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NBx Any Dickgirl/Femboy Seeking Cock-Hungry Monsters, Aliens, Beastly Horrors, Mangled Mutants and Creepy Pervs for Dark Erotic Stories!


Feb 10, 2015

Greetings dear reader hopefully, if the title caught your eye we are already off to a good start though I'll make sure to provide an overview of what I am after so you can see if you want to read the rest (there's quite a lot.) So, let's explain what kind of perverse, lewd, wet and sticky fun I have in mind for us to hopefully write together!

To put it into a suspiciously sticky nutshell, I am looking to play a female-presenting character who has a penis and testicles against an array of inhuman monstrosities who love nothing more than dragging her off to leave her sore, limp and drained. Whether she's a busty dickgirl or an athletic trap I am happy to play as either one thrown into whatever situation leads to lots of dark, depraved perversion and hideously mind-shattering pleasure.

Now, when it comes to the antagonists you'll be playing, whether it is a horde, a handful or one singular entity I typically lean toward the more alien and non-human types of monsters. Giant slug creatures, hideous slimy malformed mounds of flesh or even some invisible amorphous horror. Now, that doesn't mean any human or humanoid things involved but they should be heavily mutated (either to begin with or during) tongues for fingers or a toothless mouth twisted into a pure cocksucking horror show and other similar things.

My character for this will tend toward certain traits (more details further into the thread) though I don't mind tweaking her more to your monstrous hungers. In general, they are the quietly confident types, talented but untested, skilled but inexperienced in whatever their setting-appropriate occupation is. Their sexual experience however is entirely down to what we think makes for the hottest and most depraved set-up for monster fun times, from none to lacklustre perhaps she's even bored of it to begin with? To put it more simply, my characters will have a rough range of traits and ranges we can tweak to make her your monster's dream 'cum' true.

The Boring Bits

I'll keep this bit short, just a list of more mundane points to ponder!
  • Where I RP: I prefer to RP via PM's.
  • Posting Rate: This varies a lot at present but I will always try to post at least 1-2 times a week. Sometimes it may be a lot faster so consider this a minimum.
  • OOC Chat: I don't mind chatting OOC and generally prefer it especially when it comes to setting things up. Whether it's just chatting about the story or something else, fire away!
  • Pronoun Preference: I typically use female pronouns for my characters though I am open to using male ones too, depending on your preference, just let me know!
  • RL Comes First: If a post is going to be delayed or taking a while just let me know, this is for fun, not a job and I apply zero pressure for faster replies!
  • Detail: I don't expect every post to be a novel-length piece but the more you give me, the more I can give back!
  • Initial Contact: Nothing pumps up my enthusiasm for RP more than a well thought out PM, a single line will make me very wary.
  • Expected Post Length: For me, this depends on the situation in the story, lewd scenes and action can be quite lengthy and any dialogue (if it occurs) might require a quicker back and forth. So long as you can give me at least 2-3 decent paragraphs that is enough. While more is always appreciated it's not required!
  • Story vs Smut: I often get asked this one but I'll frontload it and say this will be smut heavy and the smuttier the better! Having said that I do want there to be a story, a plot, something solid to drive the smut forward but I leave that up to the preference of who I write with!
  • Dickgirl: For me I play them with cock and balls only, do not ask for herm.
  • -Reserved for more!-

Another fairly simple section but I'll be listing some preferences when it comes to settings, it's not set in stone so if you have an idea you think fits then just lay it on me!
  • Modern With a Twist: Cosmic horror is always a favourite plus a mundane situation turning alien or horrific is probably among my favourite types of setting for this. A wrong turn in the woods can have surprising consequences!
  • Fantasy: Be it high or low power fantasy it gives a lot of options to work with and is generally something I have a fair amount of experience writing for.
  • Science Fiction: Another favourite of mine whether it's some high tech setting or some gritty hard science one I am up for most sci-fi settings.
  • Post-Apocalpyse: These settings would fit what I am after though they can also be mixed with other settings.
  • Anything Not Here: I am open to other potential ideas as well, so if what you like isn't listed here just throw the idea my way and I'll see if it appeals! While I am not a massive fan of using established settings on the whole I am open to them if the idea is good enough!
Scenario Ideas

