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Into the Great Beyond [Reydan x Nymphome]

Feeling Brogann's heavy hand cupping my perky ass through the tight jumpsuit, I let out a small shocked gasp, glancing briefly in his direction thought he continues to play it cool. Yet I find that I don't mind the feeling of, sending waves of excitement coursing through my body. I can't help but grin slightly, before turning my attention to Trixie as she started to cheer up.
"Well, glad to hear you guys are on. Now, just to get Ava fixed up…" I say, trailing off when I spot the little Vorgalan eyeing me up as he watches a vid.

Dread washes over me when he shows the clip of Ava's simulated me riding the alien dildo. Even as my cheeks blush I fix the goblin-like creature with an icy death glare.
"Never you mind!" I snap, before marching up the boarding ramp onto The Wildcat, leaving the others to follow me. As I walk through the ship I point out the various features and rooms, giving Brogann and Trixie a brief tour.
"Hey Grex buddy, got some friends to meet," I say as I lead the way into the crew quarters. I make some brief introductions between Grex, Trixie and Brogann, and finally I lead Brogann and Trixie into the command centre where Ava is housed.
"Right well, while you guys get started, I'm gonna go get out of this ridiculous get up," I say, gesturing to the skintight racing jumpsuit, before heading up to the captains quarters.
After the introductions are made and the jobs assigned, you retreat to your quarters as you feel the ship lift off.

Whilst Brogann and Trixie work, Grex nudges the ship gently into orbit. "Just taking precautions Cap" you hear his rough, deep, voice over the intercom. "Reckon between you helping me out in the market and your show at the race track, you're attracting more attention than you'd like here on the station. Plus" you can hear his grin over the channel "we got that tasty lead on some illegal cargo to follow up courtesy of that red bitch you sucker punched!"

Maybe its the long day of racing, or the excitement of your new crew, or the distraction of worrying about Ava, but you don't hear the footsteps behind you until its too late.

You're struggling with the skin-tight racing suit, having nudged the material down to your knees, when the hands shove you forward, sending you face first onto your bunk.

"You cheating little slut!" you hear an angry voice shout, and you are rolled onto your stomach to see Yroll, the goblinoid racer you distracted, glaring at you. He must have snuck aboard in the confusion. He's angry, his long nose quivering in rage. He's also naked and his thick green shaft, which almost looks comically oversized on him, is hard.

"You need to be taught a lesson!" he snaps, holding aloft a syringe of pink liquid.

OOoooooooh giggles Ava in your mind Pentonal At-47-B12. "Slut Serum". How delicious. A shot that size will leave you mewling for pleasure for a couple of days.

He brandishes the syringe, but you've still got space to roll aside if you were quick. Or at least, you hope you've got space....
"Good thinking Grex," I say, and I find myself grinning. His enthusiasm is infectious. Despite everything that's happened so far, I feel good. I've got my own crew and a decent lead to follow up on. "Don't worry Grex. As soon as Ava's all fixed up we'll go get us some loot." I say as I stand before the mirror in my room, admiring how the racing suit clings to my body. Then, I begin the arduous task of peeling it off.

The suit unzips down to my belly button, but even then it's hard work, tugging it down from my shoulders. It rolls down over my stomach, and slowly down my thighs.
"I don't remember it being this difficult to get on," I grumble to myself as I get it down to my knees. And then there's a sudden shove and I go flying into my bunk.
"The hell," I groan, and my eyes go wide when I see Yroll. They go wider still when I see that he's naked, his cock thick, throbbing and bigger than I had expected it to be.

"Well just hold up now," I say, Ava's words rising in my ears as my eyes linger on the syringe in his hand. A coupe of days!? There was no way I could afford that. Sure, there was no way Yroll would be able to get off this ship alive, but could I really afford to spend a few days affected by this Slut Serum? Especially after just building my crew. What would they think of me?

"Please sir, you don't have to kill me!" I say, playing dumb, putting on my best fearful little girl routine as I struggle to scoot away from him. There's not enough room and my legs are still tangled up in the racing suit, making it hard to move. But my mind is focused on one of the spare blasters I keep in the units behind Yroll, and doing whatever it takes to get there.
"Maybe I can convince you to be merciful?" I say, adding a hint of seduction to the fear. "I'm sure we can work something out to show you how sorry I am," I add, hoping that the little goblinoid will take the opportunity to humiliate me without the serum, as I let my eyes drop pointedly to his big, thick shaft.
You're honeyed words seem to work on the little goblin-like creature, as his eyes sink to your wet little sex. He leans forward, slinging your legs over his shoulder presenting your exposed holes to him as his triumphant, lustful, gaze meets yours.

"Yessss I knew you were an eager little slut. Maybe I won't need this after all" he croons. You've succeeded in getting him to put the syringe aside, at least for now, but the position he's holding you in makes it hard for you to wriggle free easily, despite your difference in size. You feel his swollen cockhead grind on your wet lips.

"Knew you was a little slut - and then broadcasting it to whole station - already people be making a killing selling you online" he purrs, teasing you, rubbing his cockhead up and down your labia.

