-con, and dub-con. I do want to say that I will do Slow Burn. It's just not my preferred. Blame it on all those TV shows we grew up with where it would take four seasons just for someone to get together, and then you'd only have one season of the hot, warm stuff! For the right story, I could be convinced to do Slow Burn, BUT almost all of my guys enjoy sex and have a high sex drive. I don't think this prevents us from having a very good and compelling story, and I'm confident in my own writing and ability to give you a good story. I have in the past called several of my characters "Male Sluts" though they're a one-woman male slut, you may find yourself paired with a guy who freely admits and enjoys sex.

Mating: It probably comes to the surprise of no one that I enjoy: biological needs to mate and imprint themes. I've talked up above about dark obsessions and unhealthy love. I genuinely enjoy playing characters who are fated/destined to imprint. Men who only have one girl who is their perfect fit, and when they find them, it's like a spark of fire across their souls. Usually there's some form of mate marks involved, and as per what I stated above, there is also a biological need to have sex on top of it.

"Forward" Women: Ladies, I love flirting (with your character), I love giving fuck me eyes across the room, I love complimenting her, and I love dirty innuendo's. You know what I also love? Getting that kind of stuff back! And I feel that's something I don't get a lot or enough. So, I will love you forever if you play a character who doesn't mind giving as good as she gets. Who one minute is getting fuck me eyes and the next is giving them back. Who tells me exactly where I can stick my characters dick and how much she would love it. I know how much you guys like to be chased by men but we guys like a little chasing our selves.

The Original Ideas!

A Cliche Vampire Plot

Note: This tale could take place in the modern age or as a period piece.

You are being hunted.

Something is coming for you. You can feel their eyes on the back of your neck. An unseen stalker catalogs your every step. Your nights are filled with fever dreams where it whispers in your ear. Where you feel its hands moving all over your body. What this is, you cannot say. Except, when this creature breaches your mind you can feel its deep well of loneliness.

Your days have become maddening. You know it's coming and your mind is breaking. Your nighttime dreams are like a drug as it takes you to the upper echelons of pleasure, desire, and obsession. You were never entirely a "normal" girl. So, when it came for you, you weren't entirely opposed especially as it drew you down a path of dark rebirth and gothic romance.

And when it comes for you, it takes you, it consumes you. All too soon, you awaken to a new world. Eternity stretches before you with your dark stalker by your side.

And now it's up to you to decide what sort of journey you have.


As the plot implies, I am seeking someone interested in a vampiric romance. I will be playing a vampire and you will be playing the woman he has stalked and turned. This story will begin either leading up to the turning or at the turning. I'm leaning more toward the turning because I don't plan on MC interacting much with YC before he turns her.

Please note this is a dark gothic romance. Your character will be hunted, stalked, and turned. Obsessive Romance will be at play. MC will have decided you are his immortal companion. The person he has been waiting centuries for. I have something of an idea of the world and how it all works. So, he'll be leading her into this world of vampires. So, in a sense, I might be a bit of a GM as well.

A critical part will be her learning how to be a vampire under his watchful eye. So, I might save most of the world-building for RP cause it'll be fun to guide her down the path.

If this interests you, let me know!

Tradwife Plots

Recently, I've gotten into the idea of "tradwife". Below you can find a collection of Tradwife minded plots. These plots involve themes of Tradwife/Misogynistic Men, and romance.

Tradwife Plots

Idea 1: I've been getting into the concept and idea of "tradwife". The whole traditional wife movement and even including things like retro flare. I'd like to do something where a white male puts out some sort of advertisement seeking a "tradwife". YC would the person who answers the ad.

Idea 2. YC a hardcore romantic looking for her prince charming, finds herself out in the pouring rain in a suburb. She needs shelter and finds a warm cozy garage open. Inside she finds MC "Prince
Charming" Prince Charming is her dream guy and then some! He's absolutely perfect. She gets swept up in a romance with MC (I'd like to incorporate them going on trips a lot) and comes to find out the reason MC is still single even though he's so perfect is because of his desire for Tradwife stuff.

Idea 3. Feminist Female finds herself in a whirlwind romance with a Misogynistic, Loving, intense male.

AI/Android Prompts

I have a series of plots revolving around the idea of AI, robotics, and connections between two minds. All of the roleplays on today's post involve these themes in some form or manner. The themes will not only play into the story but also the adult themes and content.

I'm looking for bonds that transcend time and whirlwind romances. It's also worth notating that these ideas are set in "Anime-Esque" worlds. As someone with a clothing kink, I'd like to incorporate outfits that don't always make "sense" in the context of the action that might be happening within the story. Again, not looking for realistic per say for either of our characters.

I'd also like to explore themes of submission and mutual adoration between our two characters.

As for the plots…..

Idea 1: MC is a lonely decent looking man who finally decides to purchase a next-gen android. The place he goes to is top-notch and not only has him decide his ideal android but also asks him to fill out a questionnaire that will help him determine what he wants. YC would be that android, who is programmed with that data. So, she comes out as his ideal partner. As they settle into their new lives together, her programming adapts and evolves into true sentience. OR, the alternative is she comes to him with that sentience already. Either way, the two of them are utterly devoted to one another (whether artificial or not) and have to navigate being together in this futuristic SoL world.

Idea 2. The world has ended, fallen to alien scum. Humanity has already moved to the stars before this but decides to go back and save the people that are left and take back the planet. To this effect, they send out their Battle Angels. Battle Angels are sophisticated combat androids that look like every man's dream. The Battle Angels are sent back to Earth and start to drop onto the planet and do battle. The aliens are more challenging than they expected and many of them get scattered. YC would be one of those Battle Angels. MC would be one of the resistance soldiers still fighting on the planet. The two of them would come upon each other during the invasion and have to work together to get her back to her people (or save the world).

Idea 3. On a planet torn apart by civil war, the military has created next-generation "dolls." These dolls have the same themes as the Battle Angels above. However, they have a unique twist. The "dolls" are a mixture of robotics and animal genetics. So, you might have a "wolf girl" or a "Panther Girl.". They also go through a process that imprints them to a human controller. This imprinting pairs them with a human and forms a bond that can't be broken. To the point that some have been known to go feral when their human controller falls. MC would be a human soldier and YC would be one of the "dolls".

