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Mx Female Dark and or Toxic Romance.


Aug 13, 2023
Hey everyone! I hope you are all doing well!

I am looking for something fresh and new. (Atleast compaired to my older RT)

I am looking for a partner to build with and create a fun, detailed, long term Dark/toxic romance rp. There are plenty of ways for this to go so i dont want to make it seem as im stuck on one idea. Lots of ideas and avenues to explore together so i was thinking i would post alittle bit about the character i am looking to play and use that as a start point.

His name is Jason, hes 28 and he is an up and coming amateur boxer. He is well known within his city and state. He has all the makings of a proffesional fighter but seems to let the joys of drinking, susbstance and girls cloud his vision and future.

Agian i know its not alot but i want to make it all fresh as we go. If any bit of it sounds interesting or you have any questions/ ideas to share dont hesitate to reach out! :)

Also I am not saying he is the only player i will use just one if been working on lately.
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