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How many rp requests do you get?


Aug 27, 2023
Hello friends! I'm fairly new, and I'm not sure how many roleplay requests is indicative of a successful thread.

So I'm curious, what does your request thread look like, and how many requests do you get on average? How many requests do you consider to be successful? Is there anything you have found impacts a thread positively or negatively?
Hello and welcome (welcum, perhaps?) @hucow. I will attempt to answer your questions to the best of my ability. First off, my thread is probably among the more disorganized (or perhaps not, this is just my own self-criticism) on the site, and the fact that I have multiple doesn't always make things as straightforward as I'd like. That said, I believe it comes down to several factors. One possible factor is the ratio of males to females, both for actual players as well as the characters they are willing to play. It may be that female characters are more popular than males, although the last time I personally read someone's take on this was a while ago, and that could have changed in the interim.

Another factor is what's in the thread itself. Just as an example, an expressed interest in, say, creampies as a kink could possibly attract more partners than interest in your high-elven, quarter-goblin princess having sex with an anthropomorphic unicorn who can also shapeshift into a dragon. The more wide-ranging and popular your kinks and interests are, the higher chances you have of success.

Yet another is timing, both in terms of the time of day you bump your thread, as well as the time of year it is. Some, perhaps a great deal of users on Blue Moon are in college, and still others have children who are between the ages of 5 and 18. Whichever the case, those users have a different schedule now that the academic year is starting in many parts of the Western world, and their activity level on Blue Moon will change accordingly. Circling back to the time of day you bump your thread, a great deal of users are from English-speaking countries, mostly the US, Canada, the UK and Australia, with a healthily diverse group of other folks whose second or even third language is English. Regardless, if you wish to cast the widest possible net, experiment with various bumping times (keeping in mind the bumping policy, of course) when most Americans are awake. If that conflicts with your schedule, I apologize, but I assumed you are, in fact, American. Please correct me and accept my apologies if I am wrong.

I cannot speak to the average amount of requests a given person gets on the site, but I find that I get one or two each time I bump, or at least, I haven't gotten any if I didn't bump. Regardless, I consider a request successful when the roleplay has truly begun. By that I mean that the partner and I have each made at least a few posts and the story and the writing is flowing freely, so to speak. In fact, I easily can drop people and have even deleted threads because the flow was broken before the story truly took off. I may try to be patient myself, but I have little time for people who say they'll do one thing and then not do it. But I didn't come here to vent to you or anyone else.

In conclusion, there are several things that dictate success. Some, as I said before, you can control, others, not so much. Experiment and tweak what you can control, and learn to accept what you can't, and you'll have a wonderful time here. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day, week, month and year. Stay safe and take care!!

Welcome to BMR! Happy to have you aboard.

My request thread is very bare bones. I don't have any pretty formatting or graphics on mine since I have no talent whatsoever when it comes to coding. The most I've got is color-coding, and even that's not done particularly well. However, that hasn't stopped potential partners from expressing interest. I don't bump often at all, maybe once or twice a year, and I generally get a few hits per bump. Not a huge amount, but just enough that I'm satisfied. I think despite my lack of prettiness on my RT, this makes it relatively successful.

I think that the amount of hits on an RT that makes it successful is kind of in the eye of the beholder. And I agree with Captain_Bond above- a request is successful if an RP comes out of it. I find I often have to wade through at least a handful of non-starts before I get one successful RP. The secret is to not let that deter you! It's just how the hobby has developed over time. It's rarely anything personal. c:

In terms of what makes a thread more successful, I'd say outlining very clearly what you want out of a RP, what you don't want, your expectations, and what others can expect of you. It nips most miscommunication in the bud.
Welcome to Bluemoon!

Much like Cantarella, my RP request threads are not very fancy. They're mostly ideas presented in a list, and a bit about me as a writer. Maybe some NSFW images as bumps if I feel the thread is spicy enough to warrant it, but that's only for some of my RT's.

I'm available on the site fairly often so I tend to bump my RT's frequently, and hits can be anything from non existent some days to an absolute feast on others. I'm sure there's some reasons behind it all, but it's not something I'm overly fussed over.

I count a successful RP as one I've stated and have been able to enjoy. It could last 2 months or 2 years, and as long as I enjoy writing it alongside my partner, awesome! Of course there are false starts and fallouts before an RP starts but that's part of roleplaying.

And again like what Cantarella said, outlining what you want from an RP and your expectations as a writer, and that'll help clear a lot of initial confusion.
Depends on the time, really. Sometimes I get several, sometimes I go weeks without new people hitting me up for an RP. There's a lot of random luck. Sometimes someone new joins and they want to give you a shot and other times it's just the luck of someone coming to me. I think my peak was getting like 4 for the same message in short order but I am unsure about that one.
Mine isn't very organized and it's been a while since I been on here so I need to find a way to get myself out there. I mean, I'll put myself out there if it gets me more attention.