Idea 4. This one is fandom based. I freakin LOVE Pacific Rim. I love the idea of sharing a neural load and piloting massive robots. I would like to play a pilot in the early days of the war. MC and YC would be just starting as Jeager Pilots. They would be paired together as drift-compatible pilots. A romance would spark between the two of them as they navigate Jeager Pilot School.

Idea 5. Earth is doomed. Humanity has to take to the stars in order to survive. MC is part of the brave small crew tasked with piloting, maintaining, and keeping the cryogenically frozen survivors on board safe. This journey will take hundreds of years, and theirs no promise that MC and his crew will get a chance to go back into cryo-sleep before it ends. YC would be part of the androids designed to take care of MC and his crew and provide them companionship during their journey through the stars.

Angel City (OG Superhero Idea)

Today, I'm excited to embark on a collaborative journey with someone who shares my passion for world-building and crafting. Together, we'll breathe life into Angel City, my original superhero world, and have a blast doing it! So, what exactly is Angel City?

Angel City is an OG superhero world similar to Dc and Marvel in theme, world building, and scope. The primary setting is Angel City itself, an LA-like City with lots of different heroes, organizations, and entities.

In terms of themes, I'd say this world tries to have its cake and eat it, too. There's a mix of the classic comic book feels and edgier stuff like "The Boys" and "Invincible". I've done a fair bit of world-building already. You can find it on the site! Specifically here.

If the ideas presented in my world building forum and the characters there interests you let me know.

So, what am I looking for? I am looking for Heroine's interested in pairing up with some of the original heroes I myself have already created. Ideally, this would involve us playing multiple characters!

However, I don't mind something one on one as well. My dream would be to find someone interested in figuring out the world and who are on these teams together. However, I know that's a big ask. But if you are into world building and creating! By all means come aboard.

This will be a story with both romance, kinky fun, and adventure. I'm looking for an even spread of both story and the other. So, if you're interested reach out and let me know! We can start exchanging character ideas and talking about the world.

The Adventure Of Mr and Mrs Doe

YC and MC are people who have experience and history in clandestine espionage-based circles. Where that history resides for YC is entirely up to you. YC can be a spy, soldier, mercenary, etc. (Even a criminal might make sense). The only requirement is that they have some sort of background that makes them desirable. For reasons to be decided, MC and YC are both currently out of work or between jobs.

A secret organization known as The Company reaches out to them separately. The Company invites them to a job interview and an "exciting opportunity". The interview takes place in an old Booth. The interview is interesting because it's one half a job interview and one half a dating questionnaire. Questions are asked like "What's your favorite food?" intermingled with "How many people have you killed?".

Eventually, the kiosk reveals the job. YC and MC will be matched (together) with someone within The Company. They will then be given new personas like John and Jane Doe. John and Jane Doe will be married and moved into a lovely high-end apartment (Or House). They'll do missions for The Company and be paid handsomely for it. When they decide they're done, they can "divorce" and go their separate ways.

Both YC and MC agree. They're paired together and meet in their new fancy home. The house comes with two phones where they receive their instructions.

The Company seems to actively be actively trying to get them to bridge the gap between personal and business. For instance, their welcome comes with wine for them to enjoy. Eventually, a handler who monitors things will also enter their life.

The story itself will be somewhat episodic. Mr. and Mrs. Doe will be sent on missions in the area and exotic locales.

MILF Plots!

Idea 1: YC is an older married woman (mid or late thirties) living in the 'Burbs with her typical nineties husband. IE, he's not abusive, but he's a piece of shit. She's been staying home with their two kids for a while now but hasn't let it stop her from amassing skills and interests. She's been debating divorcing him and has even started looking into that. Before she can, however, she finds out he's cheated on her with his secretary.

Fast forward a bit later and she's moved back to the city and starts pursuing the stuff that interests her. She finds a job and things start to pick up in that regard. Enough that she needs a full-time Manny.

Enter MC; I will play a man (early to mid-twenties) who aspires to be a teacher. He just finished earning his teaching degree but has had trouble finding a job (overabundance of teachers in the area/no one is hiring). Because he needs money and wants to work with children, he decides to become a "Manny."He posts an ad and YC finds it. The two meet and hit it off. He further hits it off with the children (open on age) and they become something of a family. The two of them get closer and closer and a romance ensues between them.

Idea 2: YC (Thirties or Forties) is recently single (Divorce/Boyfriend/etc.). Her friends convince her to go out and have some fun with them on a girl's night. During this girl's night, YC meets MC, a bartender (either a bartender or a dancer). The two of them hit it off, and YC decides to throw caution to the wind and have a one-night stand. The sex is incredible. However, YC wakes up that morning and decides it's too crazy to stick around. She leaves.

This one-night stand leads to pregnancy. YC has children already (up to you on their age). Her feelings about being pregnant again are yours to decide. Either way, she decides to keep the baby.She goes to tell MC about this. She assumes he will cut and run, but instead, he reveals he's been thinking about her a lot and wants this with her. The two of them start navigating this pregnancy while also falling in love.

Idea 3: YC is a sexy vibrant older woman who enjoys sex and voyeurism. She works in a position of importance (librarian, businesswoman, city government, etc.) but has a secret Only Fans Account. She makes decent money from it but mostly does it because she enjoys showing off.

She's been imagining doing more involved content but needs a partner to do it with. Enter MC. MC is her neighbor who she has known for a long time. His family moved into the house when he was younger, and so they've interacted, and she's watched him grow into a strong hunky male.

This isn't a blackmail situation. I'd prefer it if she comes to him with a proposition. Maybe he needs the money, or he is about to go to college, and she thinks it'd help him. Either way, she approaches him to be her partner in content making and he agrees. The two of them start doing this content and fall in love.

Idea 4. MC thinks he's the luckiest guy in the world. Though he comes from humble means, fate played a hand in giving him a rich heiress girlfriend. They could have met at a bar, a party, or something else. MC comes from a typical "normal" family. His girlfriend is anything but! She comes from old money and a mighty family name.

However, she loves MC deeply, and they get along very well together. Things are progressing so well that she invites him to spend the holidays with her and her family. MC wants to marry this girl, so he readily agrees.

Enter YC, her mother (if you can play both roles, that'd be preferred). YC is the MILF behind the family power and current success. While her husband thinks he's the man of the house and hot shit, the truth is YC keeps the family money coming in strong.

