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F/M! Craving Sailor Moon!

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Beware Goreville

Jan 9, 2009
Hello there and welcome to my request thread! My name is Amy and I'm looking forward to roleplaying with many of you lovely fellows. Well, let's get right down to what I like and what I don't! I only play females, sorry, but I can't do yaoi or play a male at all really. I also don't do yuri, mainly because I'm straight. xD

There's my F-List, which covers most of what I like and don't like, whatever is in the no pile means absolutely no, don't even try to convince me to do them.

One thing I don't think I covered in there though is that I won't do bestiality, don't try to convince me of that either. Humans with like...a tail or cat ears is fine, just not a full on tiger. I will however do pokegirls.

Currently I am craving a Sailor Moon roleplay! I can play pretty much any sailor scout of your liking, but I'd prefer to stay away from Chibi Moon or Sailor Saturn because of their age. I don't really have many ideas as to a plot for this, but most Sailor Moon plots are pretty similar. Bad guy shows up, wants to steal energy from humans or is looking for something special in humans and the sailor scouts attempt to stop them. xD Or we could do something completely different and do a sort of side-story for one of the scouts! Anything with Sailor Moon interests me at the moment.

I'd say I'm a pretty literate roleplayer and prefer to do 1-3 paragraphs per post, but can do twice that if needed and possibly more if that's just the type of roleplay that we're doing although the plot would have to be really good and my partner must also put in as much effort as I am.

Um, other than that though...I can do pretty much any general pairing you ask of me!

Teacher x Student
Father x Daughter
Brother x Sister
Princess x Knight/Bodyguard

The list goes on and on! So, if you have a suggestion, just send me a PM and we'll see what we can work out! <3
Re: All of the boys are begging to If U Seek Amy.

The ones I wish to play with you are:
Teacher x Student
Father x Daughter
Brother x Sister
Alice in Wonderland
Re: All of the boys are begging to If U Seek Amy.

not a problem, Ever seen Ghost in the Shell?
Re: All of the boys are begging to If U Seek Amy.

Cerberus said:
not a problem, Ever seen Ghost in the Shell?

No, I haven't babe, sorry. D:

Also; added a general overview for the Alice in Wonderland roleplay that I have up there. :)
Re: All of the boys are begging to If U Seek Amy.

damn would love to fuck the Major from Ghost in the Shell or Melfina from Outlaw Star.
Re: If You Seek Amy. (Craving Sailor Moon and Wonderland)

i've got more plots for wonderland and i can pull of your sailor moon thing as well.
Re: If You Seek Amy. (Craving Sailor Moon and Wonderland)

Still interested in an Alice and wonderland RP darling? I had something in particular in mind for that area but with a mildly different plot ~_^ PM me if your interested in a go.
Re: If You Seek Amy. (Hetero, looking for most anything!)

wow, been a long time. welcome back.
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