But at my peak, I'd say I got maybe 5/6 people reaching out to me in the span of a week. I'm not sure I can handle that level of traffic right now, but maybe 1/2 more won't hurt.
Timing is usually a big factor. But I tend to get more hits on my MxM threads than I do on my MxF stuff lol
One every few months if I'm really lucky, but they're usually gone after a few days. I think I've just been around for so long that there aren't many people left to meet. I don't know what the trick is to keep people. I always aim to be super polite and patient, need a week between posts? a month? please take it. I don't know... Maybe I'm making my characters too grumpy?
i guess i could say that my request thread is somewhat fancy. it definitely has graphics and whatnot. before it was all fancy, i used to bump it every day, garnering about 2 interest messages a bump. now that it's all coded out, i take only three writers at a time. based on bumping it now compared to when it wasn't as fancy -- you can tell there's a huge jump. i'd get 3 or 4 messages every time i bump now. it's very interesting to see what catches peoples' eyes and what doesn't >//<
Hi there. I probably have arguably the largest thread here and it’s disgusting and it sucks.

Having a story for basically anything, it overwhelms potential partners sometimes and I end up getting hits for the same few stories near the top.

I have 5+ active RPs right now, and it can get overwhelming. I think even having one connection and writing one story is successful. Don’t go by quantity. I’ve gotten over 20 messages at once due to just being in the right place at the right time. Green muscly booty seemed to be the flavor of the week and many people were active. Most fizzle out.

Those two or three that you really connect with, that’s success.
Kind of just depends really for me. Depends on my thread, depends on my ideas and pairings mostly. Sometimes I get one bite after a week. Sometimes I get 10+

I put some effort into making my thread look nice, but halfway through I stop caring.
Honestly varies every time. The things that I've noticed affecting it are time I bump, my current cravings, the thread I use etc.

For examply my general thread with FxAny that currently has both my original and fandom-plots tend to get at least one request every time I bump, usually more than that.

My newest thread, which is solely fandom-focused, canon x canon with a lot of niche fandoms among roleplayers and has the F x F or NB-requirement I have gotten one inquiry after I posted the thread.

So I can't really say on average right off the bat. Maybe one or two?

One thing I have noticed affecting in the amount of inquiries is if I am searching for male-characters to play against or not. Even in my main thread if I specify that I am only looking for F or NB characters to play against the amount of requests drops down immediately. Same with fandom-focus for obvious reasons.
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For myself, I usually take the initiative and reply to those who have different Roleplays that I can work with - along with trying different things.
Had a few responses and waiting to see what happens, but not too many are asking me directly unless I get a PM in say, the group chat.
Suppose it's a matter of being a new member, timezones and as an Introvert too
I just started so I'll see. However, for me I prefer the connection through writing each other. Seeing how we gel is a great indicator of how great the writing will go. I don't want to focus too much on how much messages I get but rather try to connect with one another and see how things pan out.
Not that many for the past few years, a lot of my ideas are out of vogue. They are mostly real world set erotica or non erotic which I think puts people off, high fantasy has become quite popular in terms of setting or just smut-based.
I have the opposite problem. I respond to threads (on other role play websites) all the time but rarely get a reply. Hanging onto a writer is even tougher.

Zero, lol
Not much. Usually if I get a response it's someone who wants me to try something they want. Which us fine, I am always happy to see that little red "1". But as far as my requests, not much luck
Not much. Usually if I get a response it's someone who wants me to try something they want. Which us fine, I am always happy to see that little red "1". But as far as my requests, not much luck
I've experienced this more times than not. I have only roleplayed for a little while now, different forums/accounts, and I have noticed a vast difference in the requests received.

At this point... I am convinced I am doing something wrong. I am open to pretty much everything and even when I post plots, it's a touch on the topic and introduction to their wants.

I don't normally mind since I would rather please the other person, as that pleases me, but sometimes it just seems like I am putting an effort out there that is worthless to the person the effort is sent to. :/
I think what is often true is that people are far more reactive than they are proactive. I do not get many requests, and I've sent out quite a few. Almost every roleplay I have ever had, minimum of 98% of them, have been because of a message that I sent as opposed to having received.

You should think of it as fishing, and throw a wide net.
I think what is often true is that people are far more reactive than they are proactive. I do not get many requests, and I've sent out quite a few. Almost every roleplay I have ever had, minimum of 98% of them, have been because of a message that I sent as opposed to having received.

You should think of it as fishing, and throw a wide net.
Ooooh, sweet, Daddy Dear... if you only knew how far that net has been

Regardless, there are some amazing people in this hobby and it is likely why I have not officially stepped away... I can write it all by myself just fine, but having another mind in the mix is just... delicious... even if it takes hundreds to find just that one...
Sadly, none, then again, i am not a huge fan of romance, nor i’m willing to do smut with strangers due to bad experiences.

it’s rare when i get a request from anyone who are willing to respect that, it was more when it was thrown out-of-nowhere, even if i clearly said no to that.
Anywhere between 0 to 2. 4 has been the highest number I've gotten, off of my FxM thread, and that was back when I started out on the site. Now that I have a reliable network of great partners, I find that the people who get past the vetting process often end up joining said network - thus I can go without bumping for quite some time after an intense streak lasting a week or two. I occasionally update stuff in.

I've actually gotten a surprising amount of feedback for MxM and FxF plots, but I don't really write those pairings with people I am not acquainted with due to incredibly bad experiences.
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