Now, how she feels about MC is up to you. However, I'd prefer it if she sees him as a potential ally or someone to get into an alliance with. Perhaps her daughter isn't cut out to take over the family business, or is too much like her father. Either way, the preferred scenario is that YC wants to run things with MC's help.

No matter what we decide, the two of them start hooking up and falling in love, which leads to cheating and wild sex. This affair and love continue as MC marries YC's daughter. I like the idea of scenarios like them having sex on the day of the wedding, conspiring to convince the daughter to move back in with her family so they can be together, and the like.

Fortune Favors the Bold (Updated and Revamped 7/5/24!)

A run of pictures I've seen has invoked the following desire from me. Today, I want to do something involving "Forward" or "Bold" Women. IE I'm looking for something where the woman is bold and aggressive in the relationship with the man. One thing to note, while I do want them to be socially pushing things (more on that in a bit), I'm still expecting the guy to dominate her. Basically, they switch the roles around once they start getting up to naughty shenanigans.

So, what am I looking for vs what am I not?

What I'm looking for:
  • I want the woman to be the one making innuendos, flirting, and doing her best to turn the guy into a stuttering mess.
  • Just the right amount of vulnerability! It would be cute if for example she knew he was coming and ducked into the bathroom to touch up her makeup or undo a few buttons on her shirt. Cute stuff like that.
  • "Ride Or Die" I'm not looking for a girl who has had a bunch of partners or wants a bunch of partners. It's more that she sees this person and claims him (and he claims her). He walks by and she goes "That's mine now".

What I'm NOT looking for:
  • Femdom. I'm not looking for her to dominate him in the bedroom.

What kind of ideas am I thinking? I'm open on this plot (it's more the vibe I want) but here are a few random ideas I have:

Idea 1: I would play two characters to your two characters. Also, this is partially inspired by a webtoon so if you know what the webtoon is bonus points! My two characters would be Jock and Nerd. Jock and Nerd are the very best of friends. A real bromance. They are almost always hanging out and helping each other, and they seem to have a close-knit friendship. They go on SoL-style adventures and the like. I would like them to be paired up against a Goth Girl and a Tough Girl. Goth Girl for Jock and Tough Girl for Nerd. What "sort" of Goth Girl and Tough Girl they are is entirely up to you.

Idea 2: MC would be a man who was just dumped. MC is super nice, earnest, good, and perhaps a little humdrum. His ex says he is to dull and breaks up with him based on that. Feeling dejected, he gets drunk (a rarity for him) and makes his way over to a tattoo parlor to get a tattoo and show her! YC would be the tattoo artist who stops him from making a silly mistake and falls in love with him.

Idea 3: MC would be a nerd at a university. All around good guy who is getting stellar grades and enjoying college. YC could be a Goth, Punk, Rebel, or something that crosses his path. They fall in love and SoL hijinks ensue.

Idea 4: YC and MC meet on a blind date! MC would be a shy type whose best friend pushed him to do the blind date thing to get him out of his comfort zone. YC would preferably be the type of person to get him out of his comfort zone. Probably even out of his league! Or at least, what society would think of as "out of his league".

Idea 5: MC would be an engineer working on military planes. Think jets and fighters. YC would be a female pilot. I'm thinking of somewhere tropical for the setting, like Hawaii! The two would meet on base and a SoL romance would start from there.

And here are some Fantasy Variants!

Idea 1: MC would be a human knight. A paladin sort in a DnD Fantasy Esque world. A true hero of the realm. YC would be a Female Orc. How the two meet is TBD. However they do, the two fall hopelessly in love with each other and decide to go on adventures together. This concept is pretty open, but only because I've realized it's hard to find Orc women! So, I'm pretty open on the plot as long as it involves an orc woman who is a mighty warrioress but secretly a romantic submissive. I think the adventure type could be fun as well. Instead of doing something like, "Oh, they're stuck in her tribe," or something to that effect. Let's get those two adorable ones out on the road!

Idea 2: This one is inspired by an idea I heard about in DnD Communities. I would like to play two characters who have bound themselves to each other. What I mean by this is, they have taken oaths that draw power from their marriage. Like, that's how deep and loving their bonds are. Ideally, for this to work, YC would be a celestial (Either cleric or Paladin so they can take Oaths of marriage), and mine would be a Warlock (race TBD). One thought I had was that maybe they were born into captivity together and, over time, fell in love and used that love to escape. I'm open to this idea as well. The main thing I'm looking for is them making bonds and pacts with each other.

Idea 3: MC would be a human knight or perhaps even a Prince. YC would be a dragon lady! Regarding the Dragon Lady, I'm looking for someone who can shift to human but also can shift into an in-the-middle form like this. Perhaps YC is besieging the kingdom or pillaging it. MC decides to try and stop it. He goes to your lair, and instead of slaying the mighty dragon, some laying happens as well. Like the other ideas, I think it would be fun if they left the kingdom and went on adventures together.

Space Babe/Human Traveler:
  1. A human explorer (or tourist) lands on a planet with a VERY interested native
  2. Some sort of space college thing (space station college)

Popular College Girl/ Nerdy Male:
  1. First day of college popular girl meets nerdy male and sparks fly
  2. Halfway through college, the two meet at a Christmas party and decide to go on Christmas vacation together

Female Soldier/Male Civilian:
  1. Female Soldier and Male Civilian find each other on a military dating sight
  2. Male Civilian is the friend of a friend and they get set up on a blind date or USO event

Goth Girl/ Ray Of Sunshine:

  1. College setting. Goth Girl and Ray Of Sunshine are assigned as partners on a project
  2. Ray Of Sunshine sees Goth Girl working at a bookstore and works up the courage to come in and say hi to her
  3. Goth Girl is a witch and this is a magical college

Heroine/Blacksmith (or guy in chair if superhero):

  1. OC Superheroine meets her Superhero Crush (and its not who everyone assumed it was)
  2. OC Superheroine and her Guy in the Chair fight crime in a fictional city

Married To The Law (And Each Other)

I'm looking for a story where YC and MC are members of law enforcement. This could be anything from local law enforcement to FBI or DEA. The two of them can already be married, engaged, or dating. I would like them to already be together in some capacity. This would be an actiony adventure romance story. Busting down doors, taking down criminals, and all while having banter back and forth and sexual tension. Bring me your thoughts and ideas! I'm open on this one.

Tarzan & Jane

Nothing to crazy on this one! I'm looking for someone interested in playing the Jane to my Tarzan. I'm looking for the traditional story (more or less) and some kinky fun!