I'll keep the scenarios fairly basic as I prefer to flesh out the ideas with who I am writing them with, so without further ado!
  • Haunted/Infested House: Whether it's sheltering from a storm, an inherited abode from a creepy relative or something else it's a fairly classic set-up for things going bump in the night. Maybe it's just a house in the middle of nowhere abandoned for decades due to the things that lurk within? The remnants of some occult society who summoned things beyond their control?
  • Crashlanding On An Alien Planet: Isolated far from civilisation works for many settings but the idea of crashing on an alien planet where the life there hungers in a very specific way is appealing!
  • Shipwrecked on a Strange Continent: A strange new continent that my character gets shipwrecked on or otherwise cut off from their expedition as things turn into an erotic nightmare! Works for fantasy settings or even pseudo-modern ones.
  • Trapped on a Derelict Spaceship: Maybe something got aboard a giant sleeper ship, infesting it as some unlucky scavenger happens across it hoping for an easy score only to stumble into a nightmare.
  • Alien/Dimensional Invasion: Think of some kind of alien invasion of a hostile ecosystem or almost indescribable horrors from another dimension turning the world into an apocalyptic wasteland where the one thing they seem to crave is pleasure, whether the prey is willing or not. Maybe they feed off it, maybe they just like mind-breaking people with mind-bending orgasms? The sky is the limit.
  • -Reserved for More!-

Opening/Start Example - Mind The Step (Fantasy)

It was only meant to be a quick look at the area surrounding area to see what game there was to be hunted and also to make sure there was nothing dangerous lurking nearby, the settlers hadn't even put up the first house yet let alone a wall. A rather sizeable looking hill a half days travel had been her agreed-upon destination to offer the best view of the surrounding land. Clear skies and pleasant sunshine made the long trek for Arrina seem like it was shorter than it actually had been, arriving at the summit just after the sun had reached its apex in the sky.

The bare freckled thighs peeking out from beneath the soft leather cuirass glistened with perspiration as she sat upon a rock, sipping from her water skin as her green eyes scanned the land around the hill. Deer and horses seemed to roam freely in the distance and signs of smaller creatures like hares had been frequent during her walk ensuring she felt sure that starving would be pretty difficult. There had been few signs of notable predators beyond a few wolf tracks but she felt sure the fires of the newly founded village would ensure they kept their distance. Satisfied she had seen enough and rested her lithe frame for the walk back to the others this new home far from what she knew had a few tricks up its sleeve.

She'd barely reached the bottom of the hill as the clear blue sky had turned to angry roiling clouds of grey which quickened her steps, she wasn't really dressed for heavy rain. The first rumble of thunder saw Arrina break into a sprint as the heavens split open, disgorging water onto the ground below in vast sheets that churned the ground into a muddy mire in a matter of minutes. Every step sinking her boots deeper and deeper into the mud, she couldn't see properly, water and her own hair obscuring her view as the wind whipped around her, her leg twisted and a jolt of pain shot through her ankle, toppling forwards and landing with a decidedly wet splat onto the ground. What followed confused her sense of direction, she tried to stand only to slip again, sliding partway down a hill only for a rush of water to push her along what felt almost like a flash flooding river of tree branches and mud.

Twisting and turning and just trying not to down in the deluge became all she could sense as lightning flashes blinded what little vision she had among the mud and rain splashing into her face. After a small eternity her direction changed, she dropped a few feet and found herself squeezed by mud slick walls as the water behind her pushed her on until she landed with a splash in a large pool of water before being washed to the edge and scrambling up onto what passed for try land she coughed and spluttered, wiping mud and water from her eyes as they adjusted to the gloom. A single shaft of light from the roof of what seemed to be an underground cavern taunted her at being out of reach, the sound of the storm raging on muted by the cave walls.

Struggling to stand, her ankle throbbing in pain she hobbled around in search of a way out, only able to make out vague shapes as she groped her way along the wall. Unaware of the horrors that lurked in the darkness waiting for her, she slipped through the gap, oblivious to the grotesque creatures and twisted horrors waiting to inflict themselves upon her.

The sound of water pricked at her ears, it had been a couple of days since she'd been able to fill her empty skins of water so the prospect of a cool drink after three days of walking and having nothing but her own thoughts to contemplate, was all too appealing to Arrina. Heading toward the sound she came across a relatively small waterfall, just a few feet high with a small lake at its base which split off into two small brooks disappearing into the trees further on. Straining her ears for a moment she listened but heard nothing so she felt safe enough to continue it should have been her first warning sign but a lack of sleep the previous night ensured she didn't pick up on the fact she heard nothing at all as she knelt at the edge of the pond to scoop a handful of water to taste, she didn't pick up on anything off she helped herself, slaking her thirst whilst she could.

