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Mx Any Seeking someone to play a Dominant partner.


Aug 8, 2023
Hey there, I've got some plots that no one else will do with me which is a pain because I really want to try them out.

My main terms are as follows:

I'm afraid that I'm strictly a sub and I really can't dom to save my life and before anyone says anything, yes I have tried and I'm just not comfortable with it. It really doesn't suit me.

Decent grasp of the English Language: I'm not looking for Shakespeare but I want to be able to understand what you're saying to me. Stupid spelling mistakes made over and over really ticks me off. Also I'm not going to be too harsh when it comes to grammar because I don't understand that stuff. I just want to understand what I'm reading. I know that I'm hardly perfect myself but it can't be too much to ask.

Decent length: Absolutely no one sentence replies PLEASE! Preferable length is four to five lines which is about a paragraph that I can something to work off of.

RPing: I only RP through PM or a Thread. Also I like both smut and story driven rps. Just please keep it interesting.

Kink terms: I'm usually open to a lot of things but if what you want is on the never part of the K-List, you can find someone else to do it with you. I'm not having any of it. Usual stuff is out such as scat, beastiality, blood-play, etc. You get the idea. As for things such as anthros, futas, etc. Those are all okay just as long as it's not absolutely ridiculous.

Dropping: If you're going to ditch an Rp right in the middle, let me know. Do not just ditch me and expect me to understand because I won't and it'll really damage my morale. If you want to drop, then please just tell me.

Plots: I'm okay with changing some features of most of these plots as long as it doesn't steer too far away from the original ideas. If there is anything that you don't like or don't understand, just tell me and we can work something out.

So far it's just a few plots that I've got but I'm sure I'll think up some more.

If you want to try out a storyline that you've thought, just let me know what it is.

Cinderella AU

It's the basic story of Cinderella, except for the Cinderella character (MC) is working to provide a home for both himself and his little brother. Once the ball is announced and the elder of the two is kept so busy that he can't prepare anything for the occasion, his brother decides to prepare his dress for him, having learned after watching his brother sew time and time again and even trying his hand at it from time to time. They manage to get to the ball but his dreams are dashed when he sees the prince dancing with one of his step brothers. He decides that he's just going to have a good time regardless and dances with his brother, getting the prince's attention after some disparaging comments are made about him. The pair are forced to dash away but the elder accidentally leaves the bracelet that he had gotten from his mother before she passed away, midnight being the time that his step-family were coming home and the prince picks up the bracelet. He uses it to search for the mysterious boy that he had seen and the plot continues on as usual.

Parent Teacher

MC is a single father who is trying to support his son and eventually has to go to a parent teacher conference. When he arrives at the school, he meets a man who quickly begins to flirt with him, MC immediately becoming nervous and skittish and backs out quickly. When he goes to the school, he discovers the man who was flirting with him is his son's teacher! What MC doesn't know is that YC has had his eyes on him ever since he arrived on the first day of school. MC wants nothing to do with him but that doesn't stop YC for a moment, YC continously pursues him. Things seem to finally culminate when, during another meeting, YC pins MC down onto the desk but after a bit of misplaced dirty talking, MC backs away from him in a hurry. Realizing that he's gone too far too soon and too quickly, he promises to back off and go slow. Things finally culminate for real when MC is a chaperone for his son's prom and YC invites him up to his hotel room..
Favourite Customer

MC is a professional courtesan who works in a high-class brothel called the Flowers of Sin. MC is one of the top workers and known as the Passion Flower. If one were to request his service, they would have to send up a bouquet but only customers who send the right flowers actually get served, regardless of how much they get played. Every one of the workers has their preferred customers and kinks, YC being MC's favourite. YC visits at least once a month and always sends up a bouquet of roses with a passion flower set in the middle so that MC would know who the sender was.
Game of Thrones style idea