In The Ring

I'm looking to do something inspired by this picture. MC is a boxer and YC is his girlfriend. MC is comitted to his career and I would expect YC to be supportive and there for him through all his trials and tribulations. I'm thinking a SoL story!

"Ride Or Die"

I'm looking to do a modern day Bonnie & Clyde story set in a world realistic in some ways and more video gamey in other ways. Think like Grand Theft Auto. What I mean by that is that our characters would be able to "do crime" and gun down cops and gang lords without immediately ruining their lives. The world isn't as restrictive to criminals as our real world is.

Now in terms of what the deal is with Bonnie or Clyde, I'm looking for someone to partner with, brainstorm, and help me figure it out! Were we criminals before we met each other? Are we childhood friends? Strangers who met in the club? Ect ect

One thing I do want to make clear, it should be a whirlwind romance. These two will soon have to rely on each other as they start off as small time crooks and then escalate their criminal activities. I'm looking for someone who can collide with my "Clyde" in the best of ways and ride with him in this dangerous situation they find themselves in.

The Rabbit & The Lounge Singer

Roger Rabbit & Jessica Rabbit are one of my favorite movie couples. The Juxtaposition between who they are and what they are to each other has always fascinated me. I think the way that they're ride or die to each other and support each other really appeals and I'd like to take that idea and do a modern-day SoL romance with it. This concept is based around them so please be very aware that I am looking for a "Jessica Rabbit" to my "Roger Rabbit".

The idea: MC is a stand-up comedian. He's trying to break into the industry and become a big name. He wants to make people laugh more than anything and is earnest to a fault. He hasn't hit the big time yet and is still doing small-time bits and sets at local clubs. Basically, anywhere he can perform.

One night he performs in the Ink and Paint Club. It's there he meets YC. They meet and it's very love at first sight. The two of them talk the night away and a whirlwind romance ensues. They get married rather quickly and try and make it in their respective careers while people try and take advantage of what they see on the surface level. They're each other's rocks and strength.

So if you'd like to play the bombshell to my "Rabbit" let me know!

Modern Meets Fantasy

GATE is an anime about a modern military (Japanese) invading a fantasy sword and sorcery world. So far, I've been impressed by how it shirks the idea of us being aggressive asshats who invade and rape the fantasy world in favor of something about coexisting in peace and trying to find harmony with each other.

I'm looking to do the same thing! And using the American or British Army. Basically, I think we go with the setup of the anime where there are these "gates" that allow people to go back and forth to either world. These gates are stable and so people and supplies can pass through freely.

So something happens, these gates are "activated," and we navigate the joining of these two worlds. Again, this will be more about finding a way to peaceful co-existence and not about the military dominating the fantasy world.

Ideally, I'd like to find someone willing to play multiple characters, races, and flesh out the world. However, if that's too much I'd also be into the following ideas

  • Orc Woman/Human Soldier (See Orc Woman above)
  • Fantasy Princess (Elf, Human, ect)/ Human Captain
  • Princesses Bodyguard/Human Solider (Female)

Anthro/Furry Corner

Here you can find my vague furry request! There won't be specific ideas in this one because I'm open to a wide variety of things when it comes to furry and Anthro's. I'm up for most genres and themes! From SoL to fantasy and adventure. Basically, this area is just to explain what sort of things I like with Furry's and Anthro's and what I'm looking to play.

When it comes to the type I usually lean towards types like Lions and Wolves. The big beefy men who have a lot of feral oomph to them. If you're looking for something on the smaller side, I'm probably not the best partner for you. Think Regal Stag type.

In terms of what I'm looking for sex-wise, you can find most of that in my kink area. However! There is one thing I'm into right now with my Furry and Anthro characters. I like the idea of them having massive cocks! We're talking like very noticeable bulges and I like the idea that whenever they wear shorts their cocks can't help but peek out of their shorts. Stuff like that!

So! If you have an idea related to this kind of stuff and the above sounds interesting, let me know!

Futa/Transgendered Corner

Welcome to the Futa and Transgendered Corner! This is a relatively new interest of mine so please bear with me as I navigate what I'm looking for here. Also the terminology here is going to be pretty blunt so if you don't like that feel free to read on.

First and foremost, I'm not interested in my character receiving anal. I had a bad experience with it as a teenager and it soured me on the whole idea and writing it. That being said, I am fine using my hands and potentially even my mouth on a girl with a dick.

Ideally, I'd like to find someone with female curves and breasts but who either has both organs or potentially just has a dick. They would identify as female through and through. Hopefully, that makes sense and is the correct way of representing it.

Also, I'm dominant through and through! So, bear in mind that YC would be submissive. I'm looking for very submissive girls on this one as that's part of the appeal. I like the idea of them having a big sensitive cock to because I think that would be fun to play with and use as a tool for domination.

So yeah! If any of that interests let me know! We can figure out the actual story from there. I'm leaning more towards SoL stuff than anything else.

The Wrong Side Of The Tracks

YC is a cute pink bubbly girl. She's in a new city and driving in a rough neighborhood. Her car breaks down and she isn't sure what to do! Lucky for her, she comes across MC! MC is a lifer in a gang and someone mid to high level. He's surprisingly pleasant and helps her with her car.

From there a romance begins! I'd like her to be the type of girl who doesn't mind sticking around instead of leaving. Heck! Maybe she doesn't have a place to go? So he gives her a place to stay and they start dating fairly quickly. He'll be a "stereotypical" looking gang leader. While there will be more to him then that, he'll also be an "in for life" kind of type who isn't planning on leaving the gang.

Orc Woman

I'm looking for someone interested in playing an Orc Woman! This is less of a specific idea and more of a generalized request. This can be SoL or Fantasy adventuring based. I'm pretty open to anything!

One thing that does interest me (and this will come up in another area) is a blending of fantasy and modern. Something like the GATE Anime where the human military starts to coexist in a fantasy world. Perhaps something like that? With an Orc Woman and a human soldier figuring out their place in this co-mingled world?

Also, at this point I think I'm more interested in a submissive Orc woman than my male being dominated. So keep that in mind as well!

Virtual Love

In this story, I would be playing a man with Agoraphobia. He is a web designer living out in the woods and also has a YouTube/Twitch thing going on where he plays games and does things like make videos of his cooking. While this enables him to talk to an audience and engage with a wide variety of people, he still feels lonely and like he's missing things by remaining inside his house all the time.