Having swapped from leather trousers to let her legs breathe to the one-piece cuirass and skirt she was too busy ridding herself of her dry mouth to notice what her crotch was above and she likely wouldn't have noticed it given how well it blended into the rocks and stones at the edge of the lake. The lack of sound beyond the small waterfall finally registered, causing her to look around warily but not beneath her as her unknown assailant began to unfurl. On its surface, it might've been described as a barnacle but that was merely a protective shell, camouflage for the creature within, it opened up revealing pink, glistening flesh, raw and unpleasant looking and a mouth which looked not unlike a puckered ring of muscle which then extended up and out of the thick shell, on the underside of that extending length of flesh and muscle was a sharp needle-like protrusion. It moved slowly at first, like a snake ensuring it didn't startle its prey before it sank the stinger deep into the flesh of Arrina's toned inner thigh.

She yelped in surprise, dropping the water skin she was about to fill as a sharp pain filled her senses but the chemical it had injected into her acted quickly as she tried to push herself up and away the leg in question didn't move and she ended up simply flopping onto her back with a confused look etched across her face as she peered downward to try and see what had happened. A small drop of blood where it had jabbed her trickled down her thigh and then drew her eye finally toward her attacker which looked to her like a scaleless, eyeless pink snake that swayed back and forth slowly as though it were swaying in the breeze. Attempting to push herself out of harm's way she realised not only was her other leg ignoring her but her arms as well, they weren't numb but felt heavy, lethargic even tingly but not in the way it would if you lay on it during sleeping.

Panic started to well up in the back of her mind as she thought she had become easy pickings for if not the weird creature between her thighs but anything that happened across her like this. It was at this point she noticed its venom had another more pronounced effect on her. Blood began rushing to her loins and she found herself having to resist the urge to start panting as an almost unbearable warmth flooded into the length of her flaccid cock, slowly but surely the fabric of her underwear began to stretch around her erection until the angle became almost painful. A buzzing almost itchy sensation pulsed through the head of her shaft as pre-cum left an even darkening spot on her struggling panties but the sheer lubrication of the sensitive glans ensured that just before something gave the fabric became slick enough to slide tightly over the bulbous head and her cock almost literally sprang free. The sensation of her panties gripping the head of her cock like that before sliding off would have ordinarily had her toes curling but she was far more worried about what this thing wanted with her.

Whatever it was it had seemingly continued to extend itself from within its protective shell and was now almost two feet in length with a collar of thinner tendrils ringing its midsection still trying to will her treacherous body to move those thinner limbs whipped out with frightening speed and precision. She felt them sliding through her bush and coiling firmly around the base of her cock as others coiled around her scrotum to hold her firmly in place. Her cock twitched, seemingly not caring as pre-cum trickled from the swollen glans and down the underside as she was given a rough idea of what it was going to do to her. The strange puckered orifice parted with a wet, sticky noise as a huff of sickeningly hot moist air emerged from it to wash over her cock like hot breath. Propped up on the pack on her back she almost wished she'd taken it off so she would have been spared looking at it. Its interior was thick with strings of slime and its inner walls seemed to wriggle like a carpet of fleshy cilia as it once again moved too fast for her to see.

It engulfed the head of her cock and squeezed it as the cilia within tormented every single part of her cock, with a firm tugging sensation it sucked half of her aching shaft into its fleshy body, it squeezed in a way a being made of flesh only could which nearly blanked her mind as a white-hot surge of pleasure seemed to fill her sensitive shaft when another suck saw its slick body press into the soft downy hair of her bush. She half expected teeth, for it to bite and perhaps that would have been easier for her mind to accept than what it actually did. It dragged its way back up to the head of her cock, working against its own suction until it nearly slipped free only to loudly slurp its way back down to the base. The very idea this thing was using her sexually nearly snapped her mind but little did she know it was only just getting started with her, mere foreplay before this hideous creature showed why pleasure was just so impossible to resist especially for the enhanced sense of touch she had which it would all too gladly abuse to milk her dry.

College, Cultists & Cocksuckers (Modern)

It had seemed like a good idea at the time to Allison Stone to stay with her grandfather rather than going into a dorm or trying to eke through both studying and work renting a shoebox apartment. Her grandfather owned his home and it sat right along the bus route to her college, it wasn't enormous or anything but it was a sizeable enough country-style home that as she understood it had been a farm long ago. Two floors, a basement and a few outbuildings repurposed for various things on top of a vast forest he apparently could call his own made it seem almost idyllic and on being dropped off by her parents it maintained that feeling for a few days until certain oddities and events changed the mood to one more of unease.

At first, it was just a general feeling as if some vestigial sense was picking up on something not being quite right that was easily dismissed as adjusting to a new home. Then articles of clothing would vanish, panties, skirts and shorts only to show up washed and neatly folded in her drawers as if they'd been there all along. Then even her grandfather's demeanour seemed to shift from the doddering kindly old soul to a leering letcher. He was hunched from decades of hard labour, hands gnarled and calloused and he shuffled about at a glacial pace at the best of times and yet he seemed to often appear from thin air usually when she was changing or showering. Luckily, college and studying took her out of the house often enough for her to just put up with it even if it slowly grew harder to ignore but she couldn't afford to be kicked out all the same.