He's got such a big one hasn't he Ava croons in your ear maybe you should beg. Or maybe you should let him jab you with that syringe after all. I mean, imagine having a great big orgy with your new crew members for dayssssssssss

"You ready to show me how sorry you is?" cackles Yroll, clearly not able to hear your rogue AI and her breathless pouting. His little hands cup your rear, squeezing your perfectly toned young flesh, as he prepares to slide his cock deep into you.
Well the good news is my plan worked and I watch as he puts the syringe down. The bad news is, it might have worked a little bit too well. I'd been hoping to get away with a quick blowjob before getting my hands on a gun. Yet here I am laying on my back, his thick alien cock grinning against me.

To make matters even worse I can feel my own arousal as he rubs his length against my slick folds. I feel my cheeks redden slightly with embarrassment. I knew the events of the day had left me feeling excited, conflicted and a little pent up. But in all the chaos, I'd yet to really think about it, or act on anything.

"It's so big," I gasp as I feel his cockhead grinding against my wet entrance. This time, the hit of fear in my voice is entirely real. Despite his small size, Yroll is sporting a cock bigger and thicker than anything I've ever taken before. Looking down, I can't deny there's a surge of excitement at the sigh of his grin skin handling and rubbing against my pale young flesh. His green shaft glistens slightly, already smeared with my juices as he lines himself up, ready to claim my tight young body and give me my first alien cock, while I do my best to ignore Ava's voice in my ear.
He leans in, impaling you. His thick alien cock, strangely knobbled along the shaft, pushes deep into your tight sex. It bulges your toned stomach, and you feel Yroll drooling in excitement, his saliva dripping onto your skin. He pushes slowly, making you savour every inch, until finally you feel him bottom out in you.

"Blonde human should think bout being a whore not a racer" he groans. "Dis is sweet pussy. So tight and wetttt".

He pulls back, exiting you with a lewd little pop, his cock slick with your arousal. His small hand spanks your rear, leaving a red hand print on the pale skin. "Ready for a fucking?" he chuckles. But he doesn't wait for an answer. Yroll begins to saw into you, the horny little goblin working your sex with a practiced ease.

Mmmmmmmm now this is what I'm taking about purrs that silken voice again. Do you want me to record this? Episode II and all that? If you're the one who uploads it to the extranet, you'll get the money after all.... Then she shifts a little, her voice more insistent. Make sure you please him sweetie. We don't want him to jab you with that syringe. Or do we?

Yroll is fucking you harder now, working his thick alien cock into you with rough strokes. His hands scrabble with the remains of your racing suit, tossing it to one side, and he pulls out, reaching for your legs to spread them, presumably to continue his fucking.

But, for a second, he's left you free...that is, if you still want to escape...
A strangled gasp escapes my lips as the tip of his cock pushes inside me, stretching me out. I've never felt anything like it. Inch after inch of his large, knobbled cock slides deeper, every bump in his shaft rubbing me in just the right way. Eventually he bottoms out, filling me up completely. I glance down, shock to see my tone stomach bulging around his sheer size.
"Fuuuuuck," I groan as he started to pull back, eventually pulling out all the way, his whole length slick with my excitement.
"Ready for a fucking?" He says, but it's not a question. One way or another, I'm getting fucked.

As the little goblin-like creature thrusts back into me, I can't help but moan. Lightly at first, then a little louder and lewder. I blush a little deeper, embarrassed by just how amazing it feels to have this disgusting little goblin-man bury his entire cock deep inside me. My hands clutch then bed sheets tightly as I throw my head back.

"Yes, oh yes, fuck," I pant in a breathy voice, my tight walls gripping his shaft tightly as I feel myself getting closer and closer to orgasm. And then he's gone. His cock slides out as he pulls off my racing suit entirely, and I let out an embarrassingly pathetic moan of disappointment. I've never felt pleasure like it, letting him fuck me rough and hard, in the way nobody had ever dared to before. As he turns back to me, my gaze lingers on the unit where my spare blaster is hiding.
Just a little longer, I tell myself.
His grin is wide, curling up each side of his huge long nose as he looks over your panting form. Even as your hot little slit oozes arousal onto the bed below you.

"Get up" he commands, reaching forward to slap your rear once more. "Up onto that bed you blonde little sextoy. You gets that fine body up there and show me you sorry. Face down. Ass up".

He waits, fist running over his knobbly green cock. Working your juices and his precum along it with a lewd slicking noise. Waiting for you to obey his command. He clearly intends to put you in your place now. Again, the opportunity for escape is right there, but your will seems to be ebbing....

...away? supplies the giggly voice in your head. Maybe you should keep this one around. Add him to your crew? Imagine how much fun you'd have. Also, I'm recording all this deliciousness. So just let me know if you want to live upload this all to the extranet. I mean, all those thousands of people in the stadium saw the real you, so why not let the galaxy have a peak?
I shouldn't do this, I think. Every rational part of me tells me to put a stop to this, to escape. But god it had just felt so good! I've always been curious about aliens and now I knew the truth. As I watched him stroke his big greek cock, slick with our combined juices, I knew I wasn't going to say no.