One day, his sister suggests he try out a new game. Think of this game as a combination of The Sims and GTA. Basically, it's a server dedicated to roleplaying. You create a character and then go about your life. This server takes it really seriously. You have to apply and interview and stuff to even get in. MC is intrigued and decides to give it a shot.

He gets in and starts exploring the game. He finds himself a job and everything. While being inside of the game, he meets YC.

I'm looking for someone to play his love interests. I'm open to who she is but I do have one request. I would like this to be another case of "falls hard and fast". He's eager for love and life, so he is not one to play the long game. I think it would be cute if they met in the virtual world and were really into each other's avatars and voices.

Things would start in the game and eventually progress to something in the real world. Another thing MC needs is someone who can understand his Agoraphobia and help him with it. I don't think YC should necessarily have any trauma herself though because I believe his is hard enough to manage. However, I'm always willing to hear ideas.


In this idea, YC would be a teacher. This teacher for reasons to be decided has a secret Only Fans-esque account. They're very careful about showing their face and thus haven't been found out yet. They're gaining quite a bit of popularity but they could be more popular if they had a partner.

Enter MC! A strapping senior at the school. MC is a hunk, smart, and popular at the school. Somehow, he finds out about her account. He asks her about it and the two of them strike a deal. He'll do content with her and they'll split the profits.

As they start to make content together feelings begin to get in the way and they eventually fall in love.

Unconventional Couple

This story is more of a concept. I'm looking to do something with a very curvy hourglass figure girl and a hunky man. The type of body I'm looking for YC to play a "thick" woman. While I would be playing a very muscular hunky type male. I'm thinking SoL with this one and them dealing with stupid social sigmas and idiots. How they meet is something I would like to brainstorm with my partner.

After The War

This story takes place right after WW2. YC would work at a girl's school as a teacher. MC would be a handyman working at the school. YC would have a daughter and more than likely a husband who died fighting in WW2. The two of them would meet in the school setting and a romance would start between the two of them.

Shy Guys Need Love too

Note 1: I am looking for a very specific type of girl for this one
Note 2: While the girl maybe "forward", she would still be submissive

A young college-age dude lives at home with his mom. He's fit and handsome but he has social anxiety issues and he prefers to talk to people online and keep things there. He's got some OCD Leanings (rituals and stuff) and that also makes it harder for him to talk to people in a real-life setting. His mom is worried about him and convinces him to take a class at the local college. He's not sure on it but she manages to convince him. He shows up for class and there's this girl there at the class. Social, Adventurous, cool as fuck but not a bully. He's smitten right away and to his immense surprise, she is very into him.

The idea behind this is that the girl is smitten and into him. She's giving him eyes, calling him nicknames, touching him a lot, and the like. For someone like him this freaks him out at first but then he gets very into it. Like I said above, just because I'm looking for her to be the seducer doesn't mean she'll submit in the bedroom or anything like that. The difference between how they are in bed and how they are whilst dating is part of the appeal.

But again, this very much falls into my falls fast and hard (Love At First Sight) kind of themes. She's not doing this to get a good grade, to be mean, and or anything of the like. She is genuinely into him and I would like her to be into him enough to do things like duck into the bathroom to check her make up or adjust her dress and fret about their dates. She can even be a bit dorky like say trying to slide down next to him and falls off the bench (or something of the like). I would like a little assertiveness from her though in planning dates.


"Whatcha doing later?"
"Uh nothing?"
"Wrong! You're doing me"
"Wrong! You're taking me to the movies."

So if you like. to flirt and any of the below GIFs get your mind going, let me know!

Inspirations For This Idea (NSFW):

Seven Days To Get Married

Classic plot. Heir needs to get married in order to inherit their fortune. They only have seven days to do so! What follows is a madcap romantic comedy adventure that culminates in their happily ever after. I'm also interested in playing out the happily ever after aspect so please bear that in mind. Also I don't mind which one of us is the heir. Though, it might be interesting to go outside the norm and make the heir and heiress. Either way though, I'm interested.

How Have You Sinned Today?

So this one is a rare "kind of" slow burn. I am looking to do something where a married or unmarried woman finds herself intensely sexually attracted to the new priest in her church. He's not like any priests she's ever dealt with before and there's instant chemistry between the two of them. The priest seems to feel it to and they have to navigate that. How long can they resist before they give into (pun intended) temptation?

Love At First Sight

Half idea half concept, I think it goes without saying if you've read my kinks that I really like falling hard and fast and the intensity that comes from it. So, I'm looking to do something where two people meet (meeting can be anywhere) and it's just instant. The chemistry is there, the flirting is intense, and they can hardly wait to be alone. I'm looking for someone who's forward and doesn't mind making fuck me eyes at a total stranger and eager to fall in bed with him. My guy will be just as eager and then we'll figure out the fallout from that intense all in nature.

Getting to Happily Ever

The big bad has been finished! The Realm is saved. Hell! Maybe even the universe is saved! Sci Fi, Fantasy, Medieval, ect ect. Who cares! This idea is basically that our two peeps have gone on a world/life changing adventure and have fallen madly in love since then. You can expect a smash cut to their wedding as the final moments play out. "They all lived happily ever!" It says.

Well, we know "Happy" is a hard thing to accomplish. Even for two people who have been through some shit and fought tooth and nail to be together. They know they love each other fiercely but how about all the other stuff? I am looking for someone to play out the classic plot....

What happens next?

Come at me with an idea, a setting, and a genre! We'll brainstorm the rest of it from there together.

Online Marriage Request (Or something old fashion)

A man puts up an online marriage request through some sort of social messaging/dating/forum board. The man has his own reasons for doing it from both a social and practical. He's awkward about stuff and because of his profession (to be figured out with my partner) he loves very remotely slash doesn't have a chance to interact with people. He has no desire to date casually and so he decides to just ask someone to be his wife. YC would be the person who sees this ad and decides to be his bride.

I could also see this story playing out in a Wild West historical setting. Where my guy plays a rancher with the same sort of feelings towards finding a bride and puts out a ad in local papers and abroad.