The atmosphere in the house continued to shift toward the strange seemingly the same way her grandfather's actions continued to grow more perverse almost as if they were linked in some way. Dropping his fork or spoon four or five times at the table and each time she'd felt his hot, wet, bourbon and cigarette-tinged breath washing over her thighs and crotch as if he were point blank ogling the bulge in her panties to the point she'd started to wear more jeans and pants until the weather made it uncomfortable. Of course, she had no idea that her grandfather worshipped twisted entities nor that the house itself sat atop a vast and ancient ruin filled with alien horrors all too eager to drag her away and see her mind snap under the weight of hideous pleasures.
Keeping his freshly mutated tongue in his mouth had been hard enough around Allison given it not only seemed to fidget in her presence with a mind of its own but she had been getting quite wary of him. She was at college so he finally extended the itching muscle from his mouth to inspect the blessings he'd received, his tongue slithered from his dry-lipped mouth and extended almost a full twelve inches, covered in twitching warty bumps and what looked like a set of beady eyes on each side he could see out of if he concentrated. "Well well, looks like I might get a real close look at that pretty little asshole and that juicy pecker." He spent a few minutes experimenting and growing accustomed to that prehensile limb of slick alien muscle twisting and writhing in his mouth. He'd been half tempted to test it out at a local gloryhole, shattering the minds of a few teens and pent-up married men but he wanted to put it through its paces on Allison more than anything.

So, rather than seeing it as a setback, her grandfather had taken it as an opportunity to plan something far more elaborate for Allison, preferably before anything from the ruins below snatched her up, so he began with infinite patience. He'd behaved himself for a couple of weeks to lull her into a false sense of security all while putting the other pieces of his plan into place. He'd set up a massage table in the conservatory and watched videos and books on giving sensual massages to make it seem like the certificate he'd hung on the wall was as legitimate as possible. Even going so far as to buy some massage oil... Even if the contents were tipped down the drain for a far different liquid, his own dick had long since lost all use, whether it was a curse from his fickle alien master or simply age it didn't matter, given pleasure got him his jollies. Harvesting a particular type of cat-sized slug that lurked in the ruins was a time-consuming affair but well worth it as the gland that lurked in their sinfully pleasurable maw held a potent and oily aphrodisiac that smelt faintly of honey and sea salt.

He briefly considered diluting the mixture to make ti not look quite so viscous but the idea of using the pure concentrated substance was too good to pass up. The idea it could have Allison writhing in pleasure that the idea her grandfather going down on her might not be so terrifying was too insidious and perverse not to do. The massage itself was a means to an end, to get her skin in contact with the substance if not her cock directly though getting her to agree to a massage without there being any clothes in the way was a trickier hurdle to overcome but Allison's good nature and the junk in the barn provided a solution. As another part of clearing the air to make it work, he'd offered her two months of not having to pay any board or for food, the first month as an apology for his clumsy ways offering the excuse of him not being used to having someone around, the second for helping clear out the barn of all the old furniture and other junk that had accumulated.

Allison agreed given she felt bad about assuming that what he was doing was perverted or creepy so she brought into his story and agreed to help. Clearing out the barn was a gruelling three-hour endurance test even for an athletic teen like her. She was drenched in sweat and dust, shuffling almost as stiffly back toward her grandfather as he'd hobble out to inspect the work. Naturally, he had to resist the urge to offer a massage before the shower... Tempting as it was to offer to lick her clean he had to stick to the plan lest all the preparation ended up for nought. "Well, looks like you got rid of all that junk good and proper though you look even more crippled than me girly!"

He gave a hearty chuckle, trying not to sound too giddy as he hoped against all odds she'd say yes to what came next. "Now, why don't you get yerself showered and yer grandpa will give you one of his famous massages so yer muscles don't twist into pretzels eh?" Allison opened her mouth but he decided to pre-empt her answer, having already thought about how she might initially respond. "Looks, I used to do em legit... Even still got the table in the conservatory, can even see the certificate wotsit I got for it... Besides, you aint got nothing I ain't seen before so just whip the towel over yer ass after you've showered and yer grandpa will put yer right." Reluctantly, Allison nodded and shuffled off into the house to the shower, unaware of what she was walking into.