The idea is sort of based off something from Game of thrones and it basically where the youngest of two siblings is being given off to marry a local warlord who has an army at his command that is second to none but he's rumoured to be cruel and savage so naturally he's terrified of the idea but keeps his mouth shut because he knows how much it means to have the lord's support. He's presented to the lord and his most loyal supporters at a celebration at his home and the lord is instantly taken with him though some of his court are as well. He goes to live with the lord and they have their first night together in a room full of witnesses and the lord is just as rough as he had expected. When he starts getting to know the lord, though despising him at first, he discovers he only spread those rumours to command respect from his followers. The boy gradually warms up to the lord and even gets pregnant with his child but is kidnapped by one of the court members who's gone mad with desire from him.

It's discovered that his brother orchestrated the kidnapping! His motive can be anything.
Vampiric Familiar Rp

MC is a devoted to their master, YC, who lives in hope of one day becoming their favourite familiar and even their pet. If they're chosen, they'll become YC's sole blood supply and sexual submissive as for these vamps, drinking blood that is willingly given is the driving force behind the sexual high that they could ever experience. MC is chosen after working long and hard to please YC and the rp follows what happens after they're chosen. This is where we can get creative.]
Omegaverse AU

In a society where there are Alpha, Beta and Omega relationships of all shapes, sizes and, dare I say, combinations, there is one thing holding back some couples from having the family that they truly want. For the submissive partner of the pair to conceive, the conception has to be particularly amazing. There's no real reason for this, it's just that way and it's also a good excuse to write particularly good smut. This can be done from one couples POV or from several that can intertwine as the couples interact.
Slave Rp

The basic gist of this one is that a master (YC) buys or is given a young slave, woman or a guy who can bear children and therefore gets a period every month. Only catch is that in their society, a bearer is only considered an adult after they've had their first period which happens at the age of 18 and doing anything remotely sexual to them before then is forbidden. The slave goes with the master and they spend time together in their respective roles until one day, the slave wakes up and discovers that they've gotten their period at the age of 18 . The master, having grown fond of the slave has to make a decision on whether or not to follow tradition and take the slave's virginity or not.

The plot is for MC who is from royality or nobility, etc. Who is about to be sold off into marriage but wants nothing more then to be free and just plain not have to marry at all but their parents aren't hearing any of it. When MC gets kidnapped whilst being transported to the new kingdom, his parents are immediately worried about him but more about the alliance that they were at risk of losing. MC is told by the bandit leader, YC, that he is to be held for ransom but he honestly couldn't care, just wanting to be left alone, not knowing or caring what happened. Either way, MC'll either be killed or returned to MC's intended and returned to the live of nobility that MC couldn't stand. Gradually YC and the bandit grow closer, especially as MC is forced to sleep in the same tent as the leader. Eventually they fall in love and get intimate but the next day, the camp is attacked by MC's family and MC is returned to them. The bandit is thrown is prison but broken out by his followers and rescues the noble from the altar and then they hightail it from the land.
Little Mermaid AU

Okay, I have always wanted to do this but like most of my ideas, no one will do it with me. It's basically the story of the Little Mermaid (The Disney version because I just don't like the original.) Anyway, you know how the story goes. There's a mermaid who is in love with the human world but is forbidden to go anywhere near it blah blah blah. Anyway, I want to try this with a pairing like AkuRoku or one like that just as one as I know who the pairing is and what they're from.
Sacrifice RP

The idea here is that MC is kidnapped by an insane cult who worship a wolf and are planning on making MC their monthly sacrifice to the beast, the ritual taking place on the night of the full moon. MC is almost sacrificed but the wolf appears out of nowhere at the last second and carries MC off. This is YC and YC takes MC back to their lair where they reveal that they are 1. human but capable of taking wolf form and 2. planning to turn MC into their bride. Turns out YC has been watching MC from afar and after seeing that MC seems to be the only level-headed and downright sensible and smart inhabitant of MC's village, MC would make a perfect bride. Only problem is, MC is not interested in the slightest and just wants to go home. YC pleads for a catch and MC gives them until the next full moon to win MC over. Otherwise, MC is let go and YC will just have to try with the next sacrifice.
Secret Admirer rp