No Strings On Me

Note 1: This will be an Action & Adventure style story (be prepared for combat esque stuff)
Note 2: This will also involve "incest" and puppet human sex/romance

In a yet to be named country and a yet to be named city, Gepetto and his daughter (YC) work to create puppets people for people that place orders from their shop. Gepetto's puppets are known to be the best (more on that later) and every single one is painstakingly created from scratch. Gepetto's daughter (Henceforth known as YC) can be an inventor herself, woodcarver, and or both. She also has blue Fairy Magic and provides the "spark" that animates the puppets. The reason why she has these powers is because YC mother was the original Blue Fairy who came to see Gepetto often and fell in love with him. She had YC before she had to go back to the Fae World.

She also had a sister. The sister is petty and jealous of her sister and thus when she found out about Gepetto she decided she was going to take a human lover. She chose Gepetto's rival, a industrialist. At least, he would be considered a rival if Gepetto actually cared (imagine Gepetto as the kindliest, loving, and warmest old man you can think of). This union brought about a daughter as well that was similarly gifted as YC (The Cousin). The Cousin and her father started cranking out puppets as well as fast as they could! However, she still had to provide the spark and thus the process was still hampered.

Gepetto realizes he's dying and sets to work on his greatest creation. He doesn't tell his daughter about this but instead works hard and toils away to create the best puppet he ever created. He reveals Pinnochio to YC and asks YC to provide the spark. She does so and its apparently almost immediately that Pinnochio is not like other puppets. Whatever Gepetto has done, Pinnochio has real intelligent thought and is capable of thinking on his own (other puppets are just drones).

Gepetto has sometime before he dies and they enjoy life as a family. Its also Gepetto's intention for the two of them to watch over, protect, and love each other and yes that even means being together. Gepetto gives his consent that if sister and puppet brother love each other then he's okay with it (and it probably goes without saying but Pinnochio has fully functioning anatomy). He passes at one point leaving it just as the two of them.

While all of this is happening, Industrialist and Cousin are trying to break through this barrier. Industrialist wants to do full scale production so he can convince the King of the lands to use his puppets as replacement soldiers. Eventually Cousin stumbles upon a McGuffin that will allow her to increase her magic a thousand fold. Some sort of old Fae artifact or crystal or something somethin. They find it and then plan to reveal it during the big wolds fair/circus. Of course, it's not Blue Fae Magic at all but instead Dark Fae Magic. Things go wrong, puppets are infected, and the puppets go feral and mad. Even worse, the puppets can infect other puppets and make them evil as well. Only Pinnochio and YC (who can purify the puppets) can save the day!

Death & Life

In this story. One of us would be playing the embodiment of Death and the other the embodiment of Life. I'm not against letting my partner figure out who they want to play then taking the opposite. I don't see these two as being enemies or at odds with each other. They're the natural shadow/light to the other and the begining and end to everything. So in that regard I suppose this is sort of a "They're already together" sort of plot.

Trailer Park Princess

Note: For this story, I'm looking for someone interested in the female character "acting their age" IE someone in the mindset of a Modern Eighteen year old. Not a totally mature character.

In this story YC lives in a trailer park and has a rough mom/dad/step dad ect. She's very pretty though, a rare spot of beauty in an otherwise rough area. She's young, not entirely mature, and looking to get out of her situation. So, when a slightly older guy (MC mid to late twenties) starts to show interest in her she is instantly smitten. He has a great job (IE Assistant Manager at some sort of store) and has a cool thing he wants to be (Musician, Artist, ect ect) and they're "totes" meant to be. She ignores the negative influences in her life to keep running around with him and a very early pregnancy is the result of it.

Paranormal Reality World

In this one, sometime in the 1990s, irrefutable proof of the supernatural was captured. The evidence presented couldn't be denied, and institutions worldwide were forced to accept that things that go bump in the night did exist. This explained the many murders at the hands of haunted houses, cursed objects, ritualistic serial killers, and physco stalking campgrounds.

The question was, what to do about it?

In the present, Paranormal Investigative Teams are not only a commonplace job but also a public service. These Teams take cases involving everything from haunted houses to cursed objects. They research and investigate and then find some way to dispel the cursed object or haunting. Most of the time, this involves careful research and execution, but these teams rely on people with supernatural powers to help battle things from the other side.

Our story would involve multiple characters. (three on three or four on four). We would play a Supernatural Investigate Team. This would be in an episodic or GM theme with my main guy (the team lead) taking them through cases ranging the gambit. Romance would also ensue through the team. This plot is open to supernaturally enhanced women as well! So, bring your witches, telekinetics, mind reads, and voodoo queens. Skies the limit here!

The Alliance

I'm looking for something involving an Elf Princess who has to go and seek an alliance with an Orc or Beastman for reasons me and my partner would have to figure out. This is not a hostage situation, nor him doing something that leads to her needing to work with him. Instead, think of it as something like her kingdom was attacked by someone else, some sort of dark presence is attacking the land, and or something like that.

I'm open to this being with Orcs, Beastman, Dragons, or some other sort of flavor (potentially). Check out my updated kink section to see what kind of potential kinks would also be involved with this.


I've been playing a ton of Baldurs Gate 3 lately. While I have a fandom request going for it (you can find it down below), I also thought I would put up a request for something not fandom related but D&D of our crafting. This won't be a "system" game but it will take the classes and raced from D&D. This is also something where my partner would play multiple characters.

The idea is pretty simple too. I would be the "gm" and we would play a group of two or three (two on two or three on three) and we would go adventuring and romancing through a D&D esque world I have thought of and created. Adventure, light action, and plenty of romance!

Work Wife/Work Husband

Note: This story can either involve two people who are married, one person that is married, or two people that are single.

In this story, we would play two people who have worked together for a while. The setting and job can be anything but basically they are "work wife and work husband". Everyone calls them as such, they consider them as such, and they're very close. They basically spend all day together and have gotten to that point where they have pet nicknames for each other, they do things for each other, and the like. No matter what's going on in their personal life, they know they can count on the other and both of them have deep feelings for the other. Things come to a head at some kind of office event and the two of them go over the line and have to deal with it.

Despicable Me Inspired

So this is a bit of a weird one but bear with me. I'm looking to do something in the same vein as Despicable Me 2 but with entirely original characters. As in, I'm looking to play a campy reformed villain who has gotten out of the villain game because he adopted children (one, two, or three) and is approached by some sort of international SHIELD like league and partnered with a love interest to stop another villain. I'm thinking it would still be a little campy but also not ridiculous. This is a world with death lasers and doomsday devices and possibly even superheroes that try and stop them. My good would not be a "loser villain" and instead would have been someone who was very good at being a villain when he was a villain. Now he's a total DILF and utterly devoted to his kids. A bad man trying to be a good man basically. As for his life interest, I'm open to anything.