The shower was a chore given her body felt like it was simply going to seize up at any moment even with the soothing warmth of the water as she wrapped the towel around herself and made her way into the conservatory. A quick glance revealed the certificate putting her at ease, it wasn't like she knew it was fake as she dropped the towel from the shower and climbed atop the massage table pulling the clean towel over her ass and breathing out. "Ready!" She yelled to a distant affirmative murmur from her grandfather as she lay there in not a small amount of pain.

"Well, let's see if these old hands can't still unknot yer muscles eh? Can't have us both shuffling about like cripples." He said trying not to sound giddy about the whole thing as he realised it was actually happening. "Now, this oil is some special fancy imported stuff from good old Thailand... Increases blood flow, so it'll make her tingle... Don't panic." Allison nodded as best she could face down, nervous about agreeing so easily but her body hurt.. A lot. She heard a thick, sticky squirt of oil before she felt those rough old hands smearing it all over her back making her tense for a moment as she got used to the sensation of both being touched and the all too pleasant tingling from the oil as she found him to be quite... Diligent putting her mind as well as her muscles more at ease about the whole thing as he worked knots out of her back and shoulders until she started to feel better, ignoring the fact the tingling seemed to be pooling in her loins, it'd probably pass she figured.

It was when he rolled the towel off her feet and up to just below the start of her ass the uncertainty returned a little though she tried to ignore it at first as it seemed innocent enough as he took his time, flexing her toes, massaging the soles of her feet and unwinding the coiled muscles in her calves. She felt a bit self-conscious given her feet were about twelve inches apart and she was fairly sure he could see all the way up the towel too likely admiring the smooth balls and her cock as it lay angled toward her feet, the deep purple head on full show but he seemingly kept it professional... To begin with anyway.

The initial touches were easy to dismiss as accidents, being rusty and his hands being not as dexterous as they once were. Though as he climbed her thighs with calloused fingers the oily pads ground straight along the underside of her shaft, digging into the frenulum just enough to make her entire body tense for a second and her toes to clench. "Yer 'sposed to be relaxing missy, focus on yer breathing." Allison nodded with increased wariness but did as she was told even as she continued to feel his fingers rubbing up and down the underside of her cock until she couldn't hold the blush of shame when she realised she was hard as a rock in front of him, all eight inches of her thrumming with need.

Of course, he noticed it was hard to miss even if it hadn't been the whole point as Allison's body responded all too well to the chemically enhanced stimulation. He was having to fight the urge to wrap his dry lips around the head of her cock and drink her dry. Hell, he was having a hard time not wanting to suck on her balls and eat her ass all at once. The alien muscle in his mouth almost got away from him more than once as he tried to keep patient and push her to the edge so that resisting wasn't even a possibility. "N-not sure you should be touching my... Y-you know." She stammered out as both his thumbs pushed the skin taut along the underside and kneaded into the smooth pouch of her balls and the spot just behind them, her breath catching in her throat as she tried not to moan.

"Ah, pish posh, don't be such a prude, like I said, ye ain't got nothing I ain't seen before." Seeing and touching felt like two very different things to Allison as those old fingers squeezed pre-cum out of her shaft on a firm downstroke of both thumbs back down toward the head and had her struggling not to start panting heavily. He'd been nice to her for the past couple of weeks and he was just helping, maybe he was just rusty after all? That was what Allison repeated to herself over and over in her mind even if her grandfather's hands were not doing much to alleviate that concern. He'd nudged her thighs further apart and was kneading the spot between her asshole and balls firmly with both thumbs which made her feel light-headed it was so good.

That was harder to square away as a reason when she was rolled onto her back and the massage continued with her erection twitching like a tent-pole in the wind beneath her towel. His hands continuously pushed into the neat triangle of blonde hair at the base of her cock, his knuckles bumping the back and sides of her aching and drooling shaft as the insidious chemical made her feel hazy and hornier than she ever had before. He'd even draped a towel over her eyes under the guise of helping her relax even if it was more to keep her freaking out when his tongue finally emerged. "Don't think we need this other towel now do we? No sense hiding that pretty dick no more eh?"

Then she felt it, he was kneading her balls as the circle of pointer finger and thumb gripped just below the head of her cock and then began to bump back and forth firmly over the ridge causing her hips to want to buck. She'd have likely been glad she couldn't see directly as those dry lips parted just as his fingers tugged down the base and he slithered his tongue around her glans like an ice cream on a hot day, her moan filled the air as she pulled with a powerful suck until his lips popped free. "I'll take better care of you than any of those college clowns... Yer grandpa don't stop while there's still toothpaste in the tube."

