Romantic slice of life and more *NEW SCENARIO ADDED*


Feb 22, 2017
Hi There!
Finally getting around to creating a new thread in the hopes of attracting some new partners.

Roleplaying Experience: I have about 20 years of experience and a lot of untapped creativity.

POV: My preference is writing in first person, which allows me to immerse myself into the world I am creating. Roleplay for me has always been a form of escape, I want to really feel it.

Genres & Settings: I am mainly a real world with a twist kind of girl. Romance, story based role with plenty of plot twists and turns. I enjoy creating characters and plots but I do prefer them to be viable in the real world with the exception of shifters.

Face Claims: I love to use face claim, I want to embody the perfect women for my partner and I want to use pictures where possible to ignite his interest, and of course in turn I get to choose my partner face claim.

Medium: I am happy to play here or move to a messenger service.

Pairings I enjoy:
Ex husband and wife
Fighting couple
MMA Fighter / Quite girl with secrets
College sweethearts
Waking up in Vegas with no memories and married (can literally play anybody with this)
Mob Boss / Enemies daughter
Shifter / human
Shifter / Shifter
Mob Boss / Wife
Sons of Anarchy Style MC/ Female (lots of different ways to go with this one)

I am open to discussing other roles of course.

These pairing may seem boring but my creative mind will add twists you never thought of.

Open to hearing all types of roles but I will not respond to requests of.......

F-list - F-list - Warning

Thought I would try adding a few opening scenes to my thread..... to perhaps bait some good players.

********I could see this vacation far enough and coming from a girl who gets up at 4am every morning to make the morning news presenters look like they woke up like this and who doesn't ever get time off work the prospect of going on an all inclusive vacation is normally something to be beyond excited about but this particular vacation I was not thrilled about because it means I'm going to have to spend time with My ex husband.......

We booked this trip almost a year ago with our 2 best friends who we have known since college and pretty much the beginning of our relationship. These people were the few people at our court house wedding 6 years ago. They have witnessed us at our happiest and at our worst and sadly they will have our worst on this trip.

This whole thing was a bright idea that came during one of our parties we had when you err on rest from the rig decided it would be a fantastic idea to blow the last of our savings on an all inclusive holiday to the Maldives. At the time it sounded amazing, the island,the sun all day, the water sports and the cocktails........I mean it could have been the tequila talking that night I'm not really sure but we booked and paid for it so it looks like I'm going because I can't afford to just throw that kind of money away and since I will probably never be able to afford a holiday again never mind something like this it is probably my last chance to get away.

I walk around the bed staring at the clothes I've laid out checking them off on my list making sure so haven't forgetting something I might need. Plopping down on the master bed and looking at the huge half empty wardrobe in front of me my mind wonders for a split second if you have remembered to pack even half the things you will need. I consider taking my list to the spare bedroom at the other side of the hall which became your permanent home 4 months ago when we realised that we couldn't make this marriage work, we wanted different things and since neither of us could afford to move out after you lost your job and continue to pay for the mortgage on this mammoth house hind site it was a stupid house to buy but I fell in love with it and you made it happen, the location was the main selling point. So close to the beach it had fantastic views over the cliff and I could listen to the sound of the ocean at night. It has beautiful high ceilings that made my inner interior designer squeal with excitement while decorating the place. I could even hang large chandeliers and even at 6"4' you wouldn't hit your head off it like Oi did every night in our first tiny apartment together. This is my dream house but I can never afford it alone and since our marriage has pretty much dissolved I know we need to sell this place and honestly right now it just fells huge and lonely and empty as we where never in the same room together it doesn't feel like home anymore just a big stupid house.

That not being in the same room thing of course was about to change we had two weeks sharing a beach hut to look forward too. We haven't spoken a full sentence to each other in weeks and the months before that it was mostly sentences that just consisted of curse words and name calling so it wasn't a far stretch to wonder why I was so anxious and pretty much dreading this trip. Shaking my head I push all thoughts of helping you out of my head I needed as much time as possible alone to prepare for this trip 5am was going to come far to quickly!

When the alarm obnoxiously beeped in my ear at 4am I half considered just turning off and sleeping in for the first time in probably years just so I would miss the flight but then the guilt over the money we spent on it hits me and forces me out of bed and to be ensuite bathroom for a shower to try and make me less like a zombie. Washing my hair and body in the hot steaming water works I feel slightly better and after applying a bag full of make up and concealer I actually resemble a human women.....success! I blow dry my beautifully long caramel hair before styling it into messy waves around my face, I'm not really sure why I'm making so much effort to look half decent I know as soon as I get on the plane il out my hair up and wish I wasn't wearing so much make up but I can't help wanting to look good show you and our friends that I'm ok and if I look ok they won't think otherwise.

I step back and look at my working the no make up look but feeling like I've made to much effort I pull on a plain T still tight to my body and then add some jeans and a jacket and my boots since your so damn tall. I can't remember the last time I put so much effort into what I looked like around you. Why did it matter what I looked like? I had been walking around this house for months and not cared but for some reason the thought of going out in public with you and with friends has me fixing my hair one last time in an attempt to look good.

When I'm finally ready I step out of the bathroom and gather up my bags listening to you down stairs it's 4:45am and you already have music playing. I can't tell what it is but no doubt you were making coffee and tapping along. I can clearly picture what you will be wearing and I pray my body doesn't react any kind of way toward it I do not need my suddenly neglected female parts remember how hot you are esp in the morning with that shaggy look to your hair. I'm pretty sure this is the longest I have went without any kind of touch or attention from you in the 8 years I have known you and my body parts like to remind me of that every so often but thankfully my brain usually kicks in with a reminder to why we are no longer together.