Just as Yroll ordered, I climbed up onto the bed. On my hands and knees, I wiggled my ass enticingly, giving him a great view of my tight, wet pussy. Why shouldn't I have some fun? I tell myself that he's just a piece of meat. That I'm gonna use him for my pleasure and once I'm done, I'll blow him away. After all, the thought of adding this… creature to my crew made me shudder. There would be no keeping him under control. Which is precisely why I had just enough common sense to position myself on the bed so the to fuck me, he would be further away from the syringe of pink Slut Serum, giving me at least some chance when I was ready to strike.

The fact that Ava was recording us though, sent a strange surge of emotions through me. Int was oddly exciting, though I didn't much loathe the idea of uploading it for all to see, certainly not while I was trying to make a name for myself as a mercenary. I wasn't desperate for money. At least, no yet. But the idea of watching back my first time with an alien was… an interesting thought.
He clambers onto the bed, grabbing a handful of your hair and pushing your head down into the messed up sheets. Despite his diminutive size, he is rough and controlling, his other hand sinking into your pussy. Fingers long and crooked as they stretch out your already fucked hole. Wet arousal makes his fingers slick, but he begins to work your sex, teasing and tweaking you.

"Youse like that, don't cha girly?" he grinned, his triumph plastered all over his face. "Show off on da track, but a total slut in da bedroom. Bet you couldn't wait for me to come to ya. Now lemme hear you beg for a good fuckin. Let me hear you beg like a bitch for me big green cock".

His hand in your long hair turns your pretty face to him, allowing him to slap your lips with his shaft, urging you to give voice to your arousal. Urging you to beg him for sex.

All the while, your rogue AI continues to film your submission, her lithe young captain face down on the bed, your ass raised as a toy for the goblin intruder.
I gasp as the goblin, surprisingly strong despite his smaller size, grabs a handful of blonde hair and forces my head down into then sheets. His fingers find my eager entrance, teasing me, making me whimper and whine in need. It's not what I want and he knows it.

Please," I whimper. Embarrassment reddens my face once again. I crumbled so quickly in this creatures firm grasp, but I wanted him to fuck me so bad. I needed more.
"Please, fuck me. I need more, I need… to be fucked by your big, green cock," I say, my words a breathy moan dripping with lust as I beg the goblin to shove himself inside me once more, to not hold back and claim me right here and now.

"I was such a bad girl at the race, tricking you like that, and it's time you taught me a lesson," I add, my voice somehow sounding both innocent and sultry at the same time.
Your sultry words have the desired effect, with a swat to your hot little rear, Yroll moves, positioning his small body behind your rear.

A hand, its long, crooked, fingers reaching out, curls in your hair. Gathering it like a ponytail. Or maybe more like a leash.

"Such a pretty rich girl thing" he chuckles, and you feel his cock grind against your rear, riding up and down your ass crack as he teases you. "But right now, just a whore for cock."

Then he enters you, that same thick knobbly cock parting your lower lips and sliding into a sex made slick with lust. He pushes in, rocking forward, but at the same time begins to move your body. His spare hand on your hip, he urges you to move, to fuck back against him as he takes you doggie style. Clearly wanting your humiliation to be complete, Yroll is encouraging you to fuck yourself on his cock even as he drives it deep into you.

"Ain't going to stop until youse calling yourself Yroll's little bitch!" he groans, enjoying your tight sex but clinging to that dominant, punishing, desire.
A soft, needy moan escapes my lips as I once again feel that alien cock at my entrance, parting my lips as he pushes inside me. Instinctively I push back against him, feeling every inch of his thick, knobbly shaft impaling me, filling me up.

"Oh god," I whimper, moans of pleasure getting involuntarily louder. As he holds my hair, I began to rock my body, Yrolls other hand on my hips, guiding me as I bounce back and forth. I can feel the flush of embarrassment in my face as the little alien continues to degrade me, but I don't care. It feels almost too good.

Every thrust sends pleasure radiating throughout my whole body, and I can feel myself getting closer and closer to orgasm.
"Yes, yes, fuck it feels so good," I pant as I move my body, my hands clutching the bed sheets. And then I reach the point of no return.

For a brief moment my mind goes blank as my body starts to quiver and shake. Everything else falls away but the pleasure given by the invading alien cock. My pussy spasms, gripping his cock tight as my arms give out. Head down, ass up, I bite down on the bedding, burying my face and muffling lewd moans of pleasure I hadn't realised I was capable of making.
The little goblinoid groans his appreciation as your genetically perfect body bends and submits before him. He slaps that ass again, before kneading the pert young flesh with his long, crooked, fingers.

"Mmmmm yessss is nothing but a speedway sluttttttt" he groans, balls deep in your heavenly little sex.

Oh fuck, I am keeping this recording for personal enjoyment purrs your rogue AI in your mind.

The sheets are tangled beneath you, his cock sliding in and out of your hot little sex, and you can feel his reaching his climax as she shudders and grunts.

"Ohhhhh yessss sluttty girl" he gasps, emptying his hot load deep into you, hilting himself in your sex as his arousal spills over and he cums.
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