MC wishes more than anything that for one day, they could be completely invisible. School is almost unbearable because of the seemingly neverending torment of one person. YC. They have picked on and humiliated MC mercilessly ever since they met but the big reason is..., YC is absolutely head over heels for MC. As the days leading up to MC's birthday get nearer and nearer, YC is struck by a flash of inspiration that lead to an idea which would both land MC and save YC's pride in the process. Every day until MC's birthday, YC would leave gifts and a message hinting at their indentity in MC's locker. When the day of MC's birthday rolls around, that would be when YC would reveal themselves to MC. Naturally, everyone involved is rocked to the core by this revelation and MC runs for it, too confused to say anything. YC catches them on the roof, MC's usual hiding spot and confesses everything. It's cliche but dammit, I love it!
Victorian AU

MC is a young man who has always been more drawn towards books and knowledge and more feminine activities, to the point where he was disguised as a woman for a great deal of his life. His family are approached with a marriage proposal into a wealthy family but only because they think that MC is a womanand MC is encouraged to behave as such until the marriage. Unbeknownst to MC and his family, YC is his betrothed and also met MC a few days before the proposal while he was out of his female guise but had discovered his crossdressing
Phantom of the Opera

MC is a bookworm. Give them any book and they'll read it but they are also snarky, stubborn and independent and, surprisingly, a really good singer. They just don't have any interest in sharing that particular talent, especially as they know that all they'll get is mockery from it. Now with this one of two things can happen. They can fall asleep while reading Phantom of the Opera and dream about being in the musical or their school can be putting on a production of it. Either way, the same thing happens. MC ends up in the main role and has to go along with it while the people around them take the other roles, their rival as Carlotta, their crush (YC) as the Phantom, their friend as Meg, their favourite teacher as Madam Giry, etc.
Victorian Vampire

MC is the son of an upstanding, wealthy family in Victorian England who has been the victim of horribly nightmares and rapidly deteriorating health. Unfortunately, whenever he tries to explain what he thinks is wrong with him, his family brushes it off. Mainly because he says that he dreams about a strange man with red eyes and pale skin comes into his room and drains his blood. Thinking that having some better company would help him, his parents arrange for him to be courted unfortunately, the man his parents choose turns out to be the same man from his dreams.
Corpse Bride AU

Basically the plot of Tim Burton's Corpse Bride. One pairing I want to do this with is ErikXCharles. Probably with Raven as either Victoria or Emily and (obviously) Sebastian Shaw as the bad guy. It will either be Erik deciding to kill himself after Sebastian has been taken care of and let Raven live free or stays with him after Raven turns into butterflies. Either way, this will be more plot driven than smut though we could work some in after all of the drama.
The Mummy AU

It's the plot of the 1999 film only I want to see if we can't combine the reincarnation plot with the second movie to give it a happy ending for Imhotep.
Captive Mermaid

MC is a young mermaid who was captured by the seashore where he had been gathering food. He has been kept in a shallow pool in his captors house and is kept feed on various scrapings from the man's meals. Usually he would have been able to climb out as his tail would become legs when he hit dry land but his new legs are unsteady to the point of almost being unable to walk on them. His captor keeps the door to the room locked when he isn't there and the water is just barely deep enough to keep him wet. While MC can stand being on dry land, he must retreat to the water eventually. Eventually his captor brings in a young man, YC, as a cleaner and the man stumbles on the merman. As time passes, the merman approaches him and they grow close. They hatch a plot to escape, especially as the merman's captor is preparing to have sex with the merman. Whether he comes willingly or not.

