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Receiving non-rp PMs from strangers

I try to be nice about these things because some people may not be that socially active, and just giving them a little attention can go a long way. But when things go:

A: How was your day today?

B: Pretty good day, thanks. You?

A: Yeah yeah, nice.

B: Cool cool.

A: So your day was good then?

B: 😰
It sort of depends. I have had lovely PMs with compliments on writing, my aesthetic etc or even little sweet messages. I love those.

The ones that are just kinda like Seranda said above me, I just feel awkward and not really sure how to answer. Those, I don't really care for. I am still nice, but I am just left wondering why.
I try to be nice about these things because some people may not be that socially active, and just giving them a little attention can go a long way. But when things go:

A: How was your day today?

B: Pretty good day, thanks. You?

A: Yeah yeah, nice.

B: Cool cool.

A: So your day was good then?

B: 😰

Come on Seranda, don't leave us hanging!
Tell us how was your day!
I'm not a fan, I'm here to rp. Clicking on my inbox and seeing that the message isn't someone looking to do the same is disappointing imo. It's like opening an iPhone box only for a twenty dollar gift card to be inside.
I don't understand why it would be a bad thing for someone to compliment the writer... even if it isn't a seeking message, it is still someone who took notice. But, duly noted, so I am glad I stopped complimenting people.
I don't understand why it would be a bad thing for someone to compliment the writer... even if it isn't a seeking message, it is still someone who took notice. But, duly noted, so I am glad I stopped complimenting people.
I don't understand why it would be a bad thing for someone to compliment the writer... even if it isn't a seeking message, it is still someone who took notice. But, duly noted, so I am glad I stopped complimenting people.
Well, don't take one person's comment as it applying to everyone. There's plenty of people who enjoy compliments as well and I'm sure your compliments have brightened a lot of those people's days in the past.
Well, don't take one person's comment as it applying to everyone. There's plenty of people who enjoy compliments as well and I'm sure your compliments have brightened a lot of those people's days in the past.
I had hoped that they had, but one can never tell... I have had a mixed result.

Often, I am too shy to outright ask to write with another so the compliment could have been more or less a gauge in how to approach the person. I've pretty much lost hope and though I have slipped and messaged a compliment, I have made sure to take note of some in this very thread to not message.

it is what it is, in most
I had hoped that they had, but one can never tell... I have had a mixed result.

Often, I am too shy to outright ask to write with another so the compliment could have been more or less a gauge in how to approach the person. I've pretty much lost hope and though I have slipped and messaged a compliment, I have made sure to take note of some in this very thread to not message.

it is what it is, in most
Well, if it's worth anything, I wouldn't know someone wants to RP with me unless they outright say it. It's kind of like flirting; for some people, the coy approach works, but you gotta realize a lot of people are oblivious as fuck lol. It's kind of like the "they're just being nice to me" approach.

I'd take the compliment and say thank you, but I wouldn't really know where else to go from there, so the best thing to do would be to just ask if they're open for partners. There's always a non-zero chance you get rejected, but you just gotta roll with it.
I'm not a fan, I'm here to rp. Clicking on my inbox and seeing that the message isn't someone looking to do the same is disappointing imo. It's like opening an iPhone box only for a twenty dollar gift card to be inside.
I kinda disagree. The social aspect of what we enjoy is important too. I have no statistics to back this, but if I actually like you, or at least how you present yourself here, I am more likely to enjoy writing with you. Not because I have a crush, or feel like you’re my next husband, no. I feel a good connection, chemistry, and speaking in OOC is a good way to keep a partner from drifting away if you’re facing a bit of a block. Sometimes talking about it is all you need to open the idea floodgates.

Because damn it I’ve made friends here.

Also I have received and given compliments, both situations make me feel good.
I've pretty much lost hope and though I have slipped and messaged a compliment, I have made sure to take note of some in this very thread to not message.
Please keep in mind that there are other people here that do enjoy getting friendly PMs out of the blue.

Because damn it I’ve made friends here.
This πŸ‘†

Almost 5 years ago, I got this PM from a person who participated in some of the threads that I was active in at the time:
Hey Lurker!
Just curious about how you're doing, since I haven't seen you around for a little while.
It led to a conversation, which eventually developed into a friendship (an online friendship is still a friendship), which is still going strong and hopefully will last for many more years.

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I don't mind it at all, provided there's actually a reason for their message: whether it's to say they like my writing or to ask for the source of an image I used somewhere, whether they have any intention to play with me or not. If it's just a "hello how are you", I know it'll lead to (1) what Seranda already pointed out or (2) a pitch for an RP that I have never shown an ounce of interest for. Fortunately, here on Bluemoon I've never had to deal with a third penis-shaped option, although that is among the reasons I no longer look for RP on Discord.

That said, I have an awful track record of staying in touch with people if I'm not actively RPing with them. Of the dozens of people I've played with in the past, there's only two or three I still regularly chat with, in part because we still do other things like playing games together.
i am HIGHLY unlikely to send someone a random pm that doesn't relate to their RT in some way, whether that be a "hey that plot idea was pretty neat, hope you get some cool stories with it!" or "your face claims are cool!" type message not initiating writing with them.

i am, however, not opposed to popping onto someone's page and leaving a comment. it's like the difference between saying hi in a social setting vs trying to have a full conversation in an elevator.
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