Dance Of Dueling Swords

Note: This is partially inspired by an anime but is original. However, if it sounds familiar that's why.
In a world where magic exists and people with magical abilities can summon a "Soul Weapon", Sanada Kurogane is born to a prestigious "Magical Knights" family. However, it is discovered quite early that he possesses almost zero magical ability (this is really unheard of). His family is disgusted to find this out, and his father decides the best thing to do is ignore him entirely. His family more or less shuns young Sanada. No one abuses him explicitly, but he lives his life thinking of himself as less than nothing.

However, he grows up to be a kind and noble soul. One with determination to make something of himself. His grandfather, a great war hero, sees that and decides to make him his pupil. He teaches him the way of the samurai, the bushido code, and expert swordsmanship. He has to make up for his almost total lack of magical power.

There's a prestigious Magical Knight Academy that he can go to. He does, but because there's no one like him, the academy tests are geared and suited to magical ability, not so much swordsmanship. His father immediately does everything he can to try and get him to drop out. He makes life a living hell for his son and can't even take classes for much of his time there.

However, in his senior year, he gets a chance. His Grandfather gives him an opening by using his clout to install a Headmistress that he trusts to provide Sanada with a fair shot. There's this swords tournament (the titular "Dance Of Swords"), and if Sanada can win that, he'll graduate and be recognized as a Magical Knight.

The school has coed dorms, and on the first day of the senior year, Sanada finds out he's been paired with YC.

But, who is YC?

I'm looking for someone willing to play the Princess of a Volcanic Island—a princess with immense magical power. Because her island nation is so small, she trains really hard so she can protect her people as a future Queen. A lot of people think she's nothing more than a girl with immense talent, but she's actually trained really hard and has the talent to back it up. That's something he recognizes in her.

What follows is a story of romance and healing from trauma. I would like the Princess to submit to Sanada. I'd also like to explore young engagement in this one. I think it would be fascinating to see them get engaged and what his father would do about the son he's abandoned and actively tried to break being engaged to a princess.

The abused wife-to-be & The Misunderstood Husband-To-Be

I usually have a hard time with these kinds of stories. However, I suddenly crave to do a story with such a concept.

But what's the concept? Well, I'm sure you've seen it. A girl whom her family abuses is sent off to marry a "cruel", "Mean", and "Hard", man. A man who has more than likely run off his other suitors before her. They then fall in love and marry.

A brief FAQ, if you will

  • What do you mean by her family abuses her? It's probably not physical abuse. It's more emotional abuse. For one reason or another, her family has made her feel absolutely worthless and undeserving of even kindness.
  • Well, what's the guy like? The guy is misunderstood but in a different way. He's stoic, serious, wary of people who want him (just for his money or power), and has walls up.
  • How does he treat her? Read on, dear reader……

So, the basics of the plot is that this poor girl comes to her husband-to-be's house with the intent of marrying him. They hit it off, and he helps her heal from her trauma, defends her from her family, and takes care of him in a way he always needed. They have their happily ever after (not without some conflict).

What I want From This Plot:

  • Fast & Hard: I'm sorry, I'm just not interested in slow burns right now. He's blaze into her life like a meteor across the night sky, and she'll be the sweet breathtaking flower he wants to protect and nourish. If you're looking for this to be a story where it takes a while for them to warm up to each other, I'll have to decline.
  • Kinky Shenanigans: My guy will dominate and have her before the wedding night. In an ideal world, this means that he'll use domination and BDSM to help heal her trauma. I am significantly into the idea of this and that tied into the Fast & Hard element.
  • Recovery & Healing: This is all about her healing and recovery. They'll be tackling hard truths she's lived by all her life. To take her out of the mindset her family has pushed on her.
  • A little bit of darkness: My guy won't be mean to her. However, he will be possessive and intense towards her. The kind of guy that would kill a man for hurting her. Who wants to know where she is and what she's doing!

What I Don't Want From This Plot:

  • Bad Ends: I'm not interested in this story ending badly. He will be utterly and hopelessly obsessed and in love with her. He won't hurt her (at least not in a way she won't enjoy) and will instead be devoted to her happiness above all.
  • Her family further hurts her: Her family isn't the exact priority here? It's more about helping her recover. That, and the minute my guy knows what happened, he'll unleash holy heck on her family for doing this to her. I'm okay with her having a sibling that is cruel to her, but again, he will probably stamp that out right away.
  • Reluctance or Non-Con: I above all else, want this to be a healing love story for her. I'm not looking for him to force her into anything. In an ideal world, she sees this man, falls hopelessly in love with him, and her natural submission comes out, and he recognizes that and helps guide her down that path. Again, it circles back to the healing elements and recovery. Speaking of….
  • The benefit of the doubt: If you're looking for the most realistic thing, this might not be for you. I'm no expert on this sort of trauma recovery. I'm looking for something softer, sweeter, kinkier, and loving. I want her trauma and healing to take center stage, but it's probably not going to be the most realistic take on it. Please don't message me just to tell me how she wouldn't fall in love with him so fast or yada yada.

Alt World War 2 Aviation Idea

Themes: Adventure, Retro, Aviation, Action

Note: Multiple Characters

Note: This story takes place in an Alt WW2 world.

After the Allies won the war, what remained of the Nazi party that wasn't captured ran off and went into hiding. Those that were captured talked about the Thule Society heavily. That they were reorganizing and searching for a secret power that would win them the war. So, even though the war was "over" the shadow war began as the Allies formed their covert intelligence to try and find the Thule Society. They called this organization The Lamplighters.

Cut forward a few years later. The setting is the recently rebuilt Pearl Harbor. The base and the town have been built back up, and American Forces are testing new airplanes and innovations in aeronautical superiority. Even though there is an air of hush and respect because of where they are, these are still men and women in their early twenties (mostly) who are hot shots and daring pilots. They work hard and spend their nights chasing dames and skirts.

One day, a mysterious person arrives at the base and takes command of a group of pilots. This mysterious person (Man or Woman) doesn't seem to be part of the military and yet takes command from their Captain without issue. Their mission? To go to a mysterious set of coordinates and check it out.

What follows (without giving away the plot) is a multiversal tale (not canon multiverses), battling evil Nazis and even dinosaurs! So if you're interested, let me know.

