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Mx Female Jshxn's Roleplay Ideas [Mother-Son Content]


Sep 24, 2023
Hello! I will post my brief introduction here and then post my favorite plots.


I'm a 20 year old guy hailing from somewhere in the corner and decided to post an ad seeking partners for roleplay.

I'm looking for someone who can roleplay and be friends with me.

The partner I prefer, ideally:

- should be older than me. I have a thing for older women :)
- is into playing the role of mother
- is open to roleplaying and also conversing from time to time, getting to know each other
- not necessary, but would be amazing if she's also into cuckolding

About me:

- 20M
- LOVE being your son, cuckold son, husband or boyfriend
- has a variety of kinks
- can play multiple men
- never run out of kinky ideas 😉

Ideally, roleplays would involve modern-day settings, but I'm also open to, and enjoy, medieval themes. Cuckold, isekai, netorare, getting sucked into video games, sleep-overs, queen-prince, etc. are some of my favorites. So are slice-of-life, or something kinkier - having a whore mother, a slutty mother.. all of these are what I love.

I'm available on Reddit, Discord and Kik.

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#1: An Online Mom-Son Setup

What I'm exactly seeking is an older woman to be my mother online. Simple. The roleplay is that, I am your son living far from home in a different city pursuing my studies and you & I talk to each other online (Reddit/Discord/Kik). I want us to talk and get comfortable with each other, to the point where calling you "mom/mommy/mama" comes natural and you calling me "son" makes you relish your motherhood.

And then all the fun begins.

Once we're comfortable with being each other's mother and son, we can do roleplays, incestuous ones! We can tell everyone we're a real mother-son couple, we can in fact include cuckoldery as well! It'd be exhilarating to flirt with some of your son's friends online, right? Be that naughty aunty for those hormone raging boys, will you, mommy?

#2: A Trip To The Mountains

Your son had recently finished his school. What better time than this to go on a vacation with him, right? The three of you - you, your son and your husband decided a trip to a hillstation but for some reason your husband had to bail out in the end. Nevertheless, the travel agency had already been paid so you decided to take your son for a week-long trip.

It started off pretty fun! The hotel was amazing and the sights were grand. There were large lakes and waterfalls, beautiful sunrises and misty forests. Everything was magical and it was even more special to visit them with your own son.

Things took a turn on the trekking trip however. While hiking up to the mountains, you & your son got lost! The compass wasn't working and there were no signals. Suddenly, it started downpouring heavily. With nowhere to go, you two scrambled around only to see a small shelter up on top of a hill. A dark-skinned man was guarding it but he was nice enough to let you two in.

Apparently.. there's a violent thunderstorm coming that wouldn't go away for the rest of the week. I mean.. it's not that bad, right? A cozy cabin up a hill, an apocalyptic world outside and a bunker bed to share with your handsome son.. and occasional interruptions by the black man.

#3: Taboo & Cuckolding In The Small Town [Husband-Wife]

We were high school sweethearts, the modern-day Romeo and Juliet, a dynamic duo. After graduation, we tied the knot and returned to my cozy hometown, where everyone seemed to know everyone else. It was a warm, comfortable haven but it had its own drawbacks - it was a bit awkward and narrow-minded.

Let me explain...

While our relationship was just an average matrimony of the town, your daring fashion choices never failed to spice things up. The miniskirts and occasional sneak peek of cleavage stirred more than just curiosity among the locals, igniting both envy towards me and a desire towards you, among the men. Wives couldn't help but shoot you side-eye when their husbands couldn't resist striking up conversations with you, and the husbands? Well, they couldn't resist the irresistible.

I'd chuckle as I watched men and boys try to impress you, secure in the fact that our love was unshakable. With your seductive curves and that lovely complexion, it was no wonder they were drawn to you. And your friendly nature? Let's just say it added an extra dash of spice to our neighborhood.

In one such irresistible moment, my desires compelled me to sit you down. I expressed my appreciation for your friendly charm and how hot I found it the way other men fantasized about you. Our love was unshakable, yet I entertained a naughty thought – spicing things up, not just for us, but our entire neighborhood.

As I brought up the topic, I couldn't help but wait in anticipating. Would you like the idea of inviting another man into our passionate moments? Or would you prefer the exclusive monogamy?

Currently craving any of these! I usually love group RPs and prefer to do it on Discord. I'd love to make a small server for BMR members who'd approach me for the roleplay and give them various roles. Presently, however, looking for someone who can and loves playing a mother's role.
The Adelaide Inn... A Mom/Son Fantasy

It's a story about a son who uses his mother to help helpline business survive.

The Adelaide Inn

In the small kingdom of Clearfalls, there lived a young man in his early twenties named Jason "Jase" Hansley along with his lovely mother Rebecca "Becky" Hansley in her late forties. They had a small farm and the two had a local inn – the Adelaide Inn, which Jason started managing ever since he reached his twenties. Although Clearfalls boasted a lot of visitors, the earnings from the tavern weren't much and the two barely managed to survive. However, Jase and his mother Becky were content serving the few customers they got, they enjoy talking with the various townsfolk, or sometimes tending to their garden and farm – life was good.

But not for long. Business wasn't blooming and to make matters worse, the Lord of Clearfalls let out a new notice that they would shut down all inns and taverns which weren't generating enough revenue. The news came as shock to Jason. Business seemed to be dwindling down… how will they live without the inn? What would they do? No, Jason will do something to save his bread and butter. Although Rebecca was optimistic, as a responsible adult Jason knew he had to do something; he was the man of the house, after all.

Days passed with Jason lost in his thoughts. He had an idea but he wasn't sure about it. After giving it a lot of thought, one fine evening Jason knocked on his darling mother's room. He was nervous and did not know if his mother would agree to his proposal. He had come to her room to discuss about giving his customers a "special evening". He asked his lovely, sweet mother if she would entertain their guests in exchange for some money.

It is inspired from a Wife NTR game of the same name and I'd really love to try it out with someone. If you're interested in becoming my mother Rebecca as we roleplay through various crazy scenes, write to me
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