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How many rp requests do you get?


Zero, lol
emotional damage
I currently have 9 ongoing RPs since my return on the 24th of September, so I'd say my RT is doing quite well, though I did seek out a few of those myself.
Considering I only joined yesterday, I have got two already - one was not to my liking, but the other has real potential!
So I currently have four request threads up; two for offsite and two for onsite; two for male and two for female. Now far as people responding and such...minimal at best. Far as people actually requesting to rp with me...kind of in the same ballpark. Sometimes I am lucky and sometimes it is a bit of a dryspell. I take what I can get.
On here, I've got a few going while using BMRP and doing my best to find those I can connect with, finding similar ground/interests. I used to get quite a few on Discord in the past, but found that people would stop suddenly.
Really comes down trying and seeing what happens, but I cannot promise people take an interest unless one asks
I'd say of late...very little, minimal at best. I haven't really received any friend requests on Discord and over on here perhaps one of late.
Usually I get very few RP requests. I'm quite vanilla when it comes to what I want in sexy scenes, and it seems the majority of people on the forum want something more extreme.
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