Don't Lose the Trail (Modern Setting)

Getting away from the concerns and stresses of modern life for a couple of weeks had been all too tempting a prospect for Sarah Jones. Losing her marketing job and dealing with bills, taxes and relationships had all gotten too much for her so she had set upon the idea of disappearing into the wilderness for a week as far away from laptops, smartphones and other people as she could get. Money wasn't an issue for her, she could have lived comfortably for several years before even needing to worry so she decided to visit the boreal forests of Canada it seemed like a place you could escape civilisation from with ease.

The journey there hadn't been all that interesting, a cramped plane ride, a couple of bus rides, a taxi and a stop in a motel later and here she was. A hefty camping pack strapped to her back, hiking boots, shorts, a white blouse and a jacket with her deep brown hair pulled into a rough ponytail as she stood at the threshold of the vast expanse of the Canadian forest. She took in a lungful of cool forest air, simply enjoying the lack of car exhaust, smoke and fast food smells that usually filled her lungs in her home city of London. In order to truly escape the trappings of civilisation she hadn't checked in at any of the campsites and had arrived early in the morning to avoid any crowds, she also hadn't told anyone where she was going in the first place just that she was 'going away' for a while.

Of course, the rush to get out here early, the long flight, bus and taxi rides were hardly sufficient to counter the sensation of jet lag fully so she had neglected to look at the weather before starting out. A severe storm was predicted to hit in the middle of the day, long before she planned to even pitch her tent and the clear blue skies and fresh breeze lent no warning to Sarah as she followed a little used trail deeper and deeper into the forest. She wasn't really paying much attention, just letting all her worries, fears and stress melt away with every step as she basked in her much-needed solitude.

Her watch read nearly 11:40 AM before she started to notice that something was probably wrong as the temperature began to dip sending a shiver down her spine. Being under a fairly thick canopy she hadn't noticed the light level dropping until the first drops of rain splashed against the bare skin of her arms and legs. Of course, she'd turned around immediately trying to follow the dirt trail back the way she came but in moments midday had turned to almost evening as the few spots of rain became a downpour and then torrential hail. Flashes of lightning, rumbles of thunder and the howl of the wind as it whipped through the trees made it almost impossible for her to keep her footing as the trail became lost in inches of water and mud. She needed shelter and even if she had set up her tent she doubted it would have shielded her from this at all, even the trees did little to shield her and she knew better than to stand near a tree in a thunderstorm.

A few frantic minutes of stumbling around she happened across a rocky outcropping which allowed her to take shelter from the worst of the storm as she tried to wring some of the water from her sodden clothing. She wondered if she could set up here, when she noticed water flowing down under the rock as though there were some kind of cavern, so with some difficulty she managed to climb inside, once she was in she unhooked her flashlight from her back and shone it around finding that it was some kind of cave tunnel which led down and away from where she was now. The hole she had just clambered through soon sealed itself shut, a mix of wet clay and thick mud had been washed down by the rain into an effective bung meaning she'd have to find another way out but at least she seemed safe in here...

Lost On MXU-48910 (Science Fiction - Alien Creatures, Hostile Ecosystem)

Waking up from cryosleep was never really a good feeling at the best of times, being roused from an induced slumber by a concoction of drugs and stimulants to klaxons, red warning lights and shuddering, groaning metal was infinitely worse for Allison. Her toned frame rolled from the pod and slammed into the rubber-coated floor of the cryo bay, ordinarily, she'd have been mortified, crawling not only naked across the room but with her cock being hard as a rock, mortal terror had a way of focusing anyone's mind even if their bloodstream was swimming in chemicals only meant to be used in emergencies. "ICE, ship... Status... Report." Her voice was slurred as her body was still trying to remember such complex functions as how fingers worked as she pawed the control panel to open the locker, dragging her jumpsuit out and climbing into it with all the grace of the average drunk.

"FTL... Offline. Communications... Offline. Main power... 40% and dropping. Atmospheric re-entry in... Twelve minutes." Bad didn't even begin to describe it, it wasn't just a whole suitcase of bad either as she tried to put her mind back together and process what she was hearing from the ship's AI. "Okay... Where are the rest of the crew?" Honestly, she'd been afraid to ask even if the evidence pointed toward the fact she'd been left behind. Open cryo pods, empty lockers and a distinct lack of other people were rapidly depleting her sense of hope she might've held. "Survey ship 14, abandoned after unknown energy pulse 9 days ago. Survey ship 14 emergency jump drive error resulting in an uncontrolled jump. Currently in orbit of MXU-48910.