Office Romances

I'm looking for someone interested in doing an office romance. High powered people in skyscrapers wearing suits and buisness dress. Something where two people are working together and there's a lot of heat and chemistry involved. Where the chemistry between the two of them is crazy because they are really fucking into each other.

Different Worlds (Interracial Plot Collection! Now With Plots)

Interracial is always something I've been interested in. However, I've done a ton of Black Men/White Women scenes and as someone who gets it (look I love writing impressively hung men) I am burned out on always being the one playing the other race. So, I'm looking for women interested in playing other races and nationalities against anything from White Men to Latin Men. I don't necessarily NEED to play a white man myself as I think part of the fun is in two cultures clashing.

Now this is going to turn some people off to the idea but I also think it's silly to do two cultures clashing and not include the two parties being clearly into the fact that their love interest isn't like them. IE, physical attraction is important and if you're say going to play a Black Woman then part of what makes my guy into you is the fact that you're Black. I know race fetization is a weird topic anywhere and I just want to make it clear that my characters aren't going to hesitate to be attracted to the girl because of race as well as their personality and looks.

I'm really open on this plot. If you want to be British or Irish (as an example) that works too. The idea period is that these are two people who have a swathe of culture and potentially land mass between them. But they're perfect for each other. There are no races or nationalities I wouldn't be interested in.

Idea 1: MC is a military man overseas. YC is a native to whatever place we decide to base this at. The two meet, and a SoL romance starts between them. This culminates in him marrying her and taking her back stateside. Even though MC is a dominant man, he is also deeply romantic and wants to have a real relationship with her. So, she should be like-minded and want the same thing (IE, the kinks above).

Idea 2: Modern Mail Order Bride. MC is an older man with good money. He has finally reached a point where he can take his hands off the wheel at his company. He arranges an ad for a bride. YC's parents could answer it, or YC herself. Either way, they eventually decide to get married after the two talk and converse. We would start with their first meeting.

Idea 3: Vacation Romance. The two of them meet on a vacation (either her country or his), a romance ensues, and they decide never to leave their vacation destination. This one is pretty self-explanatory and involves the same kinks and stuff listed above.

Some word salad to spark an idea

90 Day Fiance
Mail Order Bride
Vacation Romance
Pen Pals

Original Ideas Involving Multiple Characters

I love love island! It's a lot of fun and I love the whole format concept. While I've done it before as like a big group thing I would love to find someone willing to do it as a one on one featuring multiple characters. I think it might be even more fun to do it as a one on one thing because we'll have more direct control over the shenanigans that the group gets into and the potential for drama. We can decide on how big the cast is (obviously we can cut it down a bit if needed) and the antics we get into.

Erotically Charged Plots

Here you can find plots of mine that are more erotica focused than the norm. Even with my erotically charged plots, I'm still looking for a good story, plot, and characters. I'm not looking to do a "slow burn" with these ones. These plots are all about people who are both super into each other and ready to have some fun!

Biting The Apple
Good old fashion cheating plot! Two people meet, they want each other, and one (or both) are married. And I mean THEY want each other. This is another plot where I'm looking for a forward woman who knows what she wants and isn't afraid to flirt and seduce to get it. I want them both to be questionably moral enough to enjoy the taboo, secret meetings, and what not. Then of course feelings and stuff come into play. They can both have shitty partners that warrant cheating or just dead marriages and cold beds.

Bonus points if you want to include the following:
Toxicity (They Fight, They Fuck, They do unhealthy things to each other)
Obsession (She comes to his work in the classic trenchcoat and lingerie, he blows up her phone while she's with someone, she threatens to come over at night because she NEEDS to see him)
Pregnancy (She gets pregnant)

Red Light/Green Light:
This is actually one that I feel can have a very good story to it. I'm looking to play a guy who has problems with cuming to early. After having a bad experience with a woman, he decided to finally get it fixed. He goes to YC a domme and or sex worker (she doesn't domme him so don't worry) and pays her to help him build up his ability to last. IE playing the Red Light/Green Light game. After a while of this, a romance starts to form between the two of them.

Mom not wanting a son to go away:
In this one, a stepmother (married or not is up to you) faces the reality that her son is about to leave for college. However, she really doesn't want him to! She convinces herself that he should stay at home and be with her. After all, she can take care of him best! Convinced, she sets about convincing him of the same thing.

Daughter's diary about dad:
In this one, darling stepdaddy finds out his daughter has a big crush on him via her diary! How he finds out about it and reads the diary is up to us. However, now that he knows, he can't help but notice her. The question is, what are the two going to do about it?

Sugar baby/Sugar daddy:
Nothing concrete for this one! I just love sugar baby and sugar daddy stories.

One Night Stand Leads to Pregnancy:
A classic and personal favorite of mine! Two people who are super into each other have the best sex of their lives but pass like two ships in the night. Things change however when a surprise pregnancy happens!

Mail Order Bride:
In the vein of a modern-day arranged marriage thing. A wealthy man decides the best way to get what he wants from a woman is to purchase it. He is lucky enough to find someone who is into the fact that he's slightly older and dominant (NOTE: Key word there is she's into it).

The Celebrity Idea:
I've seen a lot of postings pertaining to the idea of playing celebrity characters. My interest has been piqued and I've decided to throw together my own celebrity interest request.

I don't really have a ton of interest in bad end scenarios. Anything like blackmail or coercion just doesn't interest me. However, I don't mind obsession and think that has the potential to be fun. I'd also be interested in doing something where they have a meet cute and fall in love with each other.

But if you're looking for the darker idea. Then it would be something along the lines of my guy being obsessed with the celebrity in question and deciding he must have her. He would then manipulate things so that way he could be in her life (maybe intercept her at a resort or something?) and then they would be together.

I would like to explore the potential as well of the scenario and her new boyfriend enjoying kinky play. IE. I think it would be fun if they enjoyed putting her back in her "roles". Costumes and everything! It's not something that has to be included but something I feel like might be fun.

Trying to list the celebrity women I'd be interested in would take forever. I'll give you a few but this is nowhere near a complete list. If you have a celebrity you've been itching to play please let me know!

Christina Hendricks
Margot Robbie
Karen Fukuhara
Kat Dennings

Like I said that's a very off the cuff list! If you have a celeb you'd like to play let me know.

There we go! If you see anything you like please let me know! I look forward to hearing from you.
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