Taking a big deep breath i start dragging my bags down stairs to face you. Refusing to ask for help I thump my case down every step to annoy the hell out of you because you are playing music so fucking loud!*****

It's about a guy and his 3 brothers. He is the youngest and a sophomore in college. Like all his brothers before him he's a fighter and he earns his money fighting in an under ground fight once a month held in a secret location for Big cash. And also like his brothers he has never lost a fight. One Brother is a cop and his twin brothers are firemen. Just for reference purposes.

He lives off campus with his cousin and best friend who just happens to be dating my best friend. We have never met before because you have a serious reputation for temper and I'm a quiet girl who pretends to everybody that she is sweet and innocent but she has a secret....its her mob boss father who runs those fighting rings, so getting close to a fighter is NOT a good idea.

We meet when I finally give in and go to a fight because the water has burst in our dorm and we need a place to stay so your cousin offers your apartment for me and my friend to stay for a couple days.

Smoke thickened as the night wore on. The bar was crowded and i moved from one person to the next along the bar, filling drink orders. We didn't have a uniform as such but with the heat in this smoke filled bar I always choose to wear shorts, denim with rips in the bottoms and a loose fitting chequered shirt. My hair was down and no doubt gathering all of the scents of the bar but I needed the tips so I put on the red lipstick and I made it work. I had taken this job a month ago when I had come into town. My slime ball boss, Derrick, had been more than happy to hire me. He had recently lost a bar tender and I was above average in appearance even if i didn't think so he made that clear in the interview he didn't even ask if I could pull a pint. Derrick was at the far end of the bar talking with some regulars. I had learned relatively quickly to keep space between myself and Derrick so I had Luke tending bar in between.

I hated the place. Derrick was an ass. He was always grabbing me and making crude comments. He had even attacked me once. But i had kicked him in the shin and gotten away. I needed this job. I needed the money. I had been bounced around foster home to foster home and when I finally found a nice family I was 16. I stayed until I turned 21 last month and then I had to leave to make room for other kids to have this great family but now I was complete on my own.

The other people I worked with were mostly nice. Kelly was really the only bitch and that was because I had gotten the job Kelly had wanted. In this place the best spot to be in was behind the bar where the only person who could grab you was Derrick. Anywhere else and you were fair game for all the assholes who came in the place. Kelly's main problem with me had to do with the fact that she figured she had been there longer, had done her time and deserved the bartender job. When Derrick gave it me he had made Kelly a permanent enemy.

I approached the new guy who had sat down at the bar near the wall. He was....impressive to say the least. His approach had most of the other patrons making more than enough room for him, resulting in an unnatural amount of space at that end of the bar. I was perfectly happy to have a short lull in the number of people I had to deal with. The man was pretty big, even sitting on a stool he looked massive but he also looked as though he'd had the worst day of his life. "What can I get you?" I ask my voice almost laced with unspoken questions as I take in the strangely addictive scent surrounding you.

High School…..

Liam was already over it and not sure why he was even here. It’s not like he didn’t KNOW what he was going to do when he got out of school. His fate was signed, sealed, and delivered. He belonged to the club. It was a biker's life for him, and he eagerly embraced it.

The guy knew what he wanted in life.

The big, massive bear of a man had to finish high school, though. He was seventeen (soon to be eighteen) and his junior year. His Ma said that he had to finish before he went off to the club, and Liam was a mama’s boy through and through. His dad couldn’t save him and instead found the whole thing amusing. He thought the sight of his big son rolling up to high school on his bike was the most amusing shit ever.

Yeah…. It was kind of hilarious.

Liam guided the bike into the parking spot and kicked the stand down. He wasn’t allowed to wear a cut just yet because he hadn’t officially joined the club. So he wore a plain cut with no patches, a tight white undershirt that showed off his muscles, and a pair of riding jeans with a studded belt. He had a bunch of rings on his hands, and his long blonde hair was pulled back in a top knot.

He looked rough! But that was kind of the point.

Liam smoothly moved off the bike and grabbed his bag. He was actually a decent student (he loved history) and was ready to finish his junior year and move onto senior. He thew the bag over his broad shoulders and started down the path. He was looking for a certain someone. Who had promised she’d look good for him and wear something nice and tight. Liam licked his full lips in anticipation and continued down the path. He was so tall he stood out like a beacon among the other High Schoolers.


Being a club members daughter had some perks but also some draw backs. One of which was the fact that even though i had a license i still wasnt allowed a car to drive myself to school and since my dad refused to let anybody else take me to school on the back of their bike i was stuck getting a ride to school with my mom. Super embarrassing but knowing i was going to see Liam in a few minutes made up for it.

We have been friends pretty much our whole lives seeing as our fathers are president and vice president of the MC Club here in Nevada. It wasnt until this past summer that things changed between us. I'm not even sure when the change happened but one minute we were friends and hanging out and the next Liam had a guy by the throat at a party for slapping my ass. Something about the was he was so protective of me just set me on fire. We have been inseparable ever since. Well as inseparable as two teenagers with strict parents can be.

I pulled on a tight two piece set in a deep maroon colour that I know will compliment my tanned skin and stick tight to all of my curves. Hes goina lose his mind today and i cant fucking wait. Nobody at school knows we are together yet so its goina be a fun day when the guys who flirt with me and check me out have to deal with Liam and probably his two best friends Axel and Gunner.

Jumping out of my moms car i wave her off and head to the steps of the school with a coffee in hand as i wait for you to show up. When i hear the rumbling of a bike i know its you, but being under 5ft means i cant see shit over the crowds of students filing into the building. Guess il have to wait until you find me or i spot you over the other people.

Private message me for my discord if you are interested.

Thanks for reading

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