"That's... A long way from where we should be... Why wasn't I woken up?" Allison already had a good idea why though she needed to hear it out loud all the same. "Cryopod emergency revival procedure failed. The crew evacuated before the uncontrolled jump. ICE continued emergency revival attempts... Attempt #783 succeeded." Getting lost in space was always a risk on a long-range survey ship, the mother ship had some twenty ships such as the one she was on finding new worlds, new life and all the rest of the visionary things that glossed over how many disappeared. It paid well though that was little comfort to Allison as she stumbled to the cockpit and strapped herself in. "ICE, launch distress beacon." There was a long pause before the AI even responded. "Distress beacon damaged... Attempting controlled re-entry. Alert! Likelihood of vessel remaining space-worthy after impact calculated at 4%. Assume crash and survival procedures."

"Wonderful... Planetary scan data?" The main console turned to a spinning icon even as the re-entry timer continued to tick by before the AI responded. "Partial scan only, sensors damaged. Atmosphere... Breathable. Gravity... 1.03 of Earth. Average daytime temperature: 37 Celsius. Extensive floura and fauna detected." A few taps on the main console shifted the view to the planet below revealing a thick jungle planet as she tried to learn as much as she could before crash landing on it. It was a hot, sticky jungle world, with trees that reached miles into the sky and a canopy easily a mile thick. No cities, no technology, the wildlife was her biggest concern as ICE couldn't even get readings on it as if it defied the rules of life as humanity understood them... Though they were still only a hundred years into exploring space.

Had she known what she was about to crash land upon, she might've wished she'd stayed in the cryopod. A world of erotic mind-bending horrors, sanity-shattering orgasms and horrific pleasures the likes of which no human could endure forever. Would she survive until rescue arrives or succumb to the horrors lurking in the hives and hollows of a twisted world?

My Characters

This is just to give you an idea of the range of options and things I'll consider for my characters for any story we do!

  • Age: 16-24, I am flexible with this within reason.
  • Height: Anything from 5ft to 6ft or 150-180cm range.
  • Physique: Anything from fit/toned to softer.
  • Breasts: Anything from none to about a D-cup.
  • Aesthetic Traits: Skin, eye and hair colours etc are pretty much free ranging though I have a preference for playing with fair and freckled white characters.
  • Skills/Occupation: Depends on the setting and story, though I lean more on the idea of them being inexperienced. Well trained though perhaps little in the way of practical usage.
  • Sexual Details: Smooth all over (bush optional), cock size anything from 4 inches to 9 inches as you prefer! I may be convinced to go a little higher if it makes sense for the thread but my hard limit is 12 inches.
  • Other Things: Making them more sensitive, multiple orgasms being possible etc are all on the table for ideas.
Example Character
  • Name: Arrina Telaria
  • Age: 19
  • Height: 5ft 5in.
  • Breasts: B-cup.
  • Physique: Athletic, toned though not excessive, overall feminine appearance.
  • Aesthetic Traits: Ginger hair, shoulder-length (no style), bright green eyes and fair freckled skin (all over)
  • Sexual details: Cock 8 inches when hard, smooth-shaven including balls.
  • Skills & Occupation: Scout, modest skills with bow, knife and tracking. Highly inexperienced.
  • Other Traits of Note: Exceptionally sensitive, ticklish and capable of cumming multiple times in a row.

Monster Ideas/Types

This section will likely be perpetually added to, changed, tweaked and as with most of this thread take it as inspiration and idea rather than being set in stone. There are some visual examples in my F-List too so do check them out more will be added over time there and here. This isn't a comprehensive list, just some rough ideas so if there's something you think fits for this, suggest away, in fact, throw as many monster ideas as you can at me, unless you don't want to spoil the surprise.
  • Tentacle Monsters, be they the size of a cat or the size of a house, mainly refers to monsters who are mainly comprised of such limbs!
  • Mutated Flora and Fauna, things like a giant frog with four tongues or a pitcher plant that evolves the perfect orifice for sucking.
  • Worms, leeches and other annelids, whether they are giant versions of their regular counterparts or vast colonies of smaller things evolved for horrific pleasure.
  • Slugs, snails and molluscs, again as above giant versions that use potent aphrodisiac slime or simply immobilising their prey for their needs or anything else you can think of.
  • Horrors, a bit of a broad one but I couldn't think of a better description, a malformed mass of flesh that has assorted eyes all over and eight mouths? Sure! A short squat looking head with nothing but short arms and legs and a vast drooling maw? Go for it! Those kinds of things.
  • Parasitic creatures think of a colony of leeches that animates a vast mass of wood, moss and roots to move around in a mockery of humans or perhaps something that latches onto otherwise docile beings and creatures, mutating and controlling them into the perfect knob-gobbling horror!
  • Fungal Plants & Creatures, colonies of prehensile mushrooms that seek that little touch of fertilisation after spewing arousing spores into the air. Maybe the cold alien eyes of a group of fungal creatures who see my character as nothing more than a ripe udder to be milked.
  • Mutated/Infested Humans, is fairly self-explanatory but I wanted to keep it as an option!
  • A lot of Geiger and Lovecraft-inspired monsters are always welcome too!
  • Mutated Regular Animals, much like humans a pack of mutant cock hungry wolves or the like is also fair game!
  • Poltergeists and similar invisible horrors, are always interesting to keep as an option!
  • Insects of all kinds from spiders to flies of all sizes, all of them are welcome options!
  • Undead, this is more of a loose one and perhaps ties into the mutated/infested human angle may be something lurking within is animating them and has a particular hunger!
  • Flesh walls, as mentioned in the intro and much akin to tentacle monsters are things that immobilise their prey before tormenting them with hideous limbs!
  • Anything not listed but you think fits? Throw it into the initial PM!