Serious Plots

Alright, when I say serious plots, I mean that I want whoever I'm writing these with to be three things. Competent, knowledgeable and serious about what they're writing because the ideas I've had that fit this category can get very dark, very quickly. So unless you're willing to take this shit seriously, I don't want to hear from you.

Fox Hunt AU

I read on the Wikipedia page about petplay in BDSM how groups will get together and perform faux fox hunts. Please read up on this before contacting me about this because if I have to explain it over and over, I'll get bored soon. Anyway, I came across this and wanted to take it a step further by using actual half human, half animal replacements. The idea was that the fox (the prize in this) would be set free and the master/dog team to catch them would take them home and the fox would be taught to submit to the master and or the master and the dog. The hybrids would have the ears and tails of their designated species and breed and be able to talk, walk on their hind legs, etc. But also have the instincts of their species as well. Also we can have the fox going into heat but that's optional.

Vampire AU

I've been addicted to a BBC radio drama of Dracula and I thought I would have a little fun with it. MC is kidnapped by a vampire (YC) and kept prisoner as the vampire's pet and made to serve them as well as serve as their primary source of blood. MC is absolutely miserable in their situation but can't do anything about it and is even more terrified and infuriated when they learn that YC has been watching them for a very long time, having been in need of companionship as well as a blood source. Miserable and lonely from having to wander the castle all day while YC is sleeping, not to mention terrified, MC goes into a depression and finally gets sick but after rest and recovery under YC's watchful, they see a new side to them. What happens from there is negotiable but I'm following traditional vampiric lore.

Bride to the Beast

This is similiar to the above plot except in this, MC is given over to YC to be their bride after they cross paths with her whilst in town. YC has been ruling and terrorizing MC's town since before anyone and everyone can remember but MC had had been having a bad day and after finding YC terrorizing a small child that had been in the wrong place at the wrong time, he marches up to him and gives him an earful. Impressed by his gaul and his nerve, YC demands that MC be escorted to his palace in the forest beyond the town and made to wed him. Otherwise the entire town will suffer so as much as he really doesn't want to, he goes along with it, determined not to be swayed in any way, shape or form by the monster terrorizing his home.
Failure to respond Rp

A dom/sub couple go to a private BDSM club where willing partners are allowed to come and have a good night, usually with one or two pairs providing a show. This is MC, the sub's first time at such a club despite them being in the BDSM scene and a relationship for a while and while nervous, MC wants to please his dom. The pair are asked for their safeword at the door as a way to keep things legal, private, safe and consensual. Unfortunately, during a show, the dom goes too far and, after ignoring the safeword, is forcibly pulled offstage by security as MC is rescued by YC who is the owner of the club who takes him away as an apology for allowing someone so unhinged to come in. The dom doesn't come for MC and eventually while YC is seeing to it that MC is recovering, the pair develop into a much healthier relationship that is eventually sealed by MC signing contract that makes MC the legal sub of YC.

Taming the timber wolf

The world is inhabited by two kinds of beings. Regular humans and and aniforms, humanoids who appear to be human except they have animal features, usually ears, tails, claws, slit pupils, etc.

For the most part, the two species live separately but for the very wealthy, aniforms have become prized pets. So much so that underground auctions are held where the wealthy can get their hands on one. YC attends one such auction and the aniform YC wins is an extreme rarity, a purebred timber wolf who is as feral as they come from having been born and bred in the wild and far from pleased at being someone's pet. YC takes it upon themselves to tame him, using any means necessary.

And if he happens to get a little timber wolf tail along the way, that's just an added bonus

General Pairs or AUs

These are things that I don't have a clear plan for so it's up for debate. If it's a pairing then we can brainstorm something or use them for one of the plots that I have outlined or if it's a plot line then we can expand on it. Think of these as the ones where you can be the most inventive.

AU Plotlines

Moulin Rouge Rp (but with a happier ending)
Peter Pan AU


RingmasterXStar Acrobat
RulerXUppity Harem member
Owner/Potential mateXNeko
LadyXTramp style​
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