Mx Female Switchy Scifi Sex Lab


Apr 7, 2020
I've had mixed success with roleplays here. I haven't tried one in a few months. I think I have the time and energy to try again.

I enjoy writing multiple characters and from both sides of dom/sub dynamics (switching). One of the main things I'm looking for in a writing partner is someone else who is comfortable switching. That way both of us will have a wider variety of scenarios we can write about.

I enjoy stories with bdsm and toys, even fantastical science fiction toys and machines with borderline-magical capabilities. This way stories can have the thrill of various levels of consent, and the variety of any kind of tools we can dream up.

I think I can competently write either gender. I would prefer to avoid scenes of male-on-male intimacy. They would not bother me, but I would probably not get any thrills out of them.

I don't think I have a preference for a smut/plot ratio. We can do plot-heavy or smut-heavy or in-between as you'd like.

I enjoy world building, but we can start small at first and work our way up to a larger world if you'd like.

I think it would be good if we provide eachother short writing samples. I'm not a great writer, and I don't expect you to be, but writing samples might help us find out if we have compatible styles before we spend time writing together.

Here's an f-list. I hope that there is good overlap between our tastes.
F-list - Warning

I generally don't use face claims. I'm not interested in any particular fandoms.

I'll probably have time and energy to write at least once per week.

I have a few story ideas, but I think our specific plot is less critical to me than the things I've outlined above.

Let me know if you're interested. I'm looking forward to hearing from you!
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