Kinks/Sex Scene Ideas

Make sure to use this in conjunction with my F-List, click the link here and make sure to check the pictures: Clicky for F-List!
  • Receiving Fellatio: My -only- mandatory kink, do please please make a point of telling me it's something you love in the initial PM, please!
  • Edging/Orgasm Control: Taking someone to the very edge of orgasm over and over again without letting them cum to ensure when they do eventually it's a far more intense climax.
  • Multiple Orgasms/Milking: Self-explanatory but often ignored, why stop at one, everyone knows a cock gets more sensitive after the first orgasm so drain it dry no matter how much she protests.
  • Non-Humanoid Monsters/Aliens: If it were after human encounters it'd be in the title, so unleash your slimy hordes upon me, I dare you!
  • Detailed Posts: How is this a kink you might ask? Nothing gives me goosebumps more than a well-written detailed post describing textures, sounds, sights, smells as well as actions and reactions. Paint me a mental picture with your word brushes!
  • Cock/Balls Worship: This may not apply to every monster, encounter or situation but take your time with that amazing set of organs!
  • Monster Intelligence: Everything from feral/bestial instinct-driven creatures to human-style sentience and all the way up to vast and unknowable alien intelligence!
  • Non-Consensual: Non-con to me would be the monster in question dragging my character off forcibly and getting what they want from her.
  • Sweat, Dirt, Getting Messy: These things just happen on adventures and also provide another layer of detail as well as potential bathing scenes or just a layer of immersion and persistence to events.
  • Injuries as Plot Devices: Wouldn't be much of an erotic horror without some injuries or wounds for dramatic effect. Incapacitating only though.
  • Receiving Anal Sex: Be it rough butt-fucking or slow and sensual lovemaking it's something I enjoy!
  • Rimming: This to me is almost an extension of oral sex, I'll keep it clean so don't worry so feel free to explore!
  • Post-Orgasm Torture/Sexual Exhaustion: A penis only gets more sensitive with an orgasm so why stop at one, your monster could milk her utterly dry and then even keep going until she is dry cumming?
  • Multi-Post Detailed Orgasms: Always a big plus to put a climax over a few posts rather than cramming it into one!
  • Intense/Overwhelming Pleasure: Orgasms so intense she passes out, pleasure so powerful she starts to lose her mind, yes, please!
  • Eventual Forced Nudity: Every rip and tear, losing her boots in a mire, tearing her shirt open on an inconsiderate branch, her thong getting tangled up in some vines as she crawls through a hole to escape some hideous horror.
  • Being Hunted & Ambushes: Falling into a creature's evil clutches via devious means can only be a good thing... For your creature!
  • Mystery, Alien Motives: Do they need her cum for some special ritual? Do they feed off the energy of her orgasm or do they just enjoy a nice cock? Keep it mysterious.
  • Tension, Build-up, Suspense: There is something special about a slow build-up and I definitely appreciate not launching straight into the sex.
  • The threat of Bad Ends: Any genuine bad ends should be discussed first but the threat of a bad end is fine for tension and story purposes!
  • Mind-Break: Pleasure and horror so intense it causes the mind to shatter leaving her in a dazed stupor for a while until she recovers.
  • Foot Play: Playing with her toes and the soles of her feet should be enough to drive her crazy if it is done alongside something else, will be kept clean.
  • Urethral Insertions: Something highly optional but entirely in fitting with aliens and monsters inflicting inhuman pleasures on a defenceless cock!
  • Multiple Orgasms: While this is touched on in other kinks above, I always enjoy including multiple orgasms, making them cum until they shoot dust!
  • Soft Vore: Nothing fatal but a good way for larger creatures to keep her where they want her!
Do Not Do's

  • Transformation of my character is a hard no, others can transform or be mutated but not mine thanks!
  • Killing or seriously injuring my character is another hard no unless heavily discussed beforehand as an